Top 20 Apps Similar to SP Veg - Alimentação Saudável

Receitas Vegetarianas 2.2
Feeds they are rich with vegetarian recipes
Comida Vegetariana 3.0
For picky vegetarian this app comes with a good range of recipes
Is It Vegan? 3.1.5
Scan any food product UPC barcode to see if the product is vegan.
I'm Hungry: Vegetarian Recipes 15.0.38
Vegetarian recipes from around the world!
be veg 1.3.1
Ideia no Ar
O be veg é um app que te ajuda aencontrarestabelecimentos vegetarianos ou com as melhores opçõesveg maispróximas de você!!!The veg be is an appthathelps you find vegetarian establishment or with the best closervegoptions you !!!
Ricetta Vegetariana 1.0.0
Ricette Vegetariane Veloci, Light e Facili da preparare da tuttoilmondo per tutti i gusti e sapori! L'applicazione, sbarca finalmente nel PlayStore.Grazie allanostra app sarà facile e veloce trovare le vostreRicetteVegetariane preferite direttamente sul vostro smartphone otablet.Potrete filtrare i contenuti, accedendo alle varie tipologiediricetta a seconda di quello che più vi interessa come adesempioAntipasti Vegetariani, Dolci Vegetariani, ZuppeVegetariane,Hamburger Vegetariano e molte altre ancora. Ogniricetta presentenella nostra app è corredata da foto del piattofinale, dagliingredienti e tutti i passaggi necessari perrealizzaremeravigliosi piatti di cucina vegetariana. In aggiuntatroveretealtre utili informazioni quali tempi di cottura einformazioninutrizionali per conoscere fin da subito tempi ecalorie per ognipiatto. Potrete inserire le Ricette Vegetariane chepiù vipiacciono nella sezione Preferiti (cliccando sulla stellanellapagina della ricetta vegetariana che preferite) così dapoterlevisualizzare in un secondo momento senza dover cercare nellanostraraccolta di ricette vegetariane. Le Ricette Vegetarianepreferitesaranno così raccolte in un'apposita sezione presente nelmenudell'applicazione. In ogni ricetta potrete anche inserirecommentie suggerimenti e potrete condividerla sui vostri social.Altrainteressante sezione presente nell'app è quella relativaaiRistoranti Vegetariani presenti in tutta Italia, cheabbiamoraccolto e diviso per città (es. Ristorante VegetarianoRoma,Ristorante Vegetariano Napoli, Ristorante Vegetariano Milano,ecc)affinché possiate trovare velocemente il ristorante vegetariano/vegan più vicino a voi semplicemente accedendo allanostraapplicazione. Nella pagina dei Ristoranti troverete leinformazionidi contatto (indirizzo, telefono, email, ecc), la mappadi google ele recensioni dei clienti. E' infine disponibile unasezione perentrare in contattato con lo staff e per accedere ainostri social.
Guia Restaurantes Vegetarianos 4.0
Neste guia, você encontra mais de250restaurantes vegetarianos e veganos de diversascidadesbrasileiras. Este guia é um presente da Revista dosVegetarianospara você ter sempre em mãos e encontrar um bomrestaurantevegetariano, esteja você no sul ou no norte doPaís.In this guide, youwillfind more than 250 vegetarian and vegan restaurants invariouscities. This guide is a gift of the Vegetarian Journal foryoualways have on hand and find a good vegetarian restaurant,whetheryou are in the south or in the north of the country.
OLD Vegetarian Society Recipes 1.0
Vegetarian recipes by the oldest Vegetarian Society in the world
Tiendas Vegetarianas en Chile 2.2
Aplicación donde puedes observartiendasvegetarianas en un mapa.¡Qué te sea útil! :)Applicationvegetarianshops where you can see on a map.What will be useful! :)
Recetas Veganas y Vegetarianas 5.0.0
Recetas vegetarianas y veganas de todotipo:sopas, purés, ensaladas, postres, bebidas y más. La másdeliciosacomida vegetariana y vegana al alcance de tu mano conestassencillas pero exquisitas recetas. Con esta app derecetasvegetarianas y veganas aprenderás a cocinar deliciososplatillosrápidamente. Descargala de forma gratuita ahora en tumóvil.Si usted está buscando una aplicación de receta vegetariana,nobusques más! Nos hemos reunido las mejores recetas vegetarianasdecalidad en toda la web y les ha dado a usted en unaaplicaciónhermosa y fácil de usar. Sólo tienes que escribir lo quequierescomer y obtendrá excelentes sugerencias con fotosincreíbles.Esta es una manera fácil de encontrar muchas recetas vegetarianasyrecetas veganas. Tanto si eres vegetariano o vegano, obuscasmejorar tus habitos alimenticios, tenemos recetas para todoslosgustos.Disfrute de una cocina saludable con las mejoresrecetasvegetarianas y veganasVegetarian andveganrecipes all soups, purees, salads, desserts, drinks and more.Themost delicious vegetarian and vegan food at your fingertipswiththese simple but delicious recipes. With this app vegetarianandvegan recipes learn to cook delicious meals quickly. Downloaditfor free now on your mobile.If you are looking for an application of vegetarian recipe, looknofurther! We have gathered the best quality vegetarian recipesallover the web and have been given to you in a beautiful and easytouse. Just write what you want to eat and get excellentsuggestionswith amazing pictures.This is an easy way to find many vegetarian recipes andveganrecipes. Whether you are vegetarian or vegan, or are lookingtoimprove your eating habits, we have recipes for all tastes.Enjoy healthy cuisine with the best vegetarian andveganrecipes
Piccole Ricette 4.1.9
Over 3000 recipes for all tastes and every day a new recipe.
VegPeople - Famous Vegetarian 3.6.1
Looking for vegetariancelebrities?Famousveggie quotes or video of your favorite vegansstar?VegPeople is the app for you!Veg People is an app to know how many famouspeoplearevegetarians or vegans. It's an app to respondwithconcreteexamples of the classic questions that many peoplearisetovegetarians or vegans.In particular, each time we are told:Without eating meat is impossible to make physical activity!Show them the athletes present, in particular Carl LewisorDaveScott, Brendan Brazier and Ruth Heidric, winners ofIronman,themost grueling competitions of strength!vegetarians or vegans are all skinny and ugly!Show them all the actors and models, including BradPitt,KimBasinger, Leonardo DiCaprio, Gwyneth Paltrow andNataliePortman,to name a few!If you have to study you need animal protein and fish.Show them geniuses like Leonardo DaVinci, AlbertEinstein,IsaacNewton, Margherita Hack, Thomas Edison, Nikola Teslaand alltheNobel laureates present.You can not live without eating meat and fish!Browse the whole database made with more than 400 celebrity!Diet based on plant foods is ethical because itrespectsanimals,it is environmentally friendly because it respectstheenvironment,healthy because it respects the health, well-beingofyour body andyour mind.A vegetarian or vegan diet prevents many diseases suchascancer,cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes,osteoporosis,dementiaand Parkinson's.A Veg*n choice is cruelty free, anti speciesism and infavorofthe animal rigths.Go veg, go VegPeople!!!
Vandana Gardenia 1.2.4
The Vandana Gardenia Restaurant is one ofthefinest veg serving Andhra styled restaurant .Incepted in theyear2014 7th sept along with Udupi Grand Restaurant atBangaloreInternational Airport road.With the support of clients we are proud to announce that wehavecompleted 25 years of experience and stepping towards thesuccess.Popular for its tongue tingling taste and superior qualityfood,it's one of the finest restaurant. Our menu consists of alltypes ofAndhra dishes, each one is special with different flavorsandtaste.Our chiefs traditionally groomed, cook food on the ageoldtraditional homemade Andhra recipes and we at VandanaGardeniarestaurant set a hygiene food processing parameters incooking allour recipes.Our branches (Veg restaurant)Shrinidhi Group of hotelsNew sagar Fast foodShrinidhi sagar food campVandana Gardenia Restaurant is the perfect place to enjoy amealwith your family and friends.
Nice No Meat You! 2.1
Mauro Marcìa
A nice assistant for vegans and vegetarians!
Quorn Vegetarian Recipes 1.0
The Quorn Recipe app has 70mouth-wateringrecipes for all tastes, that will get your taste-budstingling.Classics such as toad in the hole, spaghetti bolognese andpastacarbonara. There are Italian dishes like risotto, lasagna,pizza.Asian specilaties like stir fries, curries, and noodles.Salads,ciabattas, casseroles, tagine, burgers and soups.Features:- Mouth watering photo of each recipe- Step by step instructions- Full ingredient check list- Nutritional information- Recipes from 16 different countries- Video Tutorials- Preparation and cooking time for each recipe- Recipe search tool- Bookmark favourite recipes- Share recipe photos using social networksRecipe categories:- AMERICAN- BBQ- BRITISH- CHINESE- INDIAN- ITALIAN- JAPANESE- MEDITERRANEAN- MEXICAN- MODERN EUROPEAN- MOROCCAN- PICNIC / LUNCH- RUSSIAN- SPANISH- THAIDisclaimer:Quorn is a tradmark of Marlow Foods Ltd. This is NOT anofficialQuorn app.
Guia da Cozinha Light 3.2
Aliar dieta e sabor não é fácil... Mas oappGuia da Cozinha light tem a solução: receitas deliciosas ecompoucas calorias!São 150 receitas saborosas, divididas entre doces,salgados,sucos e saladas. Tudo muito gostoso!Você pode selecionar as delícias que deseja, filtrandoporingredientes ou quantidade de calorias.Todas as receitas são classificadas com tempo de preparo e onúmerode porção exata que cada uma rende, para você se planejar.Alémdisso, o app ainda conta com a opção de você listar assuasfavoritas e prepará-las facilmente, sempre que desejar.São mais de 80 mil downloads. Ou seja: mais de 80 mil pessoasjácontam com uma alimentação mais leve e saudável. Que talcomeçarjá?-150 receitas light com fotos (doces, salgadas, saladasesucos)- Todas com tempo de preparo e rendimento de porções- Busca por ingredientes ou quantidade de calorias- Lista personalizada de favoritas-Compartilhamento por redes sociais e emailFaça já o download, melhore sua saúde e conquiste o pesodesejadose alimentando bem!Combine diet and tasteisnot easy ... But the app Guide Cooking Light has thesolution:delicious recipes and low calorie!150 tasty recipes are divided between sweet and savory juicesandsalads. All very tasty!You can select the delights you want by filtering by ingredientsoramount of calories.All recipes are classified with preparation time and theexactnumber of each portion yields, for you to plan. In addition,theapp also offers you the option to list your favorite andpreparethem easily whenever you want.More than 80 000 downloads. Ie: more than 80 thousandpeoplealready have a lighter and healthy eating. How aboutstartingnow?-150 Light recipes with photos (sweet, salty, saladsandjuices)- All with time for preparation and performance of portions- Search by ingredients or amount of calories- Custom list of favorite-Share by email and social networksDownload now, improve your health and conquer the desiredweighteating well!
VEBU 1.0.8
Die VEBU-App zeigt dir den Weg indievegetarisch-veganen Restaurants in deiner Nähe!Einige der weiteren Features sind:- Zugriff auf tagesaktuelle Informationen über alle VEBUAktionenund Berichte- Ermöglicht gekonntes Reagieren auf die gängigstenVorurteilemit dem Diskussionsleitfaden- Täglich wechselnde Zitate von vegetarischen Berühmtheiten- Funktion um sich oder Freunde zum VeggieAbo (30TageOnline-Schnupperkurs in die pflanzlicheLebensweise)einzutragen- Funktion um sich oder Freunde zumVEBU-NewsletteranzumeldenMehr über den VEBU:Der VEBU ist die größte Interessevertretung vegetarisch undveganlebender Menschen in Deutschland. Seit seiner Gründung 1892wirktdie Organisation mit gezielter Öffentlichkeitsarbeit daraufhin, denFleischkonsum in der Gesellschaft deutlich zu senken sowiedievegetarische Lebensweise als attraktive Alternative möglichstvielenMenschen zugänglich zu machen.Wir wünschen viel Spaß mit der App!Ihr VEBU-TeamThe VEBU App shows youthepath to vegetarian-vegan restaurants in your area!Some of the other features are:- Access to daily updated information on all VEBU actionsandreports- Allows skillful response to the most common prejudicesthediscussion guide- Change daily quotations of vegetarian celebritiesFunction to enter or friends to VeggieAbo (30 daysonlineintroductory course into the plant life) -Login function to be friends or to VEBU newsletter -More about the VEBU:The VEBU is the largest advocacy vegetarian and veganpeopleliving in Germany. Since its founding in 1892 theorganizationinteracts with specific public relations campaigns aimto reducemeat consumption in society and make clear the vegetarianlifestyleaccessible to as many people as an attractivealternative.Have fun with the app!VEBU your team
Vegan Recipes - Free Vegan Foo 3.2.2
Healthy and Tasty Vegan Food with Vegan Recipes Free App
Guia da Cozinha Sopas 2.1
Nada mais gostoso do que saborear uma sopanosdias frios, Além de aquecer, a sopa pode trazer diversosbenefíciospara a saúde, é por isso que o aplicativo Guia da Cozinhaganhouuma versão com deliciosas receitas rápidas, fáceis e práticasparavocê preparar onde estiver.Ele traz receitas:- Antioxidantes- Carnes e embutidos- Controle da pressão alta- Controle do diabetes- Cremes e caldos- Grãos e cereais- Para emagrecer- Sem glúten- VegetarianasAproveite essa novidade do Guia da Cozinha e tornesuaalimentação mais saudável e gostosa.Nothing tastes betterthanenjoying a soup on cold days, warm addition to the soup canbringmany health benefits, which is why the application GuideKitchen wona version with delicious recipes quick, easy andpractical for youto prepare where are.He brings revenue:- Antioxidants- Meat and sausages- Control of high blood pressure- Diabetes Control- Creams and broths- Grains and cereals- To lose weight- Gluten Free- VegetarianEnjoy this novelty Guide Kitchen and make your diet morehealthyand delicious.
Sweet'N'Spicy Veg Recipes 2.6
Sweet'N'Spicy Vegetarian Recipes is thelargestcollection of Healthy Delicious Vegetarian and Vegan IndianFoodsand Recipes. This app has an total of 4500+ recipes and 1000+videorecipes, with a lot more added daily.With Sweet'N'Spicy Veg Recipes you can1. You can browse through all the Categories, Sub Categoriesandfind recipes in each of them.2. Find the List of Ingredients, Instructions for each recipealongwith previous user comments3. You always have the flexibility to find Alternate recipesforevery recipe in case if you don't like one.4. Includes Calories and Allergies information for most oftherecipes.5. Search Recipes by Food Name, Category, Cooking Time etc. Youcaneven search just video recipes.6. Discover interesting and relevant cooking tips alongeachrecipe.7. You can find beneficial health tips (natural remedies) fromtherecipe ingredients.7. Organize your favorite recipes in My Favorites.8. You can Ask us question either related to a recipe orgeneralcooking stuff.9. New to Indian Food? Basics will be handy.10. Checkout Community section to figure out what others doinSweet'N'Spicy.11. Rate and review recipes with pictures. Share recipes withyourfriends.12. Print your favorite recipe13. Include delicious recipes for popular Indian FestivalslikeGanesh Chaturthi, Deepavali etcNote: This app doesn't include recipes with Egg.