Top 17 Games Similar to 世界大战

世界大戰!二戰前線! 1.3.0
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大掌門-武俠風雲 1.30
HY Game
問題回報快速解決通道:[email protected] 在全球締造500萬次下載熱潮的武俠策略RPG遊戲「大掌門」正式上架Android,金庸、梁羽生、溫瑞安筆下的宏大掌門世界被盡數收納其中,不同以往的是,玩家所扮演的將不再是一位孤單執劍走江湖的俠客,而是開山立派、盡收天下俠士的一代掌門! 必備知識★出來混,氣勢很重要,幫派名叫「西夏一品堂」遠超「阿嬤廚房」★出來混,心智很重要,尋找世外高人要靠機緣所以請不要輕易跳崖★出來混,膽色很重要,但千萬記住「我要打十個」只是句電影台詞★出來混,心態很重要,幫派開張第一天不要妄圖募到燕南天和喬峰★出來混,遲早要還的,賞善罰惡廣交天下的豪傑之士才能高枕無憂 遊戲說明★金庸梁羽生溫瑞安武俠群雄亂入,超過兩百名武林宗師與美女紅顏★超過一百種特色各異的武功絕學,超過三百種耳熟能詳的神兵寶甲★獨特的奇遇機緣與緣分組合系統,情侶與仇家齊上陣會有不同效果★最經典武俠世界全部劇情大串燒,百曉生兵器譜出現史上最大更新★華山論劍推舉武林盟主定期舉辦,高手傳功可以快速提升你的修為 ㊣大掌門大手筆 Gash點數大放送㊣1.活动日期4月3日至24日,下載程式評出星級並在"使用者評論"內寫出您喜歡「大掌門」的原因,同時留下您的角色ID和伺服器名,即可免费獲得Gash50點,獲獎用戶限200名,點數卡號將在5月3日前發放到您的遊戲角色信箱中,每位角色帳號限定領取一次。2.上一輪好康活動已結束,截止4月5日未在遊戲角色信箱內收到Gash點數卡獎勵的朋友,請移步問題回報快速解決通道,申明昵稱及伺服器后我們將會為您補發獎勵。 粉絲專頁 巴哈姆特哈拉區: 適配機型:系統版本:安卓2.2及以上系統解析度:320*480以上解析度 ★包羅最經典武俠萬象★令狐沖手持玉竹杖施展乾坤大挪移?田伯光身穿軟猬甲修煉降龍十八掌?四大名捕與全真七子大戰三百回合?在「大掌門」中,沒有什麽不可以! 「大掌門」盡數收納了金庸、梁羽生、温瑞安先生著作經典武俠小說中所有令人耳熟能詳的武林豪傑、神兵寶甲、武功絕學,在這裡你可以將蕭峰、小龍女、掃地神僧等多達200位知名俠士收入帳下,論劍華山爭奪倚天劍、打狗棒等神兵利器,更可以尋找殘卷集齊九陰九陽、六脈神劍、葵花寶典等蓋世神功,這裡,有著關於武俠的一切! ★新奇的緣分奇遇系統★金毛獅王遇到成昆?那就一定會捨命相拼。楊過與小龍女搭檔?那就一定是珠聯璧合! 「大掌門」在玩家收集門徒方面設定了新奇的緣分和奇遇系統,在組隊戰鬥時,如果有緣分的搭檔上場,或是裝配了身具靈性又遇得明主的神兵,那麼在戰鬥過程中己方隊伍就會發揮不同以往的威力。奇遇系統則為玩家提供了尋找神兵利器或是蓋世神功的另一條蹊徑,世外高人們全都躲在深山上、老林中、穀底里,只等你去闖關拜訪,更休閒,最有趣! ★獨特的傳功養成體系★星宿老仙,法力無邊!這星宿老仙最厲害的,無非就是吸人功力!當然,與此相對的傳授功力也是武俠小說中最最常見的橋段。 一代武林至尊成長的過程一定是會有血海深仇、身中奇毒、不幸摔下深淵、遇到瘋癲的世外高人、被傳上一兩個甲子的功力、練得神功、不小心撿到神兵、手刃仇人外加抱得美人歸,這當中最重要的?當然是接收功力!否則故事怎麼可能在主人公八十歲之前完結!打發時間遊戲不等於需要長時間掛機,遊戲有著獨特的傳功養成體系,讓你的角色培養方向更加自由、速度更加迅猛,像打電玩的動作遊戲一樣爽快,更堪比日系萌Q的卡通角色扮演RPG,限時免費的傳奇弟子更是不要錯過。 ★豐富的江湖故事情節★小龍女困在絕情穀底一十六年,待楊過找到她時,屋子里為何桌椅齊全!這個當年大熱門古天樂李若彤版《神雕俠侶》所藏的疑問,如今答案就在——「大掌門」! 「大掌門」將金庸、梁羽生、溫瑞安先生最經典的著作提煉為一部無數英傑亂入的大型線上武俠作品,不單單只將人物、兵器、武功融合,更將故事情節重新整理編排。玩家所扮演的掌門人將出現在眾多經典故事情節彙集的劇情中,諸多情節或是合乎情理,又或是爆笑的無厘頭,最好玩遊戲就是要讓玩家演繹出屬於自己的武俠世界,多人連線更刺激!卡牌形式更益智,比3D遊戲更貼近玩家。 ★激烈的萬人華山論劍★金庸先生筆下的人物到底誰的武功最高?最威也不過掃地僧?嘴炮很多年,沒有結果。那麼梁羽生和溫瑞安先生筆下呢?那麼金庸、梁羽生、溫瑞安先生所有筆下的人物相比呢? 華山論劍,一個所有武俠夢開始的地方,五星編輯推薦「大掌門」不但給了玩家為武林豪傑的身份、幫派、武功、兵器全數DIY的自由,更給了他們一條揭開武林至尊之謎的道路。想知道究竟武俠世界中誰才是真正的獨孤求敗嗎?那就請掌門廣收天下俠士,帶領自己的門人參加華山論劍,試看何人才能屹立於武林之巔!不論劍仙還是仙俠,都要在掌門人面前低下頭! ㊣大掌門大手筆 Gash點數大放送㊣1.活动日期4月3日至24日,下載程式評出星級並在"使用者評論"內寫出您喜歡「大掌門」的原因,同時留下您的角色ID和伺服器名,即可免费獲得Gash50點,獲獎用戶限200名,點數卡號將在5月3日前發放到您的遊戲角色信箱中,每位角色帳號限定領取一次。2.上一輪好康活動已結束,截止4月5日未在遊戲角色信箱內收到Gash點數卡獎勵的朋友,請移步問題回報快速解決通道,申明昵稱及伺服器后我們將會為您補發獎勵。※本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔導十五歲級。※本遊戲涉及不殘虐的血腥、殘暴、恐怖的畫面。
捕魚無雙傳奇千炮版(街機電玩達人)繁體中文版 1.5.27
◆◆ 街機廳動漫城最火爆刺激千炮捕魚遊戲!◆◆◆◆ 每日金幣送不停,更多好禮等您挖掘! ◆◆【遊戲特色】▼ 百分百真人聯機在線打魚,告別假聯網,帥哥美女上傳靚照約起來~~▼ 前所未有的全新3D制作BOSS,千炮狂賺~~▼ 每月都將增加新玩法~帶妳爽歪帶妳海~~▼ 全面移植街機千炮捕魚玩法及畫面,帶妳找回賺分的感覺~~▼ 大三元,大四喜,壹網打盡,定屏炸彈,全屏炸彈,海豚,金龍等等等等,各種玩法應有盡有~▼ 《子彈反彈》彈無虛發:子彈射出後可以反彈,子彈不落空,不會浪費金幣。▼《酷炫技能》鎖定、狂暴、極速、萬炮、定屏,變態技能助妳橫掃BOSS!▼《千炮街機》純正的街機千炮玩法,子彈無限反彈,加炮獎勵翻倍!▼《百種版本》金蟾捕魚,大聖鬧海,李逵劈魚,蛇行億年,100個版本,應有盡有,通關還送大量金幣!【遊戲優勢】★大陸最火的街機捕魚遊戲,遊戲內容豐富,有著多種元素。在開心捕魚的同時,帶妳暢遊美麗的海底世界;還可以體驗街機廳的快感,加入許多老虎機以及拉霸機的元素,遊戲裡面的幸運輪盤以及壹些趣味小遊戲,定會讓妳愛不釋手,街機捕魚達人掌中必備!★遊戲創新各種神技,鎖定、狂暴、極速、萬炮、定屏等技能助妳在深海捕魚中更加簡單粗暴,無論妳是電玩城高手還是新手小白,在遊戲中學會運用各種技能,再加上壹點點幸運捕魚就是這麼簡單,就是這麼任性!★如果妳總是孤單壹個人,交友困難戶,時常感到無聊,妳可以下載我們的捕魚遊戲;如果妳在漫長的公交、地鐵途中,妳可以下載我們的捕魚遊戲,隨時隨地給妳帶來捕魚樂趣,幫妳趕走無聊,讓妳不再孤單!★如果妳喜歡熱鬧,喜歡刺激,喜歡賭博帶來的快感,甚至會時常出入賭場。妳可以下載我們的遊戲,雖然我們的遊戲並不能像德州撲克這類帶給妳刺激,但我們遊戲裡面的輪盤遊戲等特殊環節能帶給妳不壹樣的樂趣,嘻嘻哈哈賭聖稱號就到手了。有了它,妳足不出戶,就能享受到無盡的樂趣!★ 趕快加入我們吧,加入鯊魚全民大戰的行列,讓我們在這海底世界橫掃天下,開創自己的捕魚時代,成就妳的捕魚傳奇吧!★ 海量金幣搭配神秘禮包,驚喜連連讓妳賺翻天!★ 邀請好友壹起踏上充滿傳奇色彩的捕魚之旅吧!!!【關註我們】官方微信公眾號:bywsol客服QQ:1727126893◆◆ arcade cartooncity'smost popular fishing stimulate one thousand artillerygame!◆◆◆◆ send non-stop daily gold, more gifts waiting for you to dig! ◆◆[Game Features]▼ hundred percent live online online fishing, farewellfakenetworking, upload Videos of hotties about it ~~▼ unprecedented new 3D production BOSS, one thousandartilleryKuangzhuan ~~▼ month will add new gameplay - take you cool crooked takeyousea ~▼ comprehensive transplant arcade one thousand fishing gunplayand screen take you earn points to get back the feeling ~▼ Big Three, Luckiest Man, One net play to do, set screenbomb,full-screen bomb, dolphin, dragon, etc., etc., all kinds ofgamesare played everything ~▼ "bullet bounce" eyesight: When can bounce bullets firedbulletsdo not fall, do not waste coins.▼ "cool skill" lock, violent, speed, Wan guns, fixedscreen,metamorphosis skills help u sweep BOSS!▼ "one thousand gun arcade" pure play arcade one thousandguns,bullets unlimited rebound, plus artillery reward double!▼ "one hundred kinds of versions of" toad fish, seaStorydowntown, Li Kui split fish, hunting billion years, 100version,everything, clearance gave a lot of gold!Games Advantages]★ continent hottest arcade fishing game, game content-rich, withavariety of elements. While fishing in the happy, take you tothebeautiful underwater world tour; you can also experience thethrillof the arcade, adding elements of many slot machines as wellasslot machines, roulette game inside the Lucky One more funandgames, will make u addictive, arcade fishing Daren handsmusthave!★ Game Innovation various nirvana, lock, violent, speed,Wanguns, set screens and other skills to help u in deep-sea fishingina more simple and crude, whether u are a master or a novicewhitegaming city in the game learn to use a variety of skills, Oneplusis that simple bit lucky fishing is so headstrong!★ If u always alone One person, friends hardship, often bored,ucan download our fishing game; if u In the long bus, subway ontheway, u can download our fishing game, anytime, anywhere to bringuto fishing fun help u get rid of boredom, let u nolongeralone!★ If u like fun, like the stimulation, like the thrillofgambling, even frequented casinos. U can download ourgame,although our game and Texas Hold'em give u such stimulus, butweplay inside the roulette and other special links can bring u donotlike fun One can not, like, laughing and joking Winner titleonhand a. With it, u staying at home, you can enjoy endlessfun!★ Come on and join us, join the ranks of World War IIsharkreferendum, let us in this underwater world swept the world,tocreate their own fishing times, the achievements of thelegendaryfishing u it!★ massive gold with mystical gifts, surprises It allows youtomake earthshaking!★ Invite friends from the foot on the legendary One fishingtripnow! ! !【Follow us】No public official micro letter: bywsolCustomer Service QQ: 1727126893
捕魚達人-大型機台打魚完美移植 7.51.09
Poker City
1. It is popular with more than 100 million players in Asia, sothatyou will never go to the game hall again! 2. It has been onthebestseller list for many times, a gorgeous multiplayer fishinggame!3. Real networking, thousands of people online, endless wavesandwaves!
1.2016電玩城多人對戰街機捕魚游戲!超爽超刺激!萬炮齊發!華麗貴賓場,娛樂無極限。2. 真人PK的捕魚游戲,真實還原浪漫捕魚,唯美畫面,真人搞笑配音提升趣味性。3. 一網打盡、大三元、大四喜、同類炸彈,全屏炸彈、能量炮等經典玩法4. 節日福利大贈送,海量金幣每天免費領取。5. 加入捕魚就送金幣,每天還有更多免費金幣,捕魚無憂。6. 海量金幣大放送,技能禮包送不停,每天都可以領取免費金幣和神秘技能禮包,讓你免費徹底體驗捕魚帶來的快樂!========================================================================【遊戲特色】1.逢年過節都有節日禮包。2.技能禮包每日贈送,免費使用功能,每日任務更多,領取拿到手軟。3.砲台不斷升級,更有超級雷電激光大砲,點擊立馬變土豪!4.3D立體BOS​​S海底閑庭信步,挑戰Boss:升級你的超級武器,使用獨門秘籍與Boss決戰到底!5.競技之王:參加聯網捕魚比賽場!體驗競技快感!6.冰封天地、鎖定BOSS,多樣技能,豐富玩法,更有神秘寶盒等你搶!2016年你也是捕魚達人!快來一起挑戰吧! !狹路相逢,砲兵必勝! !【聯繫我們】電話:4000696960客服QQ:3300435996客服邮箱:[email protected]官方微信:buyuchuanshuoFacebook line: multiplayergamingcity arcade fishing game! Ultra-cool super exciting! 10000cannonshair! Gorgeous VIP field, entertainment withoutlimits.2. PK real fishing game, true to the romantic fishing,beautifulpicture, real funny voice upgrade interesting.3. Clean Sweep, Big Three, Luckiest Man, similar bomb,full-screenbombs, energy cannon and other classic games areplayed4. Get the big holiday benefits, massive gold receive afreeday.5. Add fish would send gold coins, gold coins every day therearemore free, worry-free fishing.6. Mass coins big run, skill packs to send non-stop, every dayyoucan get a free gold and mysterious skill packs let youcompletelyfree to experience the pleasure of fishing!========================================================================[Game Features]1. The holidays have holiday spree.2. Skills gift packs daily, free use of the function, moredailytasks, receive get soft.3. Fort escalating, more super laser cannon thunder,clickimmediately change Tyrant!4.3D perspective BOS S seabed strolling, challenge Boss:Upgradeyour super weapon, the use of unique Cheats and Boss battlein theend!5. The king Athletics: Participation in networking fieldfishinggame! Experience the thrill of athletics!6. The frozen world, locking BOSS, diverse skills, richgameplay,more mysterious treasures waiting for you to grab!2016 you are fishing up! Come and challenge it! !Territories,artillery win! !【contact us】Phone: 4000696960Customer Service QQ: 3300435996Customer Service Email: [email protected] micro letter: buyuchuanshuoFacebook line: https: //
Fishing Champion 2.2
smart hand
Fishing Champion is a game in top 10 game in iOS App Store. ithas80 kinds of fish,200 levels! have fun! This is a fishing gameforfree, 200 clearances with different fishes, dual-mode of lifeandtime, in which you can enjoy the fishing as well as enrichyourknowledge on fishes at the same time. The background story ofthegame is the Gulf's annual world fishing contest, in Hawaii,wherethe fishing enthusiasts around the world gather, in the hopeofcompeting for the Champion title. In addition to the enjoymentofBay Resort in Hawaii, the fishing champion could also enjoy atripof Venice. So what are you waiting for? Pick up your fishinggear,and rush to Hawaii to experience the joy of fishing! if youlikefishing joy,fishing master,you will like this game. Features:1.Flexible mode of operation, a better experience of fishing.2.Different fishes in different clearances, a very goodvisualexperience. 3. A variety of props to increase the difficultyoffishing. if you like fishing joy or fishing master ,you willlikethis! watch video: us on Twitter :
武林群俠(新絕代雙嬌-劇情免費版) 1.0
㊣絕代雙嬌改编劇情,超好玩的RPG!㊣經典再現,角色扮演舍我其誰!贊!武俠RPG絕對巅峰之作,手遊江湖不朽傳奇!生死之戰在即,小魚兒與花無缺最終能否聯手破解驚天陰謀?江湖路上紅顔相伴雙修情侶技能,柔情鐵心蘭、潑辣小仙女、冷傲蘇櫻,左擁右抱不是夢。還有各式NPC爆笑出場,讓你體味不一樣的江湖路。《武林群俠-熱血江湖》(又名絕代雙嬌-武林外傳)完美再現經典小說《絕代雙嬌》,盡情體味書中主角之間錯綜複雜的愛恨情仇。支線任務別有洞天,還有開運輪等小遊戲讓你流連忘返,更有江湖志等你書寫不敗神話。集齊八大神器,挑戰心魔,即可逆天改命,主宰遊戲結局。注:本遊戲內語言爲中文(數萬字的劇情很難翻譯成其他語言,RPG遊戲特殊的文化背景也決定了這一點,請非中文玩家理解見諒…)【溫馨貼士】1、遊戲中請及時存檔進度,尤其在遇強敵前2、系統設置可取消半透明、震動及戰鬥閃屏【遊戲資費】遊戲免費下載免費玩,可免費激活全部劇情!部分特殊道具可以使用谷歌錢包選擇性購買,非強制請放心。【支持機型】本遊戲全面支持各種終端分辨率與熱門機型,尤其針對中低端機型進行完美適配。但是部分特殊屏幕(如960X540分辨率)會出現下方顯示不全的情況,請選擇性下載,也可以與我們客服郵箱聯系回報問題,謝謝。=============================《武林群俠-熱血江湖》評測(來自玩家cabbagexie)《武林群俠-熱血江湖》是一款非常受到玩家喜愛的角色扮演類遊戲,這款手機單機遊戲是由衆所周知的武俠小說《絕代雙嬌》改編而成,整個遊戲對原著之中的人物形象把握得還是相當到位的,當然與小說單一故事結局不同的是,在這款遊戲之中,你的所作所爲將決定著最終的結局的走向。【遊戲開頭】★★★★遊戲開篇有一句話“是不是選擇任何方向,都會遊向同一宿命呢?”,這句話已經揭示了這款遊戲的主題,到底你在遊戲之中的選擇會不會達成不同的結局呢?你是否有能力逆天改變自己的命運呢?盡管地來嘗試一下吧。【遊戲特色】★★★★★坐騎系統:遊戲一開始便可以把十分帥氣的機關獸收爲坐騎,行走速度大大提高,一方面增強了玩家的遊戲體驗感,另一方面又加快了打怪升級的速度。戰鬥系統:人物可以修煉多種武功技能以及被動身法,其它角色收入隊伍後還可以習得十分強力的合體技。戀愛養成:敢愛敢恨的張菁,孤高冷傲的蘇櫻,柔情似水的鐵心蘭,你到底喜歡誰呢?遊戲之中你做出的種種選擇將決定最後的結局。【遊戲畫面】★★★★遊戲最出彩的地方就是遊戲之中幾個主要人物的肖像刻畫了,基本上都十分的有表現力,將各個人物的性格都分明的體現了出來。其它值得稱贊的一個小細節在于人物對話中加入了表情系統,十分生動的將人物心理狀態表現出來了。【遊戲操作】★★★★【2】鍵、【8】鍵、【4】鍵、【6】鍵:向上下左右移動角色;【5】鍵:確定、對話、開啓寶箱;【7】鍵:劇情提示;【9】鍵:機關神獸;【3】鍵:無鬼窟;左軟鍵:確定、遊戲中調出商城菜單;右軟鍵:返回、遊戲中調出角色屬性菜單;【總結】★★★★★優點:RPG上乘之作!感動人心的愛情故事,在多位女性之中做出自己的選擇吧!缺點:裝備系統相對比較單調,希望可以繼續努力。玩家QQ群:221446216客服郵件:[email protected]
捕魚達人2 1.2.0
漁の達人 1.6
Fishing Master Mania 1.0
qop apps
An interesting fishing game FishingMasterManiais free at your phone now! If you enjoy fishing joy,want tobe fishhunter, or you may dream to have your own tiny fishfarm,youshouldn’t miss this fisher game!Rich game contente with a variety of funny elements. Thereisnotonly touching oriental mermaid and beautifulunderwaterworld.Besides, you can also enjoy the exciting of thearcade.You’ll actas a fisher and have a deep-ocean experiencecatchingmagnificentspecies of fish. Mermaid, ferocious shark eventortoisethat onlyappears in legend are swimming in your hand now.Catchthem andthey will give you substantial award.Touch your phone to indicate the direction of shooting;yourfishcannon will fire net to catch fish on its way. You willhavethechance to catch all the fish within the diameter and youwillberewarded with coins. There are Treasure Chests for youtodiscover.They are carried by those shinny fish, catch them togetmore coinsand even dolls!Fantasy fishing sailing world tour, joined the adventureofpeoplefishing, hunting boss traveled major fisheriesspecies.
Fishing Together! 1.02
The best party game on Android for1-4players!Are you ready for catching fish?-Tap to shoot the fish-There differnt effects in different fishs-A game for 90 seconds, compare scores with your friends!keyword: king of opera, fishing joy, run with friends,socialgame
Ocean Kingdom-Fish Catching 1.3
[Summary]--Catching fishes in a casual way!The ocean is still and there are so many kinds of fishswimmingbeside rocks. Get ready your fish gun and catching thoseamazingfish with your fingers and during that time you will finddifferentfish waves in that deep ocean.[Features]---vivid fish in deep ocean---many kinds of fish gun to switch---super lather gun available---extra daily bonus
TapBurst - Addicting & Awesome 2.1.9
The most TapBurst - Addicting &Awesomegame TapBurst now released on Android! AND FREE!Do you know which is the most flexible finger of you?Come on and play this free most addicting free game, TapBurst!Special thanks Dinner give us advice on TapBurst gameplay.THIS IS FUN AND A GREAT FREE GAME! Lol but there shud be aoptionwhere we cud like add time if we get over 70 taps :) That wudbegreat. -- Dinner at 28th Jun 2012"TapBurst" is A awesome free game. Its always fun. --VioniNiyomugaboWow, this is bubbly game like it... -- Shamcey zombie girlMy cousin introduced me to this awesome game. I quickly found outonhow truly addicting this free game is to competitive andperformanceoriented people. -- Gooter67sometimes simple is best. My brother and i made a drinking gameoutof this. -- teddy west side"TapBurst" is so addicting, me and my mate trys to beateachotherwhen were bored in maths (; -- Rach5997Simple, clean and fun. Exactly the awesome game you need whenyoujust have a little bit of time to spare. Or a lot oftime...TapBurst is so addicting! -- Jason Pawlak★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★Do you know how fast can you tap?Do you know which is the most flexible finger of you?Do you know who is the fastest tapper?Come on and play this most addicting & awesomegame,TapBurst!* Features:- Two finger mode- Level challenge mode- Global leaderboard- All FreeRecently Tested Device:Motorola DroidMotorola Droid2Motorola DroidXMotorola DefySamsung Galaxy SSamsung Galaxy S2Samsung Galaxy S3Samsung Galaxy NoteSamsung Galaxy AceSamsung Galaxy MiniSamsung Galaxy GioSamsung Galaxy YSamsung Galaxy S PlusSamsung Galaxy NexusSamsung FascinateSamsung Epic 4GSamsung GTT-Mobile G2LG OptimusLG AllySony ST25iHTC Desire HDHTC EspressoLike: us: [email protected]
Sheepo Hunt - Wolf Prey Sheep 1.11.4
Play as a hungry wolf, dodge thebomb-sheep,hide in bushes, dash to hunt the sheep down. make combosfor huntdown preys rapidly, check your talent of be a hunter!Tips:- If you eat Mochi-Sheep inside bush, other Mochi-Sheep willspotyou!- Mochi-Sheep will be smarter and faster- Yellow Mochi-Sheep are faster, smarter and offer more points,tryambush strike for themHighlights:====================================• Boundaryless hunting ground• A.I. from simple to smart• Stuff endless Mochi-Sheep into the bottomless stomach ofthewolf• Adorable characters with vivid animation• Compete with your families & friends bylocalleaderboards• Game Center / Game Service support• Social share support• HD tablet supportedRate us if you like “Sheepo Snake", the more good ratings, themorecontents we will add!More fun games on: news from us on:Facebook: on Twitter: fun!!Marugemon Team
Speedy Fish 1.0.6
Magma Mobile
Speedy Fish is a simple but very addictive game.
FunGames Plus
捕鱼四海龙王 20.1.0