Top 10 Apps Similar to Mediware Medication Reminder

Med Helper Pill Reminder
Now with Cloud Backup/Restore Med Helper keeps trackofyourprescriptions - Alarms remind you when medication needstobetaken, when Doctors appointments are scheduled and whenmedsarerunning low or are about to expire. Med Helper alsotracksyourvital signs and PRN / take-as-needed medication. You canlogandexport or print detailed reports for your Doctor,NurseorCaregiver Multiple profiles let you manage others inyourcare.Whether you’re self managing or taking care of yourlovedones, MedHelper’s features will help you deal with anythingfromsimpleshort term situations to prolonged complex chronicconditionsbymaking it easy to maintain prescription andmedicalregimecompliance / adherence. It’s like having your veryownMobileHealthcare Assistant. Med Helper is consistently rankedasone ofthe top applications of its kind in the Medical appfield.Forinformation, suggestions or help contactusat:[email protected] Friend us onFacebookat: Med HelperFreeFeaturesinclude: Phone / Tablet compatible Prescriptions,Schedule,Take asNeeded (Amount/time taken, last 10doses),Inventory,Doctor/Pharmacy Contact Info, Vitals Tracking, MedLogandExportable and Printable Reports People use Med Helperasa:Medication pill reminder, Vitals tracker,appointmentmanager,Doctors list and Pharmacy organizer as well as away toshareinformation with their caregivers. How ever you chooseto useMedHelper we hope it helps make your life a little biteasier.MedHelper is being designed by people just like you. Overthepastyears we've received thousands of emails withsuggestions,commentsand reviews. People let us know what they like- what theywant andsometimes what they don't like. We listen anddesignaccordingly.Our belief is that Better Healthcare NeedsBetterTools... andbetter tools are best designed by those who usethem.Meaning YOU.For any information, suggestions or help of anykindplease contactus at: [email protected] See We're at your service.... Note:Nonetworkconnection is required for Med Helper to operate. Allthebest -From the Med Helper Team
Remind my pill (no internet) 1.24
Remind my pill - is FREE application forthosewho are happy when they do not have to remembereverything.Especially regarding taking pills, nutritionalsupplements and soon. Of course you can use the app also when youserve medicines toyour child or another relative.Remind my pill features:• Creation of a reminder for your pill or everything what youneedto eat, spread or smear, drip, drink etc.• Unlimited number of products, reminders and reminder times• A list of tasks in the clear schedule (the nearest term isabove,and the following terms with a short description aredisplayedbelow it)• The possibility to set the date frame, within which you havetouse a product (for example 10 days), after this time theReminderwill be deactivated automatically• The possibility to set the amount/number and the frequency• The possibilty to postpone the Reminder for 20 or 60minutes(Regarding medicines the longer delay is pointless)• Remind my pill works also when the application is closed andaftera phone restart it launches automatically• History of taking in the clear summary (you can lookbackwhat you took/did not take or you can even change the date andtimein the history according to the real state of yourintake)• Does not download any files from the internet (the appiscompletely offline)• Does not send any data anywhere (unlike a usualphonecalendar, that mostly sends everything to the internet)Keeps everything just in your phone – it is importantinterms of sensitive data about medicines you take• Completely free for all usersThe system requires just 2 permissions: vibrationcontrol,run at startupIf you have a suggestion what else the Remind my pill should“know”,or if you find a mistake, let us know and we will try toupdate theapplication.Remind my pill works in languages: Slovak, Čeština,English,Espaňol, Magyar
Lady Pill Reminder 3.0.3
With Lady Pill Reminder you won't forget to take the birthcontrolpill anymore.
Easy Medicine Reminder 1.0
In this busy and fast life whenpeopleforgetabout themselves achieving their goals, most of themforgotto takecare of their health especially when they are notfeelinggood andare on the medication. Now users don't have toremember thetime ofthe medicine with the application.Some of the application features are:- Option to add multiple medicines for a specific day- Auto categorization of medicine according to time- Medicines notification as a reminder
MedicineWise App 3.5.8
Pill reminder & tracker. No ads. Save & share yourhealthinfo.
Medicine Reminder 4.0
Ferenc Papp
A simple application to manageyourmedicines.Add pills to your list, set their name, descriptionanddoses. Thepills are shown in a table, you can order the tablebypressing theheader. New functionality is the medicine photo.Youcan take up tothree pictures from every medicine. Thisfunctionrequires an SDCard. The pictures are saved to the SD CardMedAlarmfolder. Youcan modify and edit the medicine photos as well.Anothernewfeature is the alarm. You can set the notification typeinthesettings menu. You can add alarm for each doses. Theapplicationisin beta version, and you can upload only 5 medicines.Anyfeedbacksare welcome!
Pill Reminder 1.1
Pill reminder/alert is veryhelpfulapplicationto make the list of medicines with time alert.Usercould input thename of medicine, add description, choosealert’stime intervals andmoment of start. The App could be usebyeveryone but is especiallyprepared for mature people – bigbuttonsand text fields make theApp very easy to use.
Medical Assistant 4.10
"Health is Wealth"We take these words very seriously and hence we have comewithanapp to act as your nurse or care taker. This app brings youasimpleyet beautiful interface. So boring reminders are athingofpast.We also believe that keeping you updated with latest newsinthemedical field is important for getting knowledgeaboutbettertreatment and prevention from new diseases. Hence wealsobring youthe latest news from the field of medical scienceright atyourfinger tips.The app also provides an option to search anythingrelatedtofield of medical science. So whether you want to knowaboutanymedicine or any disease, we are here.And even after taking precautions there are chancesofmedicalemergencies. So now we even keep your doctors at yourfingertips.Medical Assistant helps keeping record of yourdoctorsandmedicines prescribed by them. One tap emergency callingisunderdevelopment and will be out soon.Medical Assistant - Your perfect assistant- 1 custom time per medicine offering moreflexibilitytoyou.- Set time for morning, afternoon and night doses.- Icons to distinguish medicines.- User friendly interface.- Latest news from medical science at your fingertips- Notification, Popup screen and Lock Screen Popup foralarms.- Chose your own alarm tone and notification tone.- Search any query. Get answers from experts from allovertheglobe.- Easy to delete and modify medicines.- Backup and Restore OptionIn case you are changing your handset, the medicine listcanbeexported to your memory and can be transferred to yournewhandsetinstead on re-entering the whole list.What's coming next?- One tap emergency call to your doctor or near ones.- Appointments- Doctor SearchSo stay tuned...Read our blog at:
Medication Reminder 1.1
Martin Pluta
Do you sometimes forget to takeyourmedicationon time? Save your medication to this app and itwillremind you ata desired time.This app has the following features:- Set up to four alarms for your morning, noon, evening,andnightmedication- Toggle alarms on and off as required- Insert your medication information and the app will tellyouwhatmedication to take- Insert up to five medications for each alarm
Medication Reminder 1
Medication Reminder is theperfectapplicationif you have one daily medicine to take.If you take several meds (daily, weekly, monthly),Your personal meds at a glance.Be reminded to take your medicine at the right time. Do notskipapill any more. Improve your medicine intake. Designedbyapharmacyst. No internet connection needed.1- Easy to use and perfectly designed for youngerandelderpatients.2- An application you can trust.3- Reminds you to take the med with or without the meal.4- Late intake is shown.5- Your meds at a glance. Gives a clear view over yourmedbyshowing your pills, to take today, as in a pill box(morning,noon,evening and bedtime).6- Switch off/on the alarms of a med with one touch.7- Change the file of your med at any time. It is simple.8- Print and send your "Medication List" or your History.9- Enter informations concerning your med, side effectsorbloodtest values. These informations will be saved and canbeconsultedeasily at any time.10- The History shows you when you really took your pillanddailynotes are saved. Research in the History can be done bydateor bymed name.11- A flexible application. More information you enterinthedata-base (dosage, interactions, side effects, moleculename…)moreuseful it gets.12- A link to our Twitter page will give youhelpfulinformationabout the app (frequently asked questions,hints,upgrades…)The Medication Reminder exists in 3 languages:english,german(Medi Wecker), french (Rappel médicament).A vibration in your pocket and if chosen, a sound alarmrememberyouto take your drug. Micro dosed contraceptive pills,forinstance,have absolutely to be taken at the same time to besureto beprotected. The medication Reminder in your pocket willhelpyou notto forget to take it.Three easy steps , that will take more or less 30seconds,arenecessary to enter your med to the application. Firststep:typethe name of your med with the dosage (ex. Paracetamol 500mgorinsulin 20 IU). Second step: precise if you take the drugwithorwithout the meal. Third step: with a time wheel youenterquicklywhen to take it (e.g. 8 am and 12 pm). Done.Your med is changed. Delete it and enter the new one.The medication pill reminder contains a history function.Allyourintakes of your past and present intakes are registered inalist.The names of the meds you took are categorized inanalphabeticalorder. This allows you, for instance, to know ifandwhen you tookthe Paracetamol in the past. But the researchcanalso be done in atime list. This allows you to know what medyoutook a certain day ata precise time. The history can show youallthe meds you took in thepast years.The medication pill reminder will make the intakes ofyourdrugeasier, more precise and safer. The medicine reminderwillavoidskipping pills, taking them too late, too early or takingadoubledose by mistake. The history function gives youthepossibility tosearch in the past.