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BlueBook Of Gun Values 2.0.2
-Specific feedback isappreciated,pleasevisit: questions.Access the world-renowned Blue Book of Gun Values fromyourmobiledevice. Access model information, manufacturerhistory,specs, andvariations on almost 250,000 gun models. NotethatValues areincluded with a paid subscription only, however theappis free todownloadThe Blue Book of Gun Values app contains:· Search capability to locate specific models quickly· Current Blue Book values; updated MONTHLY alongwithhistoricalpricing. (A paid online subscription is required onlytoaccesspricing information)· Detailed and technical information for most models· Our Photo Percentage Grading System to accuratelyassessthecondition of your gun· Manufacturer history and production information forthousandsoftrademarks
Gun Tracker 6.2.0
David Cabal
Gun Tracker saves gun stats, range/cleaning sessions, andammoinventory!
Guns & Ammo Magazine 3.6
Guns & Ammo spotlights the latest models from combat pistolstomagnum rifles.