Top 5 Games Similar to Guess Villains 2017

How much do you know about SUPERHEROESintheCINEMA?You can choose between two options of game:- You can answer correctly all the questions and demonstratethatyouare the one who more knows about superheroes inthecinema.- You can answer questions to get points and be the number oneoftheworld. The more questions correctly answered followed,morepointsyou get for each correct answer.The questions are based on the comic superheroes ofalltheimportant publishers of comic books: MARVEL, DC, DARKHORSE,MIRAGESTUDIOS, etc. These questions are on these superheroesinhismovies premiered in the cinema.This is the list of 26 superheroes used in the questions:- ANT-MAN- AVENGERS- BATMAN- CAPTAIN AMERICA- CATWOMAN- DAREDEVIL- DEADPOOL- ELEKTRA- FANTASTIC FOUR- GHOST RIDER- GREEN LANTERN- GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY- HELLBOY- HULK- IRON MAN- KICK-ASS- SPIDER-MAN- SUICIDE SQUAD- SUPER- SUPERMAN- TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES- THE INCREDIBLES- THE PUNISHER- THOR- WOLVERINE- X-MENPlay and demonstrate your knowledge conquering theWorldRanking.Will you be the Number 1?
Guess the SuperHero 3.2.0k
Vei Games
Guess Superhero is a game that willchallengeall your knowledge about the world of superheroes. In thisfunquestion and answer game you will find a series oficoniccharacters from the world of comics.With guess the name of the superhero you will need to makememoryand use all your knowledge to be able to recognize thedifferentcharacters along several levels.Guess the SuperHeroe has characters from the followingbrands:-Marvel-DC-CapcomWhats the game about?A series of images will be exposed with the features or facesofsuperheroes, from which you will have to guess the name. Thegamecontains more than 40 levels full of pure fun anddifficulty.How to play?Underneath the image, there are a series of letters with whichyouwill have to form the name of the superheroe exposed in theimage,if you happen you will pass to the next level where you mustguessthe name of another personage.The game contains well-known characters as well as others thatdonot so much so that only true superhero fans will be abletocomplete all levels of this great game.
Villain Numbers - Simple Sums 1.0.5
Everyone knows how to add 2 + 2. But whatifwetell you to Fail?. Things change.»Try to answer as many operations as possible in the twosecondsitwill take for operation.»Prove you are faster than anyone.»Adaptable to all screens Graphics.»Rewards for advertising.-----------------------»Try to answer as many operations as possible in the twosecondsitwill take for operation.It looks easy but in practice is more complicated than youthink.Ouralgorithm addition becomes complicated operations iscalculatedasyour level of interaction. The faster you answermorecomplicateoperations. Always within the limits of therapidcalculation. Nomatter how fast you never will be operating3-digitor decimal tooperate. In fact, you'll notice that at firstaresimple sums butthe tenth success starts to getinteresting."Prove you are faster than anyone.We have integrated Facebook so you can share your resultswithyourfriends. Once you finish the game, you can share yourRecordonyour Facebook wall by simply clicking on the buttonthathaveenabled it. With this simple gesture you can show yourfriendsandacquaintances you've got a great score on VillainNumbers. Donothesitate to do so because on one hand you get othersto seeandalso attract more people to make it more fun. If, however,donotwant to connect with Facebook, you're free to do it andyoucanplay perfectly and smoothly. But not so funny.In this latest version we have integrated the LeaderBoardinrealtime, with which you will know the results of your friendsliveandsee at a glance if you have finally beat the colleague whotakesaweek in the top spot. No need to touch anything to climbandtheresults appear on the leaderboard, Villain Numbers -SimpleSumsdoes it for you."Adaptable to all screens Graphics.Villain Numbers - Simple Sums, are minimalist but notleastdetailed.We have taken into account the older and less powerwhenprogrammedthe game devices also can enjoy those who have notbeenable to renewits terminal stop current range.You can play in both portrait and landscape, but notice thathegetsmore juice in Vertical due to the original idea of​​takingthedevice with one hand while playing.Villain Numbers - Simple Sums is executed correctly in morethan3000devices and adapts to all screen sizes, either 4: 3, 16:9,16:10 ...You can play them all."Rewards for advertising.As developers, we know that it is very annoying toseeabusiveadvertising in almost the majority of titles availableindigitalstores. But it is the only way to offer a free producttoademanding public like you. Yes, we are against putting adsasatrap looking for the accidental click or installthoseapplicationsthat only advertising is everywhere.After much research, we wanted to offer a user experience ascleanaspossible to the customer. Thus our method is to let's youwhodecideshe wants to do with advertising, if you see itforsomething inreturn or if instead avoided for any reasonwhatever.Villain Numbers- Simple Sums you will always have thatoption inads that requireyour attention. Either because they arein videoformat or becausethey occupy the entire screen.In this specific case, we offer the opportunity tocontinueplayingthe current game, if you had such an occasionalmistake,justwatching a little video quality. If you accept, youwill havethereward. If you refuse, you lose nothing. You help us,we willhelpyou.
Name That Comic Character 2.1.0b
Go through 65 levels that test yourknowledgeofMarvel and DC comic characters.-New levels added regularly!-Gets progressively harder as you go through the levels!-Hints available! Ask your friends on social media or usecoins!-Character graphics made in beautiful retro graphicsfromthelikes of the NES, SNES and Sega Genesis.How well do you know your Marvel and DC comiccharacters?Findout!
Superhero Quiz: Marvel & DC 1.01
You are a fan of the Marvel and DCcomicheroes?You love Iron Man, Superman, Batman and alle theotherfamous heroesas much as we do? You know the special weaponsandabilities of Thor,Spider-Man, Hulk and the X-Men? Great! Thenthechances are good thatyou might like our great new ComicQuiz.Expect hundreds of questionsabout the most famous charactersandmovies of the Marvel and DCcomics. Here are some examples:Which person never played a villain in the "Batman" movies?- Jim Carrey- Adam West- Jack Nicholson- Tommy Lee JonesThe Avengers 2 - Age of Ultron: Thanos was considered tobethenext villain, but Whedon decided against him infavorofUltron.- True- False'I'm six foot seven, and bright green, people are goingtostareat me no matter how I dress.' Who am I?- Kree- Hulk- She-Hulk- Skrull