Top 17 Apps Similar to ExamTrainer

Official ITIL® v3 App 1.1.15
TSO (The Stationery Office)
Designed to support accredited v3 ITIL Foundation training, theappcontains 300 exclusive questions which you won’t findanywhereelse. Written by Sharon Taylor, ITIL’s chief examiner, andCandaceDunwoodie, ITIL senior examiner, each question replicatesthestyle, topics and content of the official exams. Themobileapplication “ Official ITIL® Exam App” (the App) is subjecttolicence terms. By using or purchasing the App you acknowledgeandagree that you have read and understand these terms andconditionsand agree to be bound by them as in effect at the time ofdownload.Please read the full Terms and By using the Appyoualso agree to be bound by AXELOS’ Privacy Policy whichisincorporated by reference into the Terms and Conditions andapplyto your use of the App. The Privacy Policy can be read TO DOWNLOAD NOW!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. STUDY: workyour way through 300revision cards – each showing the question,correct answer,rationale and related glossary terms 2. PRACTISE:test yourknowledge by answering questions from across the fivelifecyclestages 3. MOCK EXAMS: sit multiple mock exams with adifferentcombination of questions every time, the closestexperience youwill get to the real exam! 4. EXTRAS: loads of extrafeatures tohelp you prepare for your test and beyond – includingthe full ITILglossary and the ability to track your progress 5.EASY TO USE:on-the-go revision has never been easier with a simple3-stepapproach: study, practise and mock exams 6. EXCLUSIVECONTENT: thequestions and answers are exclusive to this app, youwill not findthis content anywhere else!
IT Exam Exerciser 1.08
A handy app for you to pick up IT exam skills and knowledges.
Simulado ITIL V3 1.1
Aplicativo para treinamento dasquestõesdaprova do Simulado ITIL V3, contem aproximadamente 90 %dasquestõesque podem cair na prova.Application fortrainingofproof issues Simulated ITIL V3, contains about 90% ofthequestionsthat may be on the test.
ITIL合格問題集 3.2
問題や選択肢はランダムで出てくるため、何度も解くことで知識が身に付く!合格へ向けての最終確認などにご利用くださいSince the issuesandchoices come out at random, knowledge is attached to the bodybysolving many times!Please use it, such as final confirmation of towards the pass
ITIL Foundation Mock Tests 3.0
Mock tests for those appearingforITILFoundation Certification.The app contains 4 mock tests modelled aftertheactualcertification test.Each mock test has 40 multiple choice questions. Intherealcertification exam, these need to be answered in 1 hour.Atleast26 questions need to be answered correctly to pass thetestand getcertified. In this app, at the end of each test, youcanview thecorrect answers and the answers you have chosen.These questions are compiled by Ms. Aziza Khan. She isaseasonedtraining professional with a decade of experience inITsector. Thetechnical expertise is provided by Firoz Kasim. He isaPMP andITIL-Foundation certified professional.
ITIL v3 Simulador 8.2
40 preguntas de las cualesessuficienteresponder 26 preguntas.Es decir alcanzar el 65% de esa forma podrá ud aprobar elExamendeCertificación.Esta app está desarrollada con el fin de ayudarleaprepararsepara el examen.La aplicación no almacena ningún tipo deinformacióndelusuario.La aplicación no realiza ninguna conexión remota.Para usar la aplicación no es necesario internetLa aplicación contiene anuncios.40 questions whichyoumustanswer 26 questions.That is reach 65% in this way can you pass the certification exam.This app is developed to help you prepare for the exam.The application does not store any user information.The application makes no remote connection.To use the internet application is not necessaryThe application contains ads.
MyITstudy's ITIL® Terms 1.3
VMEdu Inc.
MyITstudy is a brand of VMEdu, Inc.,aleadingglobal education training provider with offices in theUS,UK,Australia, Germany, Canada, India and othercountries.Wespecialize in IT training and have developed this ITIL®appwhichacts as handy reference to know about the most commonlyusedtermsin the ITIL framework. Features include:1. Search for a term2. View all terms3. Random challenge - test your knowledge of ITIL. Works in 2modes-guess the term or guess the definition.4. Must know termsFor details on MyITstudy's ITIL and other ITcourses,® is a registered trade mark of the Cabinet Office, UK
IIL ITIL iCoach 2.04
Prepare yourself for the ITIL® Foundationexamwith IIL ITIL iCoach!Quiz yourself with over 200 questions categorized by thefivelifecycles of the ITIL 2011 Edition Foundation syllabus.ChooseStudy Mode for instant feedback or Exam Mode to simulate theactualITIL Foundation exam.- This app features over 200 questions created by an ITILsubjectmatter expert.- All questions are based on the ITIL 2011 edition.- References to the ITIL 2011 edition core volumes and syllabusareprovided for each question.- Score breakdown is provided by ITIL lifecycle.- Flag questions to create your own study list and resume whereyouleft off between sessions.- Includes video content that offers insights into theITILFoundation exam and advice for effective exampreparation.IIL is an APM Group (APMG) Accredited Training Organization(ATO)for the ITIL Foundation Course.ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of AXELOS Limited.
Zarządzanie Projektami 1.0
Octigo Zarządzanie Projektamitowszechstronnypodręcznik zawierający artykuły, testy i lekcje.Jedyna aplikacja edukacyjna dostarczająca wiedzypotrzebnejdozdania egzaminu na poziomie IPMA C i Dorazpozwalającawszechstronnie ją przetestować. Przygotuj siędoegzaminówcertyfikacyjnych i na studiach już teraz!Aplikacja wymaga zainstalowania wersji Lite(odblokowujepełnąfunkcjonalność).Ponad 300 pytań (w tym pełny próbny test PMP poangielsku),ponad200 artykułów, lekcje, testy, ponad 100 ilustracji,cytaty popolskuna temat podstaw zarządzania projektami.Odpowiednik 200 stron podręcznika o zarządzaniu projektami.Wiedza podzielona jest na małe, szybko przyswajalneczęści.Możeszzaplanować naukę i testy, gdzie i kiedy tylko chcesz:wautobusie, nanudnym spotkaniu, przed telewizorem, wkorku.Dodatkowoprzygotowaliśmy kilkadziesiąt lekcji, któregrupująartykuły, pytaniakontrolne i testy w logiczną sekwencję nazadanytemat.Twój postęp mierzony jest punktami wiedzy. Wiesz, gdziejesteśiile ci jeszcze brakuje. Zbierz nawet 1000 punktówwiedzy.Brakujeci samozaparcia do nauki? Z naszą aplikacją nawetniezauważysz,gdy opanujesz całą wiedzę na temat zarządzaniaprojektamimałymikroczkami.Wygodny interface użytkownika zapewniaprzyjemnąlekturę.Powiększaj, przewijaj, wyszukuj, dodawaj doulubionych.** Pełny próbny test PMP (200 pytań)** Pełny test próbny Six Sigma Green Belt (37 pytań)** 80% wiedzy z egzaminu IPMA C i D. Zmożliwościądarmowegopobierania aktualizacji!** Uczysz się, gdzie chcesz i kiedy chcesz.** Ciągłe aktualizacje artykułów, lekcji itestówdostępneautomatycznie z twojego smartfona lub tabletu** Rewolucyjne podejście do nauki: czytasz,weryfikujesznabytąwiedzę, robisz test.** Artykuły i testy stworzone przez certyfikowanychPgMP,PMP,PRINCE2Artykuły:* Ponad 200 artykułów z rysunkami natematzarządzaniaprojektami* Obrazki, formatowanie, możliwość powiększaniaiprzewijaniatreści* Artykuły zredagowane specjalnie pod smartfon itablet:krótkieteksty z dużą liczbą rysunków* Linki do treści powiązanych* Wyszukiwanie po słowach kluczowych* Oznaczanie przeczytanych treściTesty:* Symulator testu PMP w pełni zgodny zrzeczywistąaplikacjątestową.* Każde pytanie uzupełnione jest objaśnieniem odpowiedzi.* Pytania testowe na poziomie trudności testów IPMA i PMP* Opcja zaznaczenia pytania do późniejszego przeglądu* Szybki przegląd pytańnieodpowiedzianych,odpowiedzianych,zaznaczonych do przeglądu wdowolnym momencietestu* Ograniczenie czasu testu jak na rzeczywistym egzaminie* Podgląd pytań z dobrą i złą odpowiedziąorazprzeczytaniaobjaśnienia odpowiedziLekcje:* Logiczne powiązanie artykułów, pytań kontrolnych, testównazadanytemat* Przejrzysty pomiar postępu lekcji* Najbardziej efektywna formuła naukiInne funkcje:* Jedyny program edukacyjny na temat zarządzaniaprojektamipopolsku* Automatyczna synchronizacja treści bezpośredniodotwojegosmartfona lub tabletu, jednak nie musisz byćpodłączonydointernetu, aby korzystać z treści* Wyszukiwarka pełnotekstowa wszystkich treści* Wiedza podzielona na kategorie tematyczne* Kilkadziesiąt cytatów na temat zarządzaniaCelem jest pełne pokrycie kompetencjikierownikaprojektuwymienionych w IPMA NCB, a więc wszystkichtechnik,narzędzi zegzaminów IPMA C i D, PRINCE2, PMP. Nie planujemynarazieopisywaćwszystkich procesów PMBOK® Guide i PRINCE2,choćznajdziecie w niejwiele odniesień do tych metodyk. Aktualnystanzaawansowania prac -80%.Użytkownicy tej wersji aplikacji Octigo mają prawo dodarmowegoibezterminowego pobierania aktualnych treści znaszegoserwera.Disclaimer:Octigo, the publisher of this product, is not affiiliated withbyanyorganization. All organizational names are trademarksoftheirrespective owners. The content of the applicationmightincludeinaccuracies or typographical errors, for which theownercan notbe held liable.OctigoProjectManagementis a comprehensive manual containing articles,quizzesand lessons.The only application that provides educational knowledgeneededtopass the exam at IPMA C and D and allows test itthoroughly.Preparefor certification exams and college now!The application requires that you install theLiteversion(unlocks the full functionality).More than 300 questions (including full PMP mock testinEnglish),more than 200 articles, lessons, tests, over100illustrations,quotes the Polish on the basics ofprojectmanagement.The equivalent of 200 man pages for project management.Knowledge is divided into small, easily absorbed parts.Youcanplan your studies and tests, where and when you need it:onthebus, on a boring meeting, watching TV, in a trafficjam.Inaddition, we have dozens of lessons, which aregroupedarticles,questions and tests to check the logical sequenceon agiventopic.Your progress is measured points of knowledge. Do youknowwhereyou are and how much you are missing. Gather up to1,000points ofknowledge. You lack the perseverance to learn? Withourapplicationwill not even notice when you have mastered alltheknowledge onproject management in small steps.Convenient user interface provides a pleasantreading.Zoom,scroll, search, add to favorites.** Full PMP mock test (200 questions)** Full test trial Six Sigma Green Belt (37 questions)** 80% of the knowledge of the exam IPMA C and D. With theabilitytodownload free updates!** You learn where you want, when you want.** Constant updates of articles, lessons andtestsavailableautomatically from your smartphone or tablet** A revolutionary approach to learning: you read,verifiestheknowledge, you are doing the test.** Articles and tests created by certified PgMP, PMP, PRINCE2Articles:* More than 200 articles with drawings on project management* Pictures, formatting, the possibility of zoomingandscrollingcontent* Articles drafted specifically for smartphone andtablet:shorttexts with a large number of drawings* Links to related content* Search by keywords* Determination of content readTests:* PMP test simulator fully consistent with theactualtestapplication.* Each question is supplemented with explanatory answers.* Test questions on the level of difficulty of testsIPMAandPMP* Option to mark questions for later review* Quick Overview of questionsnieodpowiedzianych,odpowiedzianych,selected for review at any timeduring a test* Reducing test time for the real exam* Preview the questions of good and bad answer andreadexplanationsof answersLessons:* The logical connection of articles, review questions, testsonagiven topic* A clear lesson measuring progress* The most effective formula of scienceOther features:* The only educational program on project management inPolish* Automatic synchronization of content directly to yoursmartphoneortablet, but you do not need to be connected to theInternet toviewthe content* Full-text search of all content* Knowledge divided into thematic categories* Dozens of quotations on the managementThe aim is to fully cover the project managercompetencieslistedin the IPMA NCB, and so all the techniques, toolsexams IPMAC andD, PRINCE2, PMP. We do not plan far to describe allprocessesandPRINCE2, PMBOK Guide, although it can be found inmanyreferences tothese methodologies. Current state of play -80%.Users of this version of the application Octigo have therighttofree and indefinite download current content fromourserver.Disclaimer:Octigo, the publisher of this product, is not affiiliated withbyanyorganization. All trademarks are organizational namesofTheirrespective owners. The content of the applicationmightincludeinaccuracies or typographical errors, for Which theownercan notbe held liable.
PRINCE2 Prep 1.2.0
SkillMetrix PRINCE2 Exam Preparation apphelpindividuals to get access towards various sample exams onPRINCE2designed by SME in the Industry. These sample examscomprises a setof principles, a set of control themes & aprocess life cycleinvolved in managing project and ensures that theIndividualspracticing these sample exams are ready to take theirfinalcertification examinations.SkillMetrix is the One-Stop provider for all your training needs,weare specialized in the area of Project Management, ITServiceManagement, Quality Management, IT Governance, ProductManagementand various Technology Training & Certificationprogram. Forany queries and details about the app mail [email protected]
PRINCE2 ExamBoost 1.2
‘PRINCE2 ExamBoost’ helps you passthePRINCE2®Foundation Exam (2009 edition) in no time. Justdownloadthe App andget started. Answer the question and theAppimmediately gives youthe correct answer and explanation. Ifyouwant you can repeat thequestions. Finished? You can download anewset of questions andyou’re off again. There are plentyofquestions in our database, soyou can get all the practiceyouwant. Your results are displayed onthe statistics screen, tohelpmonitor your progress. Are you readyfor your exam or do youneed alittle more practice?It goes without saying that the app is easy to use.Allquestionsare based on the most recent edition of PRINCE2. Theyaredevelopedand maintained by an official AccreditedTrainingOrganization withmany years of experience in providingprojectmanagement training.The questions in ‘PRINCE2 Examboost’have beenused for many yearsto help people pass their PRINCE2FoundationExam and are nowavailable to help you. So, what are youwaitingfor? Download the‘PRINCE2 Examboost’ and startpracticing!Features of the PRINCE2 ExamBoost:• lots of questions to practice with;• practice anywhere you want;• detailed explanations with all questions;• remembers all wrong answers;• easy to navigate;• keeps track of your statistics;• Questions are based on the latest version of PRINCE2;• repeat questions as often as you like;• practice offline.
PRINCE2 e-Trainer - free 2.0.2
Studying for the PRINCE2 Foundation exam?ThisApp will help you build your knowledge and understanding ofPRINCE2and will strongly  help you in passing your PRINCE2exam onyour first try! Thousands of students have taken benefitfrom ourapproach to PRINCE2 training. One stop shopping gives youall ourtest questions within easy reach in this App!Features• More than 450 quality exam style questions• Covers all exam topics in depth• Four complete timed test papers• All questions in one package, no need to purchaseadditionalpackages• Works without internet connectivy• Direct and detailed feedback on your answers with referencestothe relevant part of the manual• Feedback for correct and incorrect answer options• Smart navigation in trying and reviewing• Mark difficult questions for easy retrieval• Take as many tries as you want for each question• See your progress in time for each topic Benefits• Fast learning, with high chance of passing the exam on yourfirsttry• Builds your confidence for the exam• Ideal companion to self-study or classroom course• Covers the most common parts of PRINCE2 and the hiddendetailsthat pop up in exams• Increased knowledge of relevant parts of PRINCE2• Helps to understand the structure and of PRINCE2.Min. screensize Android mobile(480x800) , Samsung Galaxy (800X1280). PRINCE2 e-trainer is a joint development of NIMO and LearningIdeas.NIMO Project Management Institute provides both public andon-sitecourses. We have formed partnerschips with other trainingprovidersin all parts of the world to provide training andconsultancy.Learning Ideas develops trainer skills and theapplication of modernapproaches to training. PRINCE2® is a registered trademark of AXELOS Limited.
PRINCE2 ExamCoach Free 1.0
This subset of the PRINCE2 ExamCoachappgivesthe same functionality as the full app, buthasfewerquestions.The PRINCE2 examCoach will help you build yourknowledgeandunderstanding of PRINCE2 and will strongly help you inpassingyourPRINCE2 exam on your first try. It's a completelearningpackage ofexam questions and complete exams in English. Youcanpractice whenyou want and wherever you want. You receive directandamplefeedback and you can easily monitor your progress.Onestopshopping gives you all our test questions within easy reachinthisApp.Features• More than 450 quality exam style questions• Covers all exam topics in depth• Four complete timed test papers• All questions in one package, no need topurchaseadditionalpackages• No need for internet connectivity• Direct and detailed feedback on your answers with referencestotherelevant part of the manual• Feedback both for correct and incorrect answer options• Smart navigation in trying and reviewing• Mark difficult questions for easy retrieval• Take as many tries as you want for each question• See your progress in time for each topicBenefits• Fast learning, with high chance of passing the exam onyourfirsttry• Builds your confidence for the exam• Ideal companion to self-study or classroom course• Covers both the most common parts of PRINCE2 and thehiddendetailsthat pop up in exams• Increased knowledge of relevant parts of PRINCE2• Helps to understand the structure and of PRINCE2
Training Sea
User GuideIntroductionThe has launched an android mobileapplication,named PRINCE2 PRO and PRINCE2 COURSE Apps, tofacilitate theirusers. Students of face-to-face registration andweb based trainingregistration can access the application presentlyin their flexibletime options. For activation and further details,the abovementioned users shall contact [email protected] withtheir IDproof. The application shall be definitely beneficial tothe usersin making use of their PRINCE2 certification trainingprogram atease and is designed to create comfort zone to the usersinproceeding towards Project Management Certification (FoundationandPractitioner) success in their career. It is also under planandexecution to extend the usage to all the users of TrainingSeainfuture. The PRINCE2 Foundation and PractitionerCertificationTraining, contains the following special features. Theapplicationbegins with Syllabus followed by Course Material thatcomprises 17chapters in PDF format.Next part exhibits over 420 PRINCE2 Foundation certificationtestquestions and answers. Sample Tests and Results follow theorderand Sample PRINCE2 Practitioner certification test questionsin PDFformat conclude the series.FeaturesThe android mobile application exhibits five items on the top ofthescreen permanently to the users when they get into themobileapplication. They are as follows:a) Main Menub) Brand Namec) User IDd) IP Addresse) Date and TimeThe application also contains four access features in itshomepageand illustrates necessary information to the users. Thefeaturesare as follows:a) Homeb) Course Materialc) Sample Foundation Test andd) Test Results- Historya) HomeThe profile of is briefed in theintroductorypart, and at here the users obtain details about theorganizationin terms of its policies, infrastructure and services.b) Course MaterialThe table of contents lists out 17 chapters in this section.Thisfeature provides an option to enlarge the course materials’textsize with various zoom levels.c) Sample Foundation TestThe users find a series of questions in the beginning ofthisfeature. They also come to know that 75 questions have tobeanswered in 60 minutes.The result shall be seen in a table format, containing thefollowingcolumns and information based on the count method.1. Total No. of questions Attended2. Total No. of right answers3. Total No. of wrong answers4. Duration5. Total MarksNext, the ‘review’ button helps the users in reviewing thequestionsso far attended and it is essential to make use of‘review’ optionafter attending all the questions. ‘Finish Test’button follows theorder and it is available in two areas. The‘finish test’ button isavailable in the bottom of ‘review’ optionand also towards the endof the last question page. After thisprocedure, confirmation has tobe done to get the ‘result page’which shall be available in thebottom. Here, the information isrelated to only the ‘particularsample foundation test’ to know thecurrent status of attempt. Theresult page gives detail informationon each question in thefollowing method.1. Unattended question(s) shall be highlighted with‘lavendercolor’.2. Right answer question(s) shall be highlighted with‘greencolor’.3. Wrong answer question(s) shall be highlighted with ‘redcolor’along with the information about the right answer(s) with‘greencolor’.d) Test ResultsThe users shall use the scrolling option to view thecompleteresults. The table provides the following eight columns toconveyresults in a better way.1. Date2. Time3. Duration4. Total Questions5. Total Correct Questions6. Total Wrong Questions7. Percentage Score8. Total MarksThe ‘Test Results’ division shall help the users to observetheiroverall attempts through the complete history.
MyITstudy's ITIL® Flashcard 1.0
VMEdu Inc.
MyITstudy is a brand of VMEdu, Inc.,aleadingglobal education training provider with offices in theUS,UK,Australia, Germany, Canada, India and othercountries.Wespecialize in IT training and have developed this ITIL®appwhichacts as handy reference to know about the most commonlyusedtermsin the ITIL framework.For details on MyITstudy's ITIL and other ITcourses,® is a registered trade mark of the Cabinet Office, UK
VCE Simulator 2.5.8
Prepare for IT-certification while you're on the go.
Free Cyber Security Courses 2.1.0
Join the free Cyber SecurityTrainingRevolution and Get Cybrary On-The-Go!Learn almost anything in cyber security for FREE!. Cybrary isthelargest online cyber security community that provides freeonlinetraining courses for subjects like Cloud Security,CompTIASecurity+, CISSP, Linux, Certified Ethical Hacker,MalwareAnalysis, Python for Security Professionals and many more!Webelieve everyone deserves the chance to learn whenever,wherever,and however, for free. The always free Cybrary trainingclasses youlove from the web are now available for 24/7 accessstraight onyour Android device.After exploring our extensive library, you can theneitherstream, or download the lessons you want to watch, and viewthemwhen you want, where you want. The next time you have awebconnection, delete the lessons you have completed anddownloadmore. It’s that simple! However you want to learn, theCybrary appcan help.There are classes for beginners with no priorexperience,seasoned cyber security professionals and even securityandcompliance leadership. Some classes will help youachievecertifications, like CISSP and Certified | Ethical Hacker(CEH)while other courses are designed to help you build a skill settouse on the job, like the Python for Security Professionals andtheMalware Analysis. Download the app today and startlearning!!Our Course Catalog:Beginner: A+, Linux+, Network, Security+, Cloud+,ITIL,CryptographyIntermediate: SharePoint, Ethical Hacking, Computer Forensics,PMP,Virtualization Management, MCSA, CCNA, CISAAdvanced: CASP, CISSP, Social Engineering, Python forSecurityProfessionals, Post Exploitation, Malware Analysis,AdvancedPenetration TestingMore classes are continually being produced, so download theapp,start learning, and always be ready for more!!*The Cybrary app is made for your convenience and is intendedtoprovide you with our content, on the go. This app is notintendedto be a substitute for the full online learningexperienceavailable at our website. When you are connected to theweb, pleasego to to engage in our full learningexperience!About Cybrary:Cybrary is the largest cyber security community on the internetandis helping to advance the health and good standing of thecybersecurity industry by providing anyone, anywhere with freeresourcesto learn, get certified and grow in the field. Thetraining fromCybrary is designed to help people build a career intheir chosenfield, or advance in their current cyber securitycareer. Cybraryprovides comprehensive classes with hundreds oftopics. Once youcomplete training, you can search for cybersecurity jobs globally.Cyber security training should be FREE, andCybrary makes it thatway, forever!NOTE: Please be advised of the Cybrary Terms of Service