Top 22 Apps Similar to Examen Prayer
Examen Diario 1.0.3
El examen diario no es una evaluación moral de nuestros actos.Niuna inquisición psicológica. Tampoco un moralismo desordenado.Esuna breve oración contemplativa que sirve para tomar concienciadecómo Dios pasa y actúa en nuestras vidas. Un espacioparaclarificar nuestras “mociones” (esos movimientos o ‘estirones’delalma). También es tiempo de encuentro con uno mismo y unaespeciede taller para ponerse a la escucha de Dios. Se trata dehacer unrecorrido por las actividades del día y poner atención enlasemociones que sucedieron. Para discernir toca contemplarlasmociones más importantes del día y preguntarse ¿de dóndevendrán?,¿a dónde llevan?, confrontarlas con nuestro proyectopersonal devida y así tratar de captar qué nos quiere comunicarDios con esosimpulsos y señales. Discernimiento también es saberconocernos yreconocernos en lo que somos, sentimos y pensamos. Esentrar en unomismo para descubrir qué hay en esas áreas a las quedifícilmenteingresamos. Posiblemente nos hallemos ante pensamientosenredados,confusiones y contradicciones que hay que discernir, esdecir:separar y deshojar todo lo que nos ocurre para reconocerloselementos que intervienen y saber cómo manejarlos. Dios nosquierealegres y libres.
Consciousness Examen 0.0.4
The Consciousness Examen is adailyprayerrecommended by Saint Ignatius. It is a very simplemethodthat cantake only ten to fifteen minutes. Through itsconsistentpractice,we can deepen our self-understanding and becomemore freeto listenand be closer to God.Music by: Jesuit Music Ministry of JesuitCommunications(Manila,Philippines)Developed by: Ateneo Java Wireless Competency CenterAll rights reserved 2016.
AMP examen de conciencia 1.0
Amigo (a) católico (a):¿Recuerdas el momento MÁS HERMOSO que has vivido?... Pues¡ElCIELOES MEJOR!Y ¿puedes recordar el pasaje MÁS AMARGO de tu existencia?Pues¡ELINFIERNO ES PEOR!... Es mi humilde parecer y algo de loqueestoyprofundamente convencido.De mi propia experiencia:Mi amigo de infancia me visitó un día de abril.Llevabavariosaños viviendo en un poblado lejano y nosreuníamosesporádicamente.Cuando llegó, yo leía una guía impresapara unadecuado examen deconciencia que alguien me habíaobsequiado. Pocodespués, yo debísalir un momento a atender unasunto, por lo que lecedí la guíapara que la leyera durante mibreve ausencia. Cuandoregresé lepregunté: - “¿Qué, muy rudo(difícil)?”. Respondió: -“No, sólo queaquí hay cosas que yo nosabía que eran pecado”…Mi queridísimo amigo se marchó de mi casa ese día paranuncamásvolver: veintidós días después terminaría su peregrinarporestemundo entre las latas retorcidas de su auto cuando chocódefrentecontra un camión… No alcanzó los 40 años de edad.Me pregunto cuánto pudo haberle servido aquélimprovisadoexamende conciencia de aquel día para su trance final ysi tuvotiempo deconfesarse antes de morir…No tengo ninguna duda de que mi Diositoesinfinitamentemisericordioso y de que mi amigo ya descansa enSupresencia (erauna maravillosa persona). Sin embargo, esetrágicoacontecimientome hizo valorar la importancia de acudirconfrecuencia y BIENPREPARADO al Sacramento de la Confesión.Así es que tomé la guía y con base en elladesarrolléestaaplicación para que sirva de herramienta a todapersonaqueREALMENTE valore la Confesión y desee hacer un profundoexamendeconciencia preparatorio para recibir el invaluable regalodelaReconciliación con Dios y con la Iglesia.Entres sus características más sobresalientes, están:- Sustentada en la Misericordia de Dios.- Brinda una manera sencilla de análisis paralos10mandamientos.- Muestra referencias a citas bíblicas, así comonumeralesdelCatecismo de la Iglesia Católica y el DiariodeSantaFaustina.- Permite agregar pecados personalizados (que no están enlalistapor defecto).- NO GUARDA información personal ni los resultados delexamenfueradel dispositivo.- Protegida por contraseña.- Despliega los pecados para leerlos ante el sacerdote, conopcióndeeliminarlos al deslizar hacia los lados.- Muestra calificaciones (puntaje) para la autoevaluación.- Fácil de utilizar.¡Que Dios te bendiga, con la intercesión de Santa María!Friend(a)Catholic(a):Remember the MOST BEAUTIFUL time you have lived? ... WellSKYISBETTER!And can you remember the MOST BITTER passage of yourexistence?ForHELL IS WORSE! ... It is my humble opinion andsomething Iamdeeply convinced.From my own experience:My childhood friend visited me on April 1. Spentseveralyearsliving in a remote village and we met sporadically.Whenhearrived, I read a printed guide for properexaminationofconscience that someone had given me. Shortly after, Ihad topopout to address an issue, so I gave him the guide to readitduringmy brief absence. When I returned I asked: - "What,reallytough(difficult)?". He replied: - "No, only here there arethings Ididnot know you were sin" ...My dear friend left my house that day never to return:twentydaysafter end their journey through this world between thetwistedcansof his car when he crashed head-on into a truck ...notreached 40years of age.I wonder how he could have served one improvised soul thatdayforfinal trance and had time to confess before dying ...I have no doubt that my dear God is infinitely mercifulandthatmy friend and rest in His presence (was awonderfulperson).However, this tragic event made me appreciatetheimportance ofgoing WELL PREPARED frequently and the SacramentofConfession.So I took the guide and based on it developed thisapplicationtoserve as a tool for anyone who values the ConfessionandREALLYwant to do a thorough examination of consciencepreparatorytoreceive the priceless gift of reconciliation with Godand withtheChurch .Among its salient features are:- Supported by the Mercy of God.- Provides a simple way to test for the 10 commandments.- Sample references to Biblical quotations and numeralsoftheCatechism of the Catholic Church and the DiaryofSt.Faustina.- Allows you to add custom sins (which are notlistedbydefault).- NOT SAVE personal information or test resultsoutsidethedevice.- Protected password.- Displays sins to read before the priest, with an optiontoremovethe sliding sideways.- Displays scores (score) for self-assessment.- Easy to use.God bless you, with the intercession of Mary!
April 2016 Prayer Journal 1.0.0
You can meet the Prayer Journalthroughthesmartphone in your hands.A must-have for those days when you leave your Prayer Journalathomebecause you are busy commuting or because of yourtightschedule!You can meditate on Today's Word through theandroidPrayerJournal application.NoteThe application only provides Today's Word for you to meditateonanddoes not include memo features.Inquiries (regarding application development)World Evangelization Evangelism Alliance, Inc.Seoul, Gangseo-gu Gonghangdaero 478, Rm 101(Deungchon2-dong,Missions Building)02)3662-7661 (ext. #1)
Thanks Diary 1.7.2
Thanks Diary is a simple diary andnotes.★ Thanks Diary use like this- Write a few line gratitude.- Share your gratitude to your close friends.★ Thank you for using Thanks DiaryIf you have any problems or suggestions for improvements and sendusan email to the following addressIt will help to create a better app. Thank you.★ developer contact : [email protected]★ If you want to know the many news, including updates ThanksDiary(Diary thanks), "Like" the Facebook page,please
30 Days Of Gratitude 1.2.0
30 Days of Gratitude is an app designedtohelpyou to take the time to appreciate the things around you.Each day you will be presented with a “value” that youratedasimportant. Your challenge is to take a photo ofsomethingthatrepresents that value and rate how it makes youfeel.A new value will be sent to everyday with the idea beingyoutakeand rate at least one photo per day over a 30 dayperiod.Features- Automatically selects your top 5 values, based on a ratingofalist of 47- Capture a moment directly from within the app- Share moments to your favourite social media sites- Change your 5 values at any time- Push notifications with new “Values” delivered daily- Customise your notification times to suit your needs- Developed by Jaime Parnell - Clinical PsychologistAbout Jaime Parnell:Jaime Parnell is a registered Clinical Psychologistandhasmaintained an ongoing interest and study in this area.Jaime’s skills lie in providing a thorough assessmentandtailoringinterventions to individual needs.Jaime developed 30 Days of Gratitude to complementherpsychologicalassessment programs
Attitudes of Gratitude Journal
Do you live with an attitudeofgratitude?This simple app will help you to develop and maintain adailyattitude of gratitude. At the end of each day you can listthethings you are grateful for. You will soon see that your listismuch longer than you expected.By focusing on gratitude, we shift the focus away from the thingswemay feel are missing in our lives."Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayerandsupplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made knowntoGod."- The Bible Phil 4:6“The single greatest thing you can do to change your lifetodaywould be to start being grateful for what you have right now.Andthe more grateful you are, the more you get.”- Oprah"Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lottoday,at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn alittle, atleast we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at leastwe didn'tdie; so, let us all be thankful.” - Buddha"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that thehighestappreciation is not to utter words, but to live bythem."- John F. Kennedy
Jesus Life Together Journal 1.3
The Jesus of the Bible is wonderfully different than mostreligionsthat use His Name. Jesus had no ritual, no mind games,noattendance-based entertainment and speech shows, no dress-up,nohierarchy, no money-begging. The real Jesus, The Eternal Life,isamazing and life-altering. Jesus walks on water, raises thedead,and dazzles the heart and mind. Y'shua changes, empowersandenlivens all who cross His path. Jesus and His Life Togetheras"church" with "one another" is likely beyond anything you'veeverimagined. Embark on the limitless journey Father has Designedforyour Destiny! Features: • Prayer Journal: Set up email alertstoremind you throughout the day of specific or random entries inyourprayer list • Free Music • Free Books, Electronic and HardCopy(upon request) • Free Audio Teachings • View Videos andMusicVideos • View Artwork and Read Correspondence, TeachingsandEncouragements From Around the World • Thought of the Day •"WithYou Now" allows you to see where others around the world areusingthe app and what they are viewing Topics Include BiblicalTruthson: • Raising Children • Loving Families and Marriages •Evangelism• Worship • End Times • Love • Community • Church •Wisdom • DailyLife • Holiness • Leadership • Relationships • Plusmany othertopics and encouragements If you ponder and wonder atwhat Jesus"looks like" living TODAY as Head of His Church, and whatHe canlook like in your daily life and church, and are willing topay thePrice for the Pearl of Great Price in your life, family,andrelationships, enter in. Join the millions and thefiftygenerations of those throughout the world in every languageandnation who WILL have this Man Jesus to be their King. Ofcoursethere will be people who want to defend the religion ofgreed,hierarchy, control, entertainment, book, and musicmoney-machines.Some enjoy the make-believe world of emotional orsuperstitiousmental pacifiers. Some will hate truths that don'tconform to thecultural religion of self. If you elevate the Jesusof the Bibleand all of His life and church-transforming Words andexample, Hepromised you'd be called names. Bad names. :) But readabout thechurch that knew Him well, and see what even new babyChristianslived like (Acts 2:42-47). Certainly, anyone is free tojoin anyreligion in this world that they want to. But, to expectJesus'results while neglecting the clarity of what He taught andlivedhas never worked. Just sayin'. :) :)