Top 12 Apps Similar to Medicine/Drug Dictionary
Pocket Doctor 1.2
Protecting Yourself and Your Family withPocketDoctorPocket Doctor is a application where you can learn all abouttheHealth & Medicine.Pocket Doctor Features:1. Health Dictionary: Medical Dictionary is intended for usebyhealthcare consumers, students, and professionals as well asanyonewho wants to monitor the health- Blood and immune system- Children's illnesses- Hormones- Skin and hair- Psychiatric and neurological- ...2. Symptoms Analysis: Medical symptoms to disease diagnosisofflineby using this app. Receive a quick reliable medicaldiagnosis withmore Health Information3. Body mass index: Body Mass Index (BMI) is a numbercalculatedfrom a person's weight and height. BMI provides areliableindicator of body fatness for most people and is used toscreen forweight categories that may lead to health problems.4. Sex Doctor: you can learn all about sexual health.- Better Sex- First Time Sex- HIV and AIDS- Premature- ...5. Human Anatomy: learn the basics of the human body and howthisbeautiful machine and all the systmes inside works.6. Family Medicine: offers 100 questions and answers withdetailedexplanations, including references about familymedicine.7. First Aid is designed to help you follow the right proceduresina stressful situation or support other people by givingtheminstructions.
Alternative Medicine 2.0
Alternative Medicine and holistichealththroughnatural and herbal means. The components areAyurveda, YogaandSiddha medicine.Modern medicine has achieved a lot in diagnosis,howeverthetreatment still is focused more on symptom suppressionratherthanaddressing the root cause. The sole purpose and this application istogive asmuch information as possible about the diseasesandavailablenatural remedies.Two siddha doctors give inputs and free e-mail consultationtothevisitors
Student Drug Dictionary 1.0
Student Drug Dictionary is a medicalhandbookthat provides all information about drugs usedformedication:uses, dosage, how to take, side effects,precautions,druginteractions, missed dose and storage.App Highlights:-- Completely offline and free to download.- List of drug name and uses.- Detailed drug guide including the drug terms,brandsandgenerics.- Medication prescription for various diseases.- The best choice for pocket drug dictionary and drug bookfornurseswith facts, doses and overdose information.- Missed dose details describing the impacts of a misseddoseandnecessary measures.- You can also share complete drug information with yourfriendsonFacebook and other social networks.App Features:-- Search feature to lookup the offline drug index.- Sharing drug info with your friends.- Very friendly and beautiful interface.- Drugs Encyclopedia with complete information regardingtheiruseand abuse, side effects and precautions.
Herbal Remedies KnowIt! 0.0.1
Herbal Remedies KnowIt! app will educateyouonthe herbs used to create medicine by getting itsmedicinalvalues inthe herbPeople have, actually, woken up to the used of herbs,buttheyhave been in use for thousands of years, andthroughouthistory,you have instances where some herbs have beeninstrumentalinsaving the life of many a hero.A resurgent popularityIt's very difficult to pinpoint, just when didherbalremediesmake their way back into popular consciousness, butonething issure, they are now here to stay. The increasing pricesandpainfulside-effects of various pharmaceuticals have contributedtothepopularity of herbal remedies; but more importantly itisthesuccess of their use that has prompted many people tousethemregularly and in place of pharmaceuticals.Reasons for popularityIt is their advantages that have made them so popular. Asmoreandmore herbs make their entry as remedial options, theirbenefitsareincreasing on a daily basis. It's not uncommon for youtoseetelevision commercials exhorting the virtues ofvariousherbalremedies.The reasons why herbal remedies are beneficial andarepopularlyused:AffordabilityMost herbal remedies are inexpensive, as comparedtotheircounterparts in the pharmaceutical world. Moreover, thefactthatthey are cheap does not mean that they have lost anyoftheirefficacies.Many an allopathic treatment plan for various ailmentslooksoutof bounds for people who cannot afford them. It cannotbedeniedthat there are a large number of such people. Forthesepeople, there-reemergence of herbal options has come like ananswerto alltheir troubles.No longer do they have to compromise on quality if theywanttobuy the medicines prescribed by their doctor. Withregardstoherbal remedies, they can buy the best, at verynominalrates.Very little or no side effectsAlmost all pharmaceutical drugs that are available inthemarkettoday have a particular side effect attached to them.Namethedrug, and you can name its side effect. Not so withherbs.Mostmedicinal herbs can be used without worrying aboutanysideeffects.In case of serious ailments, the herbs used might havesomesideeffects, but on the whole these can be tolerated quiteeasily.Fore.g. an herb called Chamomile is used in case of anailment tothedigestive system. It has no side effectswhatsoever.On the other hand if you want to treat a digestive ailmentwithadrug, then you are going to face quite a few side effects.VarietyThe variety in terms of a particular herb, just aboutbogglesthemind. A herb can have multiple variations, which can beusedtotreat the same ailments, through its various stages.An example can be made of the herbal tea that isavailableinvarious forms.VersatilityThis is a corollary of our earlier reason. The inherentnatureofherbs makes them versatile and one herb can be usedinvariousdifferent remedies. This essentially means that oneherbhasdifferent qualities that are used to treatdifferentailments.Available in various formsThe best part about herbal remedies is that they can beusedindifferent forms. You can get dried herbs, which have tobecrushedinto powder form. This powder can then be mixed withwateror tea,or in other cases, this powder can also be appliedintopicalform.No toxicityThey are free from any kind of toxic substances astheyareorganic in nature. This also means that they are nothabitforming,like various other chemical drugs. This is one ofthereasons whythey are now being extensively used to relaxthenervoussystem.On the whole, herbal remedies are a form of treatment thatonecanenjoy and take the maximum benefits from. Almost allcommonanduncommon ailments can be treated by their usage and thisiswhythey are being used extensively.All and all, if you are interested in Herbal Remedies,thenyouare highly recommended to download the HerbalRemediesKnowIt!app.