Top 16 Games Similar to 好康捕魚

捕魚達人-大型機台打魚完美移植 7.51.09
Poker City
1. It is popular with more than 100 million players in Asia, sothatyou will never go to the game hall again! 2. It has been onthebestseller list for many times, a gorgeous multiplayer fishinggame!3. Real networking, thousands of people online, endless wavesandwaves!
FunGames Plus
Fishing Joy FREE Game
Fishing Joy is an insanely addictivegamethat’s sweeping the world with +65M users worldwide! InFishingJoy, you’ll be able to have a deep-ocean experiencecatchingmagnificent species of fish and creatures the eco-friendlyway! Thegame features stunning deep-sea graphics, music, sound fx’sfor amore enjoyable and pleasant experience. Aim and shootyourmulti-Level power nets to catch fish and earn Gold and XP!Inaddition, once your Cannon’s Power Gauge is full, you willberewarded with a special Laser Gun to annihilate anythingandeverything on its path! Even the most difficult creatures tocatch- Sharks! Fishing Joy will keep you glued to the screen!There are 7 powerful Cannons to choose from in size and range.CastCannon Nets wisely using small Nets for small fish and big Netsforlarge prey. The cost of the net is equivalent to the Level oftheCannon Net (Example: Lv. 1 Net will cost you 1 Gold and Lv. 7net 7Gold).Fishing Joy offers:(1) 15 varieties of colorful sea creatures(2) 7 different Levels of Cannons and Nets(3) 1 Super Laser Gun(4) An Aquarium Mode(5) Latest technology in graphics, music and sound effects(6) GameCenter support(7) Photo enabled for sharing on Facebook, Twitter andSinaWeibo(8) Tour the world’s ocean corners and experience the exquisite3Dexperience of being submerged under water.(9) Game version available in English, Spanish, SimplifiedChinese,Traditional Chinese, Japanese.For more information please visit ourWebsite:www.chukong-inc.comFollow us on Twitter for Fishing Joyupdates: a fan of Fishing Joy onFacebook: Joy HD Support: [email protected] for playing Fishing Joy HD!
Crazy Fisherman 2.1
Nicle Li
"Thousands of gun arcade fishing" 2016 is anewconcept of real-time networking real fishing game! The fishinggameupgrade from a single play to unprecedented live onlinereal-timeathletics. Original classic arcade transplantation, thenew playfishing, fishing and more comprehensive content, blastingmachinecool! Allowing the player to quickly grow as peoplefishing! Moreone thousand guns, 10000 cannons, guns and otherskills for you tochallenge! "Thousands of gun arcade fishing,"struck the first blow,shock struck! Prizes, competitive onlinemultiplayer networking;cool special effects, catch fish and enjoythe thrill; together toexperience the joy of deep-sea fishingstimulating atmosphere, withme the challenges of global fishingmaster![Game Features]1. Competitive week, the National Grand Prize send non-stop!2. Athletic live real-time networking, a variety of incentivestosend non-stop!3. Update fishing faster than arcade video content, themainstreamof the new species everything!4. All kinds of gold coins to send non-stop blasting machine,bonusfish, catch!5. BOSS variety, toad, Li Kui, mermaid, dragon, etc. BOSSBiaochelet you blast machine more exciting!6. one thousand guns 10000 cannons to you to decide! Up toaccompanyyou together fishing, enjoy the lively atmosphere offishing7. arena thousand Yuan Hao gift received mercy! Award everyday,week in and week trench gift!8. A lot of free gold online rewards send non-stop!update content:① increase the "Daily Dial" replace "sign", limit fish bombswaitingfor you to smoke;② increase exchange, pumping function calls, calls waiting foryouto come and collect massive;③ optimize fish refresh rules;④ upgrading bonus fish display and game interface UI;⑤ fix known BUG.If you have any game questions, you can contact us throughthefollowing ways to get help:On Facebook: @rccx_game
捕魚達人2 1.2.0
Fishing Hero 2016 2.1
Most popular exciting fishing game inAsia,challenge 100M real players !The New Version Detail:※ Players can trade between each other game props;※ new fort, cool strength, but also upgrade your fort,sweptfisheries;※ mysterious protection mechanism, so you no longer missinggoldfish!1,2016 hottest fishing game, perfect transplanting machinefishing10000 cannons edition, high-magnification cannon, tricksskills,rich gameplay, and unexpected equipment, so you spearfishing off anew upsurge;2, Western and Eastern mermaid undersea Li Kui unveiled newworld,21 kinds of characteristics of deep-sea fish, just waitingfor thehero to catch fish;3, when the reproduction machine multiplayer fishing,fishingworldwide, people with online co-PK athletics;4, hitting bonus fish, sending gold every day, bonus gifts tosendnon-stop; colored BOSS, let your passion; more full-screenbombs, ashock hit Barry, Zest's not stop.5, thousands of cannons hair, gold slam, when the machinehallclimax to reproduce, Zest's not stop!┅ 10000 cannons shark fishing, swept the world, dazzlinginterfacedesign, exotic fantasy ocean scene, shelling effectimmersive,beautiful seabed fish.┅ exclusive arena at all levels of players, four playerschallenge,passionate confrontation, strong collision, won supremeglory, toexperience new life climax!┅ more than one thousand guns 10000 cannons magnificationartilleryfort either you tune in any arena you blood PK, let youplay crazy,fun to burst!┅ latest arcade version of the fishing 10000 cannons game to spareafew guns, life from one climax after another, Zestandexciting!*Currently only supports Simplified Chinese, other languages willbeadded in future version.FeedbackWe still have a lot of exciting updates planned! If you likeourgame, please support us, we spend a little time to score. Wewillread every single comment.Encounter problems? The game have comments or suggestions? Youcancontact us through, we will try to resolve:Facebook: Email: [email protected]
捕魚高手是一款創新的休閒競技類捕魚遊戲,生動唯美的海底世界,隨波飄來一群穿著彩色水晶球的魚群,其中還夾雜著被冰封的長劍,征服它們就能獲得定屏50秒,這時您想打哪條魚就打哪條魚,各種方式偽裝自己的炸彈魚,捕獲它就有絢麗效果映滿全屏,更有一波接一波的海洋生物不斷遊來,兇猛的鯊魚,可愛的小丑魚閃電魚,神秘的美人魚等等,震撼的場面雙眼完全應接不暇,各種倍率的炮彈由您手中向它們席捲而去,滾滾而來的是金燦燦的幸運豆,還不過癮嗎?沒關係!每天更有6次機會參加全民福袋活動,萬人一起迎接福袋,感受幸運豆豆天上來的喜悅~省略繁瑣的註冊步驟,輕鬆一鍵註冊!全新真人線上對戰系統,同時萬人線上, 隨機即時匹配,謝絕再等待!還在擔心不會玩嗎?無門檻入場,每天簽到就送幸運豆,倒計時介面七檔遞增獎勵,邊玩邊領!一不留神花光了幸運豆,但還沒玩夠怎麼辦?別著急,每天都有一筆救濟金等著您!想要快速累積大量幸運豆,怎麼辦?百炮千炮萬炮房讓您體驗一炮收穫百萬豆豆的快感!雙人合作捕魚機率更大樂趣更多, 更有機率隨機掉落材料,出售能換幸運豆,合成能做參賽卡~比賽介面樂趣更多,多種賽制您缺什麼就有什麼, 擔心剛玩遊戲幸運豆不夠花嗎?別擔心,新手賺金賽倍率更大,獎勵更多!還在擔心技術上天沒挑戰嗎?別擔心初級賽,漁夫進階賽,高手挑戰賽,有膽等你來戰!更有日常競技場與你時時相伴!擔心賺了太多錢沒有人一起分享這個樂趣嗎?別擔心,排行榜上大家和你一起分享,還能接受萬人膜拜,被膜拜或者膜拜別人都能獲得超值獎勵喲!還在擔心手太快輸到身無分文,或者賺了太多沒有安全感嗎?別擔心特色銀行系統,時時存取無憂,最高可存上百萬,銀行記錄幫您記住每筆收入支出,貼心的密碼設置保您暢快捕魚!還在等什麼,快來和我一起加入捕魚大亂鬥的隊伍中吧!
Crazy fishermen-Happy fishing 2.1
Fishing up weathervane, free bonus waitingforyou to come and collect!Version update description:1. To participate in the national race, Zhou Guanjun will gettheface value of Yibai yuan Amazon shopping card.2. Increase the mailbox binding and retrieve thepasswordservice.Continuation of the classic arcade gameplay and enhancetheimprovement of fishing, so you can stay at home feel than thegameroom also with a sense of the experience! Lifelike seacreatures,beautiful fish swim around, take you into the fantasyunderwaterworld. Three classic fishing grounds, fishing groundswithin eachmagnification wide choice, and also a variety of skillsarecombined to meet all your fishing and competitive strategies.Here,you can freely capture, free win gold, enjoy blasting machinetimestimulation!One thousand cannon fishing new upgrade, there is no distance toletyou experience the arcade versionSimple enough? Free registration, no registrationlogin,open-playNot exciting enough? 100% reduction of the arcade games areplayed,so you stimulate to trembleCool enough? Vip various fish gun, gun fish store, there is alwaysaright for youInsufficient welfare? As long as you are willing to come,massivereward to get softNot enough fun? Classic single, multiplayer competition,unlimiteduniversal game, there is always your favoriteUnique enough? Premier on cards, so that every day you win atthestarting lineEnough domineering? Various rankings, make you eye-overnightOffer enough? Follow public micro-channel number, the first timetograsp the offerRich enough? Dozens of species of fish and BOSS, everyminuteblasting machineIntense enough? Real networking, multiplayer, people onlineIntense enough? Absolutely real war, no robot===== About us=====There are many exciting updates planned! If you like our game,takea moment to urge us five-star rating, thank you for yourapproval.We will read every single comment.Encounter problems? The game have comments or suggestions? Youcancontact the following ways, we must strive to solve:Customer Service Q Q: 3461551965Facebook: Service Email: [email protected] you happy everyday!
Luck Pop Fishing 3.1.3
Full of challenge! Full of exciting!Fullofhappiness! Full of luck! This is the legendisveryfascinating『Luck Pop Fishing』game!『Luck Pop Fishing』 delivers excellent fast-paced race inapackagethat's easy to understand and undeniablyfun.Unlocking,upgradingand race with others, using colorful andawesomecannon gives thegame endless replayability.1. Fishing Made Easy- Get hooked on fishing with simple, one-touchcontrols!Frozenworld、lock BOSS、diverse skills,rich in play,what'smore therearemysterious treasures waiting for you to grab!Just tenminute isallit takes before heart-pounding action!2. Jaw-dropping 3D Graphics- Interact with catches so life-like they could flyoffyourscreen!Perfectly recreated physics of fishing means you'llbeableto feel the excitement of fishing atyourfingertips!3Dstereoscopic fish seabed strolling,fishchallenge:upgrade yoursuper weapon,Use unique Cheats with fishbattle to theend!3. Global Rankings- Reel in the biggest fish and break records! Competeinfishingtournaments held by the hour and go head-to-headagainstusers fromaround the globe!4.Holiday festive gift bag- Great holiday gift welfare, massive receive freedailyCoins!Skillsand gift packs daily, free use features, dailytasksmore thanothers, collect their prizes to get soft.5.Really brings joy and luck fishing game-PK real fishing game,true to the romanticfishinggame,beautifulpicture,live funny dubbing upgradeinteresting.==============================Contact us:Line:280880560Email:[email protected]
1.2016電玩城多人對戰街機捕魚游戲!超爽超刺激!萬炮齊發!華麗貴賓場,娛樂無極限。2. 真人PK的捕魚游戲,真實還原浪漫捕魚,唯美畫面,真人搞笑配音提升趣味性。3. 一網打盡、大三元、大四喜、同類炸彈,全屏炸彈、能量炮等經典玩法4. 節日福利大贈送,海量金幣每天免費領取。5. 加入捕魚就送金幣,每天還有更多免費金幣,捕魚無憂。6. 海量金幣大放送,技能禮包送不停,每天都可以領取免費金幣和神秘技能禮包,讓你免費徹底體驗捕魚帶來的快樂!========================================================================【遊戲特色】1.逢年過節都有節日禮包。2.技能禮包每日贈送,免費使用功能,每日任務更多,領取拿到手軟。3.砲台不斷升級,更有超級雷電激光大砲,點擊立馬變土豪!4.3D立體BOS​​S海底閑庭信步,挑戰Boss:升級你的超級武器,使用獨門秘籍與Boss決戰到底!5.競技之王:參加聯網捕魚比賽場!體驗競技快感!6.冰封天地、鎖定BOSS,多樣技能,豐富玩法,更有神秘寶盒等你搶!2016年你也是捕魚達人!快來一起挑戰吧! !狹路相逢,砲兵必勝! !【聯繫我們】電話:4000696960客服QQ:3300435996客服邮箱:[email protected]官方微信:buyuchuanshuoFacebook line: multiplayergamingcity arcade fishing game! Ultra-cool super exciting! 10000cannonshair! Gorgeous VIP field, entertainment withoutlimits.2. PK real fishing game, true to the romantic fishing,beautifulpicture, real funny voice upgrade interesting.3. Clean Sweep, Big Three, Luckiest Man, similar bomb,full-screenbombs, energy cannon and other classic games areplayed4. Get the big holiday benefits, massive gold receive afreeday.5. Add fish would send gold coins, gold coins every day therearemore free, worry-free fishing.6. Mass coins big run, skill packs to send non-stop, every dayyoucan get a free gold and mysterious skill packs let youcompletelyfree to experience the pleasure of fishing!========================================================================[Game Features]1. The holidays have holiday spree.2. Skills gift packs daily, free use of the function, moredailytasks, receive get soft.3. Fort escalating, more super laser cannon thunder,clickimmediately change Tyrant!4.3D perspective BOS S seabed strolling, challenge Boss:Upgradeyour super weapon, the use of unique Cheats and Boss battlein theend!5. The king Athletics: Participation in networking fieldfishinggame! Experience the thrill of athletics!6. The frozen world, locking BOSS, diverse skills, richgameplay,more mysterious treasures waiting for you to grab!2016 you are fishing up! Come and challenge it! !Territories,artillery win! !【contact us】Phone: 4000696960Customer Service QQ: 3300435996Customer Service Email: [email protected] micro letter: buyuchuanshuoFacebook line: https: //
捕鱼传奇(捕鱼达人千炮版街机多人联网疯狂竞技) 1.5.26
bao youru
纯正街机风格 真实多人联网丰富道具组合 千炮激战BOSS帅哥美女同台 聊天交友赠礼免费金币日日领 钻石奖券掉不停每月都有新玩法 更多惊喜等你挖【游戏优势】★大六最火的街机捕鱼游戏,游戏内容丰富,有著多种元素。在开心捕鱼的同时,带你畅游美丽的海底世界;还可以体验街机厅的快感,加入许多老虎机以及拉霸机的元素,游戏裡面的幸运轮盘以及一些趣味小游戏,定会让你爱不释手,街机捕鱼达人掌中必备!★游戏创新各种神技,琐定、狂暴、极速、万炮、定屏等技能助你在深海捕鱼中更加间单粗暴,无论你是电玩城高手还是新手小白,在游戏中学会运用各种技能,再加上一点点幸运捕鱼就是这麽间单,就是这麽任性!★如果你总是孤单一个人,交友困难护,时常感到无聊,你可以下载我们的捕鱼游戏;如果你在漫长的公交、地铁途中,你可以下载我们的捕鱼游戏,随时随地给你带来捕鱼乐趣,帮你赶走无聊,让你不再孤单!★如果你喜欢热闹,喜欢刺激,喜欢赌博带来的快感,甚至会时常出入赌场。你可以下载我们的游戏,虽然我们的游戏并不能像德州扑克这类带给你刺激,但我们游戏裡面的轮盘游戏等特殊环节能带给你不一洋的乐趣,嘻嘻哈哈赌圣称号就到手了。有了它,你足不出护,就能享受到无尽的乐趣!★ 赶快加入我们吧,加入鲨鱼全民大战的行列,让我们在这海底世界横扫天下,开创自己的捕鱼时代,成就你的捕鱼传奇吧!★ 海量金蔽搭配神秘礼包,惊喜连连让你赚翻天!★ 邀请好友一起踏上充满传奇色彩的捕鱼之旅吧!!!Purearcade-stylemultiplayer real networkingProps rich combination of one thousand gun battle BOSSHotties on the same stage chat with friends giftFree gold diamond collar day stop off lotteryEvery month new ways more surprises waiting for you to digGames Advantage]★ Big Six hottest arcade fishing game, the game is richincontent,with a variety of elements. In fun fishing while youswimwith thebeautiful underwater world; you can also experiencethethrill ofthe arcade hall, adding elements of many slot machinesandslotmachines, the game inside the wheel of fortune, and somefungames,will let you put it down arcade fishing upthehandsnecessary!★ variety of innovative game nirvana, the lock lever,violent,speed,10000 cannons, set screens and other skills to helpyou indeep-seafishing in the single room more rough, whether youare anovice orexpert white city game, learn to use in the gameavariety of skills,plus a little luck fishing is so single room,isso headstrong!★ If you are always a person alone, making friendsdifficultcare,often bored, you can download our fishing game; ifyou are alongbus, subway on the way, you can download our fishinggamesanytime,anywhere to bring you fishing fun to help you get ridofboredom,so you are no longer alone!★ If you like fun, like the stimulation, like the thrillofgambling,even frequented casinos. You can download ourgames,although ourTexas Hold'em game and give you such a stimulus,butwe are insidethe game roulette and other special links canbringyou different funocean can not be like, laughing and jokingWinnertitle on hand a.With it, you go abroad care, you can enjoyendlessfun!★ Come on and join us, join the ranks of sharks universal war,letusin this underwater world swept the world, to create theirownfishingtimes, the achievements of your fishing legendnow!★ massive gold shield with a mysterious spree surprises letyouearnearthshaking!★ Invite friends to embark on a legendary fishing journey! ! !
捕鱼假日3D 1.1.1
Weijing Bai
《捕鱼假日3D》在传统捕鱼游戏模式的基础上,融合RPG游戏特有的收集、养成要素,在内容和玩法上挖掘了更大的娱乐空间。轻松休闲的捕鱼港,紧张刺激的竞技港,变化莫测的神秘岛,同样的玩法带来不同的体验,还能与志同道合的渔友们组建鱼盟,将追求个人利益的娱乐过程上升到创造集体荣誉的觉悟。"Fishing Holiday 3D"gamemode on the basis of traditional fishing on the integration ofRPGgame unique collection, to develop elements in the contentandgameplay excavated more entertainment space. Casual fishingharbor,Port exciting athletics, the vagaries of Myst, the same playtobring a different experience, but also with like-minded friendssetup fish and fishery Union, will pursue the entertainmentprocesspersonal interests rose to create collective consciousnessofhonor.
Fishing Age - fishing game 1.6.7
Fishing Age is an insanely addictivecasualgame ! In Fishing Age, you’ll be able to have adeep-oceanexperience catching magnificent species of fish andcreatures theeco-friendly way! The game features stunning deep-seagraphics,music, sound fx’s for a more enjoyable and pleasantexperience. Aimand shoot your multi-Level power nets to catch fishand earn Goldand EXP! In addition, once your Cannon’s Power Gaugeis full, youwill be rewarded with a special Laser Gun to annihilateanythingand everything on its path! Even the most difficultcreatures tocatch - Sharks! Fishing Age will keep you glued tothescreen!There are 9 powerful Cannons to choose from in size and range.CastCannon Nets wisely using small Nets for small fish and big Netsforlarge prey. The cost of the net is equivalent to the Level oftheCannon Net .【Stashed with Core Gameplay】As a true mobile fishing game, many fun elements have beenaddedduring the course of game progression. We’ve evolved thesimplearcade version of fishing into a richer experience ofgameplay onmany layers. Special events that trigger when you fishmake yourjourney more fun!1. 18 varieties of colorful sea creatures2. 9 different Levels of Cannons and Nets3. 1 Super Laser Gun4. Latest technology in graphics, music and sound effects5. Game version available in English, Chinese.6. Experience fishing at your fingertips with rich gameplay7. Use the skills can be frozen all the fish8. Throw a bomb to catch all fishes in the area.Good luck!
Ocean Kingdom-Fish Catching 1.3
[Summary]--Catching fishes in a casual way!The ocean is still and there are so many kinds of fishswimmingbeside rocks. Get ready your fish gun and catching thoseamazingfish with your fingers and during that time you will finddifferentfish waves in that deep ocean.[Features]---vivid fish in deep ocean---many kinds of fish gun to switch---super lather gun available---extra daily bonus
街机捕鱼超人 5.6.8
1.经典的火爆人气联机捕鱼游戏加上各具特色的技能,玩到爽打到爆。2.电磁脉冲、激光炮、雷电、毒液、核弹、斩等技能绝对干货,毫无水分。3.技能可以升级,等级越高越厉害。4.这里更有海量金币、钻石、宝箱等你来拿。5.欢乐多多,趣味多多,还等什么快和你的朋友们一起来玩吧。 6.天下豪杰齐聚于此,你还不来.
Fish Hunter Champion 2.79
Fish hunter champion delivers excellentfishhunt mechanics and fast-paced race in a package that's easytounderstand and undeniably fun. Unlocking,upgrading and racewithothers, using colorful and awesome cannon gives the gameendlessreplayability.