Top 18 Apps Similar to Easy WordPress & Blogger

WordPress – Website Builder 21.3
Easily build your website & blog. Create posts &trackanalytics from anywhere!
Blogger 3.1.8
Google LLC
Blogging on the go
Google Analytics 4.8.555576578
Google LLC
The official Google Analytics mobile app: check key metrics&real-time data.
Blogaway for Android
Makes blogging fun and easy. Keeps you connected, on the Go.
Blogger User Panel 2.3
Ercan Duman
This is a free android application forBlogers.You can post on your blog, review or edit posts with thisapp.Have nice using app.-- If you get such "" errors,pleasecheck your internet connection and then click on "Go BackBlog"button.--When you log out it will show you your blog home page.-- If somehow application stucks, click on "Refreshblog"button.Please check my web page and contact me in any
WPSeek WP Code Lookup 1.2.8
Ever wish you could search for WordPress functions all fromyourAndroid phone? That is exactly what WPSeek Mobile allows you todoas it acts as the first mobile WordPress centric search engineandfunction reference. Key features: - Browse all ~2500WordPressfunctions in an alphabetical list - Result page listingsoffer:--> Function descriptions --> Parameters -->Compatibilityinformation --> Similar functions --> Top Googleresults--> Code Snippets --> User discussions - SearchWordPressfunctions by several keywords Developer onGoogle+: DeveloperonTwitter:
Wordpress AndroidApp Converter 1.0
Your own White Labeled Android AppforWordPress based Website.Promote your WordPress based website using Native Android App.Nochange required to your existing websiteas it is using WordPress API to fetch data.Features:* White Labeling: Use your own Company Logo and Android App titletopromote in your own name.* About Us: Displays complete content from your website’s AboutUspage.* Blog: Shows list of recently published posts with shortexcerpt.Use Read More link to read full postwith images and links.* Gallery: Display images from your Image gallery page ingridformat with thumbnails. Click on thumbnailto view full size image.* Contact Us: Users can send their request by filling formfromwithin app itself, you will receive detailsin Email.* Recent Data: The posts will be always fetched from liveXMLFeeds.* No Credentials: No need to login for end users as all dataisretrieved from XML feeds and API.Registration Link to get your APK File: you have any suggestions or need support just write inmessagebox.
Over 20 million people use Bloglovin’todiscover and read blogs in fashion, food, DIY, travelandmore!Never miss a post from your favorite bloggers again, whetheryou'reat home or on the go. Bloglovin’ is a simple way to readblogs andshare post; it's fast and fun!Bloglovin’ helps you to keep up with your favorite bloggersandYoutube vloggers like The Sartorialist, Cashmere &Cupcakes,Michelle Phan and millions more.Bloglovin’ has every kind of blog you'd want to read, whether itsaWordpress, Blogger, Squarespace or Tumblr blog.- Follow all of your favorite blogs and see all of their postsandvideos in a beautiful feed- Discover new blogs and bloggers through both social andcuratedchannels- Save articles, fashion ideas, DIY craft instructions, andrecipesto read later-Share posts and video with your family and friendsWhatever your passions may be, discover the best blogs foryourinterests. Get inspiration from top fashion, food, DIY, homedecor,travel and fitness bloggers.Find us online!Website: http://www.bloglovin.comFacebook: learn more about Bloglovin’, visit usat: you are having technical issues or have any questions,pleasevisit us at
Blogaway Pro (Blogger)
Makes blogging fun and easy. Keeps you connected, on the Go.
BlogIt! (Blogger) 2.7.30
Powerful Blogger Editor
VodaCaptcha 1.22
Allows you to send Vodafonewebtextswithouttyping the verification code (captcha).This app is a plugin for the app Vodafone SMS(Unofficial).* Vodafone Ireland only.
네이버 블로그 - Naver Blog 6.12.3
Stay connected anywhere, anytime withNaverBlog.With the official Naver Blog app, you can check out real-timestatusof your blog and the latest updates from your neighbors.Also, youcan easily publish posts with photos or locationinformation. NaverBlog is just the right way to share your storieswith theworld!Highlighted Features:1)Check out real-time status updates of your blog and anyupdatedpost from your neighbors2)View enlarged photos on posts.3)Enjoy lively communication with your neighbors. You candirectlyaccess your neighbors, read their latest updates, and leaveshortmessages on the board.4)Upload posts with photos or maps. You can save them even whenyouare offline!5)Add a new blogger as your neighbor and accept anybody who wantstobecome one of your neighbors.Thank you for using Naver apps. We will continue to improveourproducts and to provide up-to-date services.In case a problem or an error occurs while using the app,pleasefeel free to leave your inquiry on NAVER Customer Center(, MAIL: [email protected]) Pleasenotethat an accurate assessment and answer to your problem may notbepossible if you do not provide us with a direct inquiry totheabove Customer Center. Please understand that leaving us afeedbackcomment on the review board, while greatly appreciated,does notsuffice as a direct inquiry.
Weebly by Square 5.49.1
Weebly, Inc.
The freedom to launch & grow a unique online store orwebsiteanytime, anywhere.
livedoor Blog - 多機能ブログ投稿アプリ
国内ブログ最大級のシェアを誇る livedoor Blog の公式アプリです。記事投稿や編集・削除、デザインの選択から画像の管理まで、ブログに関する操作がこのアプリで全て行えます。カメラで直接撮影した写真やギャラリーから取り込んだ画像を投稿する事もできます。アップロードする時にフィルタ機能で画像補正を行うこともできます。マルチブログ機能で作成した複数のブログをカンタンに切り替えて管理する事もできます。画像複数選択アップロードは現在開発中。次期アップデートをお待ちください。■以前のバージョンをお使いの方へ■パーミッションの変更があるため、手動での更新をお願いいたします。3.0.0以降、画像サムネイルのサイズを管理側の設定に合わせる仕様変更が加わりました。アップロードした画像がPCなどで大きく表示されてしまう事象が起こる場合は、アプリケーションの マイページ > ブログ設定 > 画像アップロード設定 > サムネイルの最大サイズに、生成したいサムネイルのサイズの記入をお願いいたします。※設定後は念のためアプリケーションの再起動をお願いいたします。■主な機能・記事投稿 -タイトル/カテゴリー/公開設定/画像挿入/表示画面プレビュー機能(PC/スマホ)・記事の一覧表示/編集/削除・アプリ内記事保存・記事自動保存の追加・画像管理/画像フィルタ機能/複数画像の並列アップロード・デザイン/レイアウト変更・アクセス解析・コメント/トラックバック/メッセージ管理・複数ブログの切り替え
Google Inc.
Snapseed is a complete and professionalphotoeditor developed by Google.== KEY FEATURES==• 29 Tools and Filters, including: Healing, Brush, Structure,HDR,Perspective (see list below)• Opens JPG and DNG files• Use the “stack” to re-adjust edits later• Selective filter brush• All styles can be tweaked with fine, precise control== TOOLS, FILTERS AND FACE ==• RAW Develop – open and tweak RAW DNG files; savenon-destructivelyor export as JPG (8 controls)• Tune image – adjust exposure and color automatically ormanuallywith fine, precise control (7 controls)• Details – magically brings out surface structures in images• Crop – crop to standard sizes or freely (8 aspect ratios)• Rotate – rotate by 90°, or straighten a skewed horizon• Perspective – fix skewed lines and perfect the geometryofhorizons or buildings• White Balance – adjust the colors so that the image looksmorenatural• Brush – selectively retouch exposure, saturation, brightnessorwarmth• Selective – the renown “Control Point” technology: Position upto8 points on the image and assign enhancements, the algorithmdoesthe rest magically• Healing – remove the uninvited neighbor from a grouppicture• Vignette – add a soft darkness around the corners likeabeautiful, wide-aperture would do• Text – add both stylized or plain text (38predefinedstyles)• Curves - have precise control over the brightness levels inyourphotos (30 predefined styles)• Expand - increase the size of your canvas and fill up thenewspace in smart ways with content of your image• Lens Blur – add a beautiful Bokeh to images(backgroundsoftening), ideal for photographic portraits (11 Bokehtypes)• Glamour Glow – add a fine glow to images, great for fashionorportraits (6 styles)• Tonal Contrast – boost details selectively in theshadows,midtones and highlights• HDR Scape – bring a stunning look to your images by creatingtheeffect of multiple exposures (4 styles)• Drama – add a hint of doomsday to your images (6 styles)• Grunge – an edgy look with strong styles and texture overlays(5basic styles, endless variations)• Grainy Film – get modern film looks with realistic grain(18styles)• Vintage – the style of color film photo from the 50’s, 60’sor70’s (12 styles)• Retrolux – go retro with light leaks, scratches, film styles(13basic styles, endless variations)• Noir – Black and White film looks with realistic grain andthe“wash” effect (14 styles)• Black & White – classic Black and White look straight outofthe darkroom (11 styles)• Frames – add frames with adjustable size (23 frames)• Double Exposure - blend two photos, choosing from blend modesthatare inspired by shooting on film and by digitalimageprocessing• Face Enhance – add focus to the eyes, add face-specificlighting,or smoothen skin (10 predefined styles)• Face Pose - correct the pose of portraits based onthreedimensional models
Worona Blog 1.4.0
Worona Blog is an example of how a Woronaappcan be used. You can access all the posts in Worona's Blogfromthis app, in a mobile-friendly way.
How was your day today?Why not record your life?With the JUGEM BLOG App for Android, you can:・Create blogs quickly and easily・Post and edit articles (as public/private/draft)・Upload and attach photos・Select category・Register and manage accounts・Post articles to Twitter・Fetch Instagram images・Embed videos from Youtube easilyThis app is appropriate for diary keeping, diet andhouseholdaccount management and more.We hope all of blogger like it.
Blogging Tips 1.01
Blogging Tips will get you going to buildagreat blog to make money online or to have a blog just for funorinformation.Learning how to blog is easy and you do not need to be anITexpert.