Top 21 Apps Similar to Proximity Alert

Geo reminder 2.7
Georeminder - reminders, depending on your location.
GPS Toolbox 1.0
Displays GPS Toolbox data: position andsignalstrength of satellites, accuracy, speed, acceleration,altitude,bearing, pitch, roll and battery state.Tools included: compass with magnetic and true north, levelingtool,mark or share your location and navigate back later using theRadar.GPS Toolbox helps you troubleshoot your GPS receptionandprovides simple GPS related tools:- Check your GPS signal strength- Check how many satellites are being used to pinpointyourlocation- Check your location accuracy- Measure the distance between two points (ie like atapemeasure)- Trace your routeKNOWN FIRMWARE ISSUES (please do not report them):- Galaxy S4 on Verizon: Because of a firmware bug, thenotificationitem in GPS Status can't be removed. You need todisable thenotification feature in Settings if this annoys you.- Droid 3: The initial Droid 3 firmware does not implementthesatellite status API so you will not see the satellites andthesignal strength bars. The rest of the features shouldworkproperly.- Motorola phones: On some phones, turning your phone toairplanemode will turn off the GPS receiver, too. This is ahardwarelimitation.- Droid Charge: Reports 0 altitude.- LG Optimus: The phone cannot report the satellite SNRvaluescorrectly (all signal bars will be maxed out).- Samsung phones: Because of a firmware bug, they mayreportextreme battery consumption for GPS Status even if it isnotrunning at all (other programs using sensors are affectedtoo).This is harmless and no power is consumed! Just ignore it andlet'shope that a future firmware upgrade will fix this onyourphone.- Nexus One/S: With Andoid 2.3 it cannot report NMEAsentences.This means that the DOP/HDOP/VDOP values are notavailable.-- MobiWIA - a cooperation with Andrs Studio --
قفل الشاشة للعدالة والتنمية 1.0
هل أنت من حبي حزب الشعبحزبالعدالةوالتمنية؟هل انت من محبي قفل الشاشات الاستثنائية؟.اذن انت في المكان الصحيح تطبيق قفل الشاشة لحزب العدالةوالتنميةتطبيقسهل خالي من اي اعلانات مزعجة فقط عليك تحميل التطبيقوتشغيلهلتتمتعبقفل شاشة رائعة وجدابه لا توجد عند اي احد لاحدالان.التطبيق به مقطع من نشيد العدالة والتنمية المغربي يبدأ عندفتحالشاشةويمكنك ايقافه من اعدادات التطبيق.التطبيق سهل وسلس وجميل جدااتنويه : هذا التطبيق ليس تطبيق رسمي من حزب العدالةوالتنميةانمامبادرة من احد محبي الحزب ورجال الحزب الشرفاء وفي اولهمالسيدعبدالالاه بنكيران وفقهم الله لما فيه خير لهذا البلد.لاتنسو دعمكم للتطبيق بتقييمات مشرفه وكذاملاحظاتكملتطويرهاكثردمتم في رعاية الله وحفظهAre you my loveoftheruling Justice and Altmanip People's Party?Are you a fan of the special lock screens?So you're in the right place to apply the screen lockAKPeasyapplication free of any annoying ads you just download andruntheapplication to enjoy a fantastic screen and lock Jaddabh Nooneatany one now.A section of the application do commend MoroccanJusticeandDevelopment begins when you open the screen and you canstophimfrom application settings.Easy and smooth and beautiful Jaddaa applicationDisclaimer: This application is not a formal applicationfromtheJustice and Development Party, but the initiative ofonepartylovers and honorable men of the party and in the firstofthem, Mr.Abdelillah Benkirane doctrine of God and for the goodofthiscountry.Atnso for your support for the application of assessmentsaswellas honorable and your remarks to develop moreLong as you in God's care and save
Lock/Unlock By Waving Hand 1.3.6
Victor James
FEATURES:- Touchless control.- Wave to unlock: Unlock the screen by waving hand over thedevicescreen.- Cover to lock: lock by covering the proximity sensor- You can increase or decease the sensitivity of your sensor.- App uses Proximity Sensor to capture the user's waving in frontofthe screen to unlock the screen.- If your mobile phone / tablet has Proximity Sensor, you canusethis App to Unlock the Screen.UNlNSTALL APP;- Go to Setting -> Security -> Phone Admonistrator->uncheck app. Then you can uninstall app.
GPS Reminder 3.2
You can set location alarm by KML file.
Motion Detector
Video motion detector, generates alarms, marks motion andmotionhistory.
Proximity Screen Off Lite 4.8
Future is here, Gesture Recognition, turn off/on your screenbyswipe of a hand!
Motion Detector 4.0
Free Security Camera with built in motion detection!
GPS WakeUp - GPS Alarm 1.11
GPS WakeUp is a GPS alarm clock wich wakeyouupwhen you approach of your destination.Thank's to an intuitive graphical user interface, you will beabletoconfigure your alarm quickly and easily.There is two wake up mode:-Distance: Select at which distance of the destination thealarmwilltrigger.-Temps: Choose to be woken a up few minutes before arrivingYou will be able to save your favorites destinations.App made by Galliano QuentinContact: [email protected]
[XPOSED] Sensor Disabler 3.0.2
Wardell Bagby
This uses the Xposed Framework in order to the disableandmodifysensors on a device. This requires you to not only berooted,butto also have Xposed installed. If you don't know whateitherofthose are, this app will not work on your phone. This appcanbeused to disable your proximity sensor along with othersensorsonyour device. The proximity sensor is a sensor in mostphonesthattells the phone when the phone is near anotherobject(generally aface.) If your screen frequently goes black whenon aphone calland you can't use it until the other party hangs up,thisshouldfix your problem. - Features: 1: Can disable andmodifymostsensors on your phone (without requiring a restart). 2:CanuseTasker to control sensor statuses. (Pro Version) 3: Canuseablacklist/whitelist in order to decide which apps shoulduseorignore sensor settings you've set. (Pro Version) Ifyouhavealready purchased the Tasker In-App Purchase, you havetheProVersion already (and therefore thenewblacklist/whitelistsupport.) If you have issues, check thesupportthread@ an email and we can work through your problem.
360手机卫士 5.5.0
360 Mobile Safe - a permanent freemobilesecurity and management software, providing the mostprofessional,impeccable, effective security service.KEY FEATURES:► Phone CheckupAll-in-one solution for your phone that performs virusscan,vulnerability scan, trash scan and security protection checkwithone tap.► Anti-virusKeep your system safe from the latest threats withdual-layerantivirus protection of 360 QVS and cloud engines.► Phone CleanerClear trash files, privacy history and corrupt APKs. Freeupmegabytes and gigabytes of storage for photos, musicandvideos.► Calls & SMS blockerKeep your system safe from unwanted phone calls and SMSwithAdvanced Blocker Engines .► Data monitorMake full use of your data plan and manage your apps'networkactivities. No need to worry about excess datacharges.► Contacts backupBackup your contacts, SMS, calendar events and even 360Securitysettings to the SD card, for easy restore.► Anti-theftAn all-in-one anti-theft solution, should you lose yourbelovedphone. Alert, erase, locate, alarm and lock features assistyou onretrieving a lost device and protect the importantdata.► VaultSecure your communication info with SPECIAL ONES and encryptyourspecial SMS ,pictures, files ,account password and apps .► More use functionThe guard of the payment ,caller location display , phonefeecharging, mobile data purchasing , unnecessary feeprotection,security contacts ,wifi checkup ,protect you mobile lifeform allaspects .
Location Alarm 1.1.0
Set points on a map that will be usedasAlarms.Get notified when your device arrives at a point ordepartsfrom apoint. Alarms can also have active window times,forexample, if youset an active window for an alarm of 2:00 pm -3:00pm and you enterthe alarm area at 2:15 pm, you will benotified.However, if youenter the alarm area at 4:10 pm you willnot benotified. The areaaround the alarm used as the arrival areacan besized differentlyfor each alarm. This is a great applicationforriders who don't wantto worry about missing their next stop.Youcan setup your alarmnotifications to send a text messagetoanother number. So if yourbetter-half wants to know whenyouarrive at a location or departfrom a location, youcanautomatically send them a message.
Battery Notifier BT <Android9 2.1.15
For Android 9 and under - Colored status bar numbers with lowandfull alarms
Secure Gallery (Lock/Hide Pict 3.6.10
Lock/Hide Pictures and Videos and Gallery using a password&fingerprint.
Anti theft alarm Pro 2.1
Your phone is more precious than anythingyouown. More precious than the phone is your personal data. Howwouldyou like it if you could protect both your phone andyour data from being stolen or falling into the wrong hands?.Well, we at Skeuomania have come up with the perfectsolution.Introducing Anti theft alarm.Anti theft alarm protects your phone from theft with the helpofmotion alarm and charger alarm.It also protects your data as it doesn’t allow the thief togobeyond the alarm screen until he swipes the right pattern orentersthe right pin number. What is even better is that if thethieftypes in the wrong pin more than the pre-set limit, the phonesendsa message with the location details to the number youhaveconfigured within the app.Skeuomania believes in skeuomorphic design to give the app asenseof realism by protecting your phone in a maximum levelsecurityenvironment. With lasers, modern switches and highlydetailedbuttons, the app is full of eye-candy to show off toyourfriends.The App in itself is very easy to use. Just flick the modeswitchfor charger or motion alarm and press the big button toactivatethe alarm. Keep the phone where you wanna leave it and letantitheft alarm take over the phone’s security from there.Features:1) A notification is displayed to the user when charger isconnectedand by just one touch you can access the app.2) Notify friends through message about phones present locationwhenthe phone is lost.3) Phone movement detection4) Charger unplugged detection5) Password Protection(Pattern/PIN)6) Loud alarm even if the phone is in silent mode7) Select alarm sound of your choice8) Phone vibrates and screen flashes similar to police lightswhenthe alarm is triggeredHere are a bunch of situations where Anti theft alarm will comeinhandy(BURGLARS BEWARE OF THIS APP).1) When you leave your phone unattended and your pesky friendstryto read your messages.2) When you keep your phone for charging and you don’t wantanyoneto touch it till it gets fully charged.3) Activate the motion alarm and keep it on your dairy,laptop oranyobject you wish to protect to prevent people fromaccessingthem.4) At the Restaurant or Bar where you keep your phone on thetableand need to go to the restroom.5) At the gym when you need to leave your phone and work out.6) Any place where you think there are chances of your phonegettingstolen. Just activate the motion alarm and catch any thiefwho triesto steal your phone.7) In offices do a sting operation by keeping your phone onyourdocuments to catch someone who is trying to leak allyourconfidential information.8) Anti theft may be used to prevent your kids from accessingyourphone without your consent.9) Anti theft may also be used to surprise your family andfriends,who like to spy when you’re not around the phone. An alarmistriggered when the phone is moved or the charger is disconnected.Note: This app doesn't claim that it can avoid theftcompletely.It's the owner's responsibility to be careful, but byusing thisapp you can avoid misfortunes. Thankyou.For any suggestions or feature requests please email us and wewillget back to youEmail ID: [email protected]
Smart Screen On/Off Auto 3.6.6
Smart applications on/off screen auto use sensors and double taponHome Screen.
Fiv Asim
AndroSensor is the absoluteall-in-onediagnostic tool that lets you know virtually everythingabout yourdevice's status.** If you get error -24 on update, please uninstall and reinstalltofix it **AndroSensor supports all the sensors an android device can haveandit will tell you which of them are not supported byyourhardware.View in a single screen the data from all device's sensors inrealtime. Graphical and text output available for each sensor(graphsare not available for proximity, location and batteryinfo).- location, location provider, accuracy, altitude, speed andGPSNMEA data.- Google maps to show the above info. Tapping on your locationshowsyour address, postal code and location accuracy (ifavailable)- accelerometer readings, (incl. linear acceleration andgravitysensors)- gyroscope readings,- light sensor value,- ambient magnetic field values,- device orientation- proximity sensor readings- pressure sensor (barometer)- relative humidity sensor- temperature readings- battery status, voltage, temperature and health- sound level meter (decibel)- If your device supports it, next to the sensor's name, youwillsee how much power the sensor consumes per hour in mA.AndroSensor also allows you to record everything from yoursensorsinto a CSV file.To start recording sensor data, just swipe your finger to therightto reveal AndroSensor QuickBar and tap the record button(seescreenshots)--- Features ---Press MENU to toggle settings, determine which sensors you wishtomonitor, see device info, system log file or the list ofsensorsthat are unavailable for your device.Swipe right to open the AndroSensor Quickbar and take asnapshot,start recording sensor data, or just toggle font size anddecimalpoints.- Device info gathers as much as it can and prints it out inasimple and easy-to-read view. Mobile signal strength, wifiinfo,CPU architecture, available and total RAM, internal andexternalmemory, display metrics, OpenGLES version and kernelversion are asmall part of the information displayed. Clicking on aline copiesit's content to clipboard. A multitouch test isalsoavailable.- Record sensor data to CSV file and automatic send viaemail.- Graphs: You may choose how you want values to be displayed,viareal-time charts or the good-old text layout. You mayswitchbetween graph and text output for each sensor by tapping onthesensor image on the left side. Sensors that have availablegraphsare distinct by the icon in the top left of the sensorspecificsection. Graphs are not available for Location andProximity.- System log viewer and SMS commands available via addons- Apps2SD, tablets, and Lollipop supported.- 19 Languages supported: English, Greek, Italian, Russian,Spanish,French, German, Hungarian, Portuguese, Romanian, Chinese,Dutch,Swedish, Turkish, Korean, Czech, Polish, Vietnamese,Ukrainian--- Important Notes ---** All permissions required by the app are explained inapp'swebsite along with a detailed changelog. Also visit thewebsite foran explanation about the sensors and a fewmoreclarifications.* NO KIND OF DATA is collected.* No spam, only banner ads inside the app (by AdMob).Pleasepurchase the Donate Key to remove ads.* Automatic email sending is in beta. File size limit is 9MBzipped. If the sending fails for any reason, it will beretriednext time AndroSensor is used. All emails are send fromaddress"[email protected]", so make sure that it doesn't goin yourspam folder.* Please be encouraged to email me at [email protected] if youwishto report a bug, suggest an improvement, request a translationtobe added or if you just have a question about the app.*** Thank you! ***
Proximity Actions 3.44
"Magical" custom actions! ;)
Simple motion detector 1.4
This app detects motion in threedimensions,keeps max value and draws a graph.
Early Bird Alarm Clock 7.1.3
Mission-based alarms and customizable options for your preferences!
ZDbox ( Root Task Killer ) 4.2.461
Promo with App of the Day on 03.13.—————— Join Beta Test Group ——————Please help us improve ZDbox by being the Beta tester inhere: most popular system optimize toolbox with more than20,000,000users now. ZDbox is an amazing all-in-one toolbox.It cansave yourbattery and boost your android running speed! Five starsin xdaforum.ZDbox holds a collection of useful tools and has a nice and easytouse interface. With ZDbox you’re getting your mobile/cellphoneunder control, do easily some optimization and customize it toyourneeds. An essential tool which you will love!Anyshare· No flow consumption among Android devices, 60 times fasterthanbluetooth, share anything!· You'll not worry about big files transfering by yourphone,because it needn't the external network.Quick SwitchesCache cleaner toggle and other 14 toggles for moreyourconvenience.Task killer | Cache cleaner | Screen sleep | PowersaveWidgetsKeep screen always on, kill all tasks, WiFi on/off, airplanemodeon/off, brightness adjustment, sound settings, rotatescreenon/off, bluetooth on/off, start/stop sync, switch between2G/3G/4G,app lock on/off, GPS on/off, APN on/off (mobile accesspoint),LEDflashlight on/offBattery inforMonitoring and showing information about remaining batterytime,temperature, health, time since last boot, necessary timeuntilfull charge and so onone tap power saver :click battery saving button to turnBatterysaving mode on/off. Turn off Battery saving mode to resumetheprevious mobile status before battery saving.
Traffic counterMonthly/daily mobile data usage overview, shows remainingdatatraffic, detailed data usage information for each app.
Do not disturbJust set days and the time when you need your privacy and youwon’tbe disturbed by your phone. Set phone to silent, vibrationorairplane mode.
App lockProtect apps with a password or pattern, for exmaple yourcontacts,Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp,Gmail and so on.
Task killer· Kill all apps at once, define protected apps which won’tbekilled, set auto kill when screen gets locked, mark singleormultiple apps to kill.· If your phone is rooted,you can use root task killer tostopself-starting apps and save more battery.
history eraserclean your(Browser history,market search history,Mapsearchhistory,email search history,Clipboard)
UninstallerShows used/available internal and SD card memory. Apps can beeasilyuninstalled. Single or multiple (batch) uninstallpossible.
App to SDMove apps to your SD card. Single or multiple (batch) movepossible.Only for Android 2.2 and 2.3.
Cache Cleaner:With Cache Cleaner you can clean your cacheofphone.protect your secret without a trace.———————— More coming features ————————· Find your phone· Remains files clean· File encryption· AD blockerThanks to following people for all their effort and support:Zamana, Jarek Mazur, Zhengyi Zhang, Johan Jaworski,МихаилСемашко, Lumir Strauch, Rongrong Xu, Meiyan Quan, SebastianKlaus,ahmet erdem, Yasuo Yamazaki, אלישיב סבח‬‎, factorymark,MuhammadAlmufathaly———————— ZDbox Team is seeking business cooperation on aglobalscale ——————1.International Agency2.Advertising Service3.Independent CP (Content Provider)4.Channels CooperationContact: [email protected]———————— Contact us —————————If U have any problem, please contact us:[email protected]: http://zdbox.netPrompt communication is better than one star comment!