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CELL6–share,connect,recommend 1.47
Mach Ten
The CELL6 social experiment: toputintopractice the six degrees of separation byintroducingandrecommending friends to one another.CELL6 was started on the premise that we are allinterconnectedinsome way. We have all experienced first-hand theso-called'SixDegrees of Separation' and despite the infinitepossibilitiesofmultiple connections, we still crave the intimacyof closepersonalrelationships where we can be: our trueselves.CELL6 aims to make social interactions more personal,byfocusingon your 6 most meaningful mobile relationships.CELL6 uniquely allows 2 different user profiles, sothatusershave the ability to maintain both a public and aprivatepresenceeasily.WHY USE CELL6:- FREE: once you and your friends download the app,youcanCONNECT with your friends as much as you like, sendmillionsofmessages for free;- PERSONAL: chat with all your friends, but especially withyour6closest friends: your INNER CIRCLE;- MULTI-MEDIA: send quick pictures and chat messages;- 2 DIFFERENT PROFILES: for example one profileforfamily/parentsand another for friends;- CONTACTS LIST: the address book will show allyourfriendsenjoying the CELL6 app and you can invite other friendswhoare notyet enjoying CELL6;- EXPERIENCE POINTS: the more one uses the app andearnsexperiencepoints, this unlocks recommendations for morefriendsoffriends;- INCREASE YOUR NUMBER OF FRIENDS: get your friendstointroduceyou to new friends or you introduce two of your friendstooneanother;- CELL6 ALWAYS ON AND CONNECTED: no pin or username, noneedtologin in/out;- SOCIAL PLATFORM: post content for the rest of the worldtosee,so other people can SHARE your experiences;- SWEET PAGE: follow your favorites like celebs orathletes,bymarking them sweet, so they appear on your sweetpage;- NO INTERNATIONAL CHARGES: interact with friends allovertheworld for free, so long as they are also using theCELL6app.