Top 2 Apps Similar to IHI BMJ International Forum

IHI Open School 1.5.1
The IHI Open School for Health Professionsisaninterprofessional educational community that has givenmorethan100,000 students, residents, faculty, and professionalsthequalityand safety skills to improve health care. More than50,000peoplehave taken at least one of the self-paced, onlinecourses andmorethan 500 face-to-face IHI Open School Chaptershavedevelopedaround the world. Join this growing community andaccessmany ofthe website’s free resources in the palm of your hand.Features:•Take the entire IHI Open School catalog of courses,includingtheaudio clips, video interviews, and post-lessonassessmentquizzes.The courses cover quality improvement, patientsafety,leadership,patient- and family-centered care, managinghealth careoperations,and population health. Complete all thecourses and earnacertificate of completion that you can proudlydisplay onyourresume, showing future employers you’re passionateaboutimprovingsystems and care for patients. (The courses are freeforstudents,residents, faculty, and users from the leastdevelopedcountries.Professionals can purchase a one-yearsubscription ororganizationscan purchase training for agroup.)•Access a growing collection of tools and resourcesthatcomplementthe teaching from the courses. Case studies,improvementstories,and glossaries provide additional learningopportunitiesforstudents and staff.•Watch an ever-changing assortment of videos thathighlightstudentachievements, new ideas in health care, andopinions fromexpertleaders in health care.•Get a new tip every week about improving health care. Longorshort,each pointer will provide an actionable idea that willhelpyouuncover new ways to improve the care you provide and thejoy inyourprofession.•Follow us on Twitter to get up-to-the-second updates onhealthcarenews and trends, advice from expert faculty, and ideasfromourworldwide community of improvers.The IHI Open School is part of the InstituteforHealthcareImprovement (IHI), an independent not-for-profitlocatedinCambridge, Massachusetts. The IHI focuses onmotivatingandbuilding the will for change; identifying and testingnew modelsofcare in partnership with both patients andhealthcareprofessionals; and ensuring the broadest possibleadoption ofbestpractices and effective innovations.
IHI Onsite 1.4.4
The IHI app allows you to customize yourIHItraining experience. With this interactive app, you’ll beableto:o Browse session descriptionso View your course scheduleo Review faculty biographieso View a map of the venue and session locationso View the Event Twitter feedo Take notes and save them to your IHI profileo Search by session, presenter, or tracko …and much more!IHI is a leading innovator in health and health careimprovementworldwide. For more than 25 years, we have partneredwith anever-growing community of visionaries, leaders, andfront-linepractitioners around the globe to spark bold, inventiveways toimprove the health of individuals and populations. Together,webuild the will for change, seek out innovative models of care,andspread proven best practices. When it comes to raising thequalityof health for all, IHI sees boundless possibilities, andwhile wesee the walls in front of us, we will not rest until wereach theother side. Learn more at