Top 21 Apps Similar to Personality Development

Self Improvement 2.5
Articles of Self Improvement to be successful!
MentalUP Educational Games 7.4.9
Fitness & Brain Games for Kids, Learning Games for Ages4-13Years Old, IQ Tests
Psychology Course 80.0
Psychology course, analyze and understand human behavior.
Psychological Dictionary 80.0
Free Dictionary psychology, learning psychological terms from AtoZ.
Psychology for Students 1.0
Diablo Code
Psychology for Students. A course with Concepts, Quiz and more.
Kitap Okumanın 27 Nedeni 1.6
27 Facts About Why Reading This practice is located
Biologische Psychologie 2.6.26
Das digitale Lernkartenset vonBeltzbietetStudierenden die optimale PrüfungsvorbereitungfürdiesesFachgebiet!Trainieren Sie mit den Fragen Ihren Prüfungsstoffindenverschiedenen Lektionen:• 301 Multiple Choice-Fragen• 21 Lücken- und Zuordnungsaufgaben• 11 Aufgaben zu Abbildungen aus dem dazugehörigen LehrbuchOptimale Prüfungsvorbereitung mit demdigitalenLernkartenset»Biologische Psychologie« von Beltz. AusdemStandardwerk»Biologische Psychologie« von Rainer Schandrystehen322abwechslungsreiche Prüfungsfragen bereit die Sie beiIhremStudiumunterstützen sollen.Wichtig: Dies ist eine kostenlose Demo-Version.DasvollständigeProdukt ist kostenpflichtig zu erwerben!ThedigitalLernkartensetBeltz offers students the optimal exampreparation forthis field!Work out with the issues your test materialindifferentlessons:• 301 multiple-choice questions• 21 gap and assignment tasks• 11 tasks to pictures from the associated textbookOptimal Exam Preparation with thedigitalLernkartenset"Biological Psychology" by Beltz. From thestandardwork"Biological Psychology" by Rainer Schandry are 322variedexamquestions prepared that should assist you in yourstudies.Important: This is a free demo version. The completeproductischargeable to purchase!
Hızlı Eğitim 5
Hızlı Eğitim - Öğrenmek Artık Daha web sitesinden ücretsiz üyeolduğunuzkullanıcı adı ve şifrenizi girin, hemen e-eğitimlereerişin.Hızlı Eğitim nedir?25 yılı aşkın deneyimimizle, uzmanlarımızca hazırlananeğitimlersunan dijital (online) bir eğitim platformuyuz. İşhayatıprofesyonellerini ve iş hayatına hazırlananlarıhedefliyoruz.Infinity Teknoloji olarak hali hazırda 300'den fazlakurumsalmüşterimize sunduğumuz e-eğitimleri, Hızlı Eğitim üzerindenkişiselkullanımınıza sunuyoruz. İçerikler çeviri değildir, tamamenyerel,ülkemize özgü iş bilgisi ve çalışma kültürü göz önünealınarakhazırlanmıştır.Her ay 5 yeni, 10 yenilenen, 15'e yakın eğitimisizlerlebuluşturuyoruz...Neden Hızlı Eğitim?Çünkü bilgiyi özet olarak size sunuyoruz. Bilgiye erişmekiçinonlarca kitap, makale, video izlemeniz gerekiyor. Oysabunlarıtarayıp sizin için derleyen, bunları özetleyip sunan birmerkezvar, o da Hızlı Eğitim. Belirli konularda artık onlarcaeğiticikitap okumanıza gerek yok, zaman tasarrufu yapın. Bu zamanıdahayal gücünüzü geliştirecek romanlar okumak için kullanın.İnanınsizin için çok daha yararlı olacaktır. Gelin bilginin özünüsunanHızlı Eğitimlerle gelişime hemen adım atın.Kursta öğrenmek yerine neden Hızlı Eğitim?Online eğitim (e-öğrenme), tartışmasız günümüzün enönemlieğilimlerinden birisi. Kurslarda harcanan zaman kaybı veücretlergöz önüne alındığında çok daha ekonomiktir. Ancak bazıbaşlıklardakurslara direkt bir alternatif değil, oradaki bilgileridestekleyenbir unsur olarak görülmelidir. Örneğin bazı konubaşlıklarınıkurslarda öğrenmeye günümüzde gerek kalmamıştır.Eğitimleri kimler hazırlıyor?İçeriklerimizi hazırlayan kişiler aslında eğitim uzmanlarıveeğitmenler. Yalnızca önemli bir farkları var, eğitimleribilgisayarbaşında eğitim alınabilecek özel bir haledönüştürüyorlar. Eğitimtasarımcısı ve editörlerimiz tüm buunsurları göz önüne alarakeğitimleri sizin için özel olaraktasarlıyorlar. Teknik olarakaraştırma, güncel bilgiyi özetleme, netifadelerle öğretici birhale getirme, görsel tasarım, seslendirme,etkileşimler ile kurguyugerçekleştirmek ana işimizdir. Tümmesajları netleştiririz. Kısazamanda gerekli bilgiyi etkili birşekilde aktarırız.Eğitimleri cep telefonumdan3G hattımı tüketmeden izleyebiliyor muyum?Evet. Eğitimleri ister cep telefonunuzdan, ister bilgisayarveyatabletinizden çevrimdışı olarak da izleyebilirsiniz. BununiçinWiFi olan bir yerde örneğin evinizde, içeriği cep telefonunuzveyatabletinize indirebilir, 3G bant genişliğinizi tüketmedendışardakolayca izleyebilirsiniz. Sonra da indirdiğiniz içeriğimobilcihazınızdan silebilirsiniz. Örneğin, yolda giderken, sporveyayemek yaparken bile eğitimlerinizi izleyebilir, dilediğinizandadurdurabilir, geri alabilirsiniz.Eğitim ve gelişim, her yerde sizinle Hızlı Eğitim her an, her yerde profesyonel yaşamdagereksinimduyduğunuz güncel bilgiyi size sunuyor. Her ay eklenenonlarcaeğitimle birlikte var olan eğitimleribilgisayarınızdan,tabletinizden veya akıllı telefonunuzdanerişebilirsiniz.Quick Tutorial -LearnEasierEnter your user name and password you up for website, access to the right e-learning.Quick What is education?Our 25 years of experience, our experts preparededucationaloffering of digital (online) education platformuyuz. Weaim toprofessionally prepared business life and work life.InfinityTechnology as already more than 300 e-learning we offerourcorporate customers, we offer for your personal use on QuickStudy.Content translation is not entirely local, our country hasbeenprepared taking into consideration the specific businessknowledgeand work culture.Every month five new, 10 renovated, it offers you trainingwithclose to 15 ...Why Quick Study?Because we offer you a summary of information. 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Personality Development 3.2.0
Having a good personality is animportantskillin life. It is not an easy feat to achieve, butwiththesepersonality education can be achieved byanyone.Personalitydevelopment is so important in every career. Agoodpersonality isthe key for success. And our application givesallhandy tips todevelop a better personality in you.Personality development aims to educate the user ordertoknowabout their strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately the useoftheapplication is to enhance the Personality Developmentoftheusers.So here's an answer to all your problems!!Download and Enjoy!!!Features :-Popular Educational leadership & Education videos-Psychology-The 'Soft Skills': Communication, Education,Learning,Development& Change-Soft skills & Education-Critical thinking & Education-Interpersonal relationship & Skill-Problem solving & Skill-Critical thinking & Skill-Leadership Skills-Assertiveness training ,communication-Psychology theories of education-Analytics for Education-Idealism: Philosophy of Education-Epistemology: Philosophy of Education-Respect - Social Skills / Character Education
De la Philosophie 1.0
Discover the 57 authors in general terminal classes program.
Philosophical Dictionary 80.0
Dictionary of Philosophy, learn and consult philosophical terms.
Yaşlara Göre Çocuk Gelişimi 1.0
-Yaş Yaş çocuk gelişimi-Bu yazıda doğumdan ergenlik dönemine kadar (0-13yaş),çocuklarıngeçirdiği psikososyal ve fiziksel evreler pratikbiryararı olmasıamacıyla, gelişim dönemi ve gelişim alanıhalindeincelenmiştir.-Kronolojik yaş sınırları sadece o yaştagözlenebileceközelliklerhakkında bilgiler vermektedir.-Kişisel farklılıklar nedeniyle, çeşitli gelişimözelliklerivedavranışların, bazı çocuklarda burada belirtilenyaştan dahaönceveya daha sonra görülebileceği unutulmamalıdır.-KIZ ÇOCUKLARDA BOY KİLO CETVELİ-ERKEK ÇOCUKLARDA BOY VE KİLO CETVELİ-Yaşa Göre Değişen Davranışlar ve Çözüm ÖnerileriAge-age child development-This article from birth until adolescence(0-13years),children's stages of psychosocial and physical spendsmeantto be apractical benefit, stages of development and growthhasbeenstudied in the area.-Chronological age limit only gives information aboutthefeaturesthat can be observed at that age.-Due to personal differences, variousdevelopmentcharacteristicsand behavior, some children mentionedhere can beseen before thisage or later should be noted.In-GIRLS SIZE CHART WEIGHTSIZE AND WEIGHT SCALE-BOYS-Changing Behaviors by Age and Proposed Solutions
Bac L 2017 avec l’Etudiant
Une application complète etdétaillée,entièrement gratuite, pour préparer les lycéens au bac L2017.Les fiches de révisions : conçues et rédigées par desprofesseursde l'Éducation nationale, nos fiches de révisionsclaires etcomplètes vous permettent de revoir et de retenir lespoints clés duprogramme 2017 dans chaque matière.Les quiz de révisions : vous pensez maîtriser le programme ?Toutau long de vos révisions, testez-vous grâce aux nombreuxquizélaborés par des enseignants de l'Éducation nationale etcorrigezainsi vos erreurs les plus fréquentes.Les conseils méthodologiques : en juin 2017, vous passerezvotrebac L. En quoi consistent les épreuves ? Comment réviser d'iciaujour J ? Quelles sont les attentes des correcteurs ? Commentgagnerdes points et éviter d'en perdre ? Nos professeursvousapportent de nombreuses clés pour vous préparer auxépreuves.Les citations : en histoire, philosophie, français...unecitation bien placée, à la fois juste et originale, peut donnerunplus à votre copie, voire vous faire gagner des points. Pasinspiré? On vous en propose des centaines !Les vidéos conseils : comment retenir ses fiches de cours?Rendre une bonne copie ? Éviter les erreurs lesplusclassiques ? Être en forme pour le jour des épreuves ? Desexpertsdu stress et des enseignants vousdonnent leursastuces en vidéo pour tenir le marathon dubac !Actualité du bac :toutes les nouveautés du bac 2017 en directsurl'appli : les sujets tombés à l’étranger, les corrigés dubac,les chats vidéos dédiés au bac sur, les sujetsetcorrigés de nos bacs blancs, les bonnes copiescorrigées,etc. Les sujets probables 2017 : à venir en janvier 2017.Voici quelques extraits du programme couvert parnotreapplication dans quelques-unes des matières del’application:Français : Dissertation / Commentaire littéraire /Sujetd’invention/ Énonciation / Vocabulaire, Phrase ,Paragraphe,Genres / du Moyen Âge au XVIIe siècle / du XVIIIe siècleau XXIesiècleHistoire - géographie : Mondialisation / Proche-OrientetMoyen-Orient / Le monde de 1945 à nos jours / France et Europe/Afrique - Asie - AmériqueMathématiques : Dérivation et variations / Exponentielles/Logarithmes / Continuité / Intégrales / Suites /Probabilitésconditionnelles / Intervalles de confiancePhilosophie : Le sujet / La culture / Laraisonet le réel / La politique / La moraleNotre application, une fois téléchargée, fonctionne horsconnexionInternet. Vous pourrez ainsi révisez partout, où quevoussoyez.Vous pouvez retrouver toutes les nouveautés Bac L 2017 surnotrepage Facebook l’Etudiant( ),mais aussi sur notreespace dédié au Bac 2017 sur ( A complete anddetailedapplication, completely free, to prepare students to tank L2017.Sheets revisions: designed and written by professorsofEducation, our sheets of clear and comprehensive revisionsallowyou to review and retain key points of the 2017 program ineachsubject.Quiz revisions: you think you master the program? Throughoutyourrevisions, test yourself with the many quiz developed byteachers ofNational Education and correct so your most frequenterrors.Methodological advice: in June 2017, you will spend your trayL.What are the tests? How to review by the big day? What aretheexpectations of the correction? How to earn points andavoidlosing? Our teachers bring you many key for you preparefortests.Citations: history, philosophy, French ... a wellplacedquotation, both just and original, can give more to yourcopy, ifyou earn points. Not inspired? It offers you inhundreds! The advice videos: how to hold his cards over? Make agoodcopy? Avoid the most common mistakes? Be fit for the day oftheevents? Stress experts and teachers give you their video tipstohold the marathon tray!News of bin: all new 2017 live on the app tray: subjectsfallenabroad, the fixed tray, dedicated video chats on, topics and adjusted our white trays, bestcorrectedcopies, etc.Likely topics 2017 coming in January 2017.Here are some excerpts of the program covered by ourapplicationin some of the application materials:French: Essay / Commentary literary / Invention Thread / Saying/Vocabulary, Sentence, Paragraph, Styles / the Middle Ages totheseventeenth century / eighteenth century to thetwenty-firstcenturyHistory - Geography: Globalization / Near East and Middle East /Theworld of 1945 to the present / France and Europe / Africa -Asia -AmericaMathematics: Derivation and variations / Exponential / logarithms/Continuity / Integral / Suites / Conditional Probability/Confidence IntervalsPhilosophy: Subject / Culture / Reason and real / Political/MoralOur application, once downloaded, works out internet connection.Youcan revise and everywhere, wherever you are.You can find all the new Bac L 2017 on our FacebookStudent(, but also on ourspacededicated to the 2017 Bac on our site(
Moon Diary 2.15
This app allows users to answersomesimplequestions on how they perceive the moon (at a giventimeanposition). Additionally, the user is able to take aphoto(usingthe mobile's built-in camera) of the moon and upload it.Eachtimethe app is run, the questions are anwered and sent totheserver,the device will try to determine its GPS positionandinclude thesecoordinates,.The application uses the device's IMEI to generate ahashcodethat cannot be traced back to a specific device. Apartfromthishash code, the answers to the questions, the photo (iftaken)andthe GPS coordinates (if GPS was available), no datawhatsoeveraretransmitted. Thus, the user's privacy isguaranted.
Sachkunde Endoskopie 1.2
Dieses Programm erzeugt aus einer Anzahlvonmehr als 440 Fragen individuell zusammengestellte PrüfungenzurVorbereitung auf die Prüfung Sachkunde Endoskopie.Als wesentliche Neuerung dieser Version sinddielernpsychologischen Erkenntnisse von Leitner in dieEntwicklungeingeflossen. Das bedeutete, Lernen mit einemKarteikarten System,um einerseits das Erlernte besser in dasLangzeitgedächtnis zutransportieren und andererseits die Zeit fürdas Lernen besser zunutzen und Fragen die Ihr bereits beherrschtnicht erneut lernen zumüssen.Aktuell werden korrekt beantwortete Fragen infolgenderzeitlicher Abfolge erneut abgefragt:Stufe 1-2 2 TageStufe 2-3 4 TageStufe 3-4 7 TageStufe 4-5 14 TageAb der erreichten Stufe 5 ist davon auszugehen, dass dieFrageerlernt ist.Dabei ermöglichst das Programm Sachkunde EndoskopiefolgendeMöglichkeiten, um die Prüfung Sachkunde Endoskopie zusammenzustellen:* Angabe der Anzahl der Fragen (aktuell max. 443)* zufällige Fragenauswahl* zufälliges Mischen innerhalb der Fragen* Option zum Negieren der Fragen* Prüfungszeit (Sekunden/Frage)* Prüfungen in einzelnen Fachbereichen möglich* Lernen im Karteikartensystem nach Leitner* Statistik zur Überprüfung des Lernerfolges* Fragen zur späteren Wiedervorlage markieren* Prüfungen als falsch beantworteten Fragen zusammen stellenDie Fragen orientieren sich an dem Ausbildungskatalog derDGSVe.V. zur Sachkunde Endoskopie.Folgende Fachbereiche werden aktuelle abgefragt:* Normen und rechtliche Grundlagen* Epidemiologie und Mikrobiologie* Grundlagen der Hygiene* Qualitätsmanagement* Aufbereitung von Medizinprodukten* Grundlagen des Desinfektion und Reinigung* Aufbereitung von Endoskopen und Zubehör* Sterilisation und Freigabe zur Nutzung* wichtige AbkürzungenDies ist kein offizieller Prüfungskatalog. Wer diesesProgrammSachkunde Endoskopie aber beherrscht, wird sehr gut aufdieschriftliche Prüfung vorbereitet.Solltet Ihr Probleme mit der App oder Fragen haben, dannwendetEuch bitte erst an mich bevor ihr das Programm schlechtbeurteilt.Gerne auch Wünsche und Anregungen fürkommendeProgrammversionen.PetraThis programgeneratedfrom a number of more than 440 questions personallycreated teststo prepare for the exam expertise endoscopy.A major new feature of this version of the psychology oflearninginsights of Leitner have been incorporated into thedevelopment.This meant, on the one hand to better convey learningwith an indexcard system what they have learned in long-termmemory and the otherpart to better use the time for learning andthe questions youalready mastered not to have to learn again.Currently correctly answered questions are requested again inthefollowing chronological order:Level 1-2 two daysLevel 2-3 4 daysLevel 3-4 7 daysLevel 4-5 14 daysFrom the achieved level 5 it is assumed that the questionislearned.Here endoscopy program expertise ermöglichst following waystomake testing expertise endoscopy together:* Specify the number of questions (currently max. 443)* Random selection of questions* Random mixing within questions* Option to negate the issues* Examination time (seconds / Question)* Tests possible in individual departments* Learning in index card system by Leitner* Statistic to test the learning successMark * questions for later resubmission* make inspections as incorrectly answered questions togetherThe questions are based on the training catalog of DGSV e.V.forexpertise endoscopy.The following departments are newer queried:* Standards and legal bases* Epidemiology and Microbiology* Fundamentals of Hygiene* Quality Management* Medical Device Reprocessing* Fundamentals of disinfection and cleaning* Treatment of endoscopes and accessories* Sterilization and permission for use* Important abbreviationsThis is not an official exam catalog. Who this programexpertiseendoscopy but controlled, is very well prepared for thewrittentest.Should you problems with the app or have any questions,youplease apply only before you judge the program bad to me.Gladlyalso requests and suggestions for future versions.Petra
Psikoloji Dersi 1.0
narrative summary of the main issues of psychology
Psikoloji Ders Notu 1.0
This is the practice of Psychology Textbooks
KPSS Eğitim Bilimleri Kodlama 1.5
Coding KPSS Educational Sciences and Education TextbookSummaryLocation Al
Personality Development 3.1.5
Personality development is very important in every ones career.
Contex - Fachbegriffe 1.0
Contex bietet präzise, knappeundverständlicheDefinitionen zu den wichtigsten BegriffeneinesThemenbereichs.Ideal falls ein neues Hobby, Praktikum, StudienplatzoderProjektansteht. Die Fachbegriffe zu Beginn verwirren dich undduweißtnicht welche Begriffe auf dich zukommen werden? JetztmitHilfe vonContex, mitreden können.Arbeite dich innerhalb von 15 Minuten in ein beliebigesThemaein.Spielend leicht. Überall. Jederzeit.Contex ist deine App zum Aufbau von Wissen. Lege deinen FokusaufdieBereiche, die dich interessieren. Neben vielenvorhandenenThemen,erschaffst du dir mit eigenen Rubriken deineganzindividuelleWissensdatenbank. Entdecke Zusammenhänge undwerdeschlauer.Die App umfasst Kategorien wie Wirtschaft,Sport,Jura,Mathematik, Architektur, Steuern/Finanzen, Arbeitsrechtundvielemehr.Inhalte:- Politik Fachbegriffe & Begriffe- Astronomie Fachbegriffe & Begriffe- Psychologie Fachbegriffe & Begriffe- Wirtschaft Fachbegriffe & Begriffe- Arbeitsrecht Fachbegriffe & Begriffe- Architektur Fachbegriffe & Begriffe- Börse Fachbegriffe & Begriffe- Kunst Fachbegriffe & Begriffe- Körper & Gesundheit Fachbegriffe & Begriffe- Sport Fachbegriffe & Begriffe- Unternehmertum Fachbegriffe & Begriffe- zukünftig viele weitere....Features:- ständig wachsender Kategorie-Katalog- Anlegen und Bearbeiten von Themen und Begriffen- Setzen eines Hintergrundbildes für eigene Themen- Favoriten-Funktion & Zufalls-Button- Schalter zum wechseln des Farbstils (Premium-Version)- Begriffe einfach lernenDie App erweist sich durch die einfach und schnelleNutzungalsidealer mobiler Helfer für Fachbegriffe.Contexprovidesaccurate,concise and understandable definitions of keyterms of atheme.Ideal if a new hobby, internship, study place orprojectispending. The technical terms beginning confuse you and youdonotknow what terms are coming towards you? Now, with thehelpofContex, say.Work your a period of 15 minutes in any topic.Remarkablyeasy.All over. At any time.Contex is your app for knowledge creation. Put your focusontheareas that interest you. In addition many existingtopics,youcreate you own with your own individualcategoriesknowledgebase.Discover relationships and becomesmarter.The app includes categories such as business,sports,law,mathematics, architecture, tax / finance, labor, andmanymore.contents:- Policy terms & concepts- Astronomy terms & concepts- Psychology terms & concepts- Economic terms & concepts- Employment terms & concepts- Architecture terms & concepts- Exchange technical terms & concepts- Art technical terms & concepts- Body & Health technical terms & concepts- Sport Specific terms & concepts- Entrepreneurship terms & concepts- The future many more ....features:- Constantly growing category Catalog- Create and edit topics and terms- Set a background image for your own themes- Favorites Function & random button- Switches to change the color style (premium version)- Easy to learn conceptsThe app proves by the simple and rapid use as anidealmobileassistant for technical terms.
Proverbe et Citation 1.2
Dans cette app ,il y a beaucoup de bons ProverbesetCitations.Amusee de lire à partir de maintenant . il estlameilleureapplication la plus complète dans ce genre il y adesbeauxProverbe et Citation .aussi tu peux copier les citationsdansvotresmartphone ,ainsi ,que tu peux les partager avec vosamis.Proverbe et Citation feature : - Plus simple .-MeilleuresCitations d'amour ,Bonheur ,Motivation,Philosophiques,Amitié,Famille ,Humour ... - Le tous en Français .- Faciled'utiliser -Gratuit Je souhaite que vous l'aimez .