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Mundo Descuento 4.4.8 (g7f33a80)
Mundo Descuento es la mejor forma de descubrir esosdescuentosybeneficios que tanto buscas, siendo la única Apppersonalizabledela Argentina que te permite en segundos, encontrara tualrededorlas ofertas filtradas acorde a tus tarjetas decrédito,débito ybeneficio y a tus intereses. Mundo Descuento cuentacon másde 40mil descuentos y beneficios que se actualizan a diario,lo quelaconvierte en la aplicación más actualizada delmercadoArgentino.Si te descargás Mundo Descuento fácilmente podrás:•Personalizartu aplicación acorde a tus tarjetas y gustos. •Contarcon más de40,000 ofertas que se actualizan día a día. •Conocerlosbeneficios a tu alrededor con la opción de filtrarlospordistanciaen un radio de 1 a 30 km. • Compartir descuentos atravésde lasredes sociales a quienes quieras para queestospuedanaprovecharlos! • Recordar los beneficios que másteinteresen.¿Tenés preguntas o sugerencias? Podés enviarnos [email protected] o seguirnos en nuestras redessocialesparamantenerte actualizado sobre nuevas versiones,mejoras,nuevastarjetas y los sorteosmensuales!FB: el momento contamos con lassiguientestarjetas de crédito,débito y beneficio: • Clubes deBeneficios ---Club Arnet,Cablevision - Fibertel, Clarín 365, ClubLa Nación,Comunidad Coto,Club Día, Jumbo Más, Club La Voz, ClubPersonal,SUBEneficio, ClubSpeedy, Tarjeta VOS, Beneficios UNLaM,Vea Ahorro,YPF Serviclub,Tarjeta clickOn, DIRECTV Fans, TarjetaRapiclub. •Bancos -- BancoFrancés, Banco Galicia, Citi, SantanderRio, Itaú,Banco Macro,Banco Provincia, Banco Ciudad, ICBC, HSBC,BancoPatagonia, BancoCredicoop, Banco Comafi, Banco Supervielle,BancoSanta Fé •Tarjetas -- American Express, Visa, MasterCard,TarjetaNaranja,Cencosud, CMR, Tarjeta Shopping, Tarjeta CotoInteligente,LaAnónima, Walmart, Cabal, Diners Club En MundoDescuento,podrásencontrar beneficios y descuentos de tus marcasfavoritas,talescomo: Carrefour, Coto, Falabella, Garbarino, Hoyts,MCDonald's,Burger King y muchas más! Atentos que iremossumandotarjetas enforma semanal!
The Catch Restaurant & Bar 1.4
Our App will allow you to stay current withourSpecials, Discounts and Events which are always changing.What are they sayin?What a great addition to Key Largo's restaurant scene!The Catch has a great, wide variety of offerings fromvariousappetizers to full meals. I have had the baked camabertcheeseplate and it is yummy and filling! The fish "sticks" aregreat asare the wings and conch fritters.The happy hour raw oysters are cold and tasty. Lots of localsherefor happy hour.There is a small patio in the back with several tables thathaveumbrellas. If you have your four legged furry friend with you,youcan sit here! The servers will even bring some waterforthem.Great, relaxed Keys restaurant. Looking forward to returningagainand again.______________Great local spot! My husband had the Prime Rib special onFridaynight and he's says it's the best he's had anywhere in thekeys(he's tried them at most of the restaurants). I had thebroiledseafood platter and it was delicious and fresh.I like that the bar area is separate from the dining - there'salittle bit for all types of dinners. Bar area with live music,hightops and TV, a separate dining area where it's a little quieterbutyou can still hear the music and the outside seating - if alfrescois your preference.It's great to see Cathy has another winner and it willdefinitelybe added as one of our weekly go to places._____________Was in key largo for a few days and kept hearing both thelocalsand tourists talk about this restaurant and thought we willgobefore we leave. So we went for dinner, sat on the back patioandproceeded to be more and more and more impressed with each dishweate! - so much so, I'm writing a review... And I don't typicallydothat! Anyway, Super cute place, great happy attentivestaff,finally a place with both a great wine list and fun bardrinks.....And then there is the food, the selection, thequality.... Beyondyummy- ( you have to try the -oyster Moscow, thelobster &shrimp crab cake and the tempura hogfish). I even tookfoodpictures so I didn't forget it. But that's probably notnecessarysince we are going back ! - atlanta, ga