Top 12 Apps Similar to BFF Friendship Test Pro

Best Friend Tag Questions 2.0
Do you need some fun ideas for BestFriendTagYouTube videos or Best Friend Challenges?Do you want to test your friendship level withyourbestfriend?Want to learn something new about your best friend?Then this app will be helpful for you and you will have alotoffun new moments with your best friends :)
Friendship Test 1.1
Friendship application is aninterestingapplication intended to bring fun in your friendship andalsosurprise your friend by gifting him/her speciallycreatedpersonalize virtual card with your all your feelings andemotionsflowing through it.Its friendship calculator will also calculate thefriendshippercentage with your friend. And there after you can sendthepersonalize card to you friend conveying yourfriendshipmessage.In friendship card gallery you will find many cards that youcansend to your friend through different social accountslikefacebook, twitter or through mail. It’s a beautiful way togiveyour friend a pleasant surprise.Features:-> Very easy to use.-> Helps you to send a personalize card to your friend.-> Easily calculates your friendship percentage.-> Accessibility of cards even offline.-> It compatible with all Android phones.-> Minimum usage of your phone memory.
Love and Friendship Calculator 5.0
Cube House
Love and Friendship Calculator a free app you can find love&friendship percent
Nerd Test 1.0
With nerd test you can test if you are arealnerd or not. Just answer the questions and you will find itout!Are you the nerd of the nerds?
Friendship Test Meter 1.0
gvx smart
Just write your name and the nameofyourFriendr and press test!The Friend tester will return with a Friend percentage.The Friend Meter is a Friend percentage readingtoolforAndroid.Happy with the result? Share your result onFacebookorTwitter!The Friend Tester is a Friend detector which let you testFriendforfree.Friend Meter is for all those who think that they are inFriendbutwant to know how true it really.Note: This application is Prank app.We can not judge between any Friend.Note: The app is just for fun and not intended tohurtanyone'sfeeling.
Friendship Calculator 1.1
If you want to show thetruerelationshipbetween you and your friend, then here we representnewapp:Friendship Calculator.You know that your friendship is not dependent on thisapp,butyou can use this app for fun on relative dayslikefriendshipday. Results are calculated onscientificalgorithm. Truefriendship calculator app is just anentertainmentto enjoy a lotthat it takes you in its own world.Friendship calculator app is a friendship testingtooltocalculate the friendship percentage between two friends oryoucansay, this is the friendship test calculator. So thateveryonegetsclear idea about your friendship status to the wordbysharingresult on facebook, whatsapp, email etc. This is thebestfriendcalculator which help you to know how strong isyourfriendshipbased on names of two people. Simply, enter your nameandyourfriend's name to find out compatibility between bothofyoufriends.Friendship calculator is the simplest to use, veryinnovativeandattractive app. So you guys can calculate friendshipbondunlimitedtimes without any hidden condition. You can installinyour androiddevice and this app is completely lightweight, sothiswill noteffect on speed of your phone.So, you have true friends or not? Check it with newlyappcalledfriendship calculator apps.
Pregnancy Test Simulator 1.0
Pregnancy Test Simulator helps you toprankyour friends!. It is a great source of fun and enjoyment. Wanttoknow that if you are pregnant with a boy or a girl? This appwillgive you a pregnancy Test that you wont forget. For all thosegirlswho want to prank their other friends of being pregnant.!Pregnancy Test gives you a very real feeling because of itsgreatlayout. You can feel and convince anyone for they arepregnant!. Areyou curious and wonder that if you are going througha pregnancyperiod, make yourself sure with this fantasticapplication. This isa best simulator and gives you a ver realfeeling.Get a pregnancy check now, works as a simulator. DownloadthisPregnancy Test App Prank Now!!!
Ultimate Best Friends Test PRO 1.0
Zuningo e.U.
Test your friends. This BFF test willtellyoumore about your friendship.♥ Includes the best and funniest tests (BFF, What do youneednow,What's best).♥ Share your answer on your Facebook, if you like.♥ Just have a good time with these tests(BFFfriendshiptest).♥ Afterwards you know a lot more about your friendship.Ultimate Best Friends test helps you to have goodfriendshipandgood BFF.
Love Quiz & Test 3.7
Ansel's Corp.
Love Test Affinity!; find out if he / she likes you with thislovetest !. Love test affinity calculates your affinity withanotherperson about flirts or friendship on the basis of threevariables:1) name and age 2) zodiac signs 3) the love quiz aboutloveaffinities about real life! this scientific love calculatorof''Love Test Affinity'' makes you sure that the result will betrueand you will know if he loves you, if he flirts with you or ifyouare just friends. What are you waiting ? , try this lovecalculatorand find out if he/she loves you!. the app is translatedintoITALIAN, ENGLISH, DEUTSCH, FRANÇAIS, ESPAÑOL, ENGLISH,РУССО,भारतीय,, 中国, TÜRK, العربية, СРПСКИ, PORTUGUÊS, ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ,日本人,POLSKA, ROMÂNĂ, SVENSKA, NEDERLANDS
Citations Amitié 1.0
Les Citation ,Phrase et Proverbeetdictionspour Les Amis en FRANÇAIS !!! Amitié !!Pour rester TOUJOURS Motivé !!!- Citations amitié- Phrases POSITIVES d'amis ''best amis''- Citations pour les amis- Phrases pour trouvé un ami- Citation de RÉUSSITE- Citations sur LA VIE avec amis- Citations sur LE TRAVAIL en groupe aves les amis- Phrases entre amis-phrases amitié+citations+dictions+freindsSi tu veux faire plaisir à ton ami alors cetteapplicationteconviendra parfaitement. Avec cette application, tun'asplusd'excuses pour envoyer seulement un "je t'aime mon ami".Tupourraspartager chaque citation avec la personne que tu souhaiteenunclic. Tu pourras envoyer une citation par SMS, par mail oubiensurles réseaux sociaux (Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter,Google+).❤ ❤ ❤ Les fonctionnalités ❤ ❤ ❤⇨Plus de 100 citations d'amour⇨ Une fois que tu as téléchargé les citations tu peuxlesconsultermême sans avoir Internet !⇨Aperçu de toutes les citations en un coup d'oeil⇨ Tes phrases favorites sont sauvegardées dans tes favoris⇨ Lire des citations au hasard⇨ Chaque citation peut être partagée sur Facebook,Twitter,Whatsapp,Google+ ou par SMS/Mail⇨ Une fonction de recherche te permet de trouverfacilementunecitation⇨ Propose nous tes propres citations⇨Donne ton avis sur une citation grâce au bouton 👍❤ ❤ ❤ À venir ❤ ❤ ❤⇨Les citations que les utilisateurs préfèrent⇨Des images avec des citationsc'est l'applications qu(il vous faut pourdéclarervotreamitié⇨Donne ton avis sur une citation grâce au bouton 👍The quote,phraseandproverb and diction for the Friends in FRENCH !!!Friendship !!To stay motivated ALWAYS !!!- Quotes friendship- Friends POSITIVE sentences '' best friends ''- Quotes for Friends- Phrases to find a friend- SUCCESS Quote- Quotes about LIFE with friends- Quotes WORK group aves friends- Sentences friends-phrases friendship+ quotes+ dictions+ freindsIf you want to please your friend then this applicationyouisperfect. With this application, you have more excuses toonlysendan "I love you my friend." You can share each quote withthepersonyou want with one click. You can send a quote bytextmessage, byemail or on social networks (Facebook,Whatsapp,Twitter,Google+).❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Features⇨Plus 100 love quotes⇨ Once you have downloaded the citations you can viewthesamewithout the Internet!⇨Aperçu of all citations in a peek⇨ Your favorite phrases are saved in your Favorites⇨ Read quotes randomly⇨ Each citation can be shared on Facebook, Twitter,Whatsapp,Google+or SMS / Mail⇨ A search function allows you to easily find a quote⇨ Gives us your own quotes⇨Donne your opinion about a quote with the button 👍❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Coming⇨ The quotes that users prefer⇨Des pictures with quotesit is the application that (you need todeclareyourfriendship⇨Donne your opinion about a quote with the button 👍
Test dell'amore 1.0.1
Bit Robotics
Gli piaci oppure no? Quante probabilità hai? C'è attrazione tradinoi? Uscirà mai con me? Ci metteremo mai assieme? Scoprilosubitocon il test dell'amore. Rispondi alle 50 domande che tiverrannosottoposte ed in base alle risposte che darai ti verràassegnato unpunteggio che rifletterà molto accuratamente lapercentuale diprobabilità che hai con la persona che ti interessa.Alcune domandepotranno sembrare stupide o addirittura banali, inrealtà ad ognidomanda è legato un significato ben preciso. Ledomande sonoappositamente studiate per interpretare il linguaggiodel corpodella persona che desideri, alcune prendono inconsiderazione latidel tuo comportamento, altre invece servono perinterpretare il tuoprofilo psicologico e comportamentale. Rispondicon calma, haitutto il tempo che vuoi, non prendere niente allaleggera, questo èun vero test psicologico. Maggiore sarà laprecisione nellerisposte che darai e maggiore sarà veritiero ilrisultato finale.Puoi ripetere il test quante volte lo desideri.
Love & compatibility test 1.5.3
True love compatibility calculator test based on horoscopeandnumerology