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Info Casting 1.2
INFO CASTING merupakan aplikasiyangmenyediakan Informasi tentang info casting, baik itu castingfilm,FTV, iklan, sinetron, presenter, pemotretan dan segala halyangberhubungan dengan dunia entertainment. Informasi yangdidapatbersumber dari agency dan/atau manajemen yang bekerjasamadenganpihak Production House (PH) sehingga data yang tersajihampirdipastikan 100% valid.INFO CASTING berupaya menjadi salah satu aplikasi penyediainformasicasting terlengkap, terupdate dan terpercaya.INFO CASTING isanapplication that provides information about thecastinginformation, be it casting the film, FTV, commercials, soapoperas,presenter, shooting and everything related to the worldofentertainment. Information obtained sourced from the agency and/or management in collaboration with the Production House (PH)sothat the data presented is almost certainly 100% valid.INFO CASTING application seeks to become one of the mostcompletecasting information providers, updated and reliable.