Top 16 Apps Similar to Announcer of caller names &SMS

Caller Name Announcer Ad 1.0.1
Caller Name Announcer Ad is the mostadvanceandlatest app and highly applicable while Driving, cooking,eatingandmany more characteristics. it speaks everything whilesome oneiscalling you or send you a message, you will identifyitwithoutlooking to your smart phone. If you have CallerNameAnnouncer adin your android mobile then no need to see that whoiscalling orsending messages to you. Your mobile will tell youthatwho iscalling you or who is sending messages. Caller NameAnnouncerusesthe built-in Android text-to-speech engine to speakstheincomingcaller name or SMS sender name and contents oftheSMS.Features:---Caller Name announcer speaks the caller name.--Speaks the whole incoming SMS contents and sender name--YoucanEnable/disable speaking caller name--You can On/Off incoming SMS sender name--You can On/Off incoming SMS sender name and contentsoftheSMS--Multiple time announcements--Options to delay time between announcements-- Ring tones settings selection by you own choice---Changerepeatmode announcements.Note: - Before using this app, make sure you checktheappsettings.
Caller Name Speaker, Speak SMS 3.2.3
The feature was not available for Android users in themeantime.Whenyou receive a call, new text message, the speakerwill speakthecaller name or sms sender name. For Marshmallow andNougatusers :Remember to give the application privilege to accessyourphone. Alsodouble check your phone text-to-speech feature.Ifstill speakingissue, go to Settings -> Apps -> CallerNameSpeaker ->Permissions and check if all required permissionsaregrantedproperly.-------------------------------------------------Want tofind outwho is calling you or texting you without lookingat yourphone?Caller name Speaker speaks caller name each time youget acall andspeaks SMS text message, contents when someone sendsyou aSMS. Itjust announce the caller name clearly in betweenringtonereducingits volume! With Caller Name announcer it isreally easy tofind outthe incoming caller name and SMS sendername in differentsituationslike when you are driving and thephone is in your pocketor phoneis not in hands reach. This callername speaker willannounce it foryou without phone to look. CallerName talker usesthe built-inAndroid text-to-speech engine orGoogle Text-to-speechengine toannounce the caller or SMS SenderID with phone speakers.Tip : Touse Google Text-to-speech forannouncement on your Androiddevice,go to Settings > Language& Input > Text-to-speechoutput.Select GoogleText-to-speech Engine as your preferred engine.Onmany Androiddevices, Google Text-to-speech is already turnedonThisapplication is like a Caller Name Talker whichannouncescallername , announces SMS sender name and messagecontents so youcanidentify who is calling and who sent you sms textmessagewithoutlooking to your phone and you can easily choosewhetherreply to itor not! Caller name talker speaks the caller idof thepersoncalling over your phone’s ringtone. The applicationcanbecustomized based on the user requirements. With thiscallernamealert you can easily get precise, qualityverbalannouncementsimmediately since the app says caller name fastandclearly. CallerName Speaker will announce the following for you-✓Caller Name ifit exists in your contact list otherwise calls‘unknown ‘✓Incoming SMS Sender Name and announces the SMScontents.Imaginehow cool it becomes when your smartphone announcesthe nameof thecaller, SMS Sender or SMS Contents for you. Yourphonebecomes likea virtual personal assistant talking to you.ThisCaller nameannouncer is completely free to download. No needforphone to lookwhen you have Caller name Speaker. FEATURES OF THEAPPHighlyCustomize your Caller Name Speaker. ✓ Enable /DisableanouncingCaller Name ✓ Enable / Disable Incoming SMS SenderNameOnly ✓Enable / Disable Incoming SMS Contents also ✓ You canturnON/OFFthe feature over the device's status. (Ring, Vibrate,Silent,In aninteractive state) ✓ Multiple times Announcements✓GetNotifications in top notification bar while reading SMS ✓TaponNotification to Stop reading SMS contents ✓ Press VolumeUp/Volume Down to stop announcement ✓ Configure timeintervaltorepeat playing caller name ✓ Lower the ringtone volumeonincomingcalls ✓ Text to Speech settings ( Language, Volume, Speed)✓ Forbest voice quality, Download higher-quality voice ✓CallerNameAnnouncer is completely free download. ✓ Selectdifferentlanguagesfor text-to-speech ( 40 + Languages supported ) ✓Internalstringsare translated in 12 Languages ✓ Reset DefaultsFeedback Ifyoulike using Caller name talker, show love in reviews.If youfoundany issue, write to us. - Caller Name Speaker will notwork ifyoursmart phone does not have text-to-speech library butdon’tworry,you can download it from play store - Check the phonemediavolumesettings before blowing your mind and rating negative.Itmight bejust phone media volume is lower.
Check Private Number 1.0
Check private number call is anewapplicationthat will help you both to block private callsandunwanted SMSYou can also check unknown number identifier andidentifyallprivate numbers call and whoscallThis is a great call screening you can find in the store ,youcannow stop spam and control incoming SMSYou can always see with this version of the full nameofthecaller and you will make a limit for the inconvenience.******* Show private number :★ How to know an incoming private number★ new application and the first one in this store★ Free and rich with a lot of advantage,***** Caractéristiques de " Check private number call "Facilement Personnalisez votre application identifierlesappelinconnu★ activate / désactivate Check private number call★ Activate and Desactivae SMS Announcer★ Setting ringing.★For sound, you can select any language in the phone,ordownloadhigh-quality voice.★ Settings volum and son.★ Text-to-Speech settings.With check private number which is a completely free toolthatisrich with several advantages, works on all devices and easytouseand do not consume memory.Who is callingPlease let your feedbacks below.
Caller ID Announcer 3.2.8
Are you looking for a way to figure out who calls youwithoutlookingat your phone ? Caller id announcer is a wonderfulcallernameannouncer that announces great quality voice fromphonespeakers.Caller name announcer is highly useful in manysituationslike youare studying and your smart phone is in anotherroom orduringdriving, phone is in your pocket and some one sendsyou anSMS.Ringer modes settings and other lots of customizations.Sayscallername, sms sender name and message body. Phone callernametalker ishere totally FREE of cost for you. Caller nameannouncersimply talksout caller name with your device speaker. Callername speakeris a call announcer and sms announcerwhich announcewho is callingor sent you a sms. Speaks out thecaller nameclearly in between theringtone reducing its volume.Caller nameannouncer announce the nameof the person who is callingyournumber. Caller name speaker speaksevery thing while some oneiscalling you or send you a message, youwill identify it withoutlooking to your phone. Caller name talkercan even readentiremessage for you. This is a caller name speakerwhich speaksoutincoming caller name , caller id, message sendername andmessagecontents so that you can identify who is calling orwho sentyouSMS without looking into your phone. This caller nametalkerwillalso gives notifications for call and SMS. Callernameannouncerannounce ♦ Caller name if exists in contacts elsecallthat unknown♦ Announce incoming SMS sender name andcontentsAvailable SmartFeatures of caller name speaker: Easilycustomize your callername talker with bundles of options ✔HighlyCustomize your callername announcer ✔ Enable/disablespeakingcaller name. ✔ Enable orDisable SMS Sender nameannouncement insilent or vibratory mode ✔Enable or Disable Callerid announcer insilent or vibratory mode ✔Turn off or on the callername alertfeature while other phone callis active. ✔ Enable/disableincomingSMS sender name and contentsof the SMS ✔ Choosing delaytimebetween announcements ✔ CustomRingtones settings. ✔ Manageyourvolume settings ( Ring, Media,Notification ) ✔ Multipletimescaller id announcements ✔ Turn offannounce while silent optionisavailable ✔ Text to Speech settings( Language, Volume, Speed,pitch) ✔ Decrease ringtone volume oncall while announcing callername ✔Press volume key up or down tostop sms reading announcement ✔Shakephone to stop caller namealert ✔ Customized message can beaddedbefore and after the callerid. Eg :- John Smith Calling ✔Callername announcer is completelyfree download. Caller NameAnnouncerwill not work if your smartphone does not havetext-to-speechlibrary but this is not aproblem you can easilydownload it fromplay store. If your mobiledo not have pre-installedtext-to-speechengine, caller name talkerwill redirect you to playstore downloadand install it. When youare driving or doingsomething important,you can’t just accept anyincoming call ortextmessages, that’s why a callerannouncement solution,it’svital. Identify who is calling youwithout touching the phone,byusing our speaker alertsystem. It’s so annoying to getcallsfrom telemarketer orspam calls while you are doingsomethingimportant and cannot bedistracted. The solution to yourpain isCaller name announcer.Facebook:
Z's Caller Name Announcer 1.8
Z Mobile Apps
Get voice alerts on every Call, SMS & Notification.
Who's Calling? Pro 1.2.67
Reads the name of the caller or sender of a message
Caller Name Announcer 1.1
While driving on a highway your mobilestartsringing and you want to know who is calling but that isdangerousas well as you would be breaking the traffic law, CallerNameAnnouncer is the best solution for you.If you are watching TV in your lounge and your mobile phone isinthe other room, somebody calls and you have Caller NameAnnouncerinstalled in your device, you won’t have to even get up ifyoudon’t want to receive that call because you will be informedaboutthe caller name and vice versa.There are loads of instances when you need to know about thecalleridentity and this Caller Name Announcer will surely make yourlifeeasier by providing you that service.This Caller Name Announcer app uses the advanced Text ToSpeechengine provided in the Android platform. The most efficientCallerName Announcer application available in Google Playstore.Functionalities:• ENABLE/ISABLE Caller Name Announcer. By default thisbeenabled.• Announcer Settings:Announcer Delay: Delay between announcing the caller’s name.Announcer Repeat: How many times do a user want to hear thecaller’sname.• Volume Settings:Ringtone Volume setting.Caller name speaker’s volume setting.• Text To Speech Settings:Select the language, Speech Rate – the speed with which thecallername would be announced.Install it, use it and let us know about your experiencethroughfeedback.
Caller Name Talker 1.0.4
Umbrella Apps
Caller name announcer is highly applicableinsituation where you are driving and phone is in pocket ORsomeonesend text message and your android phone is away fromyou.Caller name talker speaks out every thing while some one iscallingyou or sends you sms. You will know the caller or messagesenderwithout looking at your phone. Caller name talker simplyannouncesit using your device speaker. It says the caller name andtextmessage sender name and also read the message body. Callernametalker is totally free in Play store.You don’t know who is calling you unless you look at the phonebutwith this caller name speaker you don’t need to worry aboutanymore. Caller name talker will simply announce the caller namewithbuilt in device speaker.The caller name talker speak out the caller name, sms sendernameand sms content/sms body so that you can identify who iscallingyou or who send you message or what is in the messagewithoutlooking at mobile. It voices the caller ID of the callingover yourphone ringtones. Caller name speaker announce the callername andsms sender name to know who is calling you or who sendyoumessage.Caller name announcer announce★ caller name if exist in contact★ speak the caller number if not in content★ speak incoming sms sender name★ speak sms contentFeatures:• Enable/ Disable the application• Enable/ Disable announcing caller name• Enable/ Disable message sender name• Enable/ Disable sms body/ message contents• Enable / Disable announcement in silent OR vibration mode• Choose delay between announcement• Choose how many time you want to repeat the announcement• Option to turn On/off the announcement when phone is active• Press volume Up/Down to stop announcement• Announce while call is active• Reset to default setting• Volume setting• Ringtones setting• Announcement in different languages.• Change the speech and announcement rate to slow, fast,normal,very fast and very slow• Multiple languages are integrated and we are working hard toaddmore languages.This caller name talker will speak out the incoming callername,message sender name and message content so you would be abletoidentity the caller or message sender without looking atyourpone.This caller name announcer is designed for multiple languages.Itcontains almost 40+ languages.
Who is Calling ? 1.0
Check Who is Calling is a newapplicationthatwill help you both to identify private number callsandunwantedSMSThis is a great whoscall screening you can find in the store,youcan now stop spam and control incoming SMS and whoscallYou can always see with this version of the full nameofthecaller and you will make a limit for the inconvenience.******* Check private number :★ How to know an incoming unknown number★ new application and the first one in this store★ Free and rich with a lot of advantage,You can identify call number for private callswithoutusinginternet***** Features of " Who is calling "Facilement Personnalisez votre application identifierlesappelinconnu★ activate / désactivate Unknown caller identifier★ Activate and Desactivae SMS call Announcer★ Setting ringing.★For sound, you can select any language in the phone,ordownloadhigh-quality voice.★ Settings volum and son.★ Text-to-Speech settings.It's also Who’s Calling, sms and app talker that speaks outnamesofcallers ids, unknown callers, SMS, messages, appsnotificationsetcso you don’t have to look at your phone.With check Who is calling which is a completely free toolthatisrich with several advantages, works on all devices and easytouseand do not consume memory.Please let your feedbacks below.
Whos Call ME ? 2.0 3.0
If you are busy, and most of yourtimeyourphone is away from you? this application must serve youwithagreat satisfaction voullez you know how?If your phone ringsoryouhave a text message, you hear the name of your casuallyrefer,evenif the number be unknown to you.among the advantagesoftheapplication:- Caller Name if exist in contacts.- Announce Unknown Number if Name not exist in contacts.- Speaks SMS Sender Name & Content"Caller ME ?" is free and simple to usesi vous êtes occupé,et la plus part de votre tempsvotretelephoneest loin de vous ?cette application doit vous servir avec une grandsatisfactionvousvoullez savoir comment ?si votre telephone sonne ou vous avez un sms , vous entendezlenomde votre appelent , meme si que le numero sois inconnupourvous.parmis les avantages de l'application :- Nom de l'appelant si existe dans les contacts.- Annoncer numéro inconnu si le nom ne pas existerdanslescontacts.- Parle SMS Sender Nom et contenuIf you are busy,andMOSTof your time your phone is away from you? this app mustserveyouwith a great satisfaction voullez you know how If yourphoneringsor you-have a text message you hear the name ofyourcasuallyrefer, if the number-even be unknown to you.amongtheadvantages ofthe application?:- Caller Name if exist in contacts.- Announce Unknown Number if Name not exist in contacts.- Speaks SMS Sender Name & Content"Caller ME?" is free and simple to useif you are busy, and most of your time your phone isawayfromyou?this application must serve you with a great satisfactionvoullezyouknow how?If your phone rings or you have a text message, you hear thenameofyour casually refer, even if the number be unknown toyou.among the advantages of the application:- The name of the caller if exist in contacts.- Announce unknown number if the name does notexistincontacts.- Speaks SMS Sender Name & Content
Speak Caller and Message 2.0
Caller Name and Message speaker Speaks out the caller nameonIncoming call or SMS sender name. this application is veryusefulwhile you are driving and the Phone is in your pocket, oranotherroom. In such situations you can identify who is callingyouwithout looking your phone screen. It also can readymessagecontents. There is full customization of sound pitch, speedandvolume. It can speaks out in a beautiful girl voice or anagedvoice depends on your settings. Features: reduces ringtonevolumeand then speaks caller Name Turn off caller name alert withyoursound profiles i-e silent mode, ring mode, vibrate mode. Speaksoutfull content of SMS along with sender name re-announce thecallerinformation, while not pick up separate customization forcalling,messaging & other notifications Battery save optionEnable forparticular timing Easy to use and understand Best app forfree
Caller Name Announcer 9.4
Caller ID Announcement is the most famous powerful tools,
Caller Name Announcer 1.3
Caller name announcer is an useful app that tells you alltheimportant information about incoming Call or SMS. Driving,jogging,cooking, walking, playing , etc? Your Phone is far fromyou? Notable to see who’s calling you? Want to know who has sentyou theSMS without looking at the phone? Or Want to know what isthereceived SMS? No Problem,Call & Sms Announcer is just theappyou need. The app speaks out the name or the number of thepersoncalling you or the SMS arrived. Highly customizable announcerappfor any type of hands free environment. Caller NameAnnouncerFeatures are: - Announces Caller Name or Number -Announces SMSSender Name - Announces SMS content if SMS contentannouncer optionis checked. - Announces in Silent Mode if Announcein Silent Modeis checked. - Announces in Vibrate Mode if Announcein Vibrate ischecked. - Restore to default settings easily by justclickingsingle button - Hear it all for Free, without the necessityoftouching the phone. Note : Before using app , make sure youcheckthe app settings. As we are offering this app completely free, wehave included some Adds.
Who is Real Caller 1.0
Check Who is real Caller is anewapplicationthat will help you both to identify private numbercallsandunwanted SMSThis is a great whoscall screening you can find in the store,youcan now stop spam and control incoming SMS and whoscallYou can always see with this version of the full name ofthecallerand you will make a limit for the inconvenience.******* Check private number :★ How to know an incoming unknown number★ new application and the first one in this store★ Free and rich with a lot of advantage,You can check call number for private callswithoutusinginternet***** Features of " Who is real Caller "Facilement Personnalisez votre application identifierlesappelinconnu★ activate / désactivate Unknown caller identifier★ Activate and Desactivae SMS call Announcer★ Setting ringing.★For sound, you can select any language in the phone,ordownloadhigh-quality voice.★ Settings volum and son.★ Text-to-Speech settings.It's also Who’s Calling, sms and app talker that speaks outnamesofcallers ids, unknown callers, SMS, messages, appsnotificationsetcso you don’t have to look at your phone.With check Who is real Caller which is a completely freetoolthatis rich with several advantages, works on all devices andeasyto useand do not consume memory.Please let your feedbacks below.
Auto Caller Name Announcer 1.0.4
Auto Caller Name Announcer speaks everythingwhile some one is calling you or send you a message, youwillidentify it with out looking to your smart phone.Auto Caller Name Announcer uses the built-in Androidtext-to-speechengine to speaks the "incoming" caller name or SMSsender name andcontents of the SMS.Speaks out the caller name clearly in between the ringtonereducingits volume.Auto Caller Name Announcer is highly applicable in a situationlikeif you are driving and the phone is in your pocket or someonesends you an SMS while your smart phone is in other room.Auto Caller Name Announcer will not work if your smart phonedoesnot have text-to-speech library but this is not a problem youcaneasily download it from Google play store.---------------NOTE:----------------Auto Caller Name Announcer Announces1. Caller Name if exist in contacts2. If does not exist in contacts, call that unknown3. Speaks incoming SMS contents and sender name--------------Features:---------------Highly Customize your Caller Name Announcer.* Enable/disable speaking caller name.* Enable/disable incoming SMS sender name only.* Enable/disable incoming SMS sender name and contents oftheSMS.* Change repeat mode announcements.* Choosing delay time between announcements.* Custom Ringtones settings.* Custom Volume Settings.* Auto Caller Name Announcer is completely free download.DOWNLOAD Auto Caller Name Announcer NOW.