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CatShare Cat Sharing Wallpaper 1.2.1
CatShare provides a Live Wallpaper to displayaseries of user-contributed pictures of fabulous felines. Youseepictures shared by other CatShare users and they see yours!Once installed, you can select the CatShare live wallpaper.Acontinuous slideshow of cat photos you've shared or which havebeenshared by others is displayed as your background.To select a slideshow of shared kitties as your wallpaper:• Click the 'Set as Live Wallpaper' button from the main appscreen*OR* Go to your Home Screen, Long-press the background,SelectWallpapers, then Live wallpapers.• Choose CatShare wallpaper from the list• Click Set WallpaperTo pause the Cat slideshow, double-tap the background.Double-tapagain to resume.CatShare also registers as a Share provider - To sharepicturesof your favorite felines: from the camera, photo gallery,or othermedia app, click Share then select 'CatShare' and followthe promptto upload your image for display on other users'wallpaper!CatShare currently operates on an HONOR POLICY. Pleaserespectthis community and share only pictures appropriate for theapp. Ifthe user communities fails to respect this policy, we arepreparedto implement moderated submissions.This app uses Google services for sharing of your picturesandwill prompt for permission to use a Google account associatedwithyour device. Users who share pictures inappropriate to thisappwill be blacklisted and may have their account reportedtoGoogle.Planned for next release:• Vote for images you Like• More display options• Additional languagesLegal notice:By uploading your images via the Share function, you waveallrights to said material. Although Practical Apps does not useorlicense shared images for any purpose other than in this app,wecannot control what other users may do with them.Pleasesee terms and conditions