Top 5 Games Similar to High or Low - Card Game

Higher or Lower Pro card game 1.2
Higher or Lower Pro - no Ads.This game is for entertainment only, no actual money can bewonor lostThis classic card game has been around in many differentformssince playing cards were first invented.In our version we start with 5 cards and 100 chips, your taskisto try and win as much as possible. You simply need to guess ifthenext card is higher or lower then the previous one, now youknowwhere we got the name from ;-)If you guess all cards right then you win. You can play asmanyrounds as you like building up your fortune. However you willonlyget a high score when you cash in and walk away withyourwinnings.Aces can be set to be high or low in the settings screen,bydefault they are low. You can also set if duplicate cardsaretreated as a win or not.Enjoy.This game is for entertainment only, no actual money can bewonor lost.
High Low 1.4
Its a game of High Low, you start off with$10and bet on weather the next card will be higher or lower. Howmuchmoney can you make?
Hi-Lo (High Low) 1.3
The classic card game High Low is asimpleyetfun game.Guess whether the next card will be higher or lower. Aces are low.- Guess all 8 cards right for bonus points and anextralife- Beat your own high scoreFree, no adsEnjoy!
Hi-Lo(High Low) Fast Card Game 2.6
Thiodor Del
Is the next card High or Low that the previous one? What itwouldbe?
High Low 1.1.0
Do you remember the mini slot gameinclassic'Burger House'?(It was a high-low game of matching cards hidden.)This app is similar to that.It is also a simple game rules.Simple test to try your luck today!GAME FEATURES:- A simple rule.(High or Low)- Graphics similar to a real trump card.- 7 game Game Result Analysis.‘High Low’ is a free download.You have nothing to lose.... Give it a try!‘High Low’ is ad-supported.Having problems? Any suggestions? We would love tohearfromyou!- Homepage: email:[email protected] Facebook: Low, HandyAppStudio.