Top 17 Apps Similar to 갤럭시S3 툴박스::IMEI 백업, DPI 밀도 조절

imeiRepairTool 1
This program useful for backup yourefsfolder.When your imei show Null/Null or imei starting 0049 you caneasilyrepair your imei.Our program working every Samsung Galaxy devices.(Tested).This program need some root permissions.We are not responsible any problems.
EFS Manager(IMEI)-Note4 5.9
*Request to users who sent missing modelinfopreviously, send me your details again if your device isn'tyetadded using the newer version of this App.*With this App, you can easily backup your Note 4's EFS on atap.A must have app for your precious and expensive phone.Features-1. Backup EFS in your InternalSdCard/External SdCard(optiontochoose where to backup!)2. EFS is backed up in two different formats i.e. '.img'and'.tar.gz'.3. AIO App! No other app or additional app required forothervariants! You can choose your variant and backup easily.4. Inspite of EFS backup, it backs up additional efspartitions(m9kefs1,2,3). These partitions store imei and radioinfo.Thoughthese aren't very important rather it's a safe gameplay. Otherthan this, it backs up modemst* partitions which storesadditionalEFS info.5. No risk of accidental clicks, all variants arecategorized.6. Simple and easy UI.7. Ability to send me your device info in a singleclick(Needs*ROOT*).Requesting to add your device in the list-Open the app and tap on "Your model not listed? Send me a mail.Taphere" button below. It will automatically get your build.propandpartitions table insdcard/mannyvinny_EFS_Backup/Attach_here.zipand open mail. Afterthat,attach the file mentioned above and sendit to me,easy asthat!
IMEI Editor Free 1.0
Xposed Module for editing IMEI number.If you don't know about Rooting and Xposed Framework,pleasedon'tinstall this.Try Pro version for unlock all features.How to:1) Install Application2) Activate in Xposed Framework3) Edit value in App4) Reboot phone (Sometimes restarting systemui also works)5) Check value by dialling *#06#Note : Please make sure module is activated before doing.
IMEI (EFS) Manager Note3 1.0
With this app, you can easily backup yourEFS(IMEI) and modemst partitions. You can backup in InternalandExternal sdcard that best suits you. This app backs up your EFSintwo different types and in two files. First backup is in.imgformat and second is in .tar.gz format. Also,there are twobackupsof EFS at same time. One backup is named as efs_vinny.imgandsecond in efs_(date).img. This way,you will be 110% sure andriskfree. Also, there's Successful and failed status ofbackup.Note-You can request your model if it's missing in the list.
IMEI Analyzer 1.1.9
A powerful tool for IMEI Analyzing, IMEI Checking andIMEICalculating.
imei-unlocker | Network unlock 2.1.0
Official app of the Here you can factoryunlockyour phone.
IMEI Kit+Reviver Free(N7100) 6.0
This is a tool to revive your phone from an expensive pieceofplastic to a working phone. With this app, you can easily getyourphone out from permanent safe mode in a single click.Permanentmode occurs on deleting your EFS. Once you get intoPermanent safemode, it's bit difficult to fix the problem and getyour phone inworking condition. Usually this problem is fixed byprovidingcommand in terminal and flashing fixes via recovery. Sothis iswhen this app comes handy to ease the process,Along with fixing the safe mode, this app also gives you abilitytoeasily backup and restore your EFS(IMEI). You can easily backupandrestore your EFS in a single click. Please note that tinkeringwithEFS is risky.App has user friendly UI, meaning there are some safetymeasuresimplemented to prevent accident clicks. On clicking'Restore', itasks for confirmation without directly restoring itsince touchingEFS anyway is dangerous.Note that backups are stored in "sdcard/manny_efs_backup"folder.App will backup EFS in two different formats, one is ".img"andsecond is ".tar.gz". This is to be double sure that EFSbackuptaken is safe.Free version lacks fixing Permanent Safe Mode. Upgrade toProversion to get it.
IMEI 1.1
Edy Developer
Simple and informed app to get your deviceidand network cellular.* Show network as image.* Copy IMEI to clipboard.* Send IMEI via message or mail.* Show description of network and IMEI.* No ads 1.6
Get to know your device IMEI (selectfrommenu).The IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is auniquenumber to identify GSM, WCDMA, and iDEN mobile phones, aswell assome satellite phones.Application allows you to check details for any IMEI.Please contact via email if app crashes on your device oryouwish to report a bug. This way we can exchange details aboutyourissues. Giving app bad review because it does not work onyourdevice helps no one. Thanks.
SIM Card Information and IMEI 1.1
Displays information of your SIMCard,including IMEI code and other parameters, if you need it,choosinginformation and sharing it is able by multiple options likeemail,clipboard or social networks.Thanks to our app you will be able to see contacts youhavestored in your SIM card too.-- Do you want to know what information about yoursimcard are you going to discover*? --*Depending SIM and mobile phone compatibility- IMEI code- SIM status- Serial Number- Operator code- IMSI- Voicemail number- Phone type- ISO country network- Network code- Network name- Network type (GPRS, EDGE, EGPRS, 3G, UMTS, HSPA, 3G+, HSPA+,4G,5G when available)We are checking this app on multiple network operators(Vodafone,Orange, TelMex , Movistar , China Mobile , Verizon , AT& T, NTTDOCOMO, Deutsche Telecom, France Telecom, AmericaMobile, SprintNextel, Telecom Italia, Softbank Mobile, MTN,Vivendi,China Unicom, Bharti Airtel, SK Telecom, STC, Telenor and etc.)Please, feel free suggesting us improvements youthinkappropriate.Thanks.
IMEI Unlock 1.0
Unlock by IMEI today!How it Works:IMEI unlocking is the simplest way to unlock your phone. TheIMEInumber is a unique 15-digit identification number for yourphone,which is displayed when you press *#06# on your phone'skeypad. TheIMEI is also printed on the back of your phone, usuallyunderneaththe battery.Once you submit your IMEI to us, we will retrieve the 8-digitunlockcode for your phone via a remote database .To enter the codein yourphone, simply insert a different SIM card (from any networkbut theone that your phone is locked to) and enter the unlock codeat theprompt.Once your phone has been unlocked, you will never need to enterthecode again, even if you upgrade the software (flash) or hardresetyour phone.Why is this App Different than other Unlock Phone Apps?■ We Offer the Cheapest Price on Google Play■ Same day (Almost Instant) Customer Support.■ We are customer focused.■ Social Media Friendly.■ Weekly Free Giveaways (Ex. Unlock Codes, SIM Cards)■ Different time frames for better pricing if you are inabudget.■ Easy to Use■ No AdsIMEI Unlock is supplier of network unlock codes and is adirectsource. The term "Unlocking" in our case refers to removingtherestrictions network carriers put on phones. Once the phoneisunlocked in can be used with any GSM carriers. SIM Locks mayalsobe referred to as the Network Lock, Service Provider LockorSubsidy LockWhat phones can we unlockWe can unlockBlackberryHTCIPhoneLGPalmPantechMotorolaNokiaSamsungSonyZTE+MoreWe provide the unlock code for your cell phone remotely viaemail.And we do it accurately fast and provide fullinstructions.What are the benefits of unlocking a phone with you?* Increases the resale value of the phone. Now your phonecanwork with over 400 carriers worldwide.* Reduce Roaming Fees. If visiting another country use theirpopularsim card* Switch Providers you may have a better rate.* Its Greener. Use your phone for backup on the carrier yourwithnow rather then throwing it out.* Once your phone is unlocked with us, it is permanentis it easy to input the unlock code?Absolutely if you can dial a phone number, you can put inyourunique unlock code for your phone. Instructions are includedwithevery order.Why Choose us?Fast, Accurate, Guaranteed. Our servers our online 24/7. OnlyPayfor the Unlock Code You Need.Mobile operators all over the world are locking their mobilephonesto work only in their own network. They want to prevent asolutionthat you buy a cheap phone from operator A and then useserviceswith the same mobile phone from competitive operator B,becausethey can cover the costs of subsidy only if they charge yousomeadditional services and charges (in this case for usingtheirservices).All manufactures trade names/logos are for reference use onlyandare in no way connected to our products. All logos, pictures,names,and brands are registered by their respective owners. Thisappprovides information consumers need to lawfully unlock theirownpostpaid cell phone for the sole purpose of lawfully connectingitto a wireless communication network. This app is not responsibleforthe use or misuse of information provided to consumers. Thisappwill vigorously defend rights to free speech, private property,andother civil liberties against any abuse.
IMEI 2.1.8
View IMEIs from your smartphone or tablet. Just open the appandyou're done.
Get Device ID, IMEI, MAC Addr 1.2
Simple app to get your Device ID/Android ID, IMEI, WiFiMACAddressthat allow you easily copy to clipboard the ID ofyourmobiledevice. An ideal tool for both developers and user.
İmei Query & Validate 4.1.6
The IMEI number of your deviceinterrogationprogram can query the IMEI number quickly and canverify.Interrogation of IMEI numbers registered in the result, youcanlearn that is of indifferent or stolen record.for use in the country of the devices brought from abroad toTurkeyit must be registered.This Application: IMEI number, the results show occasionalinquiryby the e-government website.used as an official document.Note: It refers to the number is not recorded in any place.collective questioning, collective verification
Valida IMEI 2.2.0
Valida IMEI es una aplicación que permite consultar si el IMEIdeunterminal móvil se encuentra reportado en una base dedatosnegativa.Además de aprovechar de la consulta básica, usuariosdeValida IMEIpueden usar la cámara del terminal móvil paraescanearel IMEI de uncódigo de barras, también ingresarautomáticamente supropio IMEI.¿No te parece útil escanear códigosde barras oguardar el historialde validaciones? si es así descarganuestraversión Valida IMEILite, por supuesto al igual que éstagratuita.
Unlock your Phone via IMEI 2.84
Unlock your phone via IMEI fast, safe, and permanent withdoctorSIM.
IMEI Tools :: 간편하고 빠른 편리한 앱!! 1.5.0
#################################본 앱은 루트권한이 있어야만 동작하니루팅된 유저만 사용하시기 바랍니다.#################################--업데이트를 하면서 설치나 실행이 잘되지 않는 경우,앱을 제거하신 후에 다시 설치해주시기 바랍니다!※이 앱을 사용해서 일어나는 불이익에 대해 개발자는 아무런 책임을 질 수도, 지지도 않습니다. 이 점유의해서사용해주시기 바랍니다.지원 기기 :넥서스 S,갤럭시 넥서스,갤럭시 S/K/U,갤럭시 S2/S2 LTE/S2 HD LTE,갤럭시 S3 3G/LTE,갤럭시 노트,갤럭시 노트2※ 지원 기기는 계속해서 추가될 예정입니다.안드로이드OS의 경우, 가끔씩 IMEI라는 녀석이 증발하거나 잘못되어서 통신이 불가능하게 되는 경우가있습니다.그래서 이 녀석을 제때 백업하지 않으면 유상수리를 받아야하는 경우가 발생합니다.그 일을 최대한 방지하기 위해서 이 앱을 개발하였습니다.사용법은 앱을 실행하신 다음 먼저 백업을 하신 다음에나중에 IMEI가 잘못되어 통신 등이 불가능할 때 복구를 눌러줏니다음 재부팅을 해주시면 됩니다.백업하시고 외장메모리의 IMEI_Tools란 폴더 안에 IMEI폴더, 그리고 그 안에 파일들이 들어있는지 꼭확인을해주시기 바랍니다.