Top 4 Apps Similar to Streaming aac plus

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xHE TheRadioHub Demo 3.0
This codec is the latest upgrade to theMPEGAAC family. It improves significantly the audio quality ofmusicand speech particularly at very low bit rates of 8 kbit/s andmore,and is compatible with HE-AAC streams. This demo is streamingRadioHaugaland in Norway at 16 kbit/s.This demo is made for our broadcast solutions TheRadioHubincorporation with Fraunhofer IIS.Low bitrate streaming benefits both the radiostation andlisteneras lower demand for bandwidth brings cost down andstability up.TheRadioHub-team can deliver xHE-applications with highqualityat a low price.Extended HE-AAC combines the advantages of existing speechandmusic codecs. By adding a new set of encoding tools to theHE-AACv2audio codec, Extended HE-AAC outperforms dedicated speechandgeneral audio coding schemes and bridges the gap betweenbothworlds, providing consistent high quality audio for allsignaltypes. As a result, Extended HE-AAC can improve the qualityofexisting low bit rate services or more audio channels canbetransmitted at a given bit rate.ISO MPEG initiated this standardization activity in 2008, whenacall for proposals on unified speech and audio codingtechnologywas issued. In the following years, Fraunhofer IIS wasone of thedriving forces in the standardization process. The newAACgeneration is now presented for the first time by Fraunhofer IISatMobile World Congress.(FRAUNHOFER IIS)