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Tipsy Tip Calculator 1.1.2
Calculate your tip in seconds withtheWorld'seasiest and most powerful tip calculator. Includes:tipcalculator,bill splitter, sales tax by location, custom valuesanddefaultsettings.** Tipsy covers what 99% of tip calculators can do injustthefirst step: Tap the top and enter in your value. Yourtip,tippercent and total will show up automatically.** How about a custom tip percent? Tap the tippercent.Tippercent presets show up with their amounts next to them.Pickoneand you're good to go. Want to tip 3%? Just tap theup/downarrowsor tap the value and a tip calculator will pop up soyou canenterin your tip manually.** What about tax? There's a big button in thecalculatorthatshows the tax percent where you are right now. OnlyTipsyTipCalculator has a sales tax calculator with every zipcode,everyCanadian province, as well as Europe, Australia, mostofSouthAmerica and much of Asia built right in.** Tipsy Tip Calculator is also the only tip calculator toletyousplit the bill between individuals, couples and groups ofthreeallat the same time and show all of them on the same page(couplespaytwo portions and groups of three pay for three). Whencombinedwithcustom values and separate tips for each row, Tipsy'sbillsplitteris the most powerful, easiest and fastest in anyapp.** And the best part is Tipsy Tip Calculator is 100%FREE!Forsuch amazing features, no other app even comes close.Get Tipsy Tonight!