Top 4 Games Similar to 血拼斗地主

宽立斗地主 1.3.1
Landlords game swept the country, landing Google Play StoreUIinterface overall update, AI level fully enhanced.
歡樂鬥地主(二人鬥地主)-火拼博雅單機四人鬥地主撲克麻將遊戲 1.2.5
鬥地主(doudizhu,簡稱ddz)是最流行的棋牌類撲克遊戲,分單機+聯網。鬥地主遊戲壹般有歡樂、癩子、闖關、鬥地主殘局、二人鬥地主比賽等玩法!是2015年最火爆的鬥地主單機版!新歡樂鬥地主遊戲,經典免費棋牌遊戲,風靡全球的國民鬥地主,全民搶紅包大獎賽,天天贏好禮贏話費。新歡樂鬥地主在途遊鬥地主、博雅鬥地主、波克鬥地主、神来也鬥地主基礎上,結合二人鬥地主玩法,二人鬥地主PK競技爭霸,超越單機版,更刺激好玩,免註冊直接玩!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2016新歡樂鬥地主•二人鬥地主遊戲特色~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~★簡單快捷的遊戲體驗Wifi聯網對戰,線上線下隨意鬥。超智能選牌,出牌簡單又便捷,更有智能音效報牌。超低手機流量,為您解除流量超額的擔憂。★新鮮體驗各式任務系統多重任務,挑戰智慧。精心為您準備各類任務,助您完成菜鳥到大師的快速蛻變,任務完成更有豐厚金幣獎勵。★娛樂與休閑必備畫面精美與體驗流暢是我們的承諾,出門沒事鬥壹鬥,社交娛樂秀壹秀。★高手過招分外有禮多種免費比賽隨時舉辦,歡樂不用流量!全民鬥地主搶紅包大獎賽,天天贏好禮贏話費,賽後獎勵鉆石卡、工資卡等多種道具,讓您每天都能領金幣。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2016新歡樂鬥地主•二人鬥地主聯系方式~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FB粉絲專頁:官方郵箱:[email protected]微信:happiplay~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~快速進入遊戲~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Facebook版>>網站PC版>>★android手機版>>
斗地主单机Q版 2.3.2
斗地主单机Q版,是一款倍受大众欢迎的单机扑克游戏,抛弃了以往斗地主需要使用网络的条件,无需登录、无需注册、下载即可开始游戏,免费体验游戏的全部功能。斗地主单机Q版拥有强大的电脑AI,用户习惯参照QQ欢乐斗地主,富有乐趣性和挑战性,人工智能(AI)超过市场任何单机斗地主,游戏过程中会根据用户等级稍稍上调难度。界面美观大方,符合用户习惯的界面设计,模拟现实发牌规则,广受用户欢迎的斗地主游戏,等待你来挑战。Landlords Qstandaloneversion, is a stand-alone much popular poker games,abandoned theprevious Landlords need to use the network conditions,no login, noregistration, download to start the game, free toexperience thefull functionality of the game.Landlords stand-alone version of Q has a strong computer AI,usersaccustomed to referring to QQ Landlords joy, full of funandchallenging, artificial intelligence (AI) than any singlemarketLandlords, the game will slightly increase the difficultylevel ofthe user. Elegant interface, consistent user interface usedtodesign, simulate reality licensing rules, widely welcomed byusersLandlords game, waiting for you to challenge.
colorful - creative painting 1.1.0
Pest Games
Complete coloring game free on-line.designyour magic garden.Start the game. Click on the start button, select a categoryyoulike, and then in the pattern; list you, up and down to seewhichpatternClick it, you can enter the coloring interface, you can usetwofingers of scaling the pattern to enlarge or shrink the,easycoloring, click on the following three color of any one canchangethe color of the current use of. Click on the right side ofthebrush button, you can pop up self definition color dialog box,youcan by dragging the slider to change the R, G, b value, tobetransferred out of your favorite color, want to pickuppatternsexisting color how to do? No problem, click the colorpicker buttonto enter the color picker function. At this time, youjust need alittle color pattern of the hammer can be the colorpicker overpyronaridine!Do not good, want to come again, please click on the topsecondbuttons, he is the re start buttonWell, to save, please click the top third buttons, he is theSavebutton, click to save the pattern to your album,Would you like to share my results with a small partner? Ofcourse,please click on the top of the last button, she is sharingthekeyAfter you click to share the interface, and then click on thesharebutton on the sharing page, you can pop up to share thetargetmenu, and then choose to share your goals!With this game, I will never be bored!