Top 15 Apps Similar to Have Health For A Happier Life

Learning 1.5
Movilife 1.1.8
Esta aplicación fue desarrollada para quelosAsociados Independientes de Herbalife, logren un mejordesarrollode su negocio, hacer crecer su red de asociados, estar aldía conlas promociones de Herbalife, incrementar su volumen deventasdirectas, tener el control de su negocio al día y a la manoen suSMARPHONE.Ahora podrás ver el catálogo actualizado en tiempo real deproductosdesde tu celular, realizar tus pedidos, realizar tusnotas,registrar tus ventas diarias y consultarlas cada vez quedesees,además de ver nuestras promociones y premios lealtad.Esta aplicación fue desarrollada por Asociados IndependientesdeHerbalife y cumple con las normas y reglamento quedictaHerbalife.Todo esto y más en MOVILIFE.This applicationwasdeveloped for Independent Associates Herbalife achieve abetterdevelopment of your business, grow your network of partners,keepup with the developments of Herbalife, increase the volumeofdirect sales, take control of your business day and hand inyoursmarphone.Now you will see the updated in real time from your cellproductcatalog, make your orders, make your notes, record yourdaily salesand consult whenever you want, and view our promotionsand loyaltyrewards.This application was developed by Herbalife IndependentAssociatesand complies with the rules and regulation issuedHerbalife.All this and more in MOVILIFE.
Herbalife online catalog 1.0
**please use screen rotation onyourmobiledevice to enable full view of application **Fast and easy delivery for all Herbalife productsincludingmealreplacement shakes and energy teas. Monthlyspecialsandpromotions.My goal is to help you improve your nutritionalwell-beingthroughthe use of quality herbal nutrition products.Theseproducts providea great way to lose weight and to enjoyahealthier lifestyle. If youare a first time visitor, pleasetaketime to browse through ourcatalog and become familiar withourproduct line. Secure onlineshopping is available.
JC Herbalife 3.0.0
JC Aceves
This app is created byanindependentdistributor of herbalife, it can buy your productsandgetdiscounts, just enter in the area of Herbalife icon , andyou'llbedirected to the website of online sale ofHerbalifeproducts.Just need register and you can see the price lists ofproductsaswell as get a discount on them.Remember that the products you buy will be deliveredatyourdoorstep.US customers will be able to make your payment through PayPalonthepage, other countries should contact the administrator toagreeonthe payment method.
NutriAsesores 1.0
Solicitar cita a tu AsesorIndependienteHerbalife mas cercano, recibir ofertas, llevar tutarjeta de puntossiempre encima... Entre otras muchas funciones.Descarga yaNutriAsesoresRequest an appointmenttoyour nearest Herbalife Independent Adviser, receiving offers,takeyour card always points up ... Among many other functions.Downloadand NutriAsesores
Herbalife Prime Time Nutrition 1.0
Prime Time Nutrition is anHerbalifeNutritionClub service fantastic smoothies and encouragingahealthylifestyle.
EVS de Sucesso 1.9.2
O Sistema EVS de Sucesso, tem comoobjetivofacilitar o atendimento de seu espaço vida saudável daHerbalife eautomatizar seus relatórios e controle sobre suasvendas, tudo deforma pratica e eficiente.• Profissionalize o atendimento a seus clientes utilizandoumainterface de auto-atendimento.• Cadastre os clientes de seu Espaço Vida SaudáveldaHerbalife.• Selecione os produtos da Herbalife em apenas alguns toques.• Registre o pagamento.• Envie comprovantes de vendas por e-mail.• Funcionamento de EVS completo.Os relatórios de seu Espaço Vida Saudável da Herbalife,sãoatualizados conforme suas atividades diárias, dessa forma vocêtemacesso instantâneo para ver o mapa do espaço, juntamente comosrelatórios diários, semanais, mensais ou qualquer períodoquenecessitar.• Você vai poder acertar no alvo das suas metas.• Gerar relatórios, imprimir ou enviar por e-mail paraseumentor.• Veja a sua média diária, semanal e mensal de acessos.• Verifique as qualificações em acordo com as atividades.• Veja a sua média diária, semanal e mensal de vendas.• Acesse os relatórios diretamente no tablet ou desktop.• Envie convites, promoções e novidades para toda sua lista deseusclientes.• Agenda de clientes integrada com a agenda do celularoutablet.• Realize vendas pelo seu smartphone, tablet ou computador.Receba atualização de produtos e preços dos produtosHerbalifeautomaticamente em seu sistema, ganhe tempo paradedicar-se nasvendas e atendimento.O Melhor Sistema para você controlar sua gestão devendasHerbalife.The success of EVSSystem,aims to facilitate the care of your healthy living spaceofHerbalife and automate your reports and control over theirsales,all so practical and efficient.• Profissionalize the service to its customers usingaself-service interface.• Sign your customers Herbalife Nutrition Club.• Select Herbalife products in just a few taps.• Record the payment.• Send sales vouchers by email.• Full EVS Operation.Reports of his Herbalife Nutrition Club, are updated asyourdaily activities, that way you have instant access to see themapof space, along with daily, weekly, monthly or any timeyouneed.• You will be able to hit the target of your goals.• Generate reports, print or send via email to your mentor.• View your average daily, weekly and monthly accesses.• Check the qualifications in accordance with the activities.• View your average daily, weekly and monthly sales.• Access reports directly on the tablet or desktop.• Send invitations, promotions and news for your entire listofcustomers.• Agenda integrated customers with phone book or tablet.• Perform sales for their smartphone, tablet or computer.Get update products and prices of Herbalifeproductsautomatically on your system, save time to dedicate tosales andservice.Best System for you to control your Herbalife sales management.
BMI Calculator 2.0.1
Extremely easy to use:1. Touch to choose your gender2. Drag HEIGHT or WEIGHT meter to find out your BMI.Share with your friends and compare your characters.Supports both cm/kg and lb/ft unit systems.This application is developed by California Healthcom Group,aLos Angeles based technology and services corporation.
Herbalife GoShoppingHBL 1.0
For mobile phones & tablets- In order to view prices registration is essencial.- Personal products wish list.- PayPal payment, debit or credit card, the best andsecuresystem.- Fast shippingProper, balanced nutrition provides you the fuel for yourdailyactivities, you can use this app to order products and enjoygoodhealth with the best weight control and nutritionproducts.We, Herbalife Independent members, have several online shops onthisapp and according to your residence country you can order inyourcountry.Our app supports.Herbalife USA - EnglishHerbalife USA - SpanishOBSERVATION: This app is for the use of customers only and notforother independent Herbalife members it should not be installed,norused, in any way, by other Herbalife's Members.
Vida Verde 4.1.2
Conoce los productos de nuestra empresa ysusbeneficios, todos al alcance de tu mano, con un solo clic.Ademas comparte información, eventos, historias de éxito conotrosasociados desde nuestra red. Deja que vida verde sealaherramientas mas útil en todas tus presentaciones denegocios,permite que la familia Herbalife de todo el mundo hispano,seaparticipe en tu crecimiento empresarial.Vida Verde es la herramienta que facilitara tucrecimientoempresarial dentro de Herbalife; con ella podrásfortalecer tuOrganización de una manera internacional ya que podrásestar encontacto con miles de asociados en todo el mundo.La forma mas practica de compartir tus fotos de éxito, el antesydespués, también conocer lo que están logrando otros miembrosdeesta gran familia.*Éxito Cam: Comparte con todos, tus actividades,aperturas,activaciones, la malteada del día, fotos de tus clientesfelices,tus reuniones de negocio, a tu equipo trabajando por eléxito, todolo que quieras mostrar a la familia Herbalife con unafoto.*Galería: Mira lo que otros están haciendo, compartesuentusiasmo y anímate a crecer juntos.*Producto: Todo el catalogo Herbalife tal como tu lo querías,conprecios actualizados, imágenes, detalles, tal como lo necesitasparaque tus reuniones de negocio tengan el éxito deseado.*Muro Verde: Comparte información relevante a través denuestromuro verde y tus redes sociales, ultimas noticias, todo loquequieras compartir, mira los testimonios de toda lafamiliaHerbalife en todo el mundo, crece fomentando la amistad conotrosasociados que comparten tus mismos sueño e ideales.*Red Social: Únete y regala un me gusta junto a milesdeasociados que ya están disfrutando de los beneficios deestaaplicación.*Eventos: Ya no te pierdas ninguna junta de negocios,ningunacapacitación empresarial pero mucho menos ninguna de laspróximasvacaciones programadas por las que estamos trabajando.Herbalife crece contigo y pone a tu alcance todas laherramientaque tu necesites para desarrollarte en esta granoportunidad. Unaaplicación para el gran mundo hispano coninformación sobre elnegocio mas saludable del mundo enteroNo olvides registrar tu Club de Nutrición para que todospuedanlocalizarte.Meet our companyproductsand benefits, all at your fingertips, with just oneclick.Besides sharing information, events, success stories withotherpartners from our network. Let green living is the most usefultoolin all your business presentations, allows the Herbalifefamilyaround the Hispanic world, it is part of your businessgrowth.Vida Verde is the tool that will facilitate your businessgrowthin Herbalife; with it you can strengthen your organization inaninternational way as you can get in touch with thousandsofpartners throughout the world.The most practical way to share your photos of success,beforeand after, also know what they are accomplishing othermembers ofthis great family.* Success Cam: Share with all your activities,openings,activations, malted day, pictures of your happy customers,yourbusiness meetings, your team working for success, all you wanttoshow the Herbalife family with a photo.* Gallery: Watch what others are doing, share your enthusiasmandencourage to grow together.* Product: The complete catalog of Herbalife as you wantedit,with updated prices, pictures, details, as you need foryourbusiness meetings have the desired success.* Green Wall: Share relevant information through our greenwalland your social networks, latest news, everything you wanttoshare, view the testimonies of all the Herbalife family aroundtheworld, fostering friendship grows with partners who share yoursamedream and ideals.* Social Network: Join and gives one I like with thousandsofpartners who are already enjoying the benefits ofthisapplication.* Events: You no longer lose any business meeting, nobusinesstraining but much less any of the upcoming holidaysscheduled forwhich we are working.Herbalife grows with you and brings you all the tools you needtodevelop in this great opportunity. An application for thelargeHispanic world with information about the businesshealthierworldDo not forget to register your Nutrition Club for all toreachyou.
HL Promo 1.3.0
PARA CONSULTORES:Com o HL Promo você poderá ser localizado por umconsumidorinteressado em participar da promoção.Além disso, irá ativar seu kit de divulgação de forma rápidaesegura.PARA CONSUMIDORES:Com o HL Promo você poderá encontrar um ConsultorIndependenteHerbalife ou entrar em contato com seu Consultor deondeestiver.Além disso, irá cadastrar seus códigos de segurança na promoçãocomrapidez.Veja as principais funcionalidades disponíveis:• Participe da promoção "Herbalife realiza seus sonhos"• Cadastro de cupons da promoção• Encontre um Consultor por CEP ou na região em quevocêestiver• Inicie conversas ou mantenha contato com um ConsultorIndependenteHerbalife• Conheça o catálogo de produtos HerbalifeFOR ADVISERS:With the HL Promo you can be found by a consumer interested inthepromotion.Moreover, it will enable its disclosure kit quickly and safely.FOR CONSUMERS:With the HL Promo you can find a Herbalife Independent Consultantorcontact your consultant where you are.Moreover, it will register their security codes topromotequickly.See the main features available:• Join the promotion "Herbalife realize their dreams"• promotion coupons Register• Find a consultant by zip code or area where you are• Start conversations or keep in touch with HerbalifeIndependentConsultant• Know the product catalog Herbalife
Manage your EVS with convenience, safety and practicality.
Herbalife distributore indipe.
Herbalpedia 1.0
Herbalpedia - Your herbalife parter
101 Formula1 Smoothie Recipes 1.0
101 Formula 1 Healthy Meal Smoothie Recipesare101 Herbalife smoothie recipes made with their Formula 1MealReplacement & Protein Drink Mix products. The FREEversioncontains a sampling of the 101 recipes found in the paidversion.Each recipe comes complete with ingredients, instructionsandnutritional information for each recipe. You will findrecipeslike: Apple Pie Delight, Cinnamon Roll and Banana Pineapple.101 Formula 1 is also available in printed version andcanpurchased by going to the following web page: be coming out as an eBook soon in both the ePUB andPDFversions!You can sign up for updates and weekly free recipes byTEXTING:herbalife.flavor TO: 77948 to join our recipe group