Top 20 Apps Similar to PAHO/WHO CV Risk Calculator

ASCVD Risk Estimator Plus 7
The app builds a prevention plan by monitoring 10-year ASCVD risk.
Framingham Risk Calculator 2.0
The Framingham Risk Calculator providesasimple, easy-to-use tool which allows the rapid calculation ofa10-year risk of Coronary Heart Disease. Thanks to its sleekandintuitive design a Framingham Risk Score can be calculated inamatter of seconds. Anyone who performs this calculationregularlywill wonder how they lived with out it.
ACC Guideline Clinical App 3.3
ACC Clinical guideline recommendations and interactive tools
Calculate by QxMD 9.0.2
From the maker of the apps 'Read', 'TheECGGuide' and 'Pedi STAT' comes 'Calculate', a next-generationmedicalcalculator and decision support tool, freely available tothemedical community.Also available on the web at tools in General Practice, Internal Medicine,Cardiology,Surgery, Obstetrics, Nephrology, Hematology,Orthopedics,Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Neurosurgery,Respirology,and more."We recommend medical users try the free Calculate byQxMDfirst..."-from iMedicalApps review "The best free Medical Calculator appsforthe iPhone"'Calculate' is focused on highlighting tools which areactuallyuseful in clinical practice and serve to impactdiagnosis,treatment or determining prognosis.Helping you make decisions, not just calculate numbers...Features• Developed by a collaboration of clinician experts fromdiversebackgrounds• Converts recent research publications into practicalhandheldtools - knowledge translation at its best• Automatically adapts to your self-describedclinicalpractice• Unique ‘Question Flow’ technology gets you answers, fast• Detailed references with Pubmed integration• Comprehensive and insightful results• Elegant design and intuitive interface• SI and Conventional unitsMore than 300 unique calculators and decision support toolsWhile too extensive to list them all, here is a small samplingofincluded content:Reduce and predict perioperative complications• WHO Surgical Safety Checklist• Predictive models for cardiac surgery andcoronaryangiographyGuide treatment• Determine cardiovascular risk and guide lipid treatment usingtheFramingham and Reynolds Risk Scores• Use the CHA2DS2-VASc score to guide treatment inatrialfibrillation• Better understand the risk of bleeding from anticoagulationinatrial fibrillation• ACS using the TIMI risk score• Burns with rule of 9s and Parkland formula• Hypernatremia (calculate water deficit)Determine Prognosis• Heart failure• Lymphoma• Myelodysplastic Syndrome• Myeloma• Glomerulonephritis• Hemodialysis• COPD• TIA• PancreatitisCalculate• Ideal body weight, BMI and BSA• Due date and gestational age• Extensive formula used in echocardiogropathy andinvasivehemodynamic monitoring• Kt/V in dialysis patients• eGFR with CKD-EPI, Cockcroft-Gault and MDRD• A-a gradientClassify• Angina (CCS)• Congestive heart failure (NYHA)Manage• Head, neck, ankle and knee injuries• DVT and PE• Pulmonary nodulesStage• Lung cancer• Renal cell carcinomaUnderstand• TTKG (transtubular potassium gradient) in hypokalemiaandhyperkalemia• DermatomesDiagnose• Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia• Infective Endocarditis• ARDS• Autoimmune HepatitisAnd much more...Want to keep up with medical research? Get 'Read by QxMD'forAndroid: my medical professionals, QxMD is dedicated to creatinghighquality, point-of-care tools for practicing healthcareprofessionals. Recognized as a leading developer of freemedicalsoftware for mobile devices, QxMD develops content incooperationwith expert physicians from their respectivefields.
Cardiac risk calculator 2.0
Calculate your potential cardiovascular risk based onyourlifestyle!
GRACE 2.0 ACS Risk Calculator 1.1
The GRACE 2.0 ACS Risk Calculator providesthepercentage probability of death or death/MI at time-points up to3years following admission with an acute coronary syndrome, andisdesigned to help clinicians decide on appropriate treatmentoptionsfor patients with ACS.This updated calculator provides more accuratenon-linearcomputations and an updated interface for mobile devices,providingrapid and intuitive risk assessment. Additionalfeaturesinclude:• Population histograms with high-, medium- andlow-riskmarkers• New 1- and 3-year calculations• New calculations provide probabilities directly,bypassingscores• Adjusted “Mini-GRACE” algorithm (for use when serum creatinineandKillip class may not be available)• The GRACE 2.0 ACS Risk Calculator app has been defined asamedical device under the Medical Device Directive (MDD)93/42/EECand has been CE-marked to indicate compliance withtheDirectiveThe GRACE 2.0 ACS Risk Calculator uses the followingpowerfullypredictive clinical risk factors to calculate theprobability ofadverse events:• age• heart rate• systolic blood pressure• creatinine levels*• Killip class*• ST-segment deviation• elevated troponin or other cardiac biomarkers• cardiac arrest at admission*Substitute factors (renal failure, diuretic use) may beusedwhen creatinine measurements or Killip class are unavailable.Thecalculator automatically implements the adjusted“mini-GRACE”algorithm in such cases.The GRACE Risk Score has been extensively andindependentlyvalidated, but any medical decision must be based on acompleteclinical assessment and not on the use of this riskcalculator inisolation. Developed by AS&K Communications forthe Universityof Edinburgh and University of Massachusetts MedicalSchool.
MediCalc® 10.4
ScyMed Inc.
"The standard for clinical calculations and analytics inMedicine™".
GRACE ACS Risk Score 2.0
This educational App assesses risk of death'inhospital' and risk of death from 'discharge to 6 months' inpatientswith Acute Coronary Syndrome. The sole purpose of this Appis to bean educational tool. The App designer assumes noresponsibility forhow you use or interpret the results obtainedfrom this tool.
Thai CV risk calculator 1.0
โปรแกรมนี้ใช้ประเมินความเสี่ยงต่อการเกิดโรคหัวใจและหลอดเลือดโดยแสดงผลการประเมินเป็นความเสี่ยงต่อการเสียชีวิตหรือเจ็บป่วยจากโรคเส้นเลือดหัวใจและสมองตีบตันในระยะเวลา10สิบปีข้างหน้าซึ่งสามารถใช้ได้ทั้งในกรณีที่ท่านไม่มีผลเลือดโดยให้ใช้ขนาดรอบเอวและส่วนสูงแทนและในกรณีที่มีผลการตรวจระดับไขมันในเลือดแบบประเมินนี้สร้างขึ้นจากการติดตามศึกษาหาปัจจัยเสี่ยงต่อการเกิดโรคหัวใจและหลอดเลือดในประชากรไทยภายใต้โครงการศึกษาพนักงานการไฟฟ้าฝ่ายผลิตแห่งประเทศไทยเป็นระยะเวลายาวนานกว่า20ปี แบบประเมินความเสี่ยงนี้จึงควรใช้เฉพาะในคนไทยที่มีอายุ 35-70ปีที่ยังไม่มีโรคหัวใจและหลอดเลือดและไม่สามารถใช้กับผู้ป่วยโรคลิ้นหัวใจหรือโรคหัวใจเต้นผิดจังหวะได้หากท่านมีข้อสงสัยหรือไม่แน่ใจแนะนำให้เข้ารับการประเมินโดยแพทย์ผู้เชี่ยวชาญThis program is usedtoassess the risk of heart disease and stroke. By performing ariskassessment of mortality or morbidity from coronary heartdiseaseand cerebral arteries in 10 ten years. Which is availableboth incase of no blood by the use of waist circumference andheightinstead. And in the case of the lipid. Assessment is made upof astudy of risk factors for heart disease and stroke inthepopulation of Thailand Research Project Engineer,ElectricityGenerating Authority of Thailand for a period longerthan 20 years,the risk assessment should therefore be used only.Thailand peopleaged 35-70 years with no cardiovascular disease andcan not be usedfor patients with valvular heart disease orirregular heart rhythm.If you have questions or are unsurerecommended to be evaluated bya medical professional.
CV risk and prevention 0.0.1
CV-risk and prevention –TheprogrampurposeThe interactive application "CV-Risk and prevention"wasdevelopedfor clinical practice to calculate cardiovascularrisksforindividual patients and typical patient profiles.Thisriskassessment may assist in prevention ofcardiovasculardiseases.Individual risks can be identified,controlled and reducedbymedication and/or lifestyle changes.The probability to develop a CVD is most frequently theresultofmultiple interacting risk factors. These factors wereanalyzedtodetermine the 10-year risk of coronary heartdisease(FraminghamScore), the 10-year risk of fatal cardiovasculardisease(SCOREChart), personal risks, and the patient’s position intheprocessesof the cardiovascular continuum. Becausediabetesinfluences thecardiovascular risk, either the determinationof thediabetes riskby the DRS-score or the diabetes associatedvascularrisk IRIS IIscore were integrated.How to use it:After choosing a predefined patient profile, theriskcalculatorscreen appears. Individual patient parameters canbeindividuallymodified such as gender, age, BP, labvalues,etc.On the right side calculated results of the riskevaluation,thescores and a list of individual lifestyle risks andmeasuresaredisplayed. A PDF- report for the patient withimportantriskfactors, targets, and advices for lifestyle changescanbegenerated.In the personalized CV risk continuum all risksandthepatient&apo;s position on the way to develop of renalorCVdisease, are highlighted.The section "Micardis evidence based benefit"presentsthestudy-based risk minimization by MICARDIS therapy andoffersadirect access to the study in the STAR Trial database"EvidenceinCardio & Vascular Protection".The QUICK GUIDE provides a more detailed descriptionoftheprogram.
iBP Blood Pressure 7.0.1
Leading Edge Apps LLC
What is iBP? iBP is a blood pressure tracking andanalysistool.Please note, it is not possible to measure your bloodpressurebytouching the screen. A separate device is required. Whatkindofanalysis does iBP provide? iBP uses color icons toindicatewhenyour blood pressure values are normal, high, orhypertension.Italso provides interactive graphs that allow you todisplayyourvalues by weeks, months, year and time of day. Thegraphsdisplaylows, highs, averages, and trend lines usingstatisticalanalysis.Why iBP vs. other blood pressure apps? iBP isthe #1 bloodpressureapp on the iPhone and it is now available onAndroid! Wehave beenworking on this app for over 5 years andcontinue tomakeimprovements. iBP is the only blood pressure appwith a builtintransfer capability to sync all your iOS and Androiddevices.Whatare the key features? * Transfer capability to sync allof youriOSand Android devices * Calculates Mean Arterial PressureandPulsePressure * Track one personal item (blood glucose,stresslevel,medication dosage, exercise time) * Backup /Restorecapability *Multiple users * Multiple email addresses (youanddoctor) *Multiple email formats (HTML, CSV, Plain Text) *Snapshotof thegraphs can be saved * User configurable color ranges* Weightunits(lb or kg) * Withings Blood Pressure Monitor &WirelessScaleWithings + iBP = No more data entry! iBP can retrieveyourbloodpressure and weight data directly from your Withingsaccount.TheBlood Pressure Monitor and wireless Body Scaleautomaticallyrecordand send the data to your account. There is nodata entryrequiredand you can view the data anywhere using a webbrowser or avarietyof mobile apps. Free shipping coupon inside theapp!Disclaimer:iBP is intended to be used as a means to collectdata tobe sharedwith your doctor. This application is not intendedto beasubstitute for professional medical advice,diagnosis,ortreatment. We assume no liability for any personal harmorinjurysustained as a result of using this application.
ASCVD Risk 1.1
ScyMed Inc.
"Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk AssessmentTool""PooledCohort Risk Equations, 2013" ***From the newACC/AHAGuidelines***The ASCVD 10y Risk Assessment algorithmpresentedhere is the new"Pooled Cohort Risk Equations" from theGuidelineon the Assessmentof Cardiovascular Risk of the ACC/AHA.Itcalculates the 10-yearprimary risk of ASCVD(atheroscleroticcardiovascular disease) amongpatients withoutestablishedcardiovascular disease who are between40 and 79 yearsof age. Youcan also compute the traditionalFramingham Risk, NCEP,MetabolicSyndrome, BMI, GFR, etc. ASCVD RiskApp is part ofMediCalc®, thebest and most comprehensive "MedicalCalculatorSystem™" in theworld (continuosly updated). It performsautomaticcomputation ofmore than 300 clinical formulas, equations&scores "commonlyused" in medical practice. MediCalc® featurestheinnovativeMULTICALX™ Master panels for combined calculations,theyassureconvenience and accuracy. It also includes valuable"point ofcareinformation". +Unique reference, productivity anddecisionsupporttool. +Trusted resource with proven and reliabledataprocessing.+For physicians, residents, med students, PAs andNPs...+Developedby Board-certified physicians in the US.+Highlyacclaimed,reviewed and tested(since1996).--------------------------------------------------TheMediCalc®FEATURES: (the best and proven clinical dataprocessing)*arithmetical processing * automatic unit conversion*MULTICALX™Panels * multiple-unit entries *color-codednormal-abnormaloutputs * normal values (ranges &limits) *automaticrange-checks (limits) * intuitive user interface* easynavigationand info access * Search bar with filters * smartdecimalrounding* Système International notation * tables ofparameters *mobile& online (free access) * expanded equationviews *fullyreferenced * highly organizedandstandardized--------------------------------------------------MediCalc®ispart of the ScyMed® Network of MedicalApps, and thefirst andmostcomprehensive Medical Calculator System™ in theworld, onlinesince1996... (tens of thousands of users & freeonlineaccess).Available in spanish and italian.
Ascvd Score 8.9
✓ ascvd risk calculator✓ ascvd✓ ascvd risk✓ ascvd risk estimator✓ ascvd calculator
EchoSource 1.0
ECGsource LLC
Medical education resource for echocardiography.
CathSource 1.0
ECGsource LLC
Medical reference devoted to cardiac catheterizationandangiography.
Handbook of diseases
Detailed and compact medical handbookofdiseases for those who care about their health!This Handbook of Diseases application is useful not only foranyonebut also serves as a good tool for medical students andevenmedical practitioners.FEATURES[✔ ]Handbook of Diseases is available on both Russian andEnglishlanguages[✔] The number 1 paid medical application in Russia[✔] Review Rating >4.5[✔] More than 3000 articles on 27 topicsCAPABILITIES✧ Drugs✧ Infectious diseases✧ Cardiovascular disease✧ Respiratory diseases✧ Kidney disease✧ Diseases of the digestive system✧ Allergies✧ Clinical immunology✧ Rheumatology✧ Hematology and oncology✧ Endocrinology✧ Metabolisms✧ Neurology✧ Psychic dependence✧ Dermatology✧ Internal medicine✧ Tuberculosis✧ Cancer✧ HIV - pathology✧ Arrhythmiasand more.Each disease is described in detail, which include:● Classification of diseases● Symptoms● Pathogenesis● Clinical● Treatment options● ForecastsA convenient search engine allows you to quickly andaccuratelyfind the required diseases.This Handbook of diseases application is useful not only foranyonebut also serves as a good tool for medical students andevenmedical practitioners. You no more have to look intoheavyreference books to understand the classification ordescription ofsymptoms of a disease. All this information can beobtaineddirectly from your smartphone in two clicks.WHATS NEW✪ Version 2.0: radical redesign and the articlesnavigationmechanism change✪ Version 1.2.1: SD-card support, reduced the size oftheprogramUSER REVIEWS✔ "Thank you, wonderful program. Good support for the upgradeinmemory of symptoms of diseases "✔ "OK program. Reference to a heap of drugs downloaded"✔ "Just installed it. My impressions are positive. Russian boot,alot of information, I will study with it"✔ "I found a lot of useful information.”✔ "Excellent App. Well done, one more language, easy toswitch."ATTENTIONDescriptions of the diseases, contained in this application, arenotintended for medical treatment without a doctor and can be usedforinformation purposes only.Handbook of diseases - your health in your phone.
Doenças infecciosas e parasitárias aindasãoimportantes causas de morbidade e mortalidade no mundo inteiro.Nosúltimos 5 anos em nosso país, segundo dados do DATASUS, cercade300 mil pessoas morreram em virtude de complicações dedoençasinfecciosas; neste mesmo período, nosso sistema de saúdegastoucerca de 4 bilhões de reais no tratamento intra-hospitalardestasdoenças.Para que nossos pacientes não façam parte destatristeestatística, devemos fazer a nossa parte, indicandotratamentoseficazes e propagando medidas de segurança igualmenteimportantesno manejo de infecções ! E tudo isso você encontra noGUIA DEANTIMICROBIANOS !Um aplicativo completo sobre o tema, como nenhum outro emnossopaís ! Não se iluda... o guia de antimicrobianos maisconhecidomundialmente, embora elaborado de forma muito cuidadosa,contémdiversas falhas nas indicações para o tratamento denossospacientes; afinal, o perfil de sensibilidade aantimicrobianos deagentes etiológicos varia muito de país parapaís. Assim, para umamaior eficácia na indicação terapêutica, sómesmo conhecendo osagentes que infectam nossa população...No GUIA DE ANTIMICROBIANOS você encontra:- Indicações terapêuticas para mais de 500 infecçõesdiferentes,em adultos e crianças, todas baseadas em consensosBRASILEIROS, dassociedades de especialidade reconhecidamentequalificadas (Soc.Brasileira de Cardiologia, Soc. Bras. Pediatria,Soc. Bras.Pneumologia e Tisiologia, Soc. Bras. Otorrinolaringologiaetc).- PROFILAXIAS EM CIRURGIA - indicações de acordo com o tipodecirurgia; o antimicrobiano adequado, no tempo certo eadministradono momento ideal... a chave para reduzir complicaçõesinfecciosasno pós-operatório !- GUIA DE DROGAS ATUALIZADO, com cerca de 100 bulas resumidasdosantimicrobianos, com informações como: Princípio ativo,NomesComerciais, Indicações, Precauções, Doses Pediátricas eparaAdultos, Efeitos Adversos e ainda MODO DE DILUIÇÃO EADMINISTRAÇÃO,CORREÇÃO PARA INSUFICIÊNCIA RENAL, CLASSIFICAÇÃO DERISCO NAGRAVIDEZ E NA LACTAÇÃO, entre outrasinformaçõesimprescindíveis.- EXTRA: textos elaborados por uma equipemultiprofissional,composta por médicos, enfermeiros, farmacêuticosemicrobiologistas, com informações preciosas como:.GUIA FARMACOLÓGICO ATUALIZADO com informações sobre todasasclasses de medicamentos usadas em nosso país(antibacterianos,antimicobacterianos, antifúngicos,antihelmínticos,antiprotozoários, antivirais...), com explicaçõessobre o mecanismode ação de diversos medicamentos;.BACTÉRIAS MAIS COMUNS - texto que classifica as 180bactériasmais comumente envolvidas em infecções em humanos;.ORIENTAÇÕES - para profilaxia em casos de: Tétano,Raiva,Acidentes com Risco Biológico, Aspergilose Invasiva;. PRECAUÇÕES E ISOLAMENTOS - algumas infecções exigemcuidadosespeciais para que não ocorra contágio acidental. Quando ecomofazer "ISOLAMENTO DE CONTATO"? Que tipo de"ISOLAMENTORESPIRATÓRIO" devo fazer para pacientes com BK ?...Saiba o quefazer e como fazer nas mais variadas situações !Nosso aplicativo utilizou como referências bibliográficas,dentreoutras, as seguintes publicações:- SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE PEDIATRIA. Curso de antimicrobianosnaprática clínica pediátrica: guia prático para manejonoambulatório, na emergência e na enfermaria, 2003.- FACULDADE DE MEDICINA DA UNIVERSIDADE DE SAO PAULO. Guiadeutilização de anti-infecciosos e recomendações para prevençãodeinfecções hospitalares. 4. ed. São Paulo: FMUSP, 2009-2011.- TAVARES, W. Antibióticos e quimioterápicos para o clínico.2.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Atheneu, 2009.- DIRETRIZES brasileiras em pneumonia adquirida na comunidadeempediatria 2007. Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, Brasília, v.33n. (Supll 1), p.S31-S50. 2007.- DIRETRIZ BRASILEIRA DE VALVOPATIAS – Sociedade BrasileiradeCardiologia 2011 / I Diretriz Interamericana de Valvopatias –SIAC2011 Arq Bras Cardiol 97(5 supl.1): 1-67, 2011.Infectious andparasiticdiseases are still important causes of morbidity andmortalityworldwide. In the last 5 years in our country, accordingto datafrom DATASUL, about 300 000 people died due to complicationsofinfectious diseases, in this same period, our health systemhasspent about 4 billion reais in-hospital treatment ofthesediseases.For our patients who are not part of this sad statistic, wemustdo our part, indicating effective treatments andpropagatingsecurity measures equally important in the managementofinfections! And all this you will find in the GUIDETOANTIMICROBIAL!A complete application on the subject, like no other inourcountry! Do not kid yourself ... guide antimicrobial moreknownworldwide, although prepared very carefully, contains severalflawsin the indications for the treatment of our patients, afterall,the antimicrobial susceptibility profile of etiologic agentsvarieswidely from country to country. Thus, for a moreeffectivetherapeutic indication, even knowing only the agents thatinfectour population ...In GUIDE ANTIMICROBIAL you will find:- Indications for over 500 different infections in adultsandchildren, all based on consensus BRAZILIAN, specialtysocietiesrecognized qualified (Brazilian Society of Cardiology, SocBras.Pediatrics, Soc Bras. Thoracic, Soc Bras. Otolaryngologyetc.).- PROPHYLAXIS IN SURGERY - indications according to the typeofsurgery, the appropriate antimicrobial, and administered attheright time at the right time ... the key to reducinginfectiouscomplications after surgery!- DRUG GUIDE UPDATED with about 100 leafletssummarizedantimicrobials, with information such as: ActiveIngredient, TradeNames, indications, precautions, Pediatric andAdult Doses, SideEffects and still WAY OF DILUTION ANDADMINISTRATION, CORRECTIONFOR RENAL, CLASSIFICATION OF RISK INPREGNANCY AND LACTATION, amongother vital information.- EXTRA: texts elaborated by a multidisciplinary teamconsistingof physicians, nurses, pharmacists and microbiologistswithvaluable information as:. PHARMACOLOGIC GUIDE UPDATED with information on all classesofdrugs used in our country (antibacterial,antimycobacterial,antifungal, anthelmintic, antiprotozoal,antiviral ...) withexplanations on the mechanism of action ofvarious drugs;. COMMON BACTERIA - text that classifies 180 bacteriamostcommonly involved in human infections;. GUIDELINES - for prophylaxis in cases of: Tetanus,Rabies,Accident Risk Biological Invasive Aspergillosis;. PRECAUTIONS AND INSULATION - some infections requirespecialcare so that accidental contamination does not occur. Whenand howto "INSULATION CONTACT"? What kind of "RESPIRATORYISOLATION" I dofor patients with BK? ... Learn what to do and howto do indifferent situations!Our application used as references, among others, thefollowingpublications:- BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF PEDIATRICS. Course of antimicrobialsinpediatric clinical practice: practical guide to managingtheclinic, and the emergency ward, 2003.- FACULTY OF MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY OF SAO PAULO. Guide to useofanti-infectives and recommendations for prevention ofnosocomialinfections. 4. ed. Sao Paulo: USP, 2009-2011.- TAVARES, W. Antibiotics and chemotherapeutics fortheclinician. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Atheneu, 2009.- GUIDELINES Brazilian in community-acquired pneumoniainpediatrics 2007. Brazilian Journal of Pulmonology, Brasilia, v.33n. (Supll 1) p.S31-S50. 2007.- BRAZILIAN valvular GUIDELINE - Brazilian Society ofCardiology2011 / I Guidance Inter-American Valve Disease - 2011SIAC Arq BrasCardiol 97 (5 supl.1): 1-67, 2011.
Growth Standards 1.0
The most complete WHO GrowthStandardsapplication on the Store, now even easier and simple touse thanbefore!Essential for neonatologists and pediatricians, but alsoidealfor parents who wants to check their children's growth!Only three steps needed: select the date of birth, enterthedesired data, choose male or female and done!Get the results in percentile or z-scores and forget aboutthosetedious graphs!Get the WHO growth standards patterns for childs between 0 and5years old: Height / Length for age, Weight for age, WeightforHeight, BMI for age, Head Circumference for age, ArmCircumferencefor age, Subscapular Skinfold and Triceps Skinfold forage. AndHeight for age, Weight for age and BMI for age for patientsbetween5 to 19 years old.We also included the six Gross Motor Development Milestones, inasimple and easy way: Sitting without support, Standingwithassistance, Hands-and-knees crawling, Walking withassistance,Standing alone and Walking alone.Notes: The arm circumference, subscapular skinfold andtricepsskinfold are available only for patients older than 3months,according to tables published by WHO.BMI Z-Score rating from 5 to 19 years old according to theWHOspecification (see Info screen).
Heart Disease & Symptoms 1.0
This app provides completeinformationaboutheart diseases. Best comprehensive overview coversthesymptoms andtreatment of heart r This app has been developedforeveryone, alltopics has been made to make it complete, usefulandinteresting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful.Ifyoulike it please do share it with your friendsandfamily.Application does not overload you withcomplicatedmedicalterminology, the language is clear and does notrequireanyproficiency.❤❤❤❤❤ Content & Features ❤❤❤❤❤• how to prevent yourself from heart• definition , description of disease and symptoms sign• what are the causes of heart and risk factors• preparing for your appointment• tests and diagnosis• treatments and prevention• lifestyle and home remedies• internal medical disorders• congenital and inherited disorders• infectious diseases and organisms• drugs and medication for heart• easy to read and download & beautifulfullscreenslideshows• table of Contents can be used for easy access.• search option is available for quick search of the topic.• friendly and easy to use.• simple uses and indications.• easy to study, no need to install or keepupdatinglocaldatabases• important from examination point of view.• add to favorite option is added.• always new content will come in regular updates• internet connection is not required in order to use thisapp• 100% Free!!! anyway, this is a great worth app for your heathWhat to handle your heath from now on? Download this Appnowandlearn from it for you loved. Help to keep away from heartinyourfamily! Just download it and learn from it! Enjoy! ^_^❤❤❤❤❤ ATTENTION ❤❤❤❤❤This app contains heart diseases information for knowledgeifyouneed to apply then please contact to nearbydoctor.Usefulinformation but is not a substitute forprofessionalmedicaladvice, diagnosis or treatment. If you think youmay have amedicalemergency, immediately call your doctor or theemergencyservices.Before acting on any of the information inthisapplication,consult with your doctor to make sure that it isrightfor you.Information of the diseases, contained in this application,arenotintended for medical treatment without a doctor and can beusedforinformation purposes only. This app cannot and shouldnotreplace apharmacist or a doctor consultation. App content isonlyfor pocketreference & educational purposes. Consult adoctorbeforeactual usage of any of the information in this app.❤❤❤❤❤ App Developer Note ❤❤❤❤❤Please Rate it 5 Star for our application and feel free toemailusabout any comments or suggestions for future improvement.Incaseyou face any problems do send us an email withinformationaboutyour phone model, and the exact problem, and we'lltry to fixitimmediately.This appprovidescompleteinformation about heart diseases. Bestcomprehensiveoverview coversthe symptoms and treatment of heart rThis app hasbeen developedfor everyone, all topics has been made tomake itcomplete, usefuland interesting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful.Ifyoulike it please do share it with your friendsandfamily.Application does not overload you withcomplicatedmedicalterminology, the language is clear and does notrequireanyproficiency.❤❤❤❤❤ Content & Features ❤❤❤❤❤• how to prevent yourself from heart.• definition, description of disease and symptoms sign.• what are the causes of heart and risk factors.• preparing for your appointment• tests and diagnosis• treatments and prevention• lifestyle and home remedies• internal medical disorders• congenital and inherited disorders• infectious diseases and organisms• drugs and medication for heart• easy to read and download & beautifulfullscreenslideshows.• table of Contents can be used for easy access.• search option is available for quick search of the topic.• friendly and easy to use.• simple uses and indications.• easy to study, no need to install or keepupdatinglocaldatabases.• important from examination point of view.• add to favorite option is added.• always new content will come in regular updates.• internet connection is not required in order to usethisapp.• 100% Free !!! anyway, this is a great worth app foryourheath.What to handle your heath from now on? Download this Appnowandlearn from it for you loved. Help to keep away from heartinyourfamily! Just download it and learn from it! Enjoy! ^❤❤❤❤❤ ATTENTION ❤❤❤❤❤This app contains heart diseases information for knowledgeifyouneed to apply then please contact to nearbydoctor.Usefulinformation but is not a substitute forprofessionalmedicaladvice, diagnosis or treatment. If you think youmay have amedicalemergency, immediately call your doctor or theemergencyservices.Before acting on any of the information inthisapplication,consult with your doctor to make sure that it isrightfor you.Information of the diseases, contained in this application,arenotintended for medical treatment without a doctor and can beusedforinformation purposes only. This app can not and shouldnotreplacea pharmacist or a doctor consultation. App content isonlyforpocket reference & educational purposes. Consultadoctorbefore actual usage of any of the information inthisapp.❤❤❤❤❤ App Developer Note ❤❤❤❤❤Please Rate it 5 Star for our application and feel free toemailusabout any comments or suggestions for future improvement.Incaseyou face any problems do send us an email withinformationaboutyour phone model, and the exact problem, and we'lltry to fixitimmediately.