Top 2 Apps Similar to Visit Brazil

Visit Rio de Janeiro 1.0
Rio de Janeiro is the second largestcityinBrazil, on the South Atlantic coast. Rio is famousforitsbreathtaking landscape, its laidback beach culture anditsannualcarnival.The harbour of Rio de Janeiro is comprised of a uniqueentryfromthe ocean that makes it appear to be the mouth ofariver.Additionally, the harbor is surrounded byspectaculargeographicfeatures including Sugar Loaf mountain at 395meters(1,296 feet),Corcovado Peak at 704 meters (2,310 feet), andthehills of Tijucaat 1,021 meters (3,350 feet). These featuresworktogether tocollectively make the harbor one of the SevenNaturalWonders ofthe World.It is a common mistake to think of Rio as Brazil'scapital,adistinction it lost on 21 April 1960 when newlybuiltBrasiliabecame the capital. Beaches such as Copacabana andIpanema,theChrist The Redeemer (Cristo Redentor) statue, thestadiumofMaracanã and Sugar Loaf Mountain (Pão de Açúcar) areallwell-knownsights of what the inhabitants call the "marvelouscity"(cidademaravilhosa), and are also among the first images topop upintravelers´ minds, along with the Carnaval celebration.Sadly, most people also know Rio for its violence andcrime.Thedrug lords and the slums, or favelas, are the tip ofveryoldsocial problems. The favelas are areas ofpoor-qualityhousing,slums usually located on the city's manymountainslopes,juxtaposed with middle-class neighborhoods. But now,withthe UPP's(Unidade de Polícia Pacificadora = Pacifying PoliceUnit)almostall the favelas are safe to go, because the police tooktheareafrom the drug dealers, so you can go there forsomeculturalgathering. A pretty calm and safe favela is "MorrodoPinto". It isso calm that it doesn't look like part of thisurbanRio and it isin the center of the city.The South Zone holds most of Rio's landmarksandworld-famousbeaches, in an area of only 43.87 square km (17mi²).Many of themare within walking distance of each other(forinstance, the SugarLoaf lies about 8 km/5 mi fromCopacabanabeach). Most hotels andhostels are located in this partof thecity, which is compressedbetween the Tijuca Range (MaciçodaTijuca) and the sea. There areimportant places in other regionsaswell, such as Maracanã stadiumin the North Zone and themanyfascinating buildings in theCentre.If you plan on staying in Rio for more than a couple ofdaysitwould be good to invest in a copy of ``How tobeaCarioca``(Priscilla Ann Goslin, Livros TwoCan Ltda, R$32).Thisisan amusing look at the people of Rio and will help youenjoythecity as well as appear less of a `gringo` when youhitthestreets.
MotorCo Guia: Rio de Janeiro 1.0
Motorco Apps
O Guia MotorCo a app Rio de Janeiroéumaplicativo baseado em localização que informa aousuáriosualocalização em relação às famosas atrações em Rio deJaneiro.Cadalocalização é descrito em mais detalhe e tem um mapa emtemporealdo Google que dirigirá o utilizador para a localização.Sem pop-ups, anúncios, a matrícula ou apartilhadelocalização.Rio de Janeiro é uma grande cidade litorânea no Brasil,famosaporsuas praias de Copacabana e Ipanema, 38m A estátua doCristoRedentorno topo do Monte Corcovado e Pão de Açúcar, ummonolito degranitocom teleféricos para seu cume. A cidade também éconhecidapor suasfavelas alastrando (favelas). Sua estridentefestival deCarnaval,com carros alegóricos, fantasias extravagantese samba, éconsideradoo maior do mundo.Rio está hospedando os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016.The MotorCo Guide toRiodeJaneiro app is a location-based application that informstheuser ofits location in relation to the famous attractions inRiode Janeiro.Each location is described in more detail and hasaGoogle map inreal time direct the user to the location.No pop-ups, advertisements, registration or locationsharing.Rio de Janeiro is a great seaside town in Brazil, famousforitsbeaches of Copacabana and Ipanema, 38m The statue ofChristtheRedeemer atop Mount Corcovado and Sugarloaf Mountain,agranitemonolith with lifts to its summit. The city is alsoknownfor itssprawling favelas (shantytowns). His raucousCarnivalfestival,with floats, extravagant costumes and samba, isconsideredthelargest in the world.Rio is hosting the 2016 Olympic Games.