Top 20 Apps Similar to Pregnancy Symptom Quick Guide

Pregnancy Symptoms 1.0
"★★★★★ Download it for free ★★★★★Ready to be pregnant now? You'll want to put someplanningbehindyour baby making. Follow these tips to help youconceivemorequickly.Maybe you're just really eager to get pregnant, or maybeyouhopethat your baby will be born at a certain time of year.Here are five ways to boost your chances of conceivingquicklyalongwith tips for a healthy pregnancy and guidelines onwhen tobeconcerned about a fertility problem.*** Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ***** Your comments and suggestions are important to us **"
Sprout Pregnancy 1.18
Award-winning pregnancy tracker guides you through every day ofyourpregnancy.
Flo Period & Pregnancy Tracker
Ovulation, period & pregnancy tracker. Birth control pill&menstrual reminder.
Pregnancy Tracker Free
Pregnancy time is the most important timewhichwe should give extra care and safety. Better care to the bodywillgive a good and perfect health to child. Sometimes we are notableto give much care. Pregnancy care is a completely free appwhichhelps pregnant women's to know about their pregnancy progressandother changes that occur in the body.App Features1. Detailed pregnancy trimester calendar1.1 General pregnancy calendar1.2 Personalized pregnancy calendar2. Pregnancy weight gain calculator3. Conception Calculator4. Ovulation calculator5. Due date calculator(Considering last day of firstmenstrualperiod)6. Pregnancy workoutsThis free app will be the best companion for pregnancywomen.Pregnancy care includes pregnancy calendar, weight gaincalculator,conception calculator, due date calculator etc.The calendar integrated in the app helps women's to know aboutthebaby's growth, current baby's information, baby's health ,whatfood want to eat and what not to eat, tablets which helpsbaby'sgrowth etc. We have a wide information on each week. Theweight ofpregnant women should be different in each week. Everyoneis notaware about the weight gained in each week. So weightgaincalculator help pregnant women to know about the respectiveweightwhich should be gained. Due date calculator helps to knowabout thedelivery date. There are personalized and generalcalendar.Personified calendar helps to acquire the personalinformation andgeneral calendar helps to know about the generalinformation. Howmany days you're already pregnant, the currentapproximate size andweight of your baby and a few other importantbits of informationsuch as the date of the first prenatal visit,your body's weight,baby's weight etc . Pregnancy Guide is one ofthe best freepregnancy week by week guide. If you are a first timepregnant thenthis app will be your best personal trainer. This appguides youthrough pregnancy day-by-day and week-by-week. Based onyour duedate, you'll receive personalized information.Download the best pregnancy care : week by week app today !! Ababyis a god's gift and we should give a proper care from theinitialstage itself.
Music for Pregnancy Relaxation 1.4
Music for Pregnancy is a hand-picked collection of tracksforpregnant women.
Pregnancy watcher widget
Your pregnancy at a glance (current week ofpregnancy,size&weight of your baby)
Pregnancy Countdown 0.0.5
Perfect tools
For your pregnancy: just a simple, straightforward countdown. ★★★★★
Track Pregnancy week by week: 6.61
Pregnancy due date calculator, pregnancy calendar and much more!
Calculadora Gravidez 2.0
Luís Ramalho
Calculator of the most important dates in pregnancy.
Pregnancy Week by Week 33.0.0
Pregnancy app with schematic pictures of your pregnancy andyourbaby each week
WomanLog Pregnancy Calendar 3.9.15
Calendar for every pregnant woman!
Minha Gestação 166.0
Appz Mobile
The My Pregnancy makes your phone an information guide toyourpregnancy.
Pré-Natal Digital 21.0
Esse aplicativo tem o objetivo deinformarafutura mamãe tudo sobre sua gravidez como odesenvolvimento dobebêe da mãe, tipos de exames realizados no prénatal, direitosdagestante, vacinas, tipos de parto,humanização,violênciaobstétrica, fotos reais, plano de parto,doula, entreoutros. É oapp mais completo sobre gestação comassuntos que nenhumoutro tem.Feito por profissionais de saúde.O que contém no app:- Direitos da gestante: Os direitos reservadosparaasgestantes- Crescimento do bebê: Todas as semanas de gestaçãoexplicandooque acontece com o bebê- Desenvolvimento da mãe: Como o corpo da mãe se modificacomagravidez- Exames: Os exames mais comuns realizados no pré-natal- Vacinas: As vacinas que precisam ser tomadas- Doenças: Os sintomas e doenças mais comuns na gravidez,comumalerta do Zika Vírus- Parto prematuro: Sinais e riscos de parto prematuro paraqueamamãe saiba identificar- Alimentação: Alimentação adequada e os tiposdevitaminasnecessários para uma gravidez saudável- Exercícios: Os exercícios mais indicados na gravidez- Sexo na gravidez: dúvidas sobre a sexualidade nessa faseeasmelhores posições- Moda e beleza: Dicas de moda e beleza- Enxoval do bebê: Para ajudar as mamães sobre o quecomprarparao enxoval do bebê- Plano de parto: Dicas do que solicitar que façam noseupartoseja ele normal ou cesárea- Doula: ensinando o que é, seu trabalho e benefíciosnoparto- Preparação para o parto: Ensinando massagemnoperíneo,identificar os primeiros sinais de trabalho de partoesuasfases- Alívio da dor no parto: Métodos paliativos paraajudaraamenizar a dor do parto- Posições para o parto: Ensinando várias outras posiçõesquenãosó aquela que conhecemos deitada na cama- Tipos de parto: Variações do parto vaginal além da cesárea- Violência obstétrica: Informações para que a gestantesaibaoque é e se previna desse tipo de ato- Mala da maternidade: Dicas do que levar paramaternidadetantopara o bebê quanto para a mamãe- Humanização: Para que a gestante entenda como humanizaroseuparto normal ou cesárea e descobrir se seu médicoécesarista- Mitos e verdades: Muitas crendices nós levamos conoscodesdeotempo de nossos avós e agora você vai ver se é verdadeoumito.Fora os mitos da gravidez sobre a necessidade departocesárea- Dicas: Dicas gerais, curiosidades- Fotos reais: Fotos reais de parto- Livros: Livros mais indicados para você se empoderarsobrepartonormal- YouTube: Alguns vídeos do YouTube- Mural da gestante: Nesse mural vocês poderão secomunicarentresi e trocar ideiasEnfim um aplicativo completo diferente de tudo quevocêjáviu.This applicationaimstoinform the expectant mother all about her pregnancyandthedevelopment of the baby and the mother, types ofexaminationsinprenatal, pregnant woman's rights, vaccines,deliverytypes,humanization, obstetric violence, actual photos,planchildbirth,doula, among others. It is the most complete appaboutpregnancywith issues that no one else has. Made byhealthprofessionals.What's in the app:- Pregnant women's rights: The copyright for pregnant women- Baby Growth: Every week of gestation explaining whathappenstothe baby- Mother Development: As the mother's bodychangeswithpregnancy- Investigations: The most common tests performed prenatally- Vaccines: Vaccines need to be taken- Diseases: The most common symptoms and diseasesinpregnancy,with a warning of Zika virus- Premature birth Signs and preterm birth risk that momknowhowto identify- Food: Adequate food and the types of vitamins neededforahealthy pregnancy- Exercises: The exercises most suitable in pregnancy- Sex in pregnancy: questions about sexuality at thisstageandthe best positions- Fashion and Beauty: fashion and beauty tips- Baby Layette: To help moms on what to buy forthebabylayette- Birth Plan: Tips than ask them to do in your birth beitnormalor caesarian- Doula: teaching is that their work andbenefitsinchildbirth- Preparation for childbirth: Teaching massagetheperineum,identify early labor signs and phases- Pain relief in labor: palliative methods to help easethepainof childbirth- Positions for delivery: Teaching several otherpositionsthatnot only that we know lying in bed- Delivery types: vaginal delivery variations beyondcesarean- Obstetric Violence: Information for the pregnant womanknowwhatit is and prevent this type of act- Maternity Bag: Tips of what to take for maternity bothforthebaby and for mom- Humanization: For the mother understands how tohumanizeyournormal delivery or cesarean section and find out ifyour doctorisCaesarist- Myths and Facts: Many beliefs we carry with us from thetimeofour grandparents and now you will see whether it is trueormyth.Outside the myths of pregnancy on the need forcesareansection- Tips: General tips, trivia- Real Photos: actual delivery Photos- Books: most suitable books for you to empoweraboutnormaldelivery- YouTube: Some YouTube videos- Wall of pregnant women: this wall you can communicatewitheachother and exchange ideasFinally a complete application unlike anythingyou'veeverseen.
Pregnancy Ultra Sound Prank 1.1
Are you looking for Pregnancy UltraSoundPrank? Trick your friends by this ultrasound scanner app byshowingthem that your phone has ultrasound scanning capability.This is acomplete fun gag free ultrasound app which will shock yourfriendsfor sure, the main thing is that you can trick yourgirlfriend thatshe is pregnant by showing her that your phone cando pregnancytest and you have ultrasound scanner installed in yourphone , doultrasound scanning in quick steps and show her that shegot apregnant ultrasound report!!Don’t show these ultrasound pranks in public you friends mightgetembarrassed. Let the fun begin with this ultrasound pregnancytest.count one more in your ultrasound app list with awesomepregnantscanner. Make an ultrasound with your mobile phone andwatch thebaby of your pregnant girlfriend! There is this app isjust a funapp, because it is technically not possible to ultrasoundwith aSmartphone.To use this just hold it to above their abdomen and movethisultrasound app over it and show them their kidneyultrasound,abdomen ultrasound etc , the main thing is that you cantrick yourgirlfriend that she is pregnant by showing her that yourphone cando pregnancy test and you have ultrasound scannerinstalled in yourphone , do ultrasound scanning in quick steps andshow her that shegot a pregnant ultrasound report !! Make anultrasound with yourmobile phone and watch the baby of yourpregnant girlfriend! Thereis this app is just a fun app, because itis technically notpossible to ultrasound with a Smartphone. Butthis didn’t know yourfriends, so you can trick them with this freeapp.How to use- Start the ultrasound app.- Select image for ultrasound result test or forultrasoundpranks.- Here comes the desired ultrasound scan test result.Disclaimer: This app is for fun and pranks only no Smartphonecando real ultrasound so please use this ultrasound app for funandprank only , no ultrasound scan image is real in this app!!
Pregnancy Baby & Baby Kick 4.0
This application is used to Calculate Women's Pregnancy Datesforhaving Baby(Boy/Girl) and check if today is good day forPregnancy,recording your baby fetal movement, count down tracking,findingnearby Hospital, Doctor, Restaurant location. Feature: 1.Inputyour Last Menstrual Date 2. Input your Menstrual Cycle 4.PressButton to Check your Pregnancy Dates 5. And check if TODAY isgoodday for Pregnancy 6. If you enter 1 months ago of MenstrualDate,this APP can help you to find out correct Last Menstrual Date.7.Add "Your Pregnancy Date Records" to save/show your Pregnancydates8. Support Multi-language 9. Add scrolling bar for "YourPregnancyDate Records" 10. Add "Baby Kick" feature in v3.01 foryour babyfetal movement 11. Add "Baby Count Down Tracker" featurein v3.02for countdown tracking your baby. 12. Add "Baby GenderPossibility"feature in v3.04 13. Add nearby Hospital, Doctor,Restaurantlocation feature in v3.05
Period Tracker 12.2
Period Tracker, the easiest way to track your periods!
Old Pregnancy Gestogram 1.1.7
This App will no longer be updated, please go for our new one
Pregnancy Calendar 1.0
If you are preparing for the release of ababy,our Pregnancy Calendar app certainly will help you realizewhat ishappening to you and your child during the whole pregnancy- fromthe date of the alleged conception to birth. pregnancycalendar willhelp to know how pregnancy occurs according to weeksas growing upand maturing the baby in the mother's womb, will beable to find outthe main symptoms of pregnancy and to consider thetime of delivery.Pregnancy Calendar allows you to add a note aboutyour state ofhealth or to the doctor prescribing an arbitrary dayof pregnancy,which makes the child waiting process is veryconvenient andpleasant. Pregnancy Calendar - a good assistant forthe managementof pregnancy for women. You expectant mother, andalready isprepared to enter into the light baby, pregnancycalendar week byweek will certainly help you. Specifically it willanswer thequestion, what happens to you in the first 9 months ofdata, and howthe formation of the baby. Pregnancy Calendar by daytakes you fromthe day of conception tiny miracle, up to the birth.pregnancycalendar tells about how the pregnancy week by week.Calendar ofpregnancy is considered a completely free application.This virtualassistant obvious need young mothers, it will be youradvisor on allemerging issues at the time of pregnancy.Interactive diary forpregnant - pregnancy calendar in the form ofan application that canbe installed in the phone. With his supporton his own every timethe screen you will see the image of the babyin the mother. Kid onthe screen will hold any position, like theone that takes the childin your stomach. Pregnancy - perhaps aspecial state of the ladies,through which any woman, who wished tobecome a mother. Asrecommended by doctors, you should keep a diaryand a pregnancycalendar, where every day or you enter you feel.However writings -it is boring needlework, and read this doctornot comfortable. Butwith the application Calendar pregnancy ceasesall much easier,because the program has a huge number of necessaryfunctions thatwill speed up the data entry process, and alsoembellish it.Pregnancy Calendar is very easy to use, and when youvisit thedoctor you'll be in front of the hand. Pregnancy Calendareven hasthe ability to warn you about unsafe symptoms, and evenaboutunpleasant feelings at the time of pregnancy. However, itcost youto remember that pregnancy every woman is unique, and yourmain andtrusted adviser to become a doctor, who leads the wholecourse ofpregnancy, but not pregnancy calendar. Pregnancy CalendarFeatures:- Ability to calculate the moment of birth. - Backgroundinformationon the status of mother and baby. - Other usefulrecommendations. -Pleasant calendar interface pregnancy. AppendixPregnancy Calendar -certainly one of the most relevantapplications for prosperousfuture mothers. With his support, youcan monitor the progress of adeveloping baby at all stages ofpregnancy. Simple Calendarpregnancy certainly will help monitoryour condition and body. Inparticular, the lady will be aware ofany cycle of this wonderfultime of all changes and the probabledate on which you need to payattention. The information itself onthe course of pregnancy iscarried out by weeks, which is verycomfortable. Download freepregnancy calendar to the phone and makethis your own. PregnancyCalendar contains a specially craftedcalendar where you can workand save notes. Our calendar forpregnant warn you about thepossible unpleasant feelings and unsafeperiods during gestationbaby, but every pregnancy is unique andall the data in theapplication can only be considered general andabstract, because themain advisor for you should be your doctor,not pregnancycalendar.
Minha Gravidez 9
Minha Gravidez - Tenha em mãosummaterialcompleto para acompanhamento e bem estar do seu filhodesdeagestação até a adolescência. BAIXE HOJE MESMO!Conteúdos diversos, objetivos e esclarecedores sobreagravidez,educação, doenças comuns e muito mais. O materialmaiscompletopara e fundamental para pais de todas as idades!"Excelente App, cheio de informações úteis na prática.Defácilacesso e com boa interface. Parabéns!""Um material completo, para pais novos ou experientes...Nãotemnem comparação como outros semelhantes na loja!""Conteúdo prático. De fácil acesso. Excelente para ousodiáriodos pais.""Minha gravidez" é um aplicativo voltado para pais"deprimeiraviagem", ou não, e que possuam dúvidas e queiram teremmãos umaferramenta útil, prática e confiável a respeito deseusfilhos.O aplicativo explica desde a gestação atéaadolescência,acompanhando cada fase do crescimento edodesenvolvimento dacriança.Aborda diversos aspectos da saúde, bemestar,educação,alimentação e estruturação familiar.Dispõe de múltiplas calculadoras e ferramentas parausonodia-a-dia, músicas para a criança e para a mãe, postagememredesocial, dentre outros recursos.Em outras palavras, "Minha gravidez" é um companheironatarefadiária de cuidar de seus filhos.Todo o material foi produzido por médicos erevisadoporespecialistas:- Aleitamento e Alimentação- Educando seu filho- Álcool e Cigarro na Gravidez- Alongamento e exercícios na Gravidez- Mitos na Gestação- Imagens de Ultra-sonografia- Fertilidade- Pré-natal saudável- Gestação de Alto Risco- Cuidados com a Gestante- O dia do parto- Pós-parto- Higiene e cuidados em saúde do bebê e da criança- Cuidados com o bebê prematuro- Cantigas populares e músicas- Calendário Vacinal- Doenças comuns da infância- Segurança e AcidentesEnsinamentos para cada faixa etária de seu filho:- O primeiro Mês- O primeiro Ano- O segundo Ano- Pré-Escolar e escolar- AdolescênciaConheça hoje mesmo esse grande sucesso! Comprove edivulgueaosseus amigos!Curta fanpage e fique por dentro de novidades: caso de dúvidas ou sugestões entre em [email protected] Pregnancy -Haveacomplete material for monitoring and well being of yourchildfromconception through adolescence. DOWNLOAD TODAY!Various contents, objectives and enlighteningaboutpregnancy,education, common diseases and more. Themostcomprehensivematerial and essential for parents of allages!"Great App, full of useful information in practice.Easyaccessand good interface. Congratulations!""A complete material, for new and experienced parents ...Thereisno comparison as similar in the store!""Practical content. Easy access. Great for everyday useoftheparents.""My pregnancy" is a focused application forparents"first-time"or not, and who have questions and want to haveat handa usefultool, practical and reliable as to theirchildren.The application explains from pregnancythroughadolescence,following each stage of growth and developmentof thechild.Covers various aspects of health, welfare, education,foodandfamily structure.It features multiple calculators and tools for useinday-to-day,music for the child and the mother, posting onsocialnetwork, amongother features.In other words, "My pregnancy" is a companion in the dailytaskofcaring for their children.All material was produced by medical expertsandreviewedby:- Feeding and Food- Educating your child- Alcohol and cigarette Pregnancy- Stretching and exercises Pregnancy- Myths in Pregnancy- Ultrasound Images- Fertility- Prenatal healthy- High Risk Pregnancy- Care Pregnancy- The day of delivery- Postpartum- Hygiene and care of the baby and child health- Care premature baby- Popular Songs and music- Vaccination Schedule- Common Childhood Diseases- Safety and AccidentTeachings for each age group your child:- The first month- First Year- The second year- Preschool and school- AdolescenceMeet today this great success! Prove to your friendsandspreadthe word!Short fanpage and stay on top of news: questions or suggestions please contact us via [email protected]
Minha Gravidez Hoje ! 5.0
El Nono
All about pregnancy and women's health you find in MyPregnancyToday