Top 16 Apps Similar to 軍用羅盤 : Mcompass

Ncc Feng Shui Compass 1.9.5
NccSoft Inc.
Compass tool for numerology and feng shui masters
Accurate Compass Pro
An accurate and useful compass in yourpocket!Accurate Compass has a great 3D view along with an intuitiveuserinterface. This tool works exactly like a normal compass andiseasy to use for:-checking (magnetic) North, South, East, and West,-navigating unfamiliar places,-finding out the bearing of objects in the distance,-or just checking which way your garden faces!The compass also shows the bearing (in degrees) in a side windowandits 3D view will work even when your device is not heldparallel tothe ground.This app is the same as Accurate Compass, but withouttheadverts!Note that this app relies on the magnetometer of your mobiledeviceso accuracy may vary. Also, please check that your deviceisn’tbeing affected by a magnetic field. There is advice oncalibratingyour device within the app.
智能風水羅盤 (專業版) 2016.11.26
智能風水羅盤「專業版」提供「家居」、「辦公室」及「商業」風水佈局分析及建議,最適合各行各業的「老闆和員工」及「專業風水師」使用,其流年飛星佈局亦著重於催財旺運,升職加薪之功能。「專業版」其他功能包括︰「五運」至「九運」、「三元九運」、「八宅法」、「流年飛星」及「九宮飛星」的分析及建議佈局,「專業版」的收入主要使這項目能夠長期發展,因此希望大眾能多多支持。基本原理:本軟件是基於「三元九運」、「八宅法」和「九宮飛星」這三套相當有系統的理氣風水原理而設計。根據電子羅盤或輸入的大門方向,程序先使用「三元九運」確定這居室的整體吉凶性質如「旺財旺丁」、「損財傷丁」等等而提供風水指數。同時程序亦以「八宅法」找出居室內之吉凶位置如「財位」、「凶位」等等,從而提供建議讓用戶決定室內房間及家俱之最佳位置。最後本程序還使用每年的「流年飛星圖」找出當年之病位、桃花位、財位及文昌位,作催財、化病、催桃花或人緣、和旺考試及讀書之用,而「九宮飛星」功能是根據「玄空紫白訣」理論進一步詳細地分析家居與及辦公室的風水佈局。「專業版」主要功能:01. 電子羅盤02. 十字線、水平及準確度測量功能03. 支援手動輸入大門度數04. 支援五運、六運、七運、八運及九運 ***05.「格局分析」根據「三元九運法 」及「命格」06.「八宅法」之詳細解釋及佈局建議07.「流年飛星」之詳細解釋及佈局建議08.「九宮飛星」之詳細解釋及佈局建議09. 風水紀錄10. 風水錦囊11. 新增各式各樣家居平面圖選擇,使分析更易上手12. 相機佈局功能免責聲明:此軟件建議的風水布局只作參考,內容及程序都可能有所不足,惟彼等並不擔保這軟件產生的資料之準確性及可靠性,且概不會就因有關資料之任何不確或遺漏而引致之任何損失或損害承擔任何責任。大眾亦應明白玄學命理並非精密科學,命運總要靠自己掌握。
地質羅盤 2.3.10
Geological compass is best to use, record, display, upload,share,once done!
FengShui Compass 2.5.5
an easy to use FengShui Compass app
數位風水羅盤 1.0
Disk Level 1.4
Thomas Wu
level compass Abney gradienter disk disklevel
最适合中国人的万年历,集日历、农历、记事、提醒于一身的生活助手。苹果商店同类应用下载量No.1,一亿用户的信赖,最受欢迎的日历,众多电子市场装机必备软件。【产品简介】①日历:黄历宜忌、节日节气、吉日查询、历史查询;② 提醒:会议、记事、待办、日程管理、生日提醒、日记本;③天气:天气动态、未来一周天气、PM2.5污染提示;④ 特色功能:星座运势、资讯卡片、周公解梦、观音灵签、财喜罗盘、安全期管理、人体节律、马年运程。【产品特点】①最全面的日历查看功能,随时掌握日期,您的时间管理专家!②界面简洁,不冗余,凸显中国风,做最优质准确的中国日历万年历!③更多实用功能,将时间与事件结合,高效生活!④完美继承和延续中国传统文化!
Sensor tracker/monitor/tester 9.0.1
phone rock
Comprehensive tracking changes in a varietyofsensors, allowing users at a glance, is your essential softwareandutilities for monitoring / testing sensors availability .Supporttypes of sensors: accelerometer, gravity, linearacceleration,gyroscope, orientation, rotation vector, magneticfield, proximity,light, temperature, pressure. The application alsosupports adjustthe refresh rate, swipe left to slow down therefresh rate, swiperight to speed up the refresh rate. All sensorscan be tracked inreal time on the same interface. This applicationcan test thephone hardware support which sensors, list supportedsensors, andyou can test the actual availability of the sensors.Thisapplication can display the last 60 seconds of the historicaldatagraph. Sensors have a wide range of uses, here are afewapplications using sensors: metal detector, magneticfielddetector, pedometer, compass, level instrument.Supportedlanguages: English, French, German, Italian, Russian,Chinese,Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Arabic, Hebrew, Indonesian,Malay,Portuguese, Spanish, Ukrainian, Dutch, Turkish , Polish,Estonian,Romanian, Norwegian, Belarus, Thai, Vietnamese,Greek.
123找財位-用相機找財位(風水師AR版) 1.13
GPS HUD Speedometer Plus 3.51
Perform acceleration tests, and save, review, and share yourtravelrecords.
Compass Pro+DualGradienter+Car
Cloud95 Compound Compass Pro + Dual 2 Axis Gradienter+CarHUD(Head-Up Display) reverse compass If yourcompassabnormallywork! Please write down the Model Name what beshowed onAPP start,then notice us. We shall FIX it ASAP! Thankyourassistance verymuch! First Compound Compass include ReverseCompassfunction forcar HUD to front window: Top of phone isdirectionalantenna。Placeyour phone under car's front window,the topof phonemust point atcar head then compass show the rightdirection;but thewords ofinverted image on front window are upsidedown,hard toidentify!Reverse Compass function use the Tail of phoneasdirectionalantenna to support car HUD to front window,easy toread!Functions:1. Left Top Button:Lock / Unlock Lock:Real timemeasuringstateUnlock:Lock measuring state 2. Left BottomButton:Reverse /NormalReverse:Normal mode,the Top of phone isdirectionalantennaNormal:Reverse mode,the Tail of phone isdirectional antenna3.Compass pointer:RED tip show North 4. CentralTop white wordswithblack background:show the direction of phone,and the anglewithNorth 5. Green bubble circle:Dual 2 AxisGradienter 6. RightTopRED words with WHITE background:FORWARD /BACKWARD tilt angleofphone 7. Right Bottom BLUE words with WHITEbackground:LATERALtiltangle of phone 8. Right Second Icon:Car bodylateral tiltindicator9. Right Third Icon:Car body rise / down tiltindicator10. RightCentral Button:Day/Night mode switch 11. RightBottomButton:GPSEnable/Disable switch 12. Right CentralUpperButton:Marker modeswitch 13. Right BottomButton:ClickCamera、Compass Icon to switchmode 14. Volume +:Zoom In15. Volume-:Zoom Out
Compass - with camera view 2.0
A very accurate compasswithmanyfunctions:Spirit level, magnetic field, geo data (location).With the camera function you can 'look through' yourdevice,focuson a point and get the exact cardinal point.Further features:* Choose individual layout colors* Portrait and landscape mode (optimized for tablets)* Location (GPS or network)* Spirit level: acoustic and visiual feedback,decimalplaces,calibration, x and y values can be swapped* The rotation in horizontal position can be measuredwiththecompass* Strength of the magnetic field is displayed* App can be moved to sd-card* ...INFO:- You can't take pictures with this compass. If you wanttotakepictures as well, get the 'Level Camera' app inthePlayStore.- The precision of the compass depends on your sensor.Magnetsandelectric fields have a magnetic field and thus have aninfluenceonthe compass.PERMISSIONS:'Location': only used to display your location.'Camera': camera view can be set as background.'Internet and network access' are needed to show thead.Thereforethe application is for free. Read the privacy policytoget moreinformation about advertisement and your data.PRO VERSION:To remove the ads you can buy the ad-free pro version 'CompassPro-with camera view' in the app store. In addition, youwillgetfurther features like:* Set visual and acoustic indicator with a tolerance.* Location can be displayed in decimal format.
Compass and leveler 1.2.5
Dunji Mobile
Compass and levelerCompass and leveler is simple and convenient.Neat design of the compass to operate quickly and accurately.On the screen, the horizontal / vertical / leveler in acircularshape to the movement of the terminals realistic andreflectedlight and shadow leveler in the actual product, as well asthemovement, such as intuitiveness horizontal for ease of set-upcanbe.Key Features* Response speed is excellent and unwavering compass is asimpleand accurate operation.* Horizontal / vertical / leveler in a circular shape on thescreen,depending on the slope of the terminal reflected light andshadow onthe leveler accurate and realistic measurements seem tooperatesimultaneously with the actual product works.* Button to reset the origin according to the shape of theterminalslope of the relative angle of the measurement may bemoreconvenient to use.* Pause / Resume button can be read easily as the horizontalscaleof the* Reset button in the terminal has its own stand back as theoriginof the horizontal can read.By rerunning the program, reset the run origin of each finally*leveler to maintain, because it can be used conveniently.* Can be a fast and convenient way to use the menu button orotherbutton without compass or circular leveler click to enlarge/shrink. (When zoomed Back button to shrink.)Etc.Thus, measurement error or there can be a difference intheprecision of the performance of the sensor built into thehandset*. 
Voice Compass 1.5
Just a simple voice over compass app. With this app you canhearyour direction.