Top 2 Apps Similar to Катана

Design Samurai Sword 1.0
Historically, katana were oneofthetraditionally made Japanese swords that were used by thesamuraiofancient and feudal Japan, Find and save ideas aboutSamuraiSwordsunique blade guard, Measuring the length of a Samuraiswordbladeis performed by taking the size plain in design, as theywereinmost of the mass-produced Samurai swords.sarifhid
Рецепты от шеф-повара 1.1
Простые, вкусные и полезные рецептыотлучшихшеф-поваров мира, а именно - от вас, нашидорогиепользователи!Сборник советов, рецептов и маленьких хитростейводном приложении.Устанавливай и радуй себя и своихдомашнихвкуснятинками.- Выпечка;- Горячее;- Мясо;- Вегетарианская кухня;- Лёгкие закуски;- Пища в пост;- диетическая пища;- Десерты;- Супы;- Вторые блюда;- Кухни мира.Simple, tastyandhealthyrecipes from the best chefs in the world - namely, toyou,our dearusers! Collection of tips, recipes and small tricks inasingleapplication. Sets and raduy themselves andtheirhomevkusnyatinkami.- Bakery products;- Hot;- Meat;- Vegetarian cuisine;- Light snacks;- Food in the post;- Dietary food;- Dessert;- Soups;- Main dishes;- Kitchens world.