Top 23 Apps Similar to 世界中文网集合 Chinese in the World

微信读书 7.3.0
Good books for free reading, no advertising experience!
斗地主-欢乐真人智能懂配合单机版 5.3.24
Good cards and more bombs! Fun to play with! Happy time!
海外中文网站 1.11
本应用旨在搜集所有受华人喜爱的海外中文网站,让您的手机只安装一个应用,就能访问世界各地的中文网站。并且,可以收藏自己经常访问的网站,收藏或分享自己喜欢的文章等等。目前已搜集的网站有:新闻类文学城未名空间留园BBC中文网多维新闻网万维新闻网贝可亲八阙世界新闻网侨报网华尔街日报中文网站美国之音美国中文网北美新浪博讯新闻路透中文网纽约时报FT中文网联合国新闻大纪元新闻网欧洲时报法广网苹果日报(台湾)苹果日报(香港)联合早报明报网站论坛类文学城未名空间留园贝可亲丫丫的港湾北美华人e网华夏文摘新语丝万维新闻网交友类亚洲交友中心未名交友两颗红豆爱相约红叶故事中国交友网美国华府网中国驻美国大使馆纽约华人资讯网我爱纽约大地360纽约中文网美国同城网波士顿生活网波士顿留学生网美国华人网洛杉矶华人资讯网美国生活在线北美在线缤纷休斯顿华人网易八达芝加哥侨学网旧金山湾区华人资讯网希望之声加拿大加国无忧约克论坛加西网北美在线加拿大家园网相约加拿大温哥华港湾蒙城华人网中国驻加拿大大使馆欧洲超级苹果网荷乐网德国热线欧洲时报法广网网鸟生活门户网新欧洲 - 战斗在法国亚洲东京华人网光华日报香港讨论区奋斗在韩国星洲网朝鲜日报网朝日新闻网迪拜中华网澳洲天维网澳洲新闻网亿忆网澳洲中文网澳洲华人移民生活互助论坛澳洲新快网中国驻澳大利亚大使馆中国驻新西兰大使馆
YanRadio - 全球华人福音电台收音机 4.8
There are Chinese, there are Chinese praise to God's voice. Lettheworld Chinese to enjoy the blessing of Christ.
Shopping and a good helper overseas Chinese living
Sin Chew 星洲日报 - Malaysia News 3.7.5
Sin Chew Daily App is here to understand Malaysia.
疯狂歇后语 2.5
Witty little friends come to play crazy, right twisters
下厨房-美食菜谱 8.8.4
Chinese recipes and more comprehensive, more populargourmetcommunity
天天古诗词 1.0.5
中国是诗歌的国度,在中国文学发展过程中拥有着重要的意义,它有着悠久的历史,甚至贯穿在整个中国史之中,从诗经到楚辞,汉赋,魏晋南北朝民歌,汉魏元朝文人诗到中国鼎盛之期的唐代的古风新乐府,格律诗,再到宋词和元曲,还有产生了现实主义、浪漫主义、象征主义多种艺术潮流的近现代诗歌,都是非常重大且具有文学价值的。本APP希望能给每个古诗词爱好者更好的阅读体验,详细的作品和作者介绍,更多分类,按照十多个朝代、五种作品种类(诗、词等)以及更全的作品的形式(按照内容、格律、语言、表态方式等百种)分类。能快速的找到你需要的古诗词。China is acountryofpoetry, has a great significance in the developmentofChineseliterature, which has a long history, and eventhroughouttheentire history of China, and from the Book of the Chu,Han Fu,Weiand Jin songs, Han, Wei Yuan Chinese literati poetry totheheydayof the Tang Dynasty, New Conservatory antiquity,metricalpoetry,to Song and Yuan Dynasty, as well as producearealism,romanticism, symbolism variety of artistic trends ofmodernpoetry,are very significant and has a literary value.The APP ancient poetry lovers hope to give each abetterreadingexperience, a detailed description of the workand,morecategories, according to more than ten dynasties, fivetypesofworks (poems, etc.) as well as more comprehensive worksform(inaccordance with the content, metrical, language,attitudeonehundred kinds of methods) classification. Can quicklyfindtheancient poems you need.
Bing Dictionary (ENG - CHN)
•Local/Online dictionary - localdictionarycovers > 100,000 most-frequently-used English andChineseentries. More entries, sentences and voice are provided inonlinemode.•Click-to-Lookup - no need to type, just start a new search bytwoclicks.•Search Suggestion - supports fuzz matching, candidates ofsimilarspelling or pronunciation are provided in online mode.•Machine Translate - supports machine translation in onlinemode(powered by the latest Microsoft translation engine).•Search history - saves your search history for easilyreviewing& data usage reducing.
中国智慧与谋略(简繁版) 7.5.0
Feel free to read through the Android phone or tablet,appreciation,study China thousands of years of wisdom andstrategy, enhancehumanities accomplishment.
NYTimes - Chinese Edition 2.0.5
NYTimes - Chinese Edition provides Chinese audience withthegreatest journalism
疯狂猜世界景点 2.5
World attractions guess the map, so you see them all
21财经 9.0.0
Official Client of "21st Century Business Herald"
rTerm 1.2.0
中文BBS Terminal软件-支持Telnet/SSH,SSH处于实验阶段,可能会出现异常断线等不稳定状况,现在还不建议普通用户使用SSH方式。-支持自动登录,在设置自动登录的用户和密码后即自动登录-支持URL识别,点击Url即可打开-支持简体中文(GB)与繁体中文(Big5)编码-支持快捷控制面板,直接通过面板基本可以完成浏览功能-支持手势ChineseBBSTerminalsoftware- Support for Telnet / SSH, SSH in the experimental stage,mayappearabnormal disconnection precarious situation, now isnotrecommendedthat ordinary users to use SSH mode.- Supports automatic login, automatic login settingautomaticloginuser and password after- Support URL recognition, click to open Url- Support for Simplified Chinese (GB) and TraditionalChinese(Big5)coding- Support quick control panel, the panel can becompleteddirectlythrough the browser function- Support for gesture
Mobile Life Location Service Portal
Passport 3.2
Passport is a powerful and beautiful password manager
古诗词典 2.6.10
这是一款拯救文艺退化症的古诗词应用,帮你秒懂古诗词。古诗词典收录了近10万首诗词,为您提供优质的诗词内容和注解译文,典雅的中国风视觉盛宴,涵盖各类诗词场景,帮助你全方位掌握诗词的注解和译文。主要特色:1. 诗词同步学该词典与专属配套人教版、苏教版等教材配合使用,让学习和课程结合;复习语文功课时,查看课程古诗词更省时间。2. 分段同步学配合小学、初中、高中语文教材使用,你可以在背诵诗词时添加收藏,系统会自动将古诗词同步到古诗词典应用中,为您智能安排学习和复习。3. 科学算法采用学习、复习两套科学的智能算法,自动根据你的记忆效果智能调整你的学习安排,固强补弱,重点突出,让你用更少的时间掌握更多的诗词。4. 丰富的词库提供唐诗、宋词、元曲、古诗、楚辞、全唐诗、全宋词等经典之作,帮助你学习诗词的注解、释义和鉴赏。5. 中国风主题儒雅中国风的精美设计,让你置身于如画般的诗意。我们立志为学生、家长、老师服务,以传播中华文字、弘扬传统文化为己任。有爱QQ群:326176803意见邮箱:[email protected] is a savingofancient poetry literary degeneration application to helpyouunderstand ancient poetry seconds.Ancient dictionary contains nearly 100,000 poems, poems provideyouwith quality content and translation notes, elegant Chinesestylevisual feast, covering all types of poetry scene to help yougraspthe full range of notes and translations of poetry.Key Features:1. Poetry synchronous learningThe dictionary with the exclusive support PEP, with the useofJiangsu and other materials, making learning andcurriculumintegration; language when reviewing homework, view thecourse ofancient poetry less time. 2. The segment sync schoolWith elementary, middle and high school language teachingmaterials,you can add favorites when you recite poetry, the systemwillautomatically sync to ancient poetry poetry dictionary app foryoursmart arrange study and review. 3. Scientific AlgorithmUsing learning, scientific review two intelligentalgorithmautomatically adjusts based on your memory effect yourintelligentlearning arrangements, solid strong complement weak andfocused, soyou have more time with less poetry. 4. rich thesaurusProvided Tang, Song, Yuan, poetry, Songs of the South, FullTang,Song and other classics whole, to help you learn poetryannotation,interpretation and appreciation.5. China Wind themeRefined Chinese wind elegant design, so you exposure topicturesquepoetic. We aspire for students, parents, teachers and services, in ordertospread the Chinese text, carry forward the traditional cultureofresponsibility. Love QQ group: 326 176 803Opinions E-mail: [email protected]
快乐猜灯谜 2.8
Puzzle game interesting riddles
nice music player - mp3 music 10.2.6
very careful selection of nice songs, and mp3 songs
200 Erhu Music 10.0.0
Mesmerizing erhu music, clear and beautiful scenery,extraordinaryenjoyment!
《弟子规》乌托邦有声读物 0.1.6
乌托邦,这个美丽的梦想,记载着无数人们对美好世界的无限向往……科技飞速,时空虚幻,信息爆炸,时光已经进入21世纪的第二个十年,我们内心深处的乌托邦所剩几何?!多少人们失去了自我抉择,更多的是被周边的环境和事务的发展所左右着,于是迷失的心灵无处安放,在变化万千、光怪陆离的花花世界中游荡,被迫地接受着各种负面能量……寻寻觅觅,期盼找到那纯净纯善的乌托邦,一片人间净土,将身心在这里安养,接受吉祥和正能量,于是,生活不再无助,而是快乐幸福美满如意平安健康……乌托邦21世纪•中国梦网站旨在宣扬高品质生活理念,以此聚集有志一同的人士,共同描绘心中的乌托邦,成就诸上善人俱乐部,铸就美好的人间。希冀有一天,大家能共同成就乌托邦的天下,将纯净纯善的环境布局于世界的每个城邑、聚落、阡陌、江河。真言若水,真水无香,随方就圆,润物无声。于此,我们志同道合的一群将借助于网络的无声平台,将宇宙万物的真理撒播。无论在世界的任何角落,我们都将共同分享这个虚幻世界的时空,互相提携,小心过好此世此生,并圆满成就不落遗憾的完美人生。乌托邦21世纪•中国梦涵盖7大事业群,即:1. 产品产销:引导高品质生活的产品销售;2. 乐龄关爱:包括线上养老院和独居老人关怀两个板块;3. 为人父母:旨在重立人根,引导父母生育和教养“为天地立心,为万民立命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平”的社会栋梁之才;4. 为人子女:重在扎根教育,发扬中华民族优秀传统,认祖归宗,亦即夫孝德之本也;5. 慢性病关怀:包括高血压、糖尿病、慢性胃炎和乳腺增生四常见种病。协助组织病友会,长期关怀;6. 实物银行:公益板块。社会上有太多的浪费,以此进行有效的调配——这边的收起,那边的送达;7. 施受媒合:为“施”和“受”的双方搭桥引路。在网站建设初时阶段,尤其需要志趣相投的朋友来协助,或全职、或兼职、或业余、或义务。因此,我们至诚地希望更多的朋友来共同建造这份高科技时代的纯净纯善平台,共同缔造21世纪的乌托邦国土……网站的筹备工作正在有序地进行中,有意愿加盟网站工作的朋友请将您的简历、您对乌托邦21世纪•中国梦网站的建站建议、您愿意并能够承担的工作范围、以及您对薪水福利的要求等等发至[email protected]信箱。由于筹备工作繁忙,未能回复或约请面试的朋友,我们提前请您见谅。感恩您的支持和理解!谨此,祝福大家 身心健康 家和业兴!Utopia, thisbeautifuldream, recorded countless people for a better world ofinfiniteyearning ......Accelerating technology, time and space fantasy, theinformationexplosion, the time has entered the second decade of the21stcentury, our deepest utopian remaining geometry? ! How manypeoplelost self choice, more is development of thesurroundingenvironment and the affairs of the left and right, sonowhere toplace the lost soul in the ever-changing, fast-pacedworld ofbizarre wandering, he was forced to accept a variety ofnegativeenergy ......Searching, look forward to find that pure and pure utopia, aPureLand, where the physical and mental nursing accept good fortuneandpositive energy, then, life is no longer helpless, buthappinesshappy wishful safe and healthy ......• 21st Century China Dream Utopia site aims to promote theconceptof quality of life, in order to gather who shared thesamedetermination to jointly depict the hearts of Utopia, ontheachievements of all the good club, created a better human.Hopethat one day, we can work together to achievement utopianworld,the pure and clean environment layout for each of theworld'scities, settlements, terraced rice paddies, rivers.Mantra is like, Zhenshuiwuxiang, with the square on round,softly.Here, we have a group of like-minded with the aid of asilentnetwork platform, will broadcast the truth of the universe.At anycorner of the world, we will share time and space in thisfantasyworld, mutual help, be careful too good for this world inthislife, and do not drop the successful achievement of a perfectliferegret.The utopian dream of the 21st century • China covering sevenmajorbusiness groups, namely:1. Product sales: boot sales high quality of life;2. Senior Care: including online nursing home care forelderlypeople living alone and the two plates;3. Parenting: Designed to re-Liren roots, birth andupbringingparental guidance "for the world heart, the destiny ofthe people,to go to San Following his secrets for eternal peaceopen," theonly pillar of society;The sons and daughters: Focus roots education, carry forwardthefine traditions of the Chinese nation, Renjieguizong,namelyhusband filial piety of this also;5. chronic care: including hypertension, diabetes, chronicgastritisand hyperplasia four common types of disease. Patientswill assistin the organization, long-term care;6. Real Bank: Public sector. There are too many wasted onsociety,in order to effectively deploy - away here, there'sservice;7. administered by the matchmaking: the "carrot" and "subject"ofthe two sides bridge the way.In the early stages of the construction site, in particular, weneedto help like-minded friends, or full-time or part-time, oramateur,or obligations. Therefore, we sincerely hope that morefriends tojointly build this high-tech era of pure pure andplatform, andjointly create the 21st century utopian land......Preparations for the site is in an orderly manner, and arewillingto work with friends to join the site please send yourresume, yourutopia of the 21st century • Build recommend ChinaDream website,you are willing and able to assume the scope of work,as well asyour salary welfare requirements, and so sent to [email protected] mailbox.Sincepreparations for the busy, failed to reply to an intervieworinvite friends, we ask you to forgive me in advance. Gratefulforyour support and understanding!With these, I wish you health and YEXING home!
Three hundred poems of Tang poetry, detailed annotationsandphonetic, supporting full-text search