Top 1 Apps Similar to Where should we gather?

Gather 1.0
Siine Ltd
Gather is about participating inactivelysolving problems.Gather campaigns invite people to participate:Taking photosWriting StoriesCollecting DataMapping ProblemsInside Gather you will find many interesting campaigns. Adoptatree, report corruption, interview your neighbours, trackdangerousroads. Anyone who wants to help out in their community cando a lotjust by being a Gatherer.The app contains campaigns that invite us to report problems thatweexperience every day.For example if you see pollution in your area, you can submitareport. Because you are making the effort to document aproblem,(rather than complain about it) you are helping to make acommunitymap and provide the needed information to do somethingaboutit.Most of us "report" about good restaurants and shops sothatpeople can easily find and learn about them. But how many of usdothe same for our local issues? Pollution, harassment,dangerousroads, stray dogs and cats - if we all report these thingsproperlythe story is told and the solutions becomes apparent.Gather is inspired by the many community mapping andcitizenreporting projects worldwide which have had enormousbenefits.However there are so many different ones, and it takessuch effortto set them up, that doing community mapping is not yeta naturaleveryday activity for the majority of people. Gatherworked tocreate a system that enables any organization, big orsmall, tocreate and publish a gathering campaign with very loweffort andcost. This means that the people can have one place theycome to inorder to report and support any community issue.If you work with a social benefit organization you can createacampaign to include in Gather, and bring the ability toparticipateto your crowd of supporters.So download the app, get out there, and next time youencountersomething that upsets you, violates your rights, or oughtto bechanged... make a gather report and you will be supportingyourcommunity in working to make things better.