Top 18 Games Similar to 《花千骨》仗打三生三世!

仙俠奇緣:仙魔大戰一觸即發! 1.1.3
「仙俠奇緣」六界內的派系鬥爭,仙魔大戰一觸即發!擁有八大特色,多元玩法,還有熱鬧的幫派系統,可以種菜偷菜,還可以跨服聊天!每天都有樂趣~*【8大特色】*一、輕鬆一指戰鬥系統:回合制戰鬥,自由搭配陣行,一指戰鬥,輕鬆不費力二、多樣寵物坐騎系統:寵物進化成長,百變造型寵物陪伴遊仙界!拉風酷炫的坐騎等你來收集!三、獨特神器收集系統:收集神器,屬性再增強,一起斬妖除魔,拯救六界!四、比拚戰鬥系統:三大門派比拚戰鬥,誰與爭鋒!競技場、幫會戰、劫標團…等享受戰鬥廝殺快感!挑戰百關通天塔,成為最強關主!五、豐富多元玩法,超過22種趣味遊戲小系統等你來發掘!六、不用再等待打字時間,語音系統輕鬆即時交談!七、跨服任務、跨服戰場,不只要在伺服器稱王,更要稱霸所有伺服器!八、結婚+師徒系統:與伴侶~師徒攜手闖蕩江湖不孤單===========================================================官方粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]
Deep love and sadness through time and space
Bangla English Dictionary 5.0.0
Bengali To English Dictionary - the easiest way to learnandtranslate Bengali language fast within your Android devicesandTablets. Bengali also knownbyits endonym Bangla (বাংলা [ˈbaŋla]),isan Indo-Aryan language primarily spokenbythe Bengalis in South Asia, specifically intheeastern part of the subcontinent, presentlydividedbetween Bangladesh andthe Indian statesof West Bengal, Tripura,and Assam's BarakValley (lower Assam). Bengaliis the fifthmost-spoken native language andthe seventh most spokenlanguage by total number ofspeakers in the world.The official and defacto nationallanguage of Bangladesh is Modern StandardBengali. Itserves as the lingua franca of thenation, with 98% ofBangladeshis being fluent in Bengali astheir firstlanguage. Within India, Bengali is theofficial language ofthe states of WestBengal, Tripura andthe Barak Valley region ofthe state of Assam.This Dictionary of BengaliEnglish isn’t a simpledictionary that you find in thestationary stores & in yourBengali English textbooks.This Bengali English Dictionaryapp is written andexplained in such a way that anyone canlearn Bengali English within a short time of span. EachBengali English terms aregiven with the audio voice facility soyou can understand the basicword behind the jargon. Key Featuresof  Bengali To Englishdictionary: 1. Designed with a quickpowerful search function. Thedictionary will give youauto-suggestions while you type.2. Bookmark – you cansave all bookmarks and add it intoto your favorite list for quickrevision. 3. OfflineAccess – It works offline, no mobiledata connection or Wi-Fiis required. 4. Small Size (Less MB)– Bengali To EnglishDictionary will only use small storage ofyour smartphones andtablet devices. 5. Simple and attractiveUI/UX interface. The Bengali English app comes with auser-friendly function,allowing easy navigations. 6. ManageBookmark Lists – Youcan manage the bookmark list as per yourchoice. 7. Add NewWords – you can add and store any ofthe new terms in thisDictionary. 8. Bengali English Quiz – Thisfeature of app will helpyou to test your English knowledge. 9.More than 4,000 words –Included all the most common words anddaily use terms inthe dictionary of Bengali English. 10. FREE– It is fully free.Download with zero cost. If you want to improvethe performance ofthis Bengali English dictionary app, we needhelpful recommendationsfrom you. Please email us for any queries.
星辰幻想 1.3.1
Six kinds of occupations, the ten roles let you chose freelyamongdifferent occupations multiplied by grams, different wartimecareerwith unlimited fun
疾風雪姬 3.0
不壹樣的英雄收集,不壹樣的策略戰術,2015最值得期待的2D橫版回合制手遊。《疾風雪姬》結合時下流行的Q版日漫畫風,呈現帶有神秘西方魔域色彩的戰鬥故事。想要華麗麗的時裝,還是萌萌噠的坐騎;想要公會兄弟群戰,還是召喚挑戰BOSS;沒想要神獸附體,也沒想要天使變身。沒關系,想要不想要的我們都應有盡有,等妳來哦!One kind of hero isnotcollected, not One kind of strategy and tactics, themostanticipated 2015 cross-version of turn-based 2D mobilegames."Serena blasts" The combination of Q version of thepopularJapanese cartoon style, presents the story of the battlewith amysterious Western Demon colors. Want gorgeous fashion, orMengMeng da horse; you want to guild brothers gang warfare, orcallchallenge BOSS; animal thought to be possessed, but alsothought tobe an angel transfiguration. It does not matter, we allwant to donot want everything, Dengnai to Oh!
幻想神域 - 啟源女神
日系動漫手遊《幻想神域》,傳奇遊戲經典再現,打造全新MMORPG國民手遊,化身二次元動漫角色,進入幻想的英雄冒險世界啟源始者們開啟屬於你的異世界召喚吧►►►★ 轉動啟源方塊! 召喚命定源神末日龍王-巴哈姆特、九尾狐姬-玉藻前、月光女神-亞緹米絲、經典源神將陪伴玩家左右,輔助玩家進行戰鬥,快來與源神訂下契約吧!★ 攻略天空之塔即時多人在線,公會夥伴一起上線共鬥的地下城副本攻略,快與好友攜手一同熱血出擊。★與好友組隊副本玩家可選擇與好友、公會夥伴組隊,或是讓系統隨機配對,一起挑戰異界副本。★找尋你的冒險之路透過冒險之路系統,你可以學習各種被動技能來打造屬於自己的獨特能力,根據學習路線你將有機會學習到雙武器的強力組合技能,無論是培養暴力輸出或是攻防一體的角色皆能讓你自由選擇。★百變造型自由搭新增的「時裝收藏冊」功能中,玩家可以將獲得的時裝放入收藏冊中,並隨時切換外觀,不需要再放入背包內。「幻想神域」額外設計了釣魚、料理、採集、卡牌豐富有趣的小遊戲,提供玩家更多的遊戲樂趣,挑戰生產職人之路。【關注我們】官方粉絲團:《Android系統建議》支援CPU:SnapDragon 800以上內存:2G 以上作業系統:Android4.4以上存儲空間:推薦預留700MB剩餘空間
江湖風雲錄--超自由武俠手遊 4.4.8
2016年超人氣暢銷武俠手遊《江湖風雲錄》,獲得百萬武俠迷的好評和青睞。高度開放引人入勝的劇情,超過120種武功秘笈,貫穿古今的神兵利器,相伴左右勇闖天涯的紅顏知己,讓這款武俠遊戲獨樹一幟,愛不釋手!刀光劍影闖江湖一身俠義淩雲天,下載江湖風雲錄,我們還您一個龐大的、真實的、充滿感情的武俠江湖夢!2016best-sellingultra-popular martial arts hand tour "Wild Tale," wasone millionWuxia Mi and popular acclaim. Highly open fascinatingstory, morethan 120 kinds of martial arts secrets throughoutancient andmodern magic weapon, accompanied by about Globe Trekkerconfidante,so this unique martial arts game, put it down! Kenshin achivalrousswords Lingyun days, rivers and lakes Tale download, wealso you ahuge, real, emotional martial arts arena dream!
逍遙吟-2017年最浪武俠手遊 0.0.17
【遊戲介紹】涼風有信,秋月無邊,虧我思嬌的情緒好比度日如年,雖然我不是武林盟主,瀟灑倜儻,但是我有絕世的神功,加開掛的裝備!這位姑娘請不要走,何不與我花前月下、把酒言歡,殺殺人、跳跳舞、生幾個大胖小子,攜手白頭,逍遙闖江湖!【遊戲特色】1.宏大世界觀,豐富的情節設定與无尽地图模式龐大恢弘的江湖世界觀、超過千張美輪美奐的3D地圖場景,豐富的唯美戀愛劇情,讓你親臨其境的感受武俠世界的風流人生,邂逅美麗情緣!2.杜絕雷同單純手點,實時操控,順暢指劃動作,高自由全視角360度pk.還有不主動攻擊的和平模式、主動攻擊的江湖模式、無限殺伐三大戰鬥模式隨心轉換,還有和平保護,幫派保護雙重保險,玩法多多。3.在眾多武俠遊戲中首創技能心法隨時切換玩家可以透過武功心法的切換選擇來打造屬於自己的戰鬥定位,有近身廝殺閃電連擊的日月刀法、有高機動靈活走位的華山太虛劍、或是輸出暗器的唐門要訣。4.打造強勢社交系統,正妹帥男上傳照片,空間交友,為你心愛的男/女神送上鮮花吧!5.完備的武器系統:強化、打造、鑲嵌、洗練、傳承。助你獲取倚天屠龍,號令天下群雄!6.百種夥伴相隨,兄弟叫陣,多人pvp大亂鬥江湖群俠實時切磋——5v5MOBA模式決戰光明頂,即刻激情群戰,笑傲江湖!百種夥伴,輸出輔助,隨你挑選,戰鬥升級一觸即發,讓你體驗端遊式的團隊協作,叫上你的兄弟一起開黑吧!7.創建幫派,逐鹿江湖俠義幫派系統,幫派規模加持成就值,引天下豪傑齊聚義,榮辱與共,歃血為盟;參加江湖懸賞,押運鏢車,通緝無影大盜,樂趣無限。==官方資訊==《逍遙吟》粉絲團:《逍遙吟》客服信箱:[email protected]===關於手機許可權SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW使用的聲明===當手機遊戲用戶使用Facebook帳號登入遊戲時,遊戲內會出現Facebook懸浮視窗,該視窗的功能包括Facebook社交分享功能,這時會啟動SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW許可權
梦回南朝 2.7.5
CatCap Studio
【梦回南朝】玩家交流快速链接 QQ群 :微博 :贴吧 :梦回南朝亚洲第一女性向原创游戏团队私密打造~ 乙女穿越手游第一作—《梦回南朝》现已正式上线!最唯美、最心动、最有趣的乙女恋爱养成游戏,拿起手机就能随时玩! ●∞ ∞●∞ ∞●∞ ∞● ●∞ ∞●∞∞●∞ ∞● ●∞ ∞●∞∞● 精致唯美的画风,每一个人物都栩栩如生 跌宕起伏的故事,每一段剧情都扣人心弦精彩激烈的战斗,每一场胜利都激动人心俏皮幽默的语言,每一段对话都妙趣横生丰富有趣的疗伤小游戏,让你脸红心跳激动不已!丰富多彩的公主养成计划,让你征服南朝各路美男正太大叔的芳心! ●∞ ∞●∞ ∞●∞ ∞●●∞ ∞●∞ ∞●∞ ∞● ●∞ ∞●∞∞● 还等什么?!穿越到南朝风靡万千美男少年的任务就交给你了! “公主殿下,我们等你!”
每一段傳說,都跟一個傳奇人物有關——皓月大陸上,也同樣有著這樣一個傳說。他是第一個,也是唯一成神的人類。領悟了星辰運轉軌跡,人獸生老病死,草木繁榮枯萎,冷暖四季變換的他擁有呼風喚雨,撼天震地的異能。他通曉古今,預測未來,因此被尊為先知之神。然而皓月歷331年,炎魔現世,生靈塗炭!先知之神被打敗,靈魂被封鎖在地底深處。炎魔身上,有著什麼秘密?國王派遣了一匹部隊前往營救,隊伍中包刮前線勇者「魔劍士」,吟誦自然之力的法術使「元素師」與攻其不備的黑暗隱者「潛行者」,冒險者們阿!快拿起武器,跟上腳步,為榮耀而戰。遊戲特色系統介紹【全新組隊玩法,各職業出頭天】可以加入別人的隊伍成為隊員,也可以創建隊伍成為隊長。在隊伍中,您能自如地和隊友交流,團隊作戰,享受一起打BOSS的樂趣。【坐騎跑酷副本,搭乘拉風坐騎】操作搖杆移動來獲取金幣,寶箱來累計積分,同時還要小心避開路上的障礙物,要是被撞倒可是會受傷扣血的。【百層勇者之塔,挑戰自我極限】冒險者們逐級而上,站在塔頂便是無上的榮耀。勇者之塔無層數限制,只要你行,只要你敢,便給你無限挑戰。【獨特翅膀系統,搭配華麗裝飾】系統贈送翅膀達到10級後即可啟動穿戴,隨著等級上升還會越變越華麗呢!穿戴翅膀不僅僅是為了酷炫,還能為人物增加額外屬性。【勇闖遺跡金庫,實現千萬富翁】冒險者們打敗遺跡中的寶箱怪,可獲得大量金幣,俗話說出門在外雖然錢不是萬能,但沒錢卻萬萬不能阿~【金銀島大探險,搜尋珍貴寶物】金銀島是護送帆船,主要能獲得聲望和金幣,也可邀請好友協助或搶奪其他玩家,點擊刷新可以刷新出海的船隻,越好的船隻收穫越大哦~※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導12歲級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※遊戲情節涉及性情節、暴力,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷遊戲。
我的黑手黨男神-妳的心由我來守護 1.0
Japan high popularity dating simulation hand tour "Mafiamore",andmen of God who compose sweet and dangerous love song.
Order & Chaos Online 3D MMORPG
Gameloft SE
Battle Orcs and Demons in a massive multiplayerrole-playingadventure
Play an entirely new RPG made in classic FINAL FANTASY style!
RPG Toram Online - MMORPG 4.0.12
Asobimo, Inc.
The MMORPG of a massive and magnificent fantasy! Let's exploretheMMO world!
WitchSpring2 1.43
Story of Luna, the Moonlight Witch Story-basedsingle-playsimulation RPG
仙劍五前傳 1.7.1
❀ Q萌畫風 刻劃仙五前主角與場景遊戲採用Unity3D引擎開發,高清畫質再加上強大骨骼動畫,讓原著角色在全Q萌外表下,也帶著豐富的肢體動作。原作中明州城、折劍山莊、樓蘭古城等場景,也將經典重現。❀ 姚仙監製 獨家首發隱藏劇情「仙劍之父」姚仙參與遊戲監製,把握每一個環節。更獨家加入單機未發佈的隱藏劇情。❀ 御用配音加盟 重現仙五前滿滿情懷遊戲特別邀請原作御用團隊為遊戲配音。動人的劇情,熟悉的對白,完美的聲線,讓玩家再次身臨其境,體驗銘心刻骨的愛情。❀ 3D即時戰鬥 華麗合擊系統《仙劍五前傳》採用3D即時操作,戰鬥過程中玩家可手動釋放絕招,亦可通過點擊操作,流暢跑位,並配合怪物技能預判、爽快觸發角色間的華麗合擊!
熹妃傳-第一部可以玩的宮鬥小說 1.2.1
"Biography" is a mobile game specially designed for women. It isaperfect interpretation of the love and hate in the Qing Dynasty.
墨Xiang 1.7.0
i3Fun Limited
墨香韓國原廠EYAInteractiveLimited正版授權改編,3D東方魔幻武俠ARPG手游,並添加劇情故事,讓你慢慢融入奇幻劍俠世界中。香香要再次與大俠一起攜手共闖天下!從漫漫黃沙的敦煌到小橋流水的江南,請大俠帶著香香一起闖蕩劍俠世界,與墨家一起匡扶天下正義。線上即時PK,與天下俠客一證武道!一個角色六種職業,近戰遠攻隨心而變!招攬武俠門客與你闖蕩江湖,各大門派百位江湖高手等候你的招攬!一探龍門寶藏,親歷大秦龍脈的神秘,與玩家一起阻擋巨陵的入侵,與好友創建江湖第一門派。還可以陪香香一起釣釣魚、走走迷宮、運送各類鏢物,各種玩法層出不窮。我命由我不由天!我的命運我自己決定!【回憶已逝】當初的刀劍回憶已不復在!【精神不滅】最初的江湖精神常在心中!【傳承再起】屬於你我的傳承就此展開!!!【刀光劍影,拳拳到肉】遊戲使用強大的Unity3D引擎開發,靜謐的庭院鳥居、飄零的香榭落葉、繁華的城鎮街道、莊嚴的宮殿神社,每一幕每一細節都如浮世繪卷,細膩唯美。每一位角色的衣著搭配都經過細緻考究,從少林袈裟到日本武士刀,每一件裝備都經過精心繪製,力求打造出角色最完美的氣質。【職業無綁定 武器自由搭配】六大武器:「刀」、「劍」、「弓」、「槍」、「拳」、「暗器」隨心所欲自由搭配。無職業綁定限制,無職業武器限制。正、副武器系統,戰鬥技能隨武器變換!【即時PK,巔峰對決】華山論劍,單人即時PVP。玩家通過單人匹配進入戰場,和其他玩家即時同場競技,向天下人證明誰才是天下第一俠客!巔峰對決,組隊即時PVP。組建自己的PVP隊伍,和隊友一起進行即時PVP,最大支持3人組隊,6人同時同場競技,最強三人組橫行天下!【百名門客,一統武林】金、木、水、火、土五種屬性,強攻、萬能、競技、防禦多種功能,總計百名門客與你共闖江湖,匡扶天下。不同的門客之間存在相互羈絆,覺醒後還能獲得更強大的力量,成為你一統墨香世界的助力!【豐富玩法,置身江湖】探尋皇陵密藏,勇闖銅人陣,一探龍門寶庫。組隊與好友一同闖蕩大秦龍脈,與門派好友同戰武林,更與敵手一較高下。在擂臺賽上展現自己的實力,於門派戰中威震江湖。成為鏢師闖蕩武林,亦可劫富濟貧,名揚天下。江湖紛爭之餘,香榭垂釣,紫禁之巔,唯我獨尊!※本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔15。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。想即時知道遊戲最新消息跟活動,就到官方粉絲團看看吧!★官方粉絲團:遊戲中若遇到問題,請通過客服中心提交客服人員!★客服中心:★客服信箱:[email protected] of ink factoryEYAInteractive Limited Korea genuine authority adaptations, 3Dmagicoriental martial arts ARPG hand travel, and add thestoryplot,Lets you slowly into the world of fantasy swordsman. Savoryandheroes to work together again into the world altogether!From the desert sands of Dunhuang bridges to the south, withsavorybattles with heroes swordsman in the world, together withMohistsuphold justice in the world.Online instant PK, and the world is a knight syndrome Budo! Arolesix kinds of occupations, melee attack distant heart andchange!Menke attract martial arts with you wherever theywent,Major sects one hundred rivers and lakes waiting for your mastertorecruit! Explore the treasures of the goal, witnessedthemysterious Dragon Daqin, together with the players stoptheinvasion of the giant mausoleum,First create rivers and lakes martial art with your friends. Youcanalso accompany savory together fishing, walk the labyrinth,allkinds of transport dart matter, endless variety of play.I could not help my life by the day! I decide my fate![Memories] had gone swords were no longer in the memories![] The original spirit of the immortal spirit of rivers andlakesoften in the heart![Heritage] belongs to you renewed my heritage begins !!![Swords, Sincere to the meat]The game uses the powerful Unity3D engine development,quietcourtyard Torii, wandering Champs leaves, bustling urbanstreets,stately palace shrine,Every scene every detail such as ukiyo-e volume, delicateaesthetic.Every character have been dressed with elegant andmeticulous, fromShaolin robes to a samurai sword,Each piece of equipment has been carefully drawn, and strivetocreate the role of the perfect temperament.[Career] with no binding arms freeSix weapons: "Knife," "Sword", "bow", "gun", "boxing","hiddenweapon" to arbitrary match. No occupationbindingrestrictions,No occupational restrictions arms. And vice weapon system,combatskills with weapons transformation![Instant PK, match-ups]Huashan Mountain, single instant PVP. Players enter thebattlefieldthrough a single match, and compete against otherplayers inreal-time,To the people of the world to prove who is theTianxiadiyiknight!Match-ups, the team instant PVP. PVP set up their own team,andteammate instant PVP together, 3 people maximum supportteam,6 people play together at the same time, the strongest triorampantthe world![One hundred Menke, dominate the martial arts]Metal, wood, water, fire, earth five kinds of property,storm,universal, competitive, defense functions, and you were atotal ofone hundred Menke Kenshin, uphold world.Different from each other between the Menke fetters, but also getamore powerful force after awakening, you become a world powertodominate the scent of ink![Rich gameplay, exposure rivers and lakes]Explore secret hidden tombs, Dawn of the bronze matrix,exploreDragon treasure. Team up with your friends QinhuangdaoDragonbattles with martial martial arts battle with friends,More and rival a high.To show their strength in the contest, battle Megatron riversandlakes in the martial art. Became the personal bodyguardmartialarts battles, can Robin Hood, legendary.Disputes over rivers and lakes, the Champs fishing, top oftheForbidden, overweening!※ This software game software under ROC hierarchicalmanagementapproach classified as: auxiliary 15.※ This game is free to use, and the other offers to buy virtualgamecurrency, items such as paid services within the game.Instant game want to know the latest news with the event,theofficial fan group to see it!★ official fan group: https: // the game has encountered a problem, please submitcustomerservice through call centers!★ Customer Service Center:★ Customer Service: [email protected]