Top 5 Apps Similar to ProState

Prostate Aerobics 1.5
BEST PC MUSCLE WORKOUT EVERPROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT-QUICKER RECOVERY FROM POST SURGICALERECTILEDYSFUNCTION (ED) AND LOSS OF BLADDER CONTROLELIMINATE FREQUENT SLEEP TIME URINATION *REDUCE YOURENLARGEDPROSTATE (BPH)* ENJOY STRONGER ERECTIONS-MORE POWERFULORGASMSGentleman, are you losing your sex drive? it’s time to MANUP.TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR FAMILY JEWELS.400,000 prostate cancer surgeries performed in the USA, 100millionmen worldwide facing prostate cancer, incontinence &loss oflibido.Surgeons recommend PC Muscle Exercises (Kegels) before &aftersurgery. PC muscle exercises keeps your prostate healthy,yourlibido strong & supports prostate cancer surgical patientstorecover more quickly from Erectile Dysfunction andIncontinence.START THESE POWERFUL PC MUSCLE EXERCISES RIGHT NOW!RESULTS IN FOURWEEKS, WE GUARANTEE IT!
Prostate Pal 2 1.0
9magnets, LLC
Prostate Pal is an application to helpmentracktheir prostate health in conjunction with theirhealthcareproviders.Some conditions that can impact prostatehealth are:benign prostatichyperplasia (BPH or “enlargedprostate”), prostatecancer, elevatedPSA, or prostatitis. ProstatePal will help mentrack common prostateproblems and take control oftheir health.This is a new and improved app with e-mail export aswellasleakage/pad functionality.- App Features -Bladder Diary – This is used to track fluid intakeandurinaryoutput. Output can be measured with a container thatcanbepurchased at your local drug store. Measurements arelistedincubic centimeters (cc). Thirty cc = 1 ounce.AUA Symptom Score- This is a questionnaire designed tohelpmen,in conjunction with their health care providers,assesstheirurinary symptoms and response to therapy.PSA Tracker – PSA (prostate specific antigen) is a bloodtestthatis used to screen for prostate cancer and monitorresponsetoprostate cancer therapy. The tracker has a table andgraphformatto keep track of your PSA values.Created by:Ronald L. Yap, M.D.Concord Hospital Center for Urologic CareAdjunct Assistant Professor of Surgery (Urology)Dartmouth Medical SchoolSupported by:The LeBaron Foundation and The Concord Hospital Trust
Prostasan 1.3
Männersache – Testen Sie Ihre Prostata!Die gutartige Vergrösserung der Prostata (BPH) ist einThema,überwelches die Männer nur ungern sprechen. Diese App hilfteinfachunddiskret eine erste Beurteilung derProstata-Gesundheitselbervorzunehmen:CheckMit einem von der WHO anerkannten Prostata-Testwirdüberverschiedene Fragen ermittelt, in welchem StadiumsichbeimBetroffenen die BPH befindet und Empfehlungen abgegeben,wiemanweiter handeln könnte.MessungMit einem Messbecher und dieser App können Sie selbereineersteUroflow Messung zu Haue vornehmen und beurteilen, wieweitdieVergrösserung der Prostata bei Ihnen fortgeschrittenist.DieMessresultate dienen dem Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogistenzudem,eineerste Beurteilung der Beschwerden vorzunehmen.TagebuchMittels dem Tagebuch können Sie auch über längereZeitIhreProstata-Gesundheit beurteilen und bei Bedarf miteinerFachpersondiskutieren.InformationHier finden Sie vertiefte Gesundheitsinformationen.FachgeschäftMittels diesem Storefinder finden Sie jederzeit IhrenächsteApothekeoder Drogerie, in welcher Sie optimal beratenwerden.ImAnfangsstadium kann das Wachstum einergutartigvergrössertenProstata einfach reduziert werden.Sinn & ZweckDie Prostata ist ein kastaniengrosses Organ, welchesdieHarnröhreringförmig umschliesst. Aufgrund ihrer Lage vorderHarnblase wirddie Prostata auch Vorsteherdrüse genannt. Bereitsmit40 Jahrenbeginnt sich die Prostata aufgrundhormonellerVeränderungenlangsam zu vergrössern.Die gutartige Vergrösserung der Prostata betrifft nahezudieHälftealler Männer über 50 Jahre. Mit 50 Jahren sind fast 50%undmit60–70 Jahren sogar 75% der Männer voneinergutartigenProstata-Vergrösserung betroffen.Men -Testyourprostate!Benign enlargement of the prostate (BPH) is a subject totalkaboutwhat the men are reluctant. This app helps to easilyanddiscreetlyan initial assessment of prostate health tomakeyourself:CheckWith a procedure recognized by the WHO prostate test isdeterminedonvarious issues, in what stage is the data subject,BPHandrecommendations are given, how one could act on.MeasurementWith a measuring cup and this app, you can make yourselfafirsturoflow measurement to pick and judge how far theenlargementofthe prostate is advanced to you. The measurementresults arethedoctor, pharmacist or druggist also carry out aninitialassessmentof complaints.DiaryUsing the diary, you can also over time to assessyourprostatehealth and discuss if necessary with a specialist.InformationHere you'll find in-depth health information.ShopThis means you will always find STOREFINDER your nextpharmacyordrugstore in which you are the best advice. In theinitialstage,the growth of a benign enlarged prostate can bereducedeasily.Meaning & purposeThe prostate is a chestnut-large organ that surroundstheurethraring. Because of its location in front of the bladder,theprostategland is called prostate. Already at age 40, theprostatebegins toenlarge due to hormonal changes slowly.Benign enlargement of the prostate affects almost half ofallmenover 50 years. With 50 years, almost 50% of 60-70 yearsandaffectsas many as 75% of men of benign prostate enlargement.
Beautiful breast workout 2.6.8
Do you want to have a beautiful and tighten breast?
Standing Yoga Routine 2.0
This is a FREE plugin of Daily YogaandcouldNOT OPEN on its own.Please install the main app 'Daily Yoga' before using this plugin:Storelink:★ Introduction ★The Standing Yoga Routine provides a seriesoftraditionalstanding, kneeling and torso twisted asanas, withSunSalutationserving as the standard warm-up sequence. Notonlyproviding basicyoga skills learning, this session also bringsgreatphysicalbenefits from the yoga standing postures.As for a fit body shape, this sessionemphasizesmuscularendurance and fats burning in your legs. Withvariousbackstretching asanas, it tones your waist and backwhilerelievingrelative pains. Standing postures also enhanceflexibilityof yourspine for its healthy growth.To benefit your inner well-being, this session willboostyoursexual glands and organs including the ovary andprostate,withtorso twisted asanas promoting better digestionandexcretion.