Top 16 Apps Similar to JuNNioR Da SaNFoNa

JuNNioR Do CaVaCo 4.7
Application Official PLANET RADIO Pagoda BIGGEST!
Accordion Chromatic Button
GMobiler Apps
Accordion Chromatic Button is acompletechromatic button accordion application for tablets andsmartphones.Its highly customizable interface makes you able tofit it in yourdevice screen in the best way.Additionally, what about to record your own instrumentals toshowthem to your mates? With Accordion Chromatic Button, thisispossible and very easy to do!In Accordion Chromatic Button you can simulate various accordionsofmajor brands worldwide through a simple change of switches, likeareal accordion!Accordion Chromatic Button has High Definition accordionsoundswhich were recorded from professional accordions instudio.Learn about the accordion basses with our unique systemof"Automatic Rhythms" - With this you can make a sequenceofchords, choose a rhythm, and the application willautomaticallyexecute it on the accordion basses, while so you cantrain theirmelodies and harmonies, and can learn new rhythms in theaccordionbasses, all with compass measurement at the correcttime.Features:✓ High Definition Sounds. Listen to the sound as inauthenticItalian accordion.✓ Change to the system that you prefer: C or B✓ Change the number of rows: 3, 4 or 5✓ It comes with 3 switches installed and ready to use.✓ Exclusive Automatic Rhythms system that will help youlearnmore about accordion.✓ Recording and playback of your own instrumentals.✓ Highly Customizable Layout. Set the size of thebuttons,basses and positions, disposition inclination of thebasses, thedistances between them, and other possibilities.✓ Easy to use controls to adjust the sound volumes, toshowtips about notes and to set keyboard and bassesscrolling.✓ Use "Button Pressure" so that the volume change asthepressure on the buttons.✓ Enable the device vibration when pressing a button.Adjustthe "Sustain" in the buttons and basses. Change the way inwhichthe sounds will fade (fade-out). Among otheradjustments.Follow us on Facebook suggestions, problems, help with translations, contactmeplease! [email protected]
Radio Accordeon 4.0.9
Radio Accordion first webradio 100%accordionmusic retro France. Visit Accordéon et ambiance bal musette, Radio Accordéonlapremière webradio 100% accordéon, musette, retro en France.Visitezle site
Perfect Congas 2.0
Try Perfect Congas drums - amazing percussion app!
Cifras offLine - Cavaco
HaveFun Apps
Com o Cifras offLine você terá uma imensa coleção demúsicascifradas no seu celular. São mais de 240.000 músicascifradas etablaturas de mais de 7.400 artistas já armazenadas noApp,dispensando a necessidade de acessar a internet para pegarascifras. O App conta com um dicionário de acordes contendo maisde800 acordes e mais de 5.100 variações dos acordes. Apósselecionaruma música cifrada ou tablatura, o App a carrega em umvisualizadoronde é possível rolar automaticamente a música,selecionar avelocidade da rolagem e associar a música cifrada à umvídeo parafacilitar no aprendizado. No visualizador das cifras etablaturas,você pode aumentar ou diminuir o tom da música,possibilitando umamelhor execução da música e adequação ao tom devoz do cantor. Casoesteja tocando uma música cifrada e não conheçaum acorde, o Appconta com a funcionalidade de exibir o acorde damúsica cifrada aoclicar sobre ele. Uma ferramenta de busca estádisponível parafacilitar encontrar uma música ou artista dentro daimensidão deopções disponíveis. Para facilitar ainda mais, o Apppossui afuncionalidade de favoritar artistas e músicas. Com isso, oacessoàs suas músicas e artistas mais tocados fica muito maispratico erápido. Além de favoritar os artistas ou músicaspreferidas, o Appdispõe a funcionalidade de criar repertórios. Ondeé possível criarcoleções de músicas para serem carregadas eacessadas de formarápida, facilitando tocar coleções de músicaspara cada ocasião.Caso procure um artista ou música e não encontrenos mais de 7.400artistas e nas mais 240.000 músicas cifradas jádisponíveis, o Appdisponibiliza a funcionalidade de download demúsicas cifradas.Caso tenha músicas autorais, o App possui afuncionalidade deinserir músicas manualmente, possibilitandovisualizá-las com osrecursos disponíveis no App. Resumo dasfuncionalidade e recursosdisponíveis no App Cifras offLine: - Maisde 7.400 artistas - Maisde 195.000 músicas cifradas e tablaturas -Dicionário de acordes -Mais de 400 acordes - Mais de 700 variaçõesde acordes - Pesquisade artista e música - Favoritar artistas emúsicas - Criarrepertórios com coleções de músicas - Baixar novasmúsicascifradas. - Visualizador de música cifrada com rolagemautomática eseleção de velocidade de rolagem. - Mudar Tom da músicacifrada. -Editar música cifrada. - Inserir músicas manualmente. -Associarvídeo à música cifrada. Não perca mais tempo com ainternet, baixeagora mesmo o App Cifras offLine - Cavaco.
Mobile Cavaquinho Free ukulele 1.0d
Playand Games
Mobile Cavaquinho Free is the free version of MobileCavaquinho,with Ads. It is a very powerful simulator of Cavaquinhofor Androidphones.Take a look at some of its main features:- Real high quality cavaquinho sound- Access to the 19 frets on the cavaquinho neck- Multi-Touch - you can play several notes at same time- Simulates the behavior of a real cavaquinho- Bend and Slide effects- Two operation modes: Scales and Chords- Scales assistant - shows all the notes of the diatonic scaleforthe selected key, on the cavaquinho neck- Chord assistant - shows all the notes of the selectedchordconfiguration for the selected key, on the cavaquinhoneck- Tablet supportIf you don't want the Ads, please buy the full version, withnoAds.Note: This App requires at least an Armv6 processor. So, itmaynot work on phones with processors older than that, orwithdifferent architeture, like some HTC phones.Descrição em Português:O Mobile Cavaquinho Free é a versão gratuita do Mobilecavaquinhocom Ads. Ele é um simulador de cavaquinho com muitosrecursos.Vejamos a seguir alguns dos principais recursosdoaplicativo:- Som de cavaquinho de verdade, de alta qualidade.- Acesso a todas as notas do braço do cavaquinho.- Multi-Touch - permite tocar várias notas ao mesmo tempo.- Simula o funcionamento de um cavaquinho de verdade.- Efeitos de Bend e Slide.- Tutor de escalas - mostra no braço do cavaquinho todas asnotasda escala diatônica do tom selecionado.- Tutor de acordes - Mostra no braço do cavaquinho todas asnotasque compõem o acorde configurado no tom selecionado.- Suporte para Tablet
Banjen - Banjo / Cavaco Tuner 1.7.0
Tune in an old-fashion way your 🇧🇷 banjo or cavaquinho withtruesounds 🇧🇷
Audio Recorder and Editor 1.6.1
Advanced Audio Recorder (aka Audio Recorder and Editor) recordsandedits high quality audio file. It is the only recorder onAndroidthat allows you to rewind while recording. It also allowsyou tomerge, trim, and convert audio files, mix two audio files,boost orreduce recording volume, add echo, adjust pitch and speed.You caneasily change your voice, preview the sound and save it tofiles.Main features: Recording: 1. record high quality audio fileinwave/pcm/wav format, and aac/m4a format. 2. pause andrewindrecording for wave/pm/wav format. Editing: 1. trim audiorecordings2. convert recorded audio file to pcm/wav and aac/m4aformats. 3.add echo to your voice 4. adjust pitch/pace/speed/sampleof yourrecording 5. merge multiple wav/aac recordings to one 6. mixtwoaudio recordings, or mix a recording with a preset backgroundmusic7. boost or reduce audio volume 8. share your recording
Igor Kannário 1.4
Aplicativo Oficial da Rádio Igor Kannário
Virtual Banjo - Bluegrass 1.0
Play a 5 Strings Bluegrass Banjo likeyouwouldplay the real instrumen!We use a high quality synthetyser to get thebestsoundingbanjo.(This app was made for devices with screens with atleast3.5")
Chordia 1.2b
L'Ouch Koh
Diatonic accordion chords, scales & other secrets...
Steirische Harmonika erlernen 2.0.0
Jetzt können Sie dies auch vonihremheimischenSessel aus machen. Steirische Harmonika erlernenerlaubtihnensowohl mit der rechten als auch mit der linken Hand(MelodieundBass-Seite) zu spielen.Steirische Harmonika erlernen ist die erste App, dieeinelebensnahe(True-to-Life) Simulation der klassischenvierreihigenSteirischenHarmonika bietet.Für die beste Benutzer-Erfahrung gibt eszusätzlichdieBeschleunigungsmesser-Funktion, mit der Sie sogar denBalgderHarmonika ziehen können.Steirische Harmonika erlernen ermöglicht IhnenebenfallseineVeränderung der Feinabstimmung der Harmonika.Neu sind ebenfalls verschiedene Schwierigkeitsstufen derLiederzumErlernen der Steirischen.Erlernen Sie die Fingertechnik des Weltmeisters.Beste Benutzer-Erfahrung auf 10-Zoll-Tablet-Geräten.Now you can alsodothisfrom their native armchair. Learn Styrian accordionallowsthemboth to the right and with the left hand (melody and bassside)toplay.Learn Styrian accordion is the first app that providesalife-like(True-to-life) simulation of the classicfour-rowStyrianharmonica.For the best user experience, there is alsotheaccelerometerfunction, which you can even pull the bellowsoftheaccordion.Learn Styrian accordion also allows you to change the finetuningofthe harmonica.Also new are different levels of difficulty of the songsforlearningthe Styrian.Learn the finger technique of the world champion.Best user experience on 10-inch tablet devices.
All In One Musical Instruments 1.0
Redjelly Apps
All In One Musical Instrument contains tonsoffeatures including Piano, Guitar, Drum Kit,Drum Machine,Bass,Akordeon, Bango.Here if you prefer more instruments you can play thewonderfulmelodies on the classical guitar, drum, arp, akordeonwhich is oneof the most popular sound than other.All instruments use the realistic instrument sounds. You canplaythe drum beats and piano tiles in your style. Play yourfavoritemelody everywhere with your phone.Now get now All in One Musical Instruments from thisapplicationDrum Pads, Bongo, Arp, Akordeon.if you are a beginner or a professional musician doesn't matter.Useit as a machine, and you play your best tunes here.Every instruments gives you a beautiful sound or amelodicspecial effect.Features:- All Types of Musical Instruments given here- If your device supporting Multi-touch than also you caneasilywith your 10 fingers- Beautiful sounds melodies- Adjustable melodies- It contains piano- Drum Pads- Bongo drums- Akordeon- Darbukaicon- Davulicon- Taikodavulicon- Arp- Full cleared soundYou can press on the key and play beautiful melodies onyourstyle.It is completely free for all, if children can teach from heresothe best way to become professional in their life.
Curso de Acordeón 1.0
Con esta aplicación podrás vervideosdelyoutuber Roma3s. Aquí encontrarás los vídeos de unaformaordenaday estructurada para tu aprendizaje, así como reviewsdelosacordeones que Roma3s ha podido probar.Esta aplicación va enfocada a las personas que tenganunacordeónde botones y de preferencia con un enfoque a lamúsicanorteña.Cualquier duda que tengan pueden contactar a Roma3s atravésdesus redes sociales o su canal de youtube.With thisapplicationyoucan see videos youtuber Roma3s. Here are the videosin anorderlyand structured for your learning as well as reviewsofaccordionsRoma3s has been proven.This application is focused on people who have abuttonaccordionand preferably with a focus on northern music.Any questions you have can contact Roma3s throughtheirsocialnetworks or video channel.
Samba Radio 📻 Music Stations 🎧 2.23
Samba Radio 📻 Listen 🎧 to the best radio stream available.Wehavegathered the best internet radio stations from the web.Thisradioapp is loaded with numerous stations playing the bestsongsfromall around the world. Listen to your favorite musicnowfromeverywhere on your android device. Radio Player Features:1)StreamMusic In The Background 2) Stable Streaming 3)SocialNetworking 4)Song Info RadioPlus radio apps are constantlyupdated!EnjoyListening ;) ******************** ALSO AVAILABLEONTABLETS******************** Due to all the differentandroiddevices, itis very challenging providing support for everysingledevice. Ifyou have any technical difficulties or questionsthenplease don'thesitate to contact the RadioPlus team beforepostingany negativefeedback in the comments. Thanks for yourcontinuedsupport! If youlike the radio app, please leave us areview! Thanksin advance!******************** THE ORIGIN &HISTORY********************Samba is a musical genre and dancethatoriginated in Bahia,Brazil, with roots from Africa through theWestAfrican slave tradeas well as African religioustraditionsparticularly in Angola andthe Congo. In terms ofetymology, someclaim Samba originated fromthe Arabic words Zumba orZamba. Otherssay it originated from theAfrican language Kimbunduand theKimbundu "semba", which is adance form and music style thatwasactually one of the precursorsof samba). The word semba comesfrom“Masemba” which means “a touchof the bellies” an actionthatdefines the Semba dance. Meanwhile,Brazilian folkloristshaveopined that the word samba came from theKikongo wordSemba,translated as umbigada in Portuguese, whichmeans "a blowstruckwith the belly button". Traditional Sambainstrumentsincludestrings (cavaquinho and various kinds ofguitar) andnumerouspercussion instruments like the tamborim. Withthe influenceofAmerican orchestras since the Second World War andtheculturalimpression of US post-war music, samba also made useoftrumpets,trombones, choros, clarinets, and flutes. Samba iswidelyrecognizedacross the world as an image of Brazil as well astheBrazilianCarnival and is considered one of the mostpopularBraziliancultural expressions. The Bahian Samba de Roda(dancecircle),UNESCO’s 2005 Heritage of Humanity, is the origin ofthesambacarioca which is the samba that is danced and performedinRio deJaneiro.
Léo Santana 1.1
Aplicativo Oficial da Rádio LÉO SANTANA