Top 7 Apps Similar to TS Away Day 2016

PwC myMobility Calendar
The myMobility calendar enablesmobileemployees to track travel “as you go” via GPS or by manualentry.Quickly see your travel history and the progress you havemade incompleting your calendar. Seamlessly synchronize withcomplimentaryPwC myMobility technology.
Carreira PwC 1.1.0
O aplicativo “Carreira PwC” forneceinformaçõessobre as vagas abertas na PwC Brasil e possibilita aoscandidatosreceberem notificações sobre a categoria de interesse.Também épossível consultar as datas de inscrições, ospré-requisitos de cadaposição, assim como as etapas dos processosseletivos.“Carreira PwC" é uma ferramenta importante àqueles quetêminteresse em atuar em um dos escritórios da PwC noBrasil,facilitando o monitoramento das posições disponíveis emtodos osníveis de carreira, desde jovens talentos atéprofissionaisexperientes.The application"CareerPwC" provides information on vacancies at PwC Brazil andenablescandidates to receive notifications about the category ofinterest.You can also consult the dates of enrollment, theprerequisites ofeach position as well as the steps of the selectionprocess."Career PwC" is an important tool to those who have aninterestin acting in one of PwC's offices in Brazil, facilitatingthemonitoring of positions available at all career levels, fromyoungtalent to seasoned professionals.
PwC.Directory 1.0.1
PwC's new Mobile Directories willhelpyoudescribe and share your team with your client. Make yourteammoretransparent by taking the guesswork out of who is whereandwhattheir role or function is within the team. Improve thespeedofconnectivity with the client and team and extendyourrelationshipwith your client. Imagine your team on theclient'smobile devicewhere ever they are.
PwC Taiwan 1.0.15301.1
主要功能如下:1、最新消息:即時提供資誠 (PwC Taiwan) 各式專業資訊。2、法令專區:提供您即時的專業法令查詢,不用再費時翻閱厚重的法規叢書。3、活動/課程:隨時查詢資誠 (PwC Taiwan) 各式活動與研討會資訊,讓您學習不漏接。4、出版品:擁有最精華的資誠 (PwC Taiwan) 專業書籍,以電子書形式方便您隨時閱讀,專業知識再升級。5、熱門議題:隨時掌握最Hot的商業、財會等議題,讓您走在資訊的前端成為意見領袖。關於資誠 (PwC Taiwan)資誠 (PwCTaiwan)係PwC全球聯盟組織在台灣之聯盟所,我們的經營宗旨是「解決重要問題、營造社會誠信」,協助企業及個人實現其追求之價值。資誠(PwCTaiwan)全球聯盟組織遍佈157個國家,計有近195,000名專業人員在世界各地分享他們的思維、經驗及解決方案,以發展各方面嶄新及實務的見解。在台灣,資誠(PwCTaiwan)有超過2,600位專業人員,在全台六大城市設有服務據點。更多資訊,請至資誠(PwCTaiwan)網站。The main functions areasfollows:1, the latest news: provide immediate funding Cheng (PwCTaiwan)all kinds of professional information.2. Decree zone: your immediate inquiry Profession Act, nolongertime-consuming regulations read heavy books.3, activity / course: any time owned Cheng (PwC Taiwan) all kindsofevents and seminar information, so you do not misslearning.4. Publications: has the essence of capital Prudential (PwCTaiwan)professional books, in book form for easier reading at anytime,expertise, and then upgrade.5. Hot topic: Keep up the Hot business, accounting and otherissues,allowing you to walk in front of information becomeopinionleaders.About funding Cheng (PwC Taiwan)Chinese Cheng (PwC Taiwan) Department of PwC global alliance intheAlliance Taiwan, our business objective is "to addressimportantissues, and create social credit" to help businessesandindividuals to achieve their pursuit of value. Chinese Cheng(PwCTaiwan) global alliance across 157 countries, namely,nearly195,000 professionals share their thinking, experienceandsolutions in the world to develop new ideas and practices inallaspects. In Taiwan, Chinese Cheng (PwC Taiwan) has more than2,600professionals in six major cities in Taiwan and hasserviceoffices. For more information, please go to the capitalCheng (PwCTaiwan) website
PwC Talent Exchange
Talent Exchange will connect independent talent withopportunitiesat PwC.
TP to Go 4.0
Transfer Pricing to Go (TP to Go) is amobileapplication designed to bring you thought leadership articlesfromPwC's transfer pricing network. We have included content frommanyof our publications, including: Tax insights from transferpricing,Transfer pricing perspectives, Global transferpricingpublications, and country pages and country requirementsfrom ourGlobally coordinated documentation (GCD) team. We hope youfind theinformation provided within TP to Go useful as we add newcontentfrom around our global network.
PwC Live :1.58.1+2
For all SpotMe-powered events, this is the app you will use.