Top 3 Apps Similar to MEDReminder

ReminderMed 1.0
MedReminder will help you remember whenyouneedto take those vital tablets.Just set the time you need to take your medicineandclicksave.It's that easy
MedRemind 1.1.2
If you are taking multiple medications,itissometimes easy to forget which medication to take and atwhattime.MedRemind helps you take your medications on time.▪ Intuitive and easy to use▪ Reminds you on time, even when your phone is on standby.▪ See a list of reminders of what medications are due andtickthemoff as you take them.▪ Keep track of your prescriptions▪ Keep track of your medication stocks▪ Keep track of your medication intake historyApplication icon design by Paul Refuerzo
Medicine Assistant 1.0
2359 Media
MedRemind helps you manage yourmedicine.Setyour medication schedule through the app and you willneverforgettaking pills.