Top 21 Apps Similar to 囚禁之館

四目神 【解謎×文字逃出遊戲】 1.1.4
" 'Unwanted child," God will be taken away four items [× wordpuzzleescape game] - [] Four eyes of God -
我滿懷青春的有病測驗 1.8
Sick Games
✓ 世界第一款,透過測驗了解身心有病程度的APP ✓ 世界第一款,不是以三國、武俠跟棒球為主題的心理測驗遊戲!!✓世界第一款,可以測驗「祖宗18代」有沒有病的APP ( 請勿在農曆七月、清明節與重陽節使用 )✓世界第一款,針對分析,給予當天或當月的行事注意事項 ✓世界第一款,你覺得介紹很莫名其妙的遊戲========================================每個人,都有另外一個人格 「病病人格」好比你會對任何人發火,但你絕對不會主動跑去燒宗統府可是,我相信你想把火柴丟進宗統府的心,絕對比任何事情強烈!!最起碼...比燒鈔票強烈很多,對不對 ? 這種精神上的落差...就是「有病」 有病的程度,每一個人都不一樣,那要怎樣測試自己的病況?很簡單,首先下載《我滿懷青春的有病測驗》這款有病APP,然後安裝、點開接著,你就知道怎麼做了。發現自己是病病人不是什麼難事,最重要的是面對它、承認它、分享它 分享它你就可以發現另外一個更美好的小天地 ~共勉之========================================※千萬不要嘗試破解本測驗的所有景品※千萬不要嘗試破解本測驗的所有景品 ( 因為很重要,所以再說一次)※千萬不要點廣告,因為這樣我們就會賺錢,就會做更多教壞囝仔大小的遊戲※請勿在農曆七月、清明節以及重陽節使用本APP的某個功能,被託夢請自行負責※本測驗沒有任何精神科醫師背書,因為我們屬意的傢伙,名字叫西格蒙德·弗洛伊德※如果遊玩發現心理不適,有病制作團隊一概不負責任,啾咪~♥ PS小提醒:開通完整版~~ 只綁訂於一台裝置上,如果移除遊戲開通資料也會跟著消失,愛注意喔!Σ(*゚д゚ノ)ノ========================================超有病粉絲團募集粉絲中!!!隨時更新各種有病專屬資訊~~願病病神與你同在!
Escape Utsushiyo 1.2.6
cretia studio
「脱出×ホラー×本格シナリオ」で織りなす ”うつしよ”の世界へようこそ。脱出の先にあるこの世界と二人の少女の真実を、あなたの手で解き明かそう。
小林正雪復仇之密室 1.3.172
Hong Kong, escape room, criminal investigation reasoning,puzzlesolving! The romantic and suave criminal policeman, whohasrepeatedly solved strange cases, easily dealt with a largenumberof cases and cunning criminals, until that happened...Thebiggestenemy was planning a huge conspiracy in secret.
危險人渣 2.10
Solve the mystery before you die. If you are given theopportunityto come back again, can you escape the trap of death andescapefrom the murder case?
流言侦探-活着的死者 2.3.1
考上狀元就回來娶我吧 1.75
Otome antiquity to develop the game
御灵绘卷 36.0
Aesthetic and windy screens and top-notch Japanese seiyuuheavilycreated, the ultimate restoration of a safe world.Super-burningcross-service conquest, a new gameplay full-scalebattle, withgods, legendary weapons, folklore, and great men asprototypes, tomake new interpretations!
甜點王子2 - 心動奇蹟 1.0.11
為了實現環遊世界蒐集甜點的夢想,烘焙飛行船啟航囉~ 意外發現的奇蹟食譜是否真的能帶來幸福劇情?模擬經營x戀愛養成超人氣女性向手機遊戲《甜點王子2》,帶妳展開動心羞澀的浪漫愛情! ● 心動瞬間 甜蜜解鎖 甜蜜劇情,觸動每一根心弦精美2DCG劇情圖,構築夢中每份想念 ● 環遊世界 邂逅愛情 心動異國邂逅,美男夥伴養成,攜手迎向冒險 ● 親手打造夢幻店鋪經營夢幻甜點餐廳,一同航向世界,收集神秘食譜 ● Q萌衝擊 穿搭時尚 華美服飾家具,設計自己專屬的服飾裝扮,構建專屬華麗舞台●人氣甜點 夢幻呈現 精美各國食譜,共築綺幻甜點國度 ● 豪華聲優陣容 頂級聽覺享受 精選聲優,動人台詞撥撩妳的心房
密室逃脫 - 文字獄 6.2.18
Jia-Ho Jian
The protagonist is trapped in a prison, and the words arehiscandlelight. In the cold prison, lead the way by combiningwordsand sentences. Can you help the main character escape fromprison?What secrets are there in this prison?
美男戰國 - 穿越時空之戀 女性向戀愛遊戲・乙女遊戲 1.3.0
Do you want to get close contact with your beloved generalsandexperience the sweet voice when you open the game? Then youmustnot miss the "General's Room" system, which greatly satisfiesyourvision and hearing. A love game played by 20 million femaleplayersaround the world!
熹妃Q傳-體驗後宮心跳之旅 1.1.7
"Xi Fei Q Biography" is a mobile game adapted from thebest-sellingGong Dou novel "Qing Gong Xi Fei Biography". Theclassic novel isreproduced in 3D animation, and the phone isupgraded. You can alsomolest the emperor and chat with your sistersabout gossip. You canexperience the happiest palace Fight life,enjoy the beautifulancient world!
落櫻散華抄Remake 2.1.2
2019/12/17本日因故進行伺服器搬移,如於2019年12月17日前下載遊戲之玩家,請重新安裝遊戲,造成您的不便還請見諒。校園生活全新再開!不可思議的校園冒險AVG遊戲,結合【戀愛約會】【打工經營】【卡牌戰鬥】,歡迎您來櫻華學園體驗不可思議的校園戀愛奇幻生活!!●純愛冒險、豐富故事,超乎想像的劇情展開! ● 戀愛育成、踏實學習,戀愛與學業兩者兼得! ●打工經營、閒聊約會,驚喜不斷的學園生活! ●卡牌激戰、策略組合,封印失控的魔界妖物! ● 魅力女角、帥氣式神,收集五百種華麗卡牌!●累積好感、展現羈絆,和心儀女角一起奮戰!櫻華學園,充滿貴族氣息與頂尖設施的高級學校。因為父母工作的關係,你轉入了櫻華學園,不但成為了眾所注目的轉學生,更因此與眾女角們展開了綺麗的邂逅,但是等待你的不只於此,潛藏在現代社會檯面下的世界,妖怪與人類的戰爭更是將你捲入其中……是要用功讀書成為品學兼優的好學生?抑或是成為眾人簇擁的學園明星? 還是成為人類最後的一線希望? 一切都取自於你的選擇!◎◎◎遊戲特色◎◎◎ ◎魅力滿點的戀愛模式戀愛模式中除了讓人心動的情節外,女角們更採用了最高級的3D技術制作,她們將因你的選擇產生不同的心境轉變,栩栩如生的動作與細膩表情將緊抓你的心!◎輕小說般的主線劇情透過輕小說規格的豐富劇情,搭配AVG模式的演出,讓你能徹底融入故事背景,不管是隱藏在人群中的妖怪之謎,抑或是千年的愛恨情仇,故事情節高潮迭起,絕對讓你欲罷不能!◎3D+2D的完美結合。除了有舒適的2D介面跟卡片,我們更採用了Unity3D引擎技術製作出可愛的角色跟貴族氣息的櫻華學園,3D與2D的完美結合肯定能讓您盡情徜徉在學園之中。◎魅力十足的人物風格頂尖的日系萌系人設配上重金禮聘知名日本聲優獻聲,絕對讓你耳目一新,陷入 戀愛的漩渦!!◎卡片系統!自由搭配、潛力無窮!角色卡、裝備卡、寶具卡、道具卡、應援卡,再加上和女角之間的羈絆!各式各樣的卡片隨你挑選!數百種不同能力、不同效果隨你搭配!完全的自由配置,讓你打造出專屬於你的獨特隊伍!守護你心儀的女主角!◎輕鬆的讀書打工系統!想要獲得高學力卻煩惱自己沒有過人的天賦?想跟女角們約會卻愁金錢不足?簡單快速的讀書打工系統,讓你只要利用閒暇的時間快速消耗能量即可提高自己的學力以及賺取金錢!輕鬆自在的獲得美人心!!
Legend of Yan Queen - 深宮大燕 2.0.13
Taomee Game
" Legend of Yan Queen " is a romance simulation game basedonapalace romance novel. With exquisite ancientChinese-stylegraphicsand exciting story, it puts players in thevivid YanDynasty. Thegameplay in this game combines a lot offeatures thatare fun andrelaxing. In a stress-free environment, youcan meet andbefriendseveral pretty guys in ancient Chinese costumeandexperience yourexciting life in the palace with them. Comeandwrite a thrillingand romantic story with your soul mate!GameFeatures -Level UpThrough Auto-Play Are you worried thatplayinggames will take toomuch of your time and energy? Worry not,becauseupgrades aremostly done by auto-play in this game. You don'tneedto invest alot of time in upgrading your character or rackingyourbrains forstrategies. All you need to do is play the featureyoulike most inthe game. The vertical design of the game makesiteasier for youto play the game the way you like and dominateYanwith ease!-Interact with Your Male Confidants There is auniqueletterfunction in this game, allowing you to communicate withyourmaleconfidants or even receive gifts from them. You canalsosummonyour male confidants for one-on-one interaction. Getreadyfor themost enchanting palace romance ever! -Aesthetic2DCharacters andSpectacular Scenery of Yan Archaic graphicsandgorgeous 2Dcharacters in an ancient Chinese style present youwitha visualfeast and bring you back to the magnificent palace ofYan.-PalaceTactics Help You Start Your Reign as Queen. Asthestoryprogresses, you will encounter a variety of opponents.Defeatthemwith clever tactics and you will improve your status inthepalaceand become the queen in the end. Engage in a battle ofwitsandwrite your own legend as an empress! -CollectDifferentLooksThrough the Clothes Changing System A diverseclotheschangingsystem allows you to appear in different looks.There are avarietyof beautiful costumes in the game for you tocollect!Costumes canalso be a way to accentuate your personalityand makeyou a uniquebeauty in the palace! -A Mixture ofCultivation,Management andExploration The game features a widerange of gamecontent, such ascharacter development and cultivation,homemanagement simulation,flower planting, harem decoration, andmore.All of which will helpyou create the ideal palace of yourdreams!-Make Friends and LetThem Help You The game has a richsocialsystem that allows playersto form a guild and grow inpowertogether. There are also featuressuch as voice chat andemoticonsto provide players with a morecomplete social experience
Urban Legend Hunters 0.10.107
Toii Games
an AR Game on Taiwan's Urban Legends
Sasuyu puzzle - Brain training 6
Packed with brain training elements! You'll be surely hooked!
Hotel Of Mask - Escape Room Ga 1.1.9
A mysterious hotel, nine weird tenants. Can you escape fromthehotel?
This is a story about a young girl being in the box to take home.
Beek - Familiar Spirit 1.06
Lost in darkness, a mysterious messaging app, and their destinyinyour hands.
Secret Crush -片想い- 1.0.0.a
I always thought it was a hopeless romance――◆Recommendedusers・Users who want to play free games ・Users who havean interestinJapanese content ・Users who like Japanese comics andanime・Userswho want to fall in love with an attractive male ・Userswhowant toread an exciting and sweet story ・Users who want toplaygames intheir spare time ◆Play Instructions You can continuetoread astory by using a key to open up another chapter. Youcanaqcuirekeys at the shop by either purchasing them orexchangingthem forpoints you collected for free. By saving uppoints, you canreadall stories for free. Even if you do not haveany more keys,youcan still read a little further by watching thevideo.◆StorySpring of the second year in highschool. Our heroine,Chika,has atwin sister with a totally different appearanceandpersonality ashers. Chika was the more popular one among girls,asopposed to hersister Karen, who was popular with the boys.Schoollife spent withupper classmen you're attracted to, classmatesyoufancy, and underclassmen you know from childhood. Longing foraboyfriend who haseyes set only on her, the one she choosestodeclare her love tois……. ◆Character Chika Nakamura Ahighschoolstudent in her secondyear. Very capable in communicatingwithpeople, she has numerousfriends among the guys. She's keenandlikes to take care ofothers. She's popular among herfemalefriends. She resents thefact that she's often compared toheryounger sister, and as aresult she now keeps a cool distance tohersister. Karen NakamuraThe heroine's younger twin sister, and isinher second year inhighschool as well. Graceful, ladylike,andgentle. She's calm andquiet, but smiles a lot to those she'scloseto. She loves herolder sister dearly, but is often disturbedby thefact that herolder sister keeps her distance from her. SoshiKujo Aclassmate ofthe heroine, in his second year inhighschool.Intelligent, gentleand calm, he's a model student. Amember of theJapanese archeryclub, he looks after his friends andclubmates.Having got an olderbrother who's skilled and perfect ineverythinghe does, he tendsto sympathize more with the heroine'ssister,Karen. Kotaro KurumiA second year student in theheroine'shighschool. Despite his cutelooks, he's got an impulsivenature andis hot-headed. He tends toreact instinctively withphysical force.He can't standself-centered girls and openly stateshe's not allthat interestedin romance with girls to begin with. ReoTakatsuki Athird yearhighschool student, one year above theheroine. Captainof theboy's tennis club. He comes from a reputablefamily,isintelligent, and excels in sports. He's the most popularstudentinschool. Extremly sensitive to subtle femaleemotions,hisrelationships with girls never last long because hecanalwayssense that girls always want something in return.MasakiKirigaya Achildhood friend of the heroine and her sister inthefirst year ofhighschool, one year below the heroine. Thesistersdidn't get tosee much of him while he was busy studying forthehighschoolentrance exam, but during that time he had maturedinto ahandsomeyouth. ◆WARNING ※The basic play mode is free. Thereare,however,some items that need to be purchased. ※The game maynotfunction oncertain devices. ※Under certain actualusageconditions,functionality may become unstable. ※Secure amplememoryspace onyour device by closing unused apps, for example. ※Thegamewill notfunction offline. To play, you must be connected totheinternet.※Separate data transmission fees may be needed in ordertoconnectto the internet.◆Follow◆Aboutthe provider HuneX'svision is to "provide inspiration anddreams topeople", and todeliver entertainment around the globe.Best knownworks ・EPHEMERAL・Arcana Famiglia ・Steam Prison