Top 2 Games Similar to угадать карту Clash Royale

Desafío Tropas de Clash Royale 3.4.0k
¿Te gusta Clash Royale? Sabes todo sobrelastropas? Te RETO a que las adivines!!Si pasas horas y horas intentando ganar batallas, mejorando tumasoy viendo gameplays de Clash Royale, este desafío es paravos.***ACTUALIZACIÓN: Ahora también te hacemos preguntas MUYdifícilessobre el juego. Sabrás responderlas?Tenes que adivinar cuál es el personaje, tropa o carta declashroyale. Cada nivel mostrará un dibujo distorcionado (pixalado)dela tropa. Los primeros, para calentar motores, serán muyfáciles.Mientras más avances en los niveles más dificultoso serádescifrarla carta.Hay más de 100 niveles para que te diviertas un buen rato eiremosactualizando a medida que nuevos personajes ycartasaparezcan.No esperes más!! Adiviná cuál es la tropa de clash royale y pasaunlindo momento junto a tus personajes y juego favorito!Si alguna no te sale, podes usar las monedas paradescubrirla.También podes jugar en otros idiomas:English -Inglés:çaise -Frances: es una aplicación en línea no-comercial generada por fansparapropósitos informativos, limitada a mostrar e identificarClashRoyale según lo permitido por la Política de contenido Clash Royale?Youknow all about the troops? I dare to guess that !!If you spend hours and hours trying to win battles, improvingyourmasochism, and watching Clash gameplays Royale, this challengeisfor you.*** UPDATE: Now also we make you very difficult questions aboutthegame. You know answer?You got to guess what the character or letter troops clashroyale.Each level will show a distorted picture (pixalado) troop.Thefirst, to heat engines, will be very easy. The more progress onthemore difficult levels will decipher the letter.There are over 100 levels for you to have fun a good time andwewill update as new characters and letters appear.Do not wait more!! Guess what the troops clash royale and haveanice time with your favorite characters and game!If you do not come out, you prune to use coins to discover.Also can be played in other languages:English -Inglés:çaise -French: is an application for non-commercial line generated by fansforinformational purposes, limited to display and identify ClashRoyaleas permitted by the fans
Guess Clash Royale Cards 3.2.0k
Do you like Clash Royale? Do you knowallaboutthe troops? I CHOOSE you to guess them !!If you spend hours and hours trying to win battles,improvingyourmaso and watching gameplays of this fabulous game,thischallengeis for you.You have to guess which character or clash royale troop.Eachlevelwill show a distorted drawing of the troop. The first,toheatengines, will be very easy. The more you advance atthemoredifficult levels, the more you will decipher the card.We have put 50 troops to have a good time and we will updateasnewcharacters and letters appear.Do not wait more!! Guess what the clash royale troop is andspendanice moment next to your characters and favorite game!If you do not get one, you can use the coins to discover it,This is a fan-generated non-commercial onlineapplicationforinformational purposes, limited to displaying andidentifyingClashRoyale as permitted by the