Top 21 Apps Similar to School Agenda

Niki Agenda 1.0.3
A calendar for children and teen-agers needing visualorganizationof their days
Student Agenda Pro 2.5.6
Developed by students, with the goal ofbeingsimple and lightweight, the Student Agenda was made tohelpstudents organize themselves and have, consequently,betterperformance in studies.The objective of using this app is to perform tasks withinthecombined deadlines, divide better the time between academicandpersonal life, conduct the day-to-day with more calmnessandless stress.On Student Agenda, important information about tests,homeworks,appointments and timetable will always be available onyoursmartphone to checks and new schedulings, wherever you are. Averyuseful feature are the reminders, that will help youdon'tforget important activities.These features are adequate for school, for college, foryourday-to-day... The goal is to make student life moreorganized,managing appointments that can't be forgotten.The app was developed to be simple and easy to use. To start,youcan simply add your subjects and then your timetable.Main features:• Simplicity and lightweightness;• Timetable;• Scheduling of events (exams, homeworks/tasks, activitiesandreturning books to the library);• Add photo to increase the description of events;• Notification schedule (reminder) for events;• Check events as "completed";• Events ordered by day, week and month;• Timetable of the day;• Timetable of the week;• Calendar;• Management of marks;• Timetable and events widgets;• Share events with your friends.••• This version does not display advertisements.If you have any problem or suggestion, please send us aemail!(We can't reply you on Google Play)[email protected] you!
IF Agenda 2.0.0
O IF-Agenda é um aplicativo desenvolvidoporestudantes do IFMA-Campus Buriticupu. O aplicativo foicriadopensando nos Estudantes em geral.O IF-Agenda possui várias funções que são referentes ao dia adiados estudantes, com ele o estudante pode gerenciar datasdeprovas/trabalhos/seminários e devolução de livros àbiblioteca,registrar notas de avaliações durante o semestre emontar suasgrade de horários das disciplinas do semestre.Também é possível cadastrar os gastos pessoais do dia adiaestudantil e gerar gráficos mensais dos mesmos. Além dissoeletambém permite acesso ao Sistema Acadêmico da instituiçãodosalunos para um melhor acompanhamento acadêmico dosestudantes...Essas e outras várias funções estão disponíveis noIF-Agenda.Outra função muito útil é o agendamento denotificações(lembretes), com ela o usuário escolhera uma data parasernotificado para que não se esqueça de suaatividadesimportantes.A missão do IF-Agenda é garantir um maior desempenhodosestudantes e permitir que isso seje feito de uma formaSIMPLES,PRÁTICA E RÁPIDA.Principais características:• Praticidade, simplicidade e rapidez;• Cadastro de disciplinas;• Grade Horários de aulas (Matutino, Vespertino e Noturno);• Agendamento de Tarefas (provas, atividades, trabalhos,semináriose devolução de livros à biblioteca e outras);• Possibilidade de tirar foto para incrementar a descriçãodeeventos;• Possibilidade de agendar notificação (lembrete) paraastarefas;• Visualização de eventos mês;• Calendário;• Gerenciamento de notas;• Controle de Gastos;• Relatórios em gráfico (Pizza);• Possibilidade de tirar foto dos produtos gastos;• Acesso Direto ao Q-Acadêmico IFMA;• Interação com Professores (E-mails, mensagens e ligações);• Opção de compartilhar tarefas (Redes sociais, mensagens eoutrosserviços);• Configuração de toque para os lembretes;• Personalização – Criação de perfil do aluno (Foto, nomeefrase);• Consistência de dados;• Função de Pesquisa;• Listas e Horários Coloridos;Atualizações:Versão 2.0.0:- Melhorias no Design com Google Material Design- Função de Pesquisar- Botões Flutuantes- Animações SLIDE durante a navegação das telas- Correção do Bug do Sistema Acadêmico- Listas e Horários Coloridos- Melhorias em todas as funções- Nova tela de Ajuda- Nova tela de Boas Vindas- Novo Sistema de Navegação de Gaveta- Novos papéis de parede- Nova opção de selecionar registro- Nova tela de Sobre- Função STATUS em Notas- Menu de Contexto na função HoráriosVersão 1.1.5:- Suporte ao Android 5.1 e 6.0- Melhorias no Design com AppCompatActivity- Função de Redefinição de Configurações- Melhorias no Design da tela de Configurações- Opção Papel de Parede em Configurações- Função Backup/Restauração de dados- Opção para Compartilhar a APP nas redes sociaisVersão 1.1.3:- Correção do Bug de Links do Sistema Acadêmico- Função Camera e Galeria ao adicionar Fotos no Perfil.- Opção de Seleção de Estado Federativo em Configurações, parapoderacessar o Sistema Acadêmico da Instituição do Estado.- Melhorias no Design- Implementação de Barra de Subtítulo para facilitar a navegaçãonaAPP.Autores:Mário de AraújoLucas da CostaOrientação:MSc. Ulysses Santos SousaApoio:Instituto Federal do Maranhão (IFMA) Campus BuriticupuContato:[email protected] IF-Agenda isanapplication developed by students of IFMA-Campus Buriticupu.Theapplication was created thinking of the students ingeneral.The IF-agenda has several functions that are related to thedailylife of students, to him the student can manage dates of tests/assignments / seminars and return books to the library,recordingnotes assessments during the semester and assemble yourschedulegrid of the semester disciplines.You can also register the day of the personal expensesthestudent day and generate monthly charts thereof. In additionitalso allows access to the academic system of studentinstitutionfor better academic monitoring of students ... These andothervarious functions are available in the IF-Book.Another very useful function is the scheduling ofnotifications(reminders), with it the user had chosen a date to benotified soyou do not forget your important activities.The IF-Book's mission is to ensure greater studentperformanceand allow it seje made a SIMPLE way PRACTICE ANDFAST.Key features:• Practicality, simplicity and speed;• Register of disciplines;• Grade Hours classes (Morning, Evening and Night);• Task Scheduling (events, activities, work, seminars andreturnbooks to the library and other);• Ability to take pictures to enhance the descriptionofevents;• Ability to schedule notification (reminder) for the tasks;• Event View month;• Calendar;• notes management;• Expenses control;• Reports in graphic (Pizza);• Ability to take a picture of product costs;• Direct Access to Q-Academic IFMA;• Interaction with Teachers (E-mails, messages and links);• Option to share tasks (social networks, messaging andotherservices);• Touch Configuration for reminders;• Customization - Student Profiling (photo, name and phrase);• Data consistency;• Search Function;• Lists and Schedules Colorful;Updates:Version 2.0.0:- Improvements in Design with Google Material Design- Search function- Floating Buttons- Animations SLIDE during navigation screens- Bug Fix the Academic System- Lists and Schedules Colored- Improvements in all functions- New help screen- New Welcome Screen- New Drawer Navigation System- New wallpapers- New option to select record- New About screen- STATUS function in Notes- Context Menu in the function timesVersion 1.1.5:- Support Android 5.1 and 6.0- Improved design with AppCompatActivity- Function Settings Reset- Improvements in Design Settings screen- Option Wallpaper Settings- Function Backup / Restore Data- Option to Share APP on social networksVersion 1.1.3:- Bug Fix the Academic System Links- Camera and Gallery Function to add profile photos.- Option federal state selection in Settings, you can accesstheAcademic System of the State Institution.- Improvements in Design- Subtitle bar implementation for easy navigation in the APP.Authors:Mário de AraújoLucas da CostaGuidance:MSc. Ulysses Santos SousaSupport:Federal Institute of Maranhão (IFMA) Campus BuriticupuContact:[email protected]
Student Tools 2.5.1
The Student Tools is an App to any studentwholikes to organize his academic life.With this App you can:1- Manage your disciplines;2- Manage and view your schedules;3- Manage your scores;4- Manage your simple events.Developed by a student Analysis and Development Systems, IFTM-Campus Paracatu MG.
Agenda Kids
Agenda Kids
O Agenda Kids é um aplicativo queintegraPais, Filho e Escola. Facilita a sua comunicação com asecretariae coordenação e auxilia na organização da vidaescolar do seufilho.Envie mensagens para a escola, receba push pelo celular de todososcomunicados, tenha acesso ao calendário de eventossemanais,mensais e até anuais e tudo de uma forma eficiente,prática esegura. Toda vez que a escola enviar uma mensagem,comunicado ouevento vc receberá um aviso por push e tudo seráregistra na agendapara vc verificar a qualquer momento.A escola do seu Filho não tem AgendaKids?♥ } Entre no site e cadastre a escoladoseus filhos e a equipe do AgendaKids entra em contato com aescola.Esse aplicativo funciona somente para as escolas queadquirirem aplataforma.Faça agora o download do AgendaKids - é gratuito!Destaques:✏ Acesso ao calendário de Eventos semanal, mensal e anual dosseusfilhos.✏ Receba Comunicados através de push e se informe emrealtime.✏ Envie e receba mensagens para a escola. O melhor canaldecomunicação entre você e a escola, evitando ligações pararesolverpendências mais simples, como aviso de quem vai buscar nocolégio,falta do aluno e questões do dia-a-dia da escola.Curta nossa página no Facebook Kids Calendar isanapplication that integrates Parents, Child and School.Facilitatestheir communication with the secretariat and assists inthecoordination and organization of school life of yourchild.Send messages to school, receive push by mobile communicationsofall, get access to the calendar of weekly, monthly and evenyearlyevents and everything in an efficient, safe and practicalway.Whenever the school send a message, statement or event youreceivea warning for push and everything will be recorded on theagendafor you to check anytime.The school of your Son has not AgendaKids?♥} Enter the site and sign the schooloftheir children and staff AgendaKids comes in contact withtheschool. This application works only for schools who purchasetheplatform.Now download the AgendaKids - it's free!Highlights:✏ access to calendar events weekly, monthly and yearly fortheirchildren.✏ Receive Notices push through and report in real time.✏ Send and receive messages to school. The best channelofcommunication between you and the school, avoiding calls toresolvesimple disputes, such as notice of who will get in school,lack ofstudent issues and day-to-day school.Like us on Facebook and Google+
Studentic: Study Organizer 3.3.0
Record every Mark you get. Get notified for upcoming homeworkandtests.
Agenda escolar aulaPlaneta 1.0.2
Grupo Planeta
Sigue con la Agenda escolar de aulaPlanetalaevolución de las tareas de tu hijo. Comprueba si ha realizadolosdeberes y el estado en que se encuentran.Características de la Agenda escolar de aulaPlaneta:- Muestra el número de tareas pendientes por alumno- Permite localizar las tareas con fechas cercanas de entrega- Visualiza el estado de todas las tareas: porcentaje,ejercicioscompletados...- Personaliza los datos de tus hijosCreada y desarrollada por aulaPlaneta para el seguimientodetareas escolares en el entorno educativo.Follow schoolAgendaaulaPlaneta the evolution of the tasks of your child. Checkif youhave performed the duties and the state meet.Characteristics of School Agenda aulaPlaneta:- Displays the number of pending tasks per student- Quickly find nearby tasks with deadlines- Displays the status of all tasks: percentage completedexercises...- Customize the data of your childrenCreated and developed by aulaPlaneta to monitor homework inaneducational setting.
Agenda 2016 pro 3.65
I tried make this application as closeaspossible to a real Daily Planner/Diary (to those of paper sotospeak, the one that still we can not abandon ...).So no synchronizations, no fields to fill, no events, etc..Only 365 pages can not be modified to go to write and findeasilyand safely what we want.Are appreciated suggestions, ideas, and confirmations workingonyour equipment, and any bugs found, thanks.More space for annotations + linesHours customizable with sound Reminderpersonalized timetables and quarter hoursWidgets to the screen (to keep tabs on the events of the day)Text search option (to quickly find what interests us)You can bar or check off notesReboot immediately (we will not have to wait for the start oftheAgenda)No advertising ....Import of all that you have already written agenda freeand more .....WARNING it is essential to activate at least one widget toworkthe reminders sound.ATTENTION users samsung s5 s6, for the proper functioning ofthenotifications you need to disable the function OptimizationAppreached in the Battery section of the Control Center SmartManager,this stops the operation in the background of allnon-Samsung, thebattery life will remain unchanged .The supported languages ​​are Italian, English.French,Portuguese, Spanish, German, (Russian, Korean *)I remind you that we are the first version of the programandthen tell any inaccuracies or errors. I will provide tocorrectthem ...Have funThis application is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY either onthefunctioning that the integrity of the data that may [email protected] 2015 ilpesceweb* translation almost complete
Today - Calendar Widgets 1.90
Jack Underwood
*Please uninstall and reinstall for the this update*Big changes to preferences means you cannot updateautomatically.This is a one time upgrade and will not happenagain. Sorry for theinconvenience.Today is a set of minimal, transparent calendar widgetsforAndroid. It includes both an Agenda view, and a Monthly viewfordisplay your events.Today syncs with your Google Calendar to show yourupcomingevents in a beautiful list/grid, on both your home screenand yourlock screen. Today Calendar widgets support both a Agendastylecalendar widget, aswell as a grid styled calendar widget.Choose which calendars you would like to show, and overwhattimeframe and Today will handle the rest.Today is fully resizable, and has both a light and dark themesoit can integrate seamlessly into and home screen layoutyou'recurrently using.
Calendar+ Schedule Planner 1.09.36
Event calendar + schedule app. Planner for business andpersonalevents.
Scuola agenda 2.2.3
"Scuola agenda" è un applicazione gratuitaperla gestione delle attività scolastichecon "Scuola agenda" puoi:-Gestire la tua pagella salvando i tuoi voti di scuola escegliendoil periodo dei voti-Calcolare la media dei voti per ogni materia-Calcolare per ogni materia la media deivotiorali/scritti/pratichi-Calcolare la media generale dei voti-Per ogni voto inserito aggiungere la data e degli appunti- Calcolare le assenze-Puoi aggiungere le assenze fatte primadell'installazionedell'applicazione- Contare i giorni mancanti alla fine della scuola-Contare da quanto la scuola è iniziata-Pianificare le attività giornaliere-Salvare il tuo orario settimanale-L'orario gestisce massimo 8 ore al giorno-Puoi scegliere se avere l'orario scolastico in una sola paginaoavere una pagina per giorno della settimana-Puoi assegnare ad ogni materia un colorenell'orarioscolastico-Puoi personalizzare l'applicazione cambiando i colori diognipagina-Puoi calcolare la probabilità di essere interrogato-Con il formulario puoi prendere appunti a scuola e sistemartituttoper materiaPer ogni problema o suggerimento se vuoi ,puoi mandarmi unemailall'indirizzo [email protected] supportata per versioni 2.2 o superiori android.Versione 2.1"School agenda" is afreeapplication for the management of school activitieswith "School agenda" you can:-Manage Your report card by saving your grades in schoolandchoosing the period of the votes-Calculate The average grade for each subject-Calculate For each subject the average grade oral / written/practice-Calculate The overall average of the votes-For Every vote inserted add the date and notes- Calculate the absences-You Can add absences made before installation oftheapplication- Count the days until the end of the school-Count How the school started-Plan Daily activities-Save Your weekly schedule-L'orario Manages up to 8 hours a day-You Can choose whether to have school hours on a single pageorhave a page for weekday-You Can assign a color to each subject in theschooltimetable-You Can customize the application by changing the colors ofeachpage-You Can calculate the probability of being questioned-With The form you can take notes in school and everything tosettlethe matterFor any problem or suggestion if you want, you can send meanemail at [email protected] supported for versions 2.2 or higher Android.Version 2.1
Calendar Widget KEY 20_20221007
Milan Sillik
Unlocks PRO features from Calendar widget
Agenda Escolar
Com Agenda Escolar você pode agendarseustrabalhos e tarefas para ser notificado sempre na horacerta!Fácil de usar e com uma interface limpa e descomplicada,esseaplicativo vai melhorar sua produtividade, desempenho eorganizaçãoescolar.*Totalmente grátis*Seja notificado de suas tarefas sempre um dia antes*Gerencie suas Notas e Avaliações e obtenha gráficos*Tenha acesso a seu Horário*Simples, fácil e rápido*Ocupa pouco espaço em seu aparelho*Material DesignWith School Calendaryoucan schedule your jobs and tasks to be notified alwaysontime!Easy to use and with a clean and uncomplicated interface, thisappwill improve your productivity, performance andschoolorganization.* Totally Free* Be notified of your tasks always one day before* Manage your notes and reviews and get graphics* Have access to your schedule* Simple, easy and fast* It occupies little space on your device* Material Design
NS Agenda (Reminder) 1.38
Giacomo Pugi
NS Agenda is a reminder application withalarmand monthly calendar view**** Before purchase, please download the trial version**** For Sony, Asus, Huawei and Xiaomi devices, please read helpforcorrect settingsAVAILABLE LANGUAGESEnglish, Italian, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese,Swedish,ChineseREMINDER VIEWMontly CalendarEvents list of next 30 daysHome widgetREMINDER FEATURESPre-alarm (from 1 hour to 1 month)Selection between 16 colorsReminder priority (Normal, Important, Very important)AM/PM supportSCHEDULED REMINDERS- Every day, every 2 days, every 3 days, etc., up to a maximumof30- Every week, ex. every monday and saturday, every week, every2week, every 3 week, etc., up to a maximum of 30- Every month, every 2 months, every 3 months, etc., up to amaximumof 30- Every month (day of the week), ex. every second tuesday ofthemonth, or every fourth friday of the month- Every year, every 2 years, every 3 years, etc., up to a maximumof30Selection of end date repeatingACTIONSPhone call, Send SMS, Send Email, Send Email (html)Select contact from address book, call log or manual entryAdd attachment optionNOTIFICATIONSAutomatic open reminder window on expiringAutomatic notification repeating optionPostponing of reminder up to 4 hoursSound alarmInsistent alarmVibrationOTHER OPTIONSBackup and restore database with DropBoxChoosing the first day of the week (monday/sunday)Events searchCut/copy/paste reminder option
Clean Calendar Widget Pro
SIMPLE, MODERN, EASY TO USE, UPGRADEDCLEANCALENDAR WIDGET FOR YOUR DAILY TASKS & AGENDA!============================================Clean Calendar Widget Pro is the most simple, clean and easy touseAndroid calendar widget app designed to help you keep tab onyourupcoming events, agenda, tasks, get reminders andactivities.Clean Calendar Widget makes it easy to manage yourfavouritecalendar's events, schedules and programs helping youbecome moreproductive and efficient! Admit it - traditionalcalendar widgetsare boring. Not anymore! Clean Calendar Widgetprovides you with aset of neat, premium looking calendar widgetswhich integrateseamlessly with your favourite calendar apps likeGoogle Calendarand many more!MOST VERSATILE AND CLEANLY DESIGNED CALENDAR WIDGET APPFORANDROIDClean Calendar Widget is one of the most popularly used,highlyrated and versatile calendar widget application for Android.Joinour 200,000+ happy users by downloading Clean CalendarWidgettoday!SYNCHRONIZES WITH YOUR DEVICE'S DEFAULT CALENDAR APPLICATIONSClean Calendar Widget synchronizes with your device'sdefaultcalendar applications and Google Calendar quickly andeffectively,offering you easy access to all your schedules, plans,tasks andevents at a single place.PERFECT FOR PERSONAL, BUSINESS AND OFFICE USEClean Calendar Widget is perfect for managing all yourpersonal,business and office tasks, activities, plans and programsand worksas a business calendar, personal electronic calendarapplication oroffice event scheduling calendar. Never miss out on asingle clientmeeting or appointment as Clean Calendar Widget alsoserves as animportant reminder tool for your routine agenda!FULL HOMESCREEN FUNCTIONALITYAdd Clean Calendar's widgets onto your phone or tablet'shomescreenwith a single tap of a button and customize settings suchas eventsettings, event filters, transparency settings and widgetdesignsettings!COMPATIBLE WITH ALL ANDROID DEVICES AND VERSIONSClean Calendar Widget is compatible with all Android devices suchasSamsung, OnePlus, HTC, Motorola and with the latest Androidversionssuch as Android Jellybean, KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallowandmore!Clean Calendar Widget Pro synchronizes with your phone ortablet'sdefault calendar application and offers the following keyfeatures-- Ad-free version of Clean Calendar Widget- 6 different widget sizes (4x1, 4x2, 4x3, 4x4 and 6x2 and6x4designed for tablets)- Smooth events scrolling- Pick custom calendars to show events from- Enter new events and open your calendar from the widget- Fold / unfold the buttons panel to provide more space fortheevents- Highlight today's events- Filter out all-day events- Show day of the week in event date- Text color customizability options- Make background transparent (under transparency settings,mayrequire widget reset)- Show/hide week numbers- Change font size- Group events by date... and many more!So, what are you waiting for? Download Clean Calendar Widgetrightnow and start managing your calendar tasks, schedulingevents,day-to-day routine agendas and activities!You can try out the Free version, Clean Calendar Widget Freehere-'d love to hear your feedback, questions or queries. If youlikedClean Calendar Widget, please give us a 5-star rating intheratings and reviews section below. For questions andqueries,please send us an e-mail at [email protected]. We thankyou foryour valuable feedback!
Teacher agenda 1.1.6
The ultimate agenda for teachers.
Agenda Escolar UNAM 2.0.1
Descarga la aplicación de tu AgendaEscolarUNAM 2015-2016 y lleva contigo tu Universidad.Encontrarás herramientas para tu vida universitaria:1. El Calendario oficial de la UNAM, que podrásdescargardirectamente al contenido en tu dispositivo móvil.2. Información general y servicios que ofrece la Universidadparafacilitar tu vida como estudiante.3.-Promociones y avisos para la Comunidad UNAM.4.-Servicio de Notificaciones emitidas por la UNAM.5. Disponible para Smartphones y Tablets (IOS y Android)Download theapplicationof your School Calendar 2015-2016 UNAM and carry yourUniversity.You'll find tools for your university life:1. The official calendar of the UNAM, which you candownloaddirectly to the content on your mobile device.2. General information and services offered by the Universitytofacilitate your life as a student.3. Promotions and ads for UNAM Community.4. Notification Service issued by the UNAM.5. Available for Smartphones and Tablets (IOS and Android)
Student Planner
Does your school use Firefly 5? If so,theStudent Planner app is your go to place to check on homeworkandyour timetable.Student Planner integrates with your school's FireflyLearningPlatform so you can access your timetable and homework fromyourAndroid phone.Automatically populated from your school timetable so you don'tneedto enter any of your classes, and teachers can pushhomeworkdirectly to your planner. You can also manually add yourownhomework or other tasks and associate them with particularlessonsand teachers. These automatically synchronise with youraccount onyour school's Firefly Learning Platform.Features include:- View your school timetable- See homework set by your teachers- Add your own homework and tasks- Receive push notifications when teachers set you new tasks,sendyou messages or send you links- Access your school's Firefly system without having to loginagainPlease note: you will need to know your school's code to log inforthe first time. Ask your teacher or network administrator ifyouare not sure what it is.Make suggestions and keep up to date as we develop the appbyfollowing @fireflyteam at app requires Firefly 5, please check with your school iftheyare using this version.Looking for the Firefly 6 app? Download the Firefly forStudentsapp.The Android version of Student Planner requires your school toberunning Firefly 4.0.14 or higher.
UC3M Agenda 2.0.0
Consulta la agenda de eventos y actividadesdela Universidad Carlos III de Madrid para smartphonesytablets.La agenda te permite seleccionar las actividades en funcióndelcampus y del tipo de evento. Puedes visualizar tu seleccióndesdeun calendario en el que aparecen los días en los que hayeventos,marcados con un punto: en la parte superior un slidermuestra larelación de actividades que se van a desarrollar ese día.Tambiénpuedes realizar la visualización a través de un listadoordenadosegún el día de celebración.Podrás consultar los datos básicos de cada convocatoria:fecha,hora, campus, lugar, datos de los organizadores, contacto yweb, yampliar el tamaño de la letra.La Universidad ha desarrollado la aplicación informática delaagenda para su uso en web, accesible desde, desdelaque se obtiene la información para dispositivos móviles.También puedes acceder a la Agenda desde la App UC3M.Check the scheduleofevents and activities of the University Carlos III of Madridforsmartphones and tablets.The calendar allows you to select the function of campusactivitiesand the type of event. You can visualize your selectionfrom acalendar that shows the days when no events, marked with adot: ontop a slider showing the relationship of activities thatwill bedeveloped that day. You can also display through a listsorted byday of celebration.You can see the basic data of each call date, time,campus,location, organizer data, web contact, and expand the sizeof theletter.The University has developed computer application on the agendaforuse in web, accessible from, from which informationisobtained for mobile devices.You can also access the Directory from the App UC3M.
NextFour Agenda Widget Pro 1.13
NextFour Agenda is a simple, yethighlycustomizable calendar agenda widget for your home screen.The widget shows the next 4 upcoming events from yourcalendarsin a minimalistic view.Features- Multiple skins and look and feel customizations.- Fading of events that are not relevant for you hereandknow.- Select which calendars to show events from.- Shortcut to your favorite calendar app.- Lockscreen compatible.The Pro-version furthermore includes- More skins.- Show calendar colors in the widget.- Change text size.If you find any errors or have any suggestions forimprovementdon't hesitate to write me an email. Thanks.NextFour Agenda is translated into the followinglanguages:- English- Danish- Italian (Thank you Fulvio Volpe)- French (Thank you Jean-Baptiste Lab)Google+
Agenda 1.11.1
MyRo Diary for students and teachers.