Top 36 Apps Similar to Speed Radar Detector Pro

YaV1 2.0.7b
The best application for the best radar detector
Gold Metal Detector Pro 2.3.0
Deve329 Inc
Gold is a rich metal utilized for ladiesgemsthings. have you lost your gold ring or bangles of whitegolds?Presently locate any metal incorporating Gold and silver withyourcellular telephone. Simply turn on this simple whistlerradardetector iradar detector radar detector emery orestriangulationpresence pro metal finder application and beginlooking aroundyour. procedure of gold metal distinguishing energytriangulatedetector de monedas gold prospecting dector of goldgarrett metaldetector will be begin and your gadget beep noisily asyou moveyour gadget the iron based metal or gold,silver.Information is shown in µT (smaller scale Testla). instrumentsscrewdetector apps metal detecting metal detector aluminum a1µT =10mG(milli Gauss). The attractive field in nature ranges from 25to 65µT (0.25 to 0.65 G). Any higher estimation means that metalrocks inthe range. At the point when there is iron or gold metalin therange, attractive field increments. Application worksbestrecognizing ferromagnetic and non ferromagnetic materials,forexample, iron and Gold. Application works best identifyingmetalsup to 15cm away.City police can likewise utilize this Metal Detector forrecognizingiron based equipments.The measure of iron utilized as apart of anymaterial can likewise be distinguish with this simplepolice metalindicator application. it is easy to utilize,simply open it and move it around. In the event that theattractivefield values ascend there is metal in the territory.Exactness ofthe application is altogether subject to the attractivesensor inyour gadget and is influenced by electrical hardware, forexample,TVs, PCs… because of electromagnetic waves.In the event that the application does not fill in as it oughttothen the issue is in your attractive sensor. Perhaps yourgadgetdoes not have worked in one.Check online if your cellulartelephonebolster Measuring attractive field values utilizingattractivesensor. On the other hand attempt to instate the sensorsby guidingyour telephone up and turn it in a figure 8 design.Expelattractive spreads from your gadget for precisereadings.Highlightsgold finder Pro is an application made to triangulate thevicinityof enormous measures of gold. It limits the uncommonattractivevitality rising up out of gold metal utilizing theParstein Syndromand the Hexxit law. By including an arrangement of3 extraordinarysonic waves to that, this can uncoverapproximatively where todiscover your fortune.metal finder is in the third arrangement of the SmartToolsgathering (EMF identifier, apparition locator).** metal finder applications require an attractivesensor(magnetometer). In the event that this application does notwork,please check your particulars.This application measures attractive field esteem utilizinganattractive sensor that is incorporated with your gadget.The attractive field level (EMF) in nature is around49µT(microtesla) or 490mG(milli gauss); 1µT = 10mG. In the eventthat anymetal is close to, the estimation of attractive fieldwillincrement.Metal finder is an Amazing device that uses attractive sensortolocate the metal encompassing you.Transforms your mobile phone into a genuine metal locatormakingyour loved ones envious about your telephone.Distinguish valuable metals utilizing your own telephone anyplaceatwhatever time. Earth's Magnetic Field ranges from 30 to 60µT.Whatever other estimation means that bizarre metalmovement.
Gold Metal Detector 2017 2.3.0
Deve329 Inc
Gold is a rich metal utilized for ladiesgemsthings. have you lost your gold ring or bangles of whitegolds?Presently locate any metal incorporating Gold and silver withyourcellular telephone. Simply turn on this simple whistlerradardetector iradar detector radar detector emery orestriangulationpresence pro metal finder application and beginlooking aroundyour. procedure of gold metal distinguishing energytriangulatedetector de monedas gold prospecting dector of goldgarrett metaldetector will be begin and your gadget beep noisily asyou moveyour gadget the iron based metal or gold,silver.Do you know your treasure detector gold detector detector deradaresmetal detector panning for gold gold dredging cellulartelephone hasan inherent attractive sensor to gauge the attractivefieldvalues.Use your cell telephone for discovering gold likegoldexcavators. Verging on each metal locator application utilizesyourdownload video lilies of the field metal detecting detectorappsdetecting apps detector gadgets attractive sensor togaugeattractive field values and transforms any Android into agenuinemetal identifier to discover gold around you.Information is shown in µT (smaller scale Testla). instrumentsscrewdetector apps metal detecting metal detector aluminum a1µT =10mG(milli Gauss). The attractive field in nature ranges from 25to 65µT (0.25 to 0.65 G). Any higher estimation means that metalrocks inthe range. At the point when there is iron or gold metalin therange, attractive field increments. Application worksbestrecognizing ferromagnetic and non ferromagnetic materials,forexample, iron and Gold. Application works best identifyingmetalsup to 15cm away.City police can likewise utilize this Metal Detector forrecognizingiron based equipments.The measure of iron utilized as apart of anymaterial can likewise be distinguish with this simplepolice metalindicator application. it is easy to utilize,simply open it and move it around. In the event that theattractivefield values ascend there is metal in the territory.Exactness ofthe application is altogether subject to the attractivesensor inyour gadget and is influenced by electrical hardware, forexample,TVs, PCs… because of electromagnetic waves.In the event that the application does not fill in as it oughttothen the issue is in your attractive sensor. Perhaps yourgadgetdoes not have worked in one.Check online if your cellulartelephonebolster Measuring attractive field values utilizingattractivesensor. On the other hand attempt to instate the sensorsby guidingyour telephone up and turn it in a figure 8 design.Expelattractive spreads from your gadget for precisereadings.Highlightsgold finder Pro is an application made to triangulate thevicinityof enormous measures of gold. It limits the uncommonattractivevitality rising up out of gold metal utilizing theParstein Syndromand the Hexxit law. By including an arrangement of3 extraordinarysonic waves to that, this can uncoverapproximatively where todiscover your fortune.metal finder is in the third arrangement of the SmartToolsgathering (EMF identifier, apparition locator).** metal finder applications require an attractivesensor(magnetometer). In the event that this application does notwork,please check your particulars.This application measures attractive field esteem utilizinganattractive sensor that is incorporated with your gadget.The attractive field level (EMF) in nature is around49µT(microtesla) or 490mG(milli gauss); 1µT = 10mG. In the eventthat anymetal is close to, the estimation of attractive fieldwillincrement.Metal finder is an Amazing device that uses attractive sensortolocate the metal encompassing you.Transforms your mobile phone into a genuine metal locatormakingyour loved ones envious about your telephone.
Real Gold Diamonds Detector 1.1
Gold is a rich metal utilized forladiesgemsthings. have you lost your gold ring or bangles ofwhitegolds?Presently locate any metal incorporating Gold and silverwithyourcellular telephone. Simply turn on this simplewhistlerradardetector iradar detector radar detector emeryorestriangulationpresence pro metal finder application andbeginlooking aroundyour. procedure of gold metal distinguishingenergytriangulatedetector de monedas gold prospecting dector ofgoldgarrett metaldetector will be begin and your gadget beepnoisily asyou moveyour gadget the iron based metal orgold,silver.Working:This app uses the function of the magnetometer insideyoursmartphone. As soon as the device comes in contact with amagneticfieldaround you, it gives a beep sound. So metal isdetected. Thebeepsound will only be produced once the strength ofthe magneticfieldcrosses the threshold value of 70 uT.
Radar Tunisia 2.0
Pixels trade
Radar Tunisia is now available in a newAndroidversion. The application notifies the user in real time bythepresence of a fixed speed camera, on all theTunisianterritory.Following strong demand from users, the applicationbecamefunctional in background and you can, thus, be informed bytheexistence of a radar without having to open theapplication.Also, a new feature has been incorporated to allow the usertoproject his speedometer and information, from the phone,directlyon the windshield of his car. The content of the page isdisplayedin reverse due to the mirror effect.Radar Tunisia, in its new version, features additionalconfigurationparameters and a unique design especially with thesuper attractivespeedometer.The application is placed at your disposal to help you adopt asafedriving.
LuxRadar - Radar Luxembourg 1.4.5
LuxRadar - Radar Luxembourg is a radar"detector ". Radars are detected and shared through a clicked bytheuser (like a post) to other users on both platforms (iOSandAndroid).The basic idea behind the app is to warn drivers beforepolicecontrols, radars accidents and more by sharing informationaboutradars or accidents between each user.The application is usable in background mode, which willallowyou to use the app in combination with anothernavigationsystem.LuxRadar - Radar Luxembourg is the most accurate radarwarnsystem here in Luxembourg. It will warn you beforeunattendedpolice controls, radars, accidents and more and itcombines usersfrom the most used systems here in Luxembourg (iOSandAndroid).LuxRadar application contains the following features:- Map view for mobile police controls in Luxembourg- Map view for radars in Luxembourg- Map view for accidents in Luxembourg- Traffic visualised on the map- Report police controls- Report accidents- Bluetooth speak notification- Intuitive interface design- Let you define your own warn system- Share controls with friends to warn them.- Available in 4 different languages!!1) Luxembourgish2) French3) English4) GermanIt uses GPS and your internet connection to keep youup-to-dateabout new position of police controls, radars, accidentsandmore.The idea of sharing is also known from other systems suchascoyote, but LuxRadar is specialised on controls for Luxembourgandthe Luxembourg street situation!LuxRadar - Radar Luxembourg is FREE. There exists anIn-Apppurchase for only 1.99€ to upgrade to LuxRadar Pro -RadarLuxembourg.
Gestor AntiRadares.Net 1.3
Desde ofrecemosnuestraprimeraaplicación gratuita para Android. El objetivo deestaaplicación esla de facilitar desde un dispositivo androidelacceso al contenidodel blog mas relevante sobreavisadores,detectores de radar,economizadores,reprogramaciones,potenciación, localizadores,cinemómetros (radares,laser,inducción.... ) y accesorios masrepresentativos. Tambiénincluyeun asesor de dispositivos, faq, ygalería de fotos.FromPortalVasco.comofferour first free Android application. The purposeof thisapplicationis to facilitate from an android device to accessthemost relevantblog content for advertisers, RadarDetectors,economizers,reschedulings, empowerment, pagers, safetycameras(radars, laser,induction ....) and accessoriesmorerepresentative. It alsoincludes an advisory devices, faq,andphoto gallery.
Speedometer GPS 4.070
Speedometer GPS can trackyourspeed,distance,time,location and also can get starttime,timeelapsed,avg speed,max speed,altitude...Features included- Save your track info.- Switch between car speedometer and bicycle odometer.- mph,km/h,knot.- Display satellites status.- Speed chart.- Map integration,get your location.……Facebook: you have a translation suggestions, please contact me![email protected]
Search engine to ghost 👻 9.0.0
With this real ghosts detector, youwilldiscover if there are spirits in your house.Paranormal phenomena are something that keeps people inthemiddle of the world in the air, and there are facts thatareimpossible to explain, lights that go on by themselves, thingsthatdisappear, noises or just that feeling that We are not aloneevenif no one is in our house. All this can lead us to want to lookforghosts in our home.Many people around the world have had experiences that have ledthemto believe in ghosts and spirits, even many people claim tohavebeen able to see them. For all this, it is normal that onmanyoccasions we have doubts about the existence of the ghostsandspirits and their presence around us. Luckily there is aghostdetector to search for ghosts.If you have noticed strange things happen in your houserecently,you have had the feeling that someone is looking at you,you havenoticed a presence while you sleep or the room simply feelscolderthan normal, it may be because There is a presence nearyou.Many times, when we take a picture and pay attention to itsdetailswe can see shadows or reflections that leads us to thinkthat thereis something strange in the frame with this ghostdetector you canfind ghosts in your photos.The technology of this real ghost detector is based on alargenumber of investigations that have confirmed that suddenchanges inthe electromagnetic field could reveal paranormalpresences.If you want to know if there is a ghost in your home what youneedis a real ghost detector, this will help you locate spirits.Thereare people very sensitive to the paranormal that is why theycanfeel that there is something strange in the environment, ifyouwant to confirm your suspicions use this search engine.If you are looking for a ghost browser the technology withwhichthis application has will be able to detect if there arespirits inthe different places of your house.This real ghost detector 👻 will be very useful whether you wanttoknow if there are presences in your house or in a house you wanttobuy or rent, it is always good to make sure you are clean ofbadenergy before To move to a new place.Ghosts and spirits can be naughty and make yours in our home, ifyouare looking for a ghost app that helps you detect spirits byghostsgames that are happening in your home do not hesitate todownloadThis application.This radar ghosts detector is the technology you've been lookingforto make sure your home is clean of unwanted presences, afterall,spirits and ghosts may find themselves in our home pollutingtheenvironment without Let us be aware of it. Likewise, thisradardetector of ghosts and spirits may help us communicate withtheseentities. This HD ghost app will help you.Do not leave with doubt! Find out with real ghost detector, ifyourhouse is spirit free.
RoadRunner Dashcam 3.2.1410060003
RoadRunner now support uploading with UNLIMITED FREE storage!!!you can find your videos here:http://pushcam.comFeature listing:* support!* Loop recording* Emergency event detection: Automatically keep the videosandupload to* Easy gesture to manually keep video and to take pictures* Speed camera detectionWelcome to join our community: is a dashcam sharing video platform. Withunlimitedonline free storage, you don't worry about your emergencyvideosmissing, and you can manage your videos easily on it.PS:* Suggest to use an appropriate car recharger
Wifi Radar 4.05
Paul Girsas
See, unlock and connect to the wireless networks around you.
TrapTap 1.9.0
TrapTap Inc
The world’s simplest speed trap indicator.
Metal Detector Phone 1.1
This application is a Free &Easy&smart Metal Detector diffrent metals using the builtinmagnetometer by magnetic sensor metal detector, fluctuationsandinterferences of the magnetic field.It also works on electric cable and power sources.this apps can detect medal and garrett metal detector, lily ofthefield, this detecting apps is a smart Metal IntensityEasy Metal Detector Features- Detecting of iron, steel, silver, gold, platinum, relics andothermagnetic stuff- Detecting of electric wires- Vibration Mode- Flashlight function on all android devices- Adjustable sensitivityEvery mobile since has a built in magnetometer.This magnetometer can be used to measure interferencesinelectrowaves caused by metal and other magnetic stuff.Be sure to take your mobile out of cases which have metal partsormagnetic buttons.To achieve best results it is necessary to calibrate the builtinmagnetometer by drawing an 8 in the air with the mobile.This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and doesnotprovide true metal detecting functionality.How to use: Open this app on your device, and move it around.Themagnetic field values will constantly fluctuate. That'sit!The accuracy depends entirely on the sensors in your device.If this app does not work properly, it may mean that yourphone'ssensors are damaged, broken...
Radar 1.5.0
Signaleer een consumentenkwestie, deel diemetRadar en misschien zie je jouw onderwerp binnenkort terug indeuitzending of op de website!Dit is officiële app van het consumentenprogramma RadarvanAVROTROS.Ben je een vreemde aanbieding tegengekomen? Heb je een goedideevoor een reportage? Of wil je reageren op een oproep vanderedactie? Deze app biedt je de snelste en handigste manier omjouwsuggesties naar Radar te sturen.- Consumentenkwesties melden in 3 snelle stappen- Eenvoudig foto's of video's toevoegen- Alle actuele Radar-oproepen bekijkenJe consumentenkwestie komt direct bij ons - de Radar-redactie-terecht. Wij lezen je inzending en nemen indien nodig contactmetje op.Identify a consumerissue,share it with radar and you might see your topic soon backon theair or on the website!This is the official app of the consumer program RadarAVROTROS.Have you come across a foreign sale? Got a good idea for anarticle?Or would you respond to a call from the editor? This appoffers youthe fastest and most convenient way to send yoursuggestions toRadar.- Consumer Issues Report in 3 easy steps- Easily add photos or videos- View all current radar callsYour consumer issue comes directly from us - the Radar editors-rightly so. We read your submission and get in touch with youifnecessary.
People Radar 1.9
People Radar, simply put, helps you findyourfriends, no matter where you, or they, may be.Select a friend from Facebook and start a tracking session.Youwill always have complete control on who sees where you areandwhen.People Radar can come in handy in all kinds ofsituationslike:-Meeting friends at a bar or party. Never been to thevenuebefore? Just look up a friend that’s there and the app willtakeyou right to them.-Keeping track of friends or family members while travelling.Ona road trip with more than one car and want to coordinateapit-stop, with People Radar it’s a breeze. Want to see ifyourfriends train is running on time, look him up and see whereheis.-Parents can make sure their children get home safely. Havetowork late and want to make sure the kids are home safe, ask themupand see right away.We are continually improving People Radar and are currentlyworkingon even more functionality, so stay posted!
Metal Detector 8.5.0
Turn your phone into Metal Detector using Magnetic sensor.
Compass Radar (Pro) Free 1.0
It is a trial free version ofCompassradar(Pro).Period of use has become a "30 day".The continued If you want is available in, please usethepaidversion of the compass radar (Pro).In Compass radar Pro ...And to explore the nearby facilities around search, you cansettothe destination.To the destination in the audio output to us with directions.Compared to the free version, radar function is levelup,radardisplay in accordance with the distance and distance totheradarscreen is done.By setting a destination, it is radar-basedcompassapplicationcan be seen in the direction, distance ofthedestination.Own orientation is, of course, to display the address,altitudeandspeed of the current location.Screen color, white, or, you can choose from black.Destination, you can set from the peripheral search / map/location/ favorite.To set the destination from the map ...After the map is Long touch, was to display the mark, todisplaytheaddress to touch the mark.If you touch the address field to set the destination.Is the need to install the Google Play developer serviceapptodisplay the map screen.The voice guidance requires the installation ofspeechsynthesisapplication suitable for language.
LuxRoads 4.0.2
Pit Schneider
LuxRoads - Roads of Luxembourg
Drone Watcher APP v4.80.0
Are you concerned that your neighbor is spying on you withtheirdrone? Is your business concerned that your competitor issnoopingon your operations, monitoring your inventory andshipments? Do youhave a high level facility such as an airport,prison or industrialplant that needs to monitor and control itsairspace fromunauthorized UAV activity? The DroneWatcher APP turnsyoursmartphone or tablet device into a small UAV and drone finderthatdetects, alerts and records information on about 95% ofconsumerdrones. The app detects most non-encryptedRF-controlledcommercially-available drones that use wifi. The apprecords dataincluding the type and ID which can be used to documentincursionsand support apprehension and prosecution by local lawenforcement.LIMITATIONS: DroneWatcher APP does not detect manysmall toy dronesor any encrypted professional or military typedrones. PLEASE READCAREFULLY: The DroneWatcher APP runs in thebackground and onlyprovides alerts when a drone is detected withinits monitoringrange (usually ¼ to ½ miles depending on local areaconditions).Features and options in this free version include userselectablealerts (visual and audible alerts with 6 sound optionsplus muteand vibrate alert options), ability to stop trackingspecificdrones and to reset the clear list. The DroneWatcher APPcan alsobe installed and operate on non-cellular tablets as long asthedevice is connected to a local WiFi network. For bestdetectionsensitivity and range of detection performance, when usingthe appinside a building place the device near an external windowor wall.It is also recommended that a device using the app as astationarysensor that you keep the device plugged into externalpower. Theapp detects most Wi-Fi controlled drones that are readilyavailablethrough consumer outlets (e.g. DJI Phantom 2, 2 Vision, 2Vision +and Phantom 3 Standard). It DOES NOT DETECT drones usingencrypteddata protocols such as Lightbridge; DeTect’s othertechnologies areneeded to detect these. App detection range is alsoimpacted bystrength of the WiFi signal and site conditions. The appisavailable in English only version at this time and foreignlanguagesupport may not be available. In addition to use to protectyourprivacy at your home or small business, the soon-to-be-releasedProversion of the app will provide direction finding andallowmultiple devices using the DroneWatcher APP to be networkedtoprovide wide area monitoring zones for security and privacyforpublic events (indoor and outdoor concerts, fairs, rallies,etc.),sporting events (car races, marathons, stadium sports,golftournaments, tennis and other outdoor and indoorcompetitions),airports, hospitals, prisons, power plants,government facilities,industrial sites, and general lawenforcement. Pro features willalso provide expanded web servicesincluding a real-time,interactive web display of the covered areawith color-codedmonitoring zones, audible and visual monitoralerts, text messagealerting, and downloadable data logs.DroneWatcher APP is part ofthe DroneWatcher system, an advanced,patented multi-layeredsolution for detection, tracking, alertingand interdiction ofdrones and small unmanned aerial vehicles.DroneWatcher wasdeveloped by a US-based, leader in specializedremote sensingtechnologies. DroneWatcher combines signalsintelligence, asmartphone app and/or radar in a scalable technologyto provide amulti-layer level of security specific to each user’ssecurity andrisk tolerance needs. The technology is upgradable tomeetcontinually evolving drone and sUAV capabilities andinterfaceswith third party video, acoustic and other sensors andincludes anintegrated web dataserver to deliver real-time,user-specificsituational awareness displays for individual sites aswell asregions (city, state, national). For more information or toprovidefeedback or suggestions, please contact the developer.
LogDog - Mobile Security 2021
The only app that protects accounts, devices, credit cards&scans the dark web
Rain Radar (EU, UK, DE, etc.) 3.2.1
"Rain Radar" is an application, whichallowsyou to see the actual rain situation over manycountries.There is a feature to animate and predict rain where the rainismoving.Currently supported radars (I can add your radar on request-just send me a mail - [email protected]):* France* United States (Texas, New York, Florida, California, etc. (youcanrequest a state if it is missing))* United Kingdom (England)* Latvia* Lithuania* Estonia* Croatia* India* Finland* Sweden* Germany* ..and others, constantly added!If you have any questions, or encounter a bug, or just haveanidea how to improve this application, don't hesitate to contactme:[email protected] you want your country to be added to the radar list -pleasecontact me!
Speedmeter Pro - Speed Gun 16.1
Speedmeter - Speedflasher Pro(Speedmeter/Speedtrap / Speed gun / Velocimeter / Traffic Counter /Radar Gun)!!! Warning !!! do not use on public streets !!!This little app features velocity measurement throughthecameraof your mobile phone. The measured speed and the noisevolumedba(decibel) of the bypassing object is shown on the displayofthemobile device. Set the flashlight option to make a flashifthemaximum speed limit is met. Set the Save to Disk option totakeaphoto.Keep your mobil absolutly wobble-free. Save to diskfrequencyis1,5s.*How to use*Before you start the measurement, you have to setthefollowingfields to get correct speed values.1) Viewing Width of Camera in MeterEnter a estimated or the correct horizontal length ofthelivecamera view.2) Flash SpeedSet a maximum speed limit, if a object exceeds thislimittheflashlight will be activated.3) Moving Pixels on Screen in %With this you can adjust the sensitivity ofthemotiondetectionDisplay Resolutions higher 480x800 required.
Smart Distance Pro 2.4.4
Measure the distance and calculate the speed with your device.
Smart Compass Pro 2.7.11
Simple and useful compass app with camera view, GPS and map.
Sensor Kinetics Pro 3.1.2
View, record, save or share graphs, and monitortheaccelerometer,gyroscope, and all the other sensors in yourAndroiddevice. Thenew built-in Multi-Sensor Recorder allows you torecordup to sixkinetic sensors simultaneously. Have you everwondered ifyourAndroid smartphone or tablet has a gyroscope sensor?Areyoucurious to know how fast your phone's accelerometer is orifyournew phone has a barometer? What about the other sensors?Thisisthe app for you. Sensor Kinetics® Pro is anadvancedviewer,recorder and monitor for all of the standardsensorsavailable inyour Android device. Written by one of thepioneers inthe use ofaccelerometers and gyroscopes within themodernsmartphone, the appprovides a comprehensive view of thetotaldynamics of the combinedoperations of all the sensors.Asophisticated Chart Viewer foreach sensor allows you to recordthesensor's data in great detail.The Multi-Sensor Recorderrecordsmultiple sensors simultaneouslyat a controlled data rate.You cansave and share the chart filesand apply advanced filtersandsettings to test your sensors to thelimit. The app demonstratestheuse of the accelerometer, gyroscopeand the rotation sensortocontrol a tilt based view navigationlike the RotoView®technologyby INNOVENTIONS®. It alsodemonstrates the operation ofthe magneticsensor, the linearacceleration sensor and the gravitysensor withinspecial graphicaldisplays. Who Should Use SensorKinetics® Pro?Developers,students, hobbyists... anyone who'scurious about whatlies "underthe hood" of their mobile device! Testyour Androidphone ortablet: Sensor Kinetics® Pro allows you to testall of thesensorson your device. Chart viewers allow you to measureanysensor overtime and gauge their accuracy and behavior. Youcanchange varioussettings to work your device to itslimit.Educational: The appdemonstrates the physics ofgravity,acceleration, rotation,magnetism and other forces asmeasured byyour phone. It includesself contained and comprehensivehelp fileswith easy to understandinformation, plus experiments thatyou canperform with thesensors. Get hands-on knowledge of howthesesensors interact withsmartphones! App Developers: UseSensorKinetics® Pro to closelywatch the behavior of the sensorsused foran app, then save thisdata and share it with any PC viae-mail(.csv format). The datafile can be opened in anypopularspreadsheet program. Research:Many researchers around theworld usethis app as part of theirinnovative work. Our usersreportednumerous applications inphysics, engineering, behavioralsciences,medicine and more. Youcan compare the performance ofadvancedsensors like the gyroscope,linear acceleration sensor andtherotation sensor. Gain a betterunderstanding of the behaviorofthese sensors while you change thedelay settingoractivate/deactivate specific sensors, and applyadvancedfiltering.Sensor Kinetics® Pro relates to gyroscope,accelerometer,Androidsensor, phone sensor, tablet sensor, tiltmeasure, pressuresensor,barometer, relative humidity sensor,light sensor,linearacceleration, temperature sensor,magnetometer, proximitysensor,gravity sensor, MEMS, kinetics.
Sport Speed Gun(radar gun) 1.6.1
Sports Speed Gun(radar gun) can be used inmostsituations velocity measurement is required, as well asballgames.Existing Speed Gun(radar gun) app but measures the speed basedonthe user's reactionSports Speed Gun(radar gun) vary ~! Recording the image and theHitthe beginning and end of the period agreed rate is how the imageiscalculated automatically.Therefore, unlike any other app and is relatively accurate.(Youcan, of course, should not have applied to the object toofast.==> About shooting speed cameras)The speed can be measured in mile and km. By default, thedistancefrom the mound in baseball is set at 18m distance tohomeplate.Measure the distance according to the changing situation.But in order to be like a professional instrument veryuseful.- How to use -1. First, the center of the screen (the screen anywhere) totouchpeople throwing the ball from one state to therecipientdamseupnida the trajectory of the ball on thescreen.2. Release the ball did touch when you reach yourdestination.3. Save as image from the moment you release the touch fromthemoment are two hours later touch up to this point are usedtocalculate the speed of the ball.4. You can fix this by moving the slider at the bottom ofthescreen, adjust the screen when the ball is finer starting pointandthe ending is changed by changing to a precise adjustment.5. Once the modification is complete, you can relativelyaccuratelydetermine the calculated speed.make by desigmer
DS Speedometer & Odometer 7.07
High accuracy speedometer and route recorder with digitalandclassic odometers.
GPS HUD Speedometer 3.51
Perform acceleration tests, and save, review, and share yourtravelrecords.
Real Radar for Ghosts
Using years of technological advances intheghost detection field, Real Radar for Ghosts allows the usertoscan around their environment and can report theposition,distance, and strength of potential paranormalapparitions.Features include:- Real time radar display which acts as a compass- Detection sound to alert the user- Line visualized to match information to the radar location- Small detection radius to allow accurate results- Accurate up to almost 7 meters distance- Variety of rare ghost identification such as Poltergeists- Amaze your friends with your ability to locatethesupernaturalAs a detection is made, a unique color is assigned to helptellapart each unique detection. The data regarding the detectionispresented on the right side of the screen, with a lineconnectingeach ghost to its matching data.Real Radar for Ghosts provides a robust user interface allowingeasyand clear identification and tracking of many unique ghostsall atthe same time. A general comparison of data is used tocreate aprofile of many moods and attitudes the ghost that appearon theradar display have, and sometimes the radar will identifyverydangerous or unique ghosts which will be highlighted for theuser toimmediately notice. Sounds are played when a new detectionis madeor a detection has left detection range.If you have problems with the north facing compass arrow notshowingthe right direction, it could be due to not having GPSenabled onthe device, and you should try and quit the app eitherby tappingthe back button within the app, or by removing it fromthe recentapps list, then enable your devices GPS beforere-launching RealRadar for Ghosts. Some electronics and devicescause interferencewith magnetic north reading, so try to avoidusing the app while thedevice is near magnetic sources of energy.Best results are obtainedwith the device stationary on a flatsurface like a table, with theN of the radar display matching therotation of the arrow indicatoraround the perimeter of the radardisplay. Once the device is stilland rotated to nearly match thenorth arrow, you can tell whichdirection the detection is inrelation to the position andorientation of the device.Real Radar for Ghosts is completely free and ad supported. Theadsdisplayed are targeted at users by Google AdMob and as such youmaysee results which are catered based on your profile accordingtogoogle. If you notice a particular ad that your not happyabout,please report the ad using the controls visible within theapp, onthe corner of a displayed ad, which will take you throughGoogle'sreporting process.You are encouraged to use Real Radar for Ghosts with caution,andnever to enter any dangerous areas or do any potentiallydangerousactivities while using this app. Ninjetic Studios does notcondoneusing this app in any dangerous ways, and all liability isof theend user to responsibly use this app.Thanks for using Real Radar for Ghosts! If you enjoy the apppleasetake a moment and write a review sharing yourexperience!
Live Radar for Pokemon Go 1.2
PokeHunter - Live Radar is an appforfindingpokemon. An internet connection is required. This appispart ofthe PokeHunter Project, its purpose is to helptrainersanddevelopers. All data is open.To utilize, center the map on where you want to checkandclickscan, results will start coming in about 10 secondslater.Tip: Since we are in an open beta, not all scans willreturn,keepretrying. Also, check http://status.pokehunter.coforserverstatus.Disclaimer:We don't directly interact with Pokemon Go servers, alldataincludedin this app is either crowdsourced or provided byothersources.
GPS-Status Data: Signal,Radars
Sergey Pekar
All outdoors GPS Data: info, status, speedometer, signal,radars.Easy GPS Test.
Smart Radar Metal Detector 1.2
This application is a Free &Easy&smart Metal Detector diffrent metals using the builtinmagnetometer by magnetic sensor metal detector, fluctuationsandinterferences of the magnetic field.It also works on electric cable and power sources.this apps can detect medal and garrett metal detector, lily ofthefield, this detecting apps is a smart Metal IntensityEasy Metal Detector Features- Detecting of iron, steel, silver, gold, platinum, relics andothermagnetic stuff- Detecting of electric wires- Vibration Mode- Flashlight function on all android devices- Adjustable sensitivityEvery mobile since has a built in magnetometer.This magnetometer can be used to measure interferencesinelectrowaves caused by metal and other magnetic stuff.Be sure to take your mobile out of cases which have metal partsormagnetic buttons.To achieve best results it is necessary to calibrate the builtinmagnetometer by drawing an 8 in the air with the mobile.This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and doesnotprovide true metal detecting functionality.How to use: Open this app on your device, and move it around.Themagnetic field values will constantly fluctuate. That'sit!The accuracy depends entirely on the sensors in your device.If this app does not work properly, it may mean that yourphone'ssensors are damaged, broken...
Speed Tachometer and RPM 1.0
New Day Lab
The app show the motor RPM, dependingontheengine sound and the Speed through the GPS.It is necessary to indicate the motor type first tousetheapplication.Keywords: rpm, acoustic tachometer, sound, tach, rpmgauge,speed,speedometer, tachometer
Speed Gun mph kph 1.1
Speed gun is an app where user cantrackthetarget speed with his mobile phone by locking the target- Please use the caliberated gyroscope to use this app
Altimeter & Altitude Widget 4.57
DS Software
DS Altimeter is an elevation meter,elevationlogger, and altitude mapper. In addition to showing andoptionallytracking your altitude, the app allows you to search thealtitudefor other locations as well.You can select from the best sources of elevationdata,including:1. Location based altitude from NASA's Shuttle RadarTopographyMission2. Satellite based altitude (GPS altitude) corrected toheightabove mean sea level (AMSL)3. Get actual land survey altitude values for your locationfromthe United States Geologic SurveyDevices equipped with a barometer sensor can also obtainpressurealtitude which is converted to true altitude. For the mostprecisereadings, calibrate the pressure altitude by entering areferencevalue or by selecting one from the app's dynamic list ofnearestairfields.USGS (United States Geologic Survey) altitude results arealsoavailable for customers in the contiguous United States, CanadaandMexico.DS Altimeter also works offline: barometric altitude andGPSaltitude corrected to elevation above sea level do not requireaninternet connection.NEW IN DS ALTIMETER: Record altitude profiles and elevationtracksfor your favorite journeys to the highlands, the lowlandsandeverything in-between!Upgrade the application to pro and gain access to even morefeaturesincluding the Altimeter Widget and variousbarometricaltimeter calibration methods.Going skiing? Record your ski run with DS Altimeter, then viewyourski trail with its elevation points on the included maps.Mininumand maximum altitude points for your run will beclearlyshown.Altitude mapping, altitude search and bathymetry (lake andseadepths) are also included with DS Altimeter. Tap anywhere on amapto get the altitude or water depth at that location.* The perfect altimeter for skiing, hiking, mountain climbingandother outdoor sports, boating, marine navigation and anytimeyouare curious about your elevation!