Top 3 Apps Similar to Probiotic Drinks

Kombucha Guide 1.1
Convert your tea & sugar into ahealthy,nutritious detoxifying beverage-KOMBUCHA.Discover why no other ferment even approaches kombucha in termsofits sudden dramatic popularity.Enjoy this fizzy wonder drink that is packed full ofenzymes,vitamins, minerals and probiotics.This App Kombucha Guide is well equipped with everythingthebeginners need to get acquainted with.Learn the easiest way, how to make your own, home brewedexcitingand unique flavored kombucha from scratch!Here Is a Preview of What this App is packed with...IntroductionA Role Of ProbioticsAbout Kombucha CultureTypes Of Sugar & Tea Used For Kombucha BrewingTips To Make A Safe, Delicious KombuchaHow To Brew Kombucha At Home?Signs Of Healthy Kombucha BrewHow To Prevent Mold?Choosing Equipment For Brewing Kombucha TeaHow To Make Continuous Brew KombuchaLife Enhancing Health Benefits Of KombuchaFlavoring And Bottling Kombucha TeaHow To Make Extra Fizzy KombuchaTasty Kombucha Cocktail RecipesMuch, much more!Discover A Safer, Cheaper, & Easy Ways To Make YourOwnUnique Flavored Kombucha From Scratch!
KOMBUCHA Made Easy! 1.1
Learn how to make kombucha with thiseasySTEP-BY-STEP guide. KOMBUCHA Made Easy! is the perfect solutiontoguide you through the process of making your first home brewofkombucha of kombucha with no step missed.Save hundreds of dollars by using this app to make your ownkombuchaat home rather than buying expensive pre made kombucha inthe storeor ordering online. Learn how you can make kombucha athome for afraction of the cost.The “KOMBUCHA Made Easy! How to Make Kombucha Tea & YourFirstHome Brew With Probiotics” app provides you detailed videoswitheach step of the kombucha brewing process at your fingertips.Thesevideos are clear with annotations making them perfect forteachingyou all of the information needed to make your ownkombucha.FEATURES:- STEP-BY-STEP videos on how to make kombucha at home- Flavorful starter kombucha recipe so you can make yourowngreat tasting tea drink- Detailed ingredients list making it simple for you to knowwhatyou need for your homemade kombucha- Every step to make kombucha is clearly detailed in theappmaking it easy to pair with the videos for reference as youbrewkombucha- Ideas on how you can utilize extra SCOBYS- Answers to frequently asked questions regarding how tomakekombucha and kombucha advice- Kombucha dictionary so you can quickly becomeknowledgeableabout kombucha terminologyDownload “KOMBUCHA Made Easy! How to Make Kombucha Tea &YourFirst Home Brew With Probiotics” and learn how to make yourownhomemade kombucha today!
Probiotic Guide Canada 5.0.2
The Clinical Guide to ProbioticProductsavailable in Canada is designed to translate scientificevidenceavailable for probiotic products to practical, clinicallyrelevantinformation, enabling clinicians to easily select theappropriateproduct, dose, and format for a specificindication.Currently, the body of evidence for probiotic interventionsisgrowing along with popular demand for these products. Our aim istoensure that the appropriate product/strain is selected forthedesired outcome. This guide is not meant to be interpreted asameta-analysis or systematic review, nor is it an endorsementforcompanies to market health claims.Published data or studies with defined clinical outcomesforprobiotic strain(s) were searched, using inclusion criteriaaslisted in the guide. Commercially available productscontainingsaid strain(s) were identified, and the modified levelsof evidencewere used to rate the strength of the recommendation foreachproduct. Once this information was compiled into acomprehensivechart form, it was assessed by independent expertreviewers.Readers are strongly encouraged to review the evidencelisted foreach product for themselves.DISCLAIMER: Information in this guide is not intended todiagnose,treat, cure, or prevent any disease.This guide is meant to be used as a clinical decision-making tooltoassist health care professionals in providingevidence-basedrecommendations for their patients.In the case of probiotics, the clinical evidence supportsonlycertain formulations/brand names of the probiotics (includingthegenus, species, alphanumeric designation or strain, number oflivebacteria present, the blend of probiotic strains presentandfinally, the non-active ingredients present). Every attemptwasmade by the author and the reviewers to include thepublishedclinical data for the available probiotic formulations. Nobias isintended toward any specific formulation.This chart is reflective of published evidence available to date.Itdoes not represent an endorsement of any specific product. Workonthis guide was carried out independently and withoutfinancialconflict. In order to minimize bias, publishing anddistributionefforts are coordinated via the Alliance for EducationonProbiotics (AEP). We are grateful for the unrestrictedpublishinggrant the AEP is providing for continuous efforts totranslatescience into clinically applicable form.Please forward any questions or comments to the authorDraganaSkokovic-Sunjic ([email protected])2017 Version, valid until Dec. 31, 2017. © BHSoftInc