Top 19 Games Similar to red21 - история успеха

Симулятор бомжары 2.0.4
В данном симуляторе бомжа вампредстоитсыгратьза инопланетянина, который очутился на Земле идобитьсяуспеха, ставпрезидентом.Симулятор текстовый, управление осуществляетсявиртуальнымикнопками.Победа наступает в случае становленияпрезидентом.Поражение, еслизакончится здоровье, сытость илиденьги.This simulator bumyouwillplay for the alien who has found himself in the worldandsucceed aspresident.Simulator text and operated virtual buttons. The victory comesinthecase of becoming president. Defeat if over health,satietyormoney.
President 2017- life simulator 1.0.2
Appzavr LLC
Happy countries are all alike;everyunhappycountry is unhappy in its own way. Your countryhadaninexpressibly great luck! It has you! Try on a role ofarealpresident. Lead an ubercountry, ubergoverment withitsubercitizensabsolutely for free.The “President” game- is a clicker, where you can doanythingyouwant. You can do all that is not forbidden. Developyourcharacter,rule your country, make your citizens fall in lovewithyou, createthe most delightful budget in the world, saveyourcountry from acrisis, became a dictator or show everyone whereareal democracyresides, bring a stability in each and everyhome,earn a fame ofthe most spectacular politician there is, juggleyourpower likenobody is watching. Who, if not you?All events and characters are fictitious. Any resemblancetorealpersons are random
Bomjara(My Version) 1.0
Nova bomzhara version of the game!
Физрук. Жизнь изнутри 1.5
90-е годы давно прошли и крутой иопытныйрешалав один миг оказался никому не нужен.Попадая в новый, и пока чужой для него мир, он решаетподнятьсяссамого дна и достичь больших высот используя прошлыйопыт.- Пройдите жизненный путь от простого физрукадоминистраобразования!- Докажите всем, что вы - самый авторитетный человеквэтомгороде!- Покупайте недвижимость, участвуйте в виртуальныхразборках,ииграйте в казино!- Следите за основными жизненными показателями своегофизрука,недайте ему погибнуть.Удачи!90s are longgoneandexperienced steep and solved in an instant was no use.Getting into a new, and yet a stranger to his world, hedecidestoget up from the floor and reach great heightsusingpastexperience.- Walk way of life from the simple physical trainertotheMinister of Education!- Prove to everyone that you - the most respected maninthistown!- Buy real estate, participate in virtual demolition, and playinthecasino!- Keep track of vital signs of his physical trainer, do notletitdie.Good Luck!
My Pocket Hobo 1.5.0
Call him what you will - hobo, bum, tramp, homeless.
Симулятор бизнеса 1.3.2
В данном симуляторе бизнеса вампредстоитзаработать 20 миллиардов, а как это сделать - решать вам.Можнопродавать и покупать акции и валюту, можно открывать различныевидыбизнеса, приобретать недвижимость и транспорт. Внимательноследитеза состоянием своего счета и не уходите в глубокий минус -иначепроиграете.This simulatorbusinessyou will earn 20 billion, and how to do it - you decide.You canbuy and sell shares and currency, you can open various typesofbusiness, buy real estate and transportation. Closely monitoryouraccounts and do not go into a deep negative - otherwiselose.
Running Track for Fingers 1.0
Fingers trainer for your phoneistreadmillsimulator for fingers!If you have a free minute and do not have enough timeforfitness,you can spend it at running on the screen of yourphone.Movefingers as fast as you can. Run or Die! ;) Joke)Finger running track is a great app and joke for playingandhavingfun with your friends! Challenge with close and upgradeyourownrecord!Use the treadmill in break at work to stretch your fingers. Maybeitcan help to warn from tunnel syndrome or simplydistractedandrest.Keep track of your health, have fun and be happy! Thankyoufordownload our applications! Good luck!
Businessman Simulator 1.6
Grow different businesses to become a quadrillionaire! Aperfectbusiness game.
Clash of schools rpg simulator 1.0.1
Appzavr LLC
Clash of Schools - an exciting game inthegenreof RPG with elements of economic strategy.Everything here is permeated with the spirit ofadventure,rivalryand greed.- Choose your hero with uniquecharacteristicsandspecialization,- Equip for the battle with cool weapons, armor,andartifacts,- Learn magic spells - they will help in the battle!- Choose your strategy and use the necessary troops!- Become a Legend of school battles Empire!What's going on at school, when we leave it? When wegohome,relax on vacation, finish our studies? I'm sure youthoughtthatcute teachers say goodbye to each other and gohome.In fact, when students leave the school, theconfrontationbeginsbetween main authorities of the school!And it's time for Battle!Choose with whom you will play - strong and powerful guard,alertandtrained coach, sly and clever cook, or a hardy tramp,whowillsurvive in the nuclear war?!Convene under your flags the most bloodthirsty mercenaries–ruthlesslittle first-graders, aggressive chavs, crazy hobosorirreconcilableseniors.From now, the fate of the school is in your hands, do notletthehordes of darkness to take over your guard booth,yourstove,cloakroom or your garbage can!Night gathers and now your watch begins, Lord commander!Have ideas and suggestions on how to improve the game?Contactusat [email protected] have tried to combine the best things in ourgame:fromfighting games - pvp mode for the battle between realusers(one toone); from military and economic strategies - themechanismofresource earnings (gold coins) with theconstructionanddevelopment of buildings (a mine, miningcamp,corporation,workshop, etc.); from the best RPG (role-playing)games- thepossibility of upgrading your hero, interestingandpowerfulequipment, hiring of various troops (there arenodragons,barbarians and zombie-vikings on tanks yet, but newtroopsarealready in development). The game provides a systemofgenerousbonuses in the form of treasure (crystals) charged notforrandom,as in a casino or poker games, but for achievementsintheevolution of the military skills of your character.All this, my friends, we will continually refine and improve,tobeyour best game in 2016, 2017 and beyond! :) This is notasimulatorof goat, taxi or any farming or crafting game. Thisisyourbattle!Very soon the game will be able to unite with friendsinthecommunity (clans) and organize clan wars for newterritories!Itwill be very cool and exciting!Stay tuned for and enjoy a game!
Tattoo camera 1.0.1
Do you want tattoo? You should try toedityourphoto with sticker, because it helps understanding howimagewill belook at your skin.Just take a snapshot, choose favourite tattoo design ingalleryandplace it at body.This app is simulator of photo editors for playingwithvirtualtattoos, it was developed for entertainmentandpranks.
Симулятор геймера. 2.1
Симулятор геймера - это мало.Симуляторзадрота- это грубо. Симулятор жизни - этого недостаточно.Так чтоже это заприложение? А это все вместе и симулятор геймераисимулятор задротаи симулятор жизни. Все соединено тут. Что жевампредстоит тутделать? Зарабатывать деньги, следитьзахарактеристиками персонажа.Прокачивать образование,прокачиватьработу, навыки, покупатьнедвижимость, развивать канал,стримить.Все это вы найдете в этойзамечательной игре: Симуляторгеймера, нуили как я уже говорил вышекому-то будет интереснееназывать этосимулятор задрота, а может исимулятор канала. В любомслучае Вамбудет интересно играть в этотсимулятор. Ведь он сделан сдушой икак на мой взгляд оченьинтересный и непростой. Поэтому удачивам вигре симулятор геймера,симулятор канала, симуляторзадрота.Simulator gamer -it'snotenough. Zadrota simulator - it's rude. Simulation of life -itisnot enough. So what is this app? And it all togetherandsimulatorgamers and simulation zadrota and lifesimulator.Everything isconnected here. What you have to do here?Earn moneyto follow thecharacteristics of the character. Educationis pumpedpumped jobskills, to buy property, to develop the channel,tostream. All thisyou will find in this wonderful game:Simulationgamer, well, or asI have already said someone would beinterestingto call itsimulation zadrota or may channel simulator.In anycase, it will beinteresting to play in this simulator. Afterall,it's made with asoul and a very interesting and challenging inmyopinion. So goodluck to you in the game simulation gamerchannelsimulator, asimulator zadrota.
Симулятор программиста 1.5
Скоро обновление 1.6Обновление 1.5:1)Немного перерисованы кнопки, немного изменён цвет фона2)Люди в вашей команде теперь сохраняются3)Название вашей компании сохраняетсяОбновление 1.4:1)Новый интерфейс2)Возможность создать свою компаниюСрочное дополнение к обновлению 1.31)Убрано закрытие приложения2)Исправлен магазин3)Исправлен последний баг с возможностью изменения надписейОбновление 1.3:1)Исправлен баг с возможностью изменения надписей2)Количество нанятых людей теперь сохраняется3)Если вы свернёте игру что бы взломать её, то вампридётсяеёперезапустить.P.S. Игра вошла в топ бесплатных игр в РоссииОбновление 1.2:1)Небольшие изменения надписей на кнопках2)Появилась возможность смотреть чем вы владеете3)Теперь можно покупать квартиры и машины (По просьбам игроков)Обновление 1.1:1)Изменён интерфейс2)Убран пункт еды (По просьбам игроков)3)Теперь вы можете нанимать в команду не 10, а 20человек(Попросьбам игроков)4)Появилась кнопка новая игра (По просьбам игроков)Как тяжело в наше время программистам. Не каждыйбыстроначинаетзарабатывать большие деньги. Ваша задача придтикматериальномууспеху. Создавай разные проекты или покупайготовые,нанимай людейв команду, развивай свой бизнес, получай засвоипроекты доход.Ходи в магазин что бы восполнить свою энергию.Нучто, ты готовстать успешным программистом? Тогда вперёд!Soon update 1.6Update 1.5:1) A little redrawn buttons slightly changedthebackgroundcolor2) The people on your team are now saved3) The name of your company savedUpdate 1.4:1) The new interface2) Ability to create your companyUrgent addition to updating 1.31) Removed closing applications2) Fixed shop3) Fixed a bug with the last opportunity to change the labelsUpdate 1.3:1) Fixed a bug with the ability to change the labels2) The number of employed people now saved3) If you will roll a game that would hack it, you havetorestartit.P.S. The game entered the top free games in RussiaUpdate 1.2:1) Small changes labels on the buttons2) Now you can watch what you own3) Now you can buy an apartment and car (At therequestofplayers)Update 1.1:1) Changed interface2) Removed the food item (At the request of players)3) Now you can hire a team not 10, but 20 people (at therequestofplayers)4) The button appears a new game (At the request of players)How hard nowadays programmers. Not everyone quickly beginstomakea lot of money. Your task is to come to materialsuccess.Createdifferent projects or to buy ready, hire people tothe team,developthe business, getting their projects revenue. Goto a storethatwould make up their energy. Well, are you ready tobecomeasuccessful programmer? Then go ahead!
Don't press the button 1.0.0
Jordan Vigay
However tempting it may be... DON'TPRESSTHEBUTTON!!********WARNING! IT IS VERY TEMPTING TO PRESS THE BUTTON!********
Simulator Of Simulator 1.2
As the growing popularity of different simulators: goatsimulatorSimulator homeless, police and stone; Our team, whichconsists ofhigh-level professionals, best known for thehit"Chanterelle-paranoia", made a special simulator.Simulatorsimulator. Currently the simulator is unstable,periodically fallsoff with a blue screen. We apologize for that. Inour opinion, thisis due to the emerging recursion. In the immediaterelease we willfix that.
Hobo Simulator 2.1.0
You are on the street and lost everything.Youjust have some cents in your pocket. But, you decide to showthemall and become the richest man on earth!It's hard to climb out of the gutter. But when you succeed,thesweet life of success, hard work and your own space stationiswaiting for you!Hobo Simulator is separated into three different parts, whereyouneed to fulfill different goals.In the first part, your main goal is to survive and this isnotan easy one. You have three different status values:health,happiness and hunger. Does your health go to 0% or below,you willdie and your actual game is over. Does your happiness reach0%, youwill permanently damage your health. Also, when you hungerreaches100%, you will permanently damage your health. So, youshould keepall the three values in the green zone.The second part is to beat the game. To do so, you need tobuyyour own space station. But they are expensive, so you need toearnsome money first. Hobo Simulator gives you a lot ofpossibilitiesto do this.Once you have beaten the game, the leader board will change.Now,it isn't important how long you have survived, instead it'scountedhow fast you were to beat the game. Every action in thegame willcost you some time. Different actions will cost differentamounts oftime. So, take care of what you do and what will takewhich amountof time to become rich as fast as possible.
Grand Theft Godfather. Mafia 1.4.5
"Welcome to the simulator gangster. Youhavetogo from a simple boy to a Mafia godfather. To raise moneybyanymeans, to buy property, earn credibility, but do notforgettofollow the parameters of health, hunger and mood. Youwillhavejust one week to restore the settings before you die.Features of the simulator:- Visually developed characters gangsters- Gangster grows as you progress through- Ability to stay on top of the Mafia- Funny sounds actions- Random events- Crime aroundDownload " Godfather. Mafia. Simulator" for free right nowandstartto pump up the gangster leader crime."
Simulator Life 1.3
Simulator Life - this game is about all the stages of life!Takelife from a child to an old man! Help the character todevelop,feed, educate, put to bed, play with them, to teach, aswell as tosubmit to the school and on the job! All stages areinteresting andbeautifully drawn! The game requires attentivenessand strategy!Keep the balance of hunger, sleep and energy. Usehint. GameClicker does not make you bored! Life simulator shows thedifferentage groups live in what circumstances. Thank you forchoosing ourgame! Leave us a review and assessment, and we'll makeour gamebetter and more interesting!
Удачливый бомж 1.0
Это такой же симулятор как и все.Вампредстоитпроделать нелегкий путь, чтобы купить всё, что естьвмагазине;DThis is thesamesimulatoras all. You have done the hard way, to buy all that isinstore;D
Simulator for Breaking Bad 1.0
School chemistry teacher, Walter learns thathehad cancer and decided to plunge into all serious to earn moneyforhis family. He decides to synthesize drugs, which attractedhisformer student Jesse. Prepare first batch and get the moneyfirst.Features:- Every action announced- Graphically-designed characters- The original plot- SimulatorFree "Simulator for Breaking Bad" and start cookingwithHeisenberg.