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Visualization Manifesting 1.0
Visualization Manifesting refers tothepractice of seeking to impact the outer world by alteringone'sthoughts and expectations and achieving goals. Visualizationis thefundamental technique underlying positive thinking andisfrequently utilized by athletes to enhance theirperformance.Visualization working with Law of Attraction is thetechnique ofutilizing one's imagination to visualize particularbehaviors orevents occurring in one's life.Advocates propose producing a detailed schema of what onewantsand then visualizing it again and again with all of thesenses(i.e., what do you see? what do you feel? what do you hear?whatdoes it smell like?). For instance, in sports a golfermightvisualize the perfect stroke again and again to mentallytrainmotor skills memory.Law of Attraction focuses on the area of visualization toachievethe goals in an easy manner. The Law of Attractionadvocates thevisualization as an important pillar to help buildthe castles ofreality.Visualization practices are a typical form of spiritualexercise.In Vajrayana Buddhism, complex visualizations areutilized to attainBuddhahood, e.g. Generation Stage. Additionally,visualization isutilized extensively in sports psychology.Visualization helps in achieving everything we desire suchas,good health, lots of money, successful marriage andrelationships.It helps in bringing the goals towards us in an easyand effectivemanner. Many people have achieved the goals with thehelp ofvisualization techniques and mastered the law of attractionwiththis undeniable procedure of visualization.A few celebrities have endorsed the utilization ofvisualizationand claimed it had a substantial role in theirsuccess. Suchcelebrities include Oprah, Tiger Woods, ArnoldSchwarzenegger,Anthony Robbins, Bill Gates, Ronnie Bernard andother people.In a 2008 interview with Tavis Smiley, actor Will Smith saidheutilized visualization to defeat challenges and, as a matteroffact, visualized his success years before he got tobesuccessful.A different example is actor Jim Carrey, who wrote out a checktohimself in 1987 in the sum of 10 million dollars. He datedit'Thanksgiving 1995' and put in the notation, “for actingservicesrendered.” He visualized it for a long time and in 1994 hegot $10Mfor his role in Dumb and Dumber!Don’t get to be a victim of negative target fixation. Don’tallowoutside influences to poison your mind with negativepropaganda.Center your creativity on where you wish to be andfully accept yourrole in what you manifest. Then get ready to beamazed as the doorsof possibility swing open and your life takeson a totally newdimension with the help of visualization.Tags:Law of AttractionVisualization TechniquesGetting RichEarning wealthEasy Attraction of GoalsAchieving GoalsHow to attract MoneyAttract Happiness and SuccessSuccessful BusinessSuccessful Marriage
Switchword Magic 1.0
Switchwords are a fun way to manifestthethingsyou want in your life. More importantly, they work!Youdon't have tospend weeks learning the system; you can start nowtosolve anyproblem or attract your heart's desire.Think of your brain as a computer that is attachedtotheuniversal cloud computer. It holds and is connectedtoeverythingin life. Think of the subconscious as your back-upfileand extrastorage. Then, think of Switchwords as thecomputercommands toretrieve this backed-up and stored informationfrom theuniversalcloud computer making it manifest in yourlife.Intentional creative thoughts bring aboutintentionaldesiredresults. Switchword Magic is a revolutionizedmethod tospeak andthink your desires into existence using onewordaffirmations thatuse the law of attraction and the power ofthesubconscious mind tomanifest everything you want in life.All you need to do is declare, affirm, chant, sing, orevenjustmentally "intend" the switchword, and like turning onanelectriclamp with a switch, the desired resultreliablyappears.There are more than 200 Switchwords!Start today and watch the magical power ofswitchwordsmanifestthe desires of your heart.
Thought Vibration 1.0
The book has invaluable Information inregardto the Will, Mental Control, Thought Habits, the Psychologyof theEmotions, etc.Written In Mr. Atkinson's own clear,vigorous style,intenselypractical, and In the language of a personal friend.This book has been digitally revised and optimized forKindle,including an interactive table-of-contents.Contents:The Law of Attraction in the Thought WorldThought Waves and their Process of ReproductionA Talk about the MindMind BuildingThe Secret of the WillHow to become immune to injurious Thought AttractionThe Transmutation of Negative ThoughtThe Law of Mental ControlAsserting the Life-ForceTraining the Habit-MindThe Psychology of EmotionDeveloping new Brain CellsThe Attractive Power - Desire ForceThe Great Dynamic ForcesClaiming your OwnLaw, not Chance
Law of Attraction Concepts 1.0
If you find yourself feeling chained tothedesk and you currently have a wish to do something more inyourlife, you must be able to understand the power of Law ofAttractionand the path that it provides to achieving unlimiteddreams. TheLaw of Attraction can change weakness into strength,sadness intohappiness and failure into success. With the Law ofAttraction,everything is possible and nothing is out of your reach.If youfollow the beliefs of the Law of Attraction, you will be abletoachieve your end goals at a faster pace.Wallace D. Wattles was one of the first great thinkers toshedlight on the use of the Law of Attraction to change thefinancialsituation in a person’s life. In 1910, Wattles publishedone of hismost famous books, ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ in whichheexplained the importance of using the power of mind to achieveyourfinancial situation. While this book was focused on simplychangingthe financial situation of any person the principles statedin thebook can be used to achieve different end goals in your lifesuchas losing body weight, finding the right life partner, makingnewfriends or purchasing your new home.The Law of Attraction provides a path to achievingunlimiteddreams but you must have utter and complete faith in theability ofthe universe to provide all the things that you envisiontoachieve. You must also remain grateful to the universe for whatithas already given you and this is the key to achieving successandmore happiness in your life. Once enlightened with thepowerprovided by the Law of Attraction you will accumulate greatsums ofknowledge which will help you be a happier person, a wealthypersonand a healthier person.Using the Law of Attraction to achieve your end goals willalsogive you positive energy to remain happy and joyous at alltimes.You will also find inner peace to maintain balance of yourpersonaland professional life. You will find positive energy inyourworkplace, health, family life and love life. You canstartachieving this with the Law of Attraction right now.Tags:Law of AttractionThink and Grow RichGrow Rich while you SleepEarning EasyGet Wealthy EasilyLaw of Attraction and RelationshipsSuccessful MarriageSuccessful RelationshipsGet Rich with LOALaws of Power and YouLaw of Attraction and YouEasy Law of Attraction
Thinking Big Getting Rich 1.0
Think Big Grow Rich - Can it Really Happen“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill isn’t new and yet itisstill one of the most often referred to books when we aretalkingabout becoming rich. That’s because it’s been welldocumented thatmany successful people have found their blueprint tosuccess withinHill’s book.Hill has packed his book with many quotes, which areexcellentfood for thought. This is one of the many that rings truewhen youare looking to be successful at getting rich.And these thoughts are backed by the Law of attraction whichisthe major backseat of goal setting.“Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope,nota wish, but a keen pulsating desire whichtranscendseverything.”This is an excellent quote, because it hits at the nerve ofwhatit takes to become rich. If you are hoping and wishing thatyou’llget rich and stop your day-to-day struggles and begin toenjoy thelife you want, then you will be very disappointed. Andwith thisthe Law of Attraction comes into action and attract thenegativesituations or poverty towards you. A year from now or tenyearsfrom now your life is likely to look much like it does today.Whyhas nothing changed? Because you simply did not have the desiretomake it change.Desire burns in you constantly. It never goes out. Itneverdisappears. There are all kinds of desires and the desire toberich is certainly the focus for many. When a person has thedesireto grow rich it is on their mind all the time. They areconstantlylooking for what they can do to create an environmentwhere theycan make money. The person with desire will be analyzingeverythingthey do and see thinking about whether it’s a way toreach theirgoal of becoming rich.Interestingly enough when you have the desire to become rich,themessage becomes planted into your subconscious mind and thatbecomesyour focus. It becomes your drive and it becomes yourreality.Suddenly you find that you have increased yourearnings.But have you created wealth? Or are you still living frommonthto month. One thing is for certain – you must be your own bossandrun your own business in order to create wealth, because as longasyou are working for someone else they control your wealth. Soonceyou have made the big step to dream big and start your ownbusinessadventure you are truly on your way to creating wealth. Younow arecompletely in control of what your earnings look like. Youare thedriver behind the road to wealth.“The starting point of all achievement is desire.”Tags:Getting RichIncreasing IncomeDreams and DesiresMoney consciousnessLaw of attractionIncreasing WealthGetting WealthyHow to Get RichAccomplish your GoalsFulfilling DesiresFulfill DesireVisualization and Goal SettingAccomplish DesireReach your goalGoal SettingHow to get wealthy
Attitude Of Gratitude 1.0
Developing an attitude of heartfelt andsincereGratitude for all your current blessings unleashes theultimatepower for obtaining many more. Give thanks each day andyou will seehow being grateful for everything you have today cancreate greatchanges in your life as defined in Law of Attractionlessons.“Thank you” – these two simple words can change one’s life.Withthe problems that we may face every day in our lives, thesetwolittle words are often the most neglected words each day. Wealwayssee the worst in life that is why we never become trulyhappy.Expressing your gratitude or even being thankful about thethingsyou have is really important. This will change your entirelife -the way you see life, the way you handle your problems andthe wayyou cope with the daily challenges.Gratitude means counting your blessings,thankfulness,acknowledging things that you receive and noticingthose simplepleasures in your life. The moment you wake up in themorning, saya little prayer, giving thanks to another life given toyou.Gratitude means learning to live a kind of life as if thingsweremiracles, and it also means being fully aware on continuousbasesabout how much you have been given.Gratitude is very important factor as taught by LawofAttraction. As Law of Attraction states, we attract the thingsinmind before we attract them in reality. And in same way,beinggrateful for the things beforehand we want in our life willattractthem to us in reality. It is one of the main laws in theline ofLaw of attraction with the help of which we can attract toanythingwe want in our lives.
Millionaire Mindset With LOA 1.0
Wealthy people have this socalledmillionaire’s personal mindset, a way of thinking thatseparatesthe achievers and successful individuals from the rest ofthepopulation. Your subconscious mind is much powerful thantheconscious mind. This can either help you fulfill your dreamsorhold you from success that you want in your life.But why do we lack the money? Is it all because we lackthedesire, opportunities, knowledge, luck or effort? Thedifferenceusually is on having the millionaire’s personalmindset.The truth is:Many people try to have a millionaire's mindset but theydon'tseem to achieve success and some are even worse. They can'tevenget through their daily necessities.But, you can learn how to have the Millionaire Mindsetwhileusing the Law of Attraction in your life. I have the perfectguideavailable for you right here!