Top 4 Apps Similar to Grace Hills Church

Double Oak Mobile App 1.0
With the Double Oak mobile app, everyonecanaccess Sunday Worship, Wednesday Night, and Special Eventcontentfrom Double Oak Community Church in Birmingham, AL!- Listen to sermons from Sunday worship services!- Discover teaching and videos from Wednesday night events!- Make reservations for Wednesday dinner and special events!- Find media and content from all Double Oak ministries!Double Oak Community Church exists to glorify God by becomingaworshipping community of influence where everyone is maturingintheir faith and being equipped to give their lives away.Please leave us an app review in this app store or visit © 2014 Double Oak Community Church
Forward Church Atlanta
We want to inspire you to trust Godbecausewhen you trust God, your heart becomes open to connect tohis graceand experience his kindness in your life. We want you toknow thatGod is not mad at you, he loves you!Forward is a relaxed environment with passionate worshipandfriendly people. Our practical approach to Christianlivingemphasizes what Jesus accomplished rather than what we can doforGod. We place Jesus above all else. We’re on a journeytoexperience our true identities under this New Covenant that ismadesure in the blood of Jesus. It’s the kindness of God thatcausespeople to change their minds and behaviors, we believe byfocusingon God’s kindness many will find wholeness through God’slove.Grace is a way of life. Grace is more than just doctrine,it’sthe environment in which we live. Grace is constant anddirectlyfrom the throne of God. Grace is divine favor. Grace isGod’sinfluence on our hearts. Because God favors his childrenhecontinually influences our hearts. Why our hearts? Becausewebelieve with our hearts and all things are possible for thosewhobelieve. Grace is God continually influencing you andempoweringyou to believe all things are possible. All things arepossiblebecause he’s already given you all things that pertain tolife andgodliness. And because all of his promises are YES towardyou.Grace is a way of life, not just the legal explanation of thenewcovenant. Praise God for the new covenant but grace is thebenefitof being engrafted into God’s family. We live in a kingdomof grace,a place where we stand accepted and approved. From thatplace Godgoes before us and guards us from behind. It’s like afavor sandwichand acceptance in God is the meat.From this place of grace we’re free in Christ. We’re free fromsomany things. Freedom is best understood not by what we’re freefrombut what we’re free to be. Many come to understand theirnewcovenant identity and choose to stop going to church, stopgivingand stop doing other things which were previously doneseekingGod’s approval.Freedom is best understood through the lens ofrighteousness.Yes, you’re free from performance but until thatfreedom yields tothe power of righteousness unto holiness, freedomcan promotelaziness. True freedom shapes a heart to glorify God inevery way,in every aspect of life. True freedom walks in holinessandrepresents God well. Not as an effort but as a fruit. Truefreedomtakes responsibility for believing God. True freedom notonly walksaway from works righteousness but it walks towardcontinualtransformation, until our mind and outer lives match whatGod hasdone in our spirit through Christ.Rmns 6:22 But now having been set free from sin, andhavingbecome slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, andthe end,everlasting life.If your understanding of grace is limited to what you don’thaveto do, I encourage you to yield to righteousness and letgracebecome your teacher.Titus 2:11 For the grace of God that brings salvationhasappeared to all men, 12 teaching us that, denying ungodlinessandworldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godlyinthe present age, 13 looking for the blessed hope andgloriousappearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, 14 whogaveHimself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deedandpurify for Himself His own special people, zealous forgoodworks.2 Corinthians 5:18 Now all things are of God, who hasreconciledus to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us theministryof reconciliation, 19 that is, that God was in Christreconcilingthe world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses tothem, andhas committed to us the word of reconciliation. 20 Nowthen, we areambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleadingthrough us: weimplore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.21 For Hemade Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we mightbecome therighteousness of God in Him.
Nspired4Life 4.0.1
Nspired4life LLC, is amulti-facetedministrygeared to inspire, transform, grow and equipthose calledfor thework of ministry to reach their full potentialthrougheducation,training and professional development.Our BeliefWe believe and operate according to the mission of theChurch,asoutlined in II Corinthians 5. The mission of the churchistoglorify God by making disciples through the spreading oftheGospelof Jesus Christ.This Nspired4life App was developed byNationwideTechnologyGroup. For more information call 1-800-261-7029ext. 203or
My Purity Coach 3.4.2
Welcome to the official My PurityCoachapplication.Check out all kinds of helps for purity, victory over sin,andhow to glorify God with your life. After you've downloadedandenjoyed the content, be sure to share it with your friendsviaTwitter, Facebook and even email!For more information about The Pure Man Ministry, pleasevisit Purity Coach was developed with the The ChurchAppPlatform.Copyright:App: © 2017 Subsplash, Content: © 2017 The Pure Man Ministry