Top 19 Apps Similar to Smart School - PinLearn

kahn academy : khanacademy 1.1
khanacademy : kahn academy(khanacadmy)application give courses of Math, Science, Economicsandfinance,Arts and humanities, Computing, finance courses andmore.kahn academy is an amazing app of education . you can findallschoolcourses in kahnacademy app.You can learn everything from khan academyapplication-free:exercises and articles are now available on thisAndroid appinmath, science, computer science and much more.- khanacademy allows you to Strengthen yourknowledge:Interactiveexercises adapted to the curriculum areavailable with acorrectionand clues so that you never get stuck onan issue. Reviewwhat youlearn at school or practice as youwish.kahn academy or khanacademy an amazing app of educationtolearnonline .You can learn anything – for free: videos and explanationsatyourfingertips in math, science, economics, history, andmuch,muchmorelearn using videos, interactive exercises, and in-deptharticlesinmath (arithmetic, pre-algebra, algebra,geometry,trigonometry,statistics, calculus, linear algebra),science(biology, chemistry,physics), economics, and even thehumanitieswith playlists on arthistory, civics, finance, andmore.Spend an afternoon brushing up on statistics. Discoverinkahnacademy (acadmykahn) how the Krebs cycle works. learnaboutthefundamentals of music notation. Prepare for the upcomingSAT,gmat,or mcat. Or, if you’re feeling particularly adventurous,learnhowfire stick farming changed the landscape ofAustralia.kahnacadmy gives yous all courses that provideskhanacademy(kahnacademy ) .all you to learn is here in academykahn or academykhan ifyoulike.kahn academie by online study allows you to learn almostanythingforfree.- in kahnacademy app you can learn anything by online learning–forfree: Your learning syncs between your Android,so your progress is always up-to-datelearn in khan academy ( khanacadmy ) by online coursesusingvideos,interactive exercises, and in-depth articles in mathandmath tutor(arithmetic, pre-algebra, algebra,geometry,trigonometry,statistics, calculus, linear algebra),science(biology, chemistry,physics), economics, and even thehumanitieswith playlists on arthistory, civics, finance, andmore.Spend an afternoon brushing up on statistics. Discover howtheKrebscycle works. learn about the fundamentals of musicnotation.Preparefor the upcoming SAT, gmat, or mcat. Or, ifyou’refeelingparticularly adventurous, learn how fire stickfarmingchanged thelandscape of Australia.It doesn't matter if you are a student,teacher,home-schooler,principal, adult returning to the classroomafter 20years, or afriendly alien just trying to get a leg up inearthlybiology—kahnacademie 's kahns calculus and materials andresourcesareavailable to you completely free of charge.learnonline learn math and find math tutor and maths online;onlinedr kahn.This apps provides a very simple user interface to browsethroughthecontent provided by Khan Academy.The app also provide features to locally download the videosandseethem later.• Disclaimer: Khan Academy is in no way affiliated orsupportingthisapp.Topics covered include Math, Physics, Chemistry,Biology,Astronomy,Finance, History, Humanities, ComputerProgramming andbundlesIt’s not too early to start practicing for the new SAT.DownloadtheDaily Practice for the New SAT® app and make practice apart ofyourdaily routine.With breakthrough technology and hundreds of newofficialquestions,Daily Practice for the New SAT® allows you to getreadyfor the newSAT whenever and wherever you choose – forFREE.
kahn academy 1.1
kahn academy( khanacademy ) applicationgivecourses of Math, Science, Economics and finance, Artsandhumanities, Computing, and more.kahn academy is an amazing app of education .You can learn everything from kahn academy application-free:exercises and articles are now available on the Android appinmath, science, computer science and much more.- Strengthen your knowledge: Interactive exercises adapted tothecurriculum are available with a correction and clues so thatyounever get stuck on an issue. Review what you learn at schoolorpractice as you kahn academy you will find all courses of khanacademykahn academy or khanacademy an amazing app of educationtolearn
Easy Access for Khan 1.0
This apps provides a very simpleuserinterfaceto browse through the content provided byKhanAcademy.The app also provide features to locally download the videosandseethem later.• Disclaimer: Khan Academy is in no way affiliated orsupportingthisapp.Topics covered include Math, Physics, Chemistry,Biology,Astronomy,Finance, History, Humanities, ComputerProgramming andbundlesmore...
Algebra Tutoring Course 1.0
Scimug Inc
Learn all concepts in algebra with online video tutorial andimprovethe skills you have learned with exercises for all videos.WithAlgebra Tutoring Course the students can study andexerciseeverything about algebra, watch training videos, andimprove theirskills step by step from basic to advanced. You canbookmark yourfavorite videos and reach them quickly later when youneed them,all watched videos will be marked as seen, so you cantrack yourprogress. This training course contains: 1) Pre-algebra.2) Algebrabasics. 3) Algebra I 4) Algebra II. 5) Linear algebra.Facebook: Big thanks to khanacademyorganization.
Kompi for Khan Academy Videos 1.0
Arun Co.
A Khan Academy video player application.Do you watch Khan Academy videos to learn? This app helps youtodownload and to watch the Khan Academy videos.A Khan Academyvideoplayer application.Do you watch Khan Academy videos to learn? This app helps youtodownload and to watch the Khan Academy videos.
Tutellus - Cursos Online 2.15.19
Tutellus es la plataforma de educación online más grande delmundohispano. Más de 3 millones de usuarios, más de 600milalumnosactivos en 160 países haciendo más de 70.000 videocursos,nospermite ofrecerte cualquier tipo de Curso online, Carrera oTituloUniversitario. APRENDE A TU RITMO. TÚ CONTROLAS * Aprende loquenecesitas, con cursos online creados por profesionales. * Accedeamiles de cursos gratis, de universidades, empresas y profesores.*Crea Rutas formativas para que saques el máximo partido acadatemática. * Apúntate a tantos cursos como quieras, nuncacaducan:adaptamos la formación a ti. * Haz algún MOOC de tusUniversidadesfavoritas, pero sin los problemas de fechas paraempezar o acabar.* Consigue Certificados de los cursos que acabes,únicos eintransferibles. * Certifícate con Universidades y contítulosoficiales, con créditos ECTS incluidos. APRENDE PARA SERMEJOR *Usar Tutellus es fácil y gratis: instálate la Aplicación yapúntatea tantos cursos como quieras. * Los tendrás siempredisponiblesdesde el móvil, tablet o PC. * Podrás contactar con losalumnos yprofesores dentro de cada curso y en definitiva conseguirunasexperiencias formativas extraordinarias. MILES DE CURSOS GRATISYTOP SOBRE: * Programación, Desarrollo Web, APPs, Videojuegos,Java,Ruby, NodeJS, AngularJS, Docker, HTML5, Responsive,Javascript,Swift, Phyton, Django, Ionic, C, C# y otros. *Emprendedores,Ventas, Negocio, Trading, Marketing, SEO, SocialMedia, Coaching,PNL y Habilidades. * Diseño, ilustración,infoarquitectura, Unity,Maya, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign,Fireworks, Realidadaumentada y 3D, 3DMax y otros. * Office, Excel,WordPress, SAP,Productividad, ERP y CRM. * Inglés, francés, alemán,italiano,ruso, chino, portugués, japonés y lengua de signos. *Bebés,puericultura, deportes, yoga, repostería, cocina,recetas,restauración y moda. * Ciencias sociales, cienciasnaturales yciencias aplicadas. * Biología, matemáticas, física,química,teología, mercadotecnia e ingeniería. * TítuloUniversitarios,Diplomas y Cursos universitarios. Con más serviciosque los cursosde pago, los Títulos te darán acceso a unreconocimiento oficialpor parte de la Universidad asociada y acréditos ECTS. Tienestanto Diplomas como Cursos universitarios,expedidos por laUniversidad Católica de Murcia UCAM y laUniversidad Rey JuanCarlos URJC, y con hasta 12 ECTS. Recuerda quetienes MOOC enabierto y videocursos de todas las temáticas:Desarrollo Web y APP,Videojuegos, Coaching, Ventas, Fitness,Repostería, Yoga... todo loque puedas imaginar.
GroupMooc 1.0.28
Get the most out of online learningwithGroupMooc's discovery, collaboration and productivity tools.GroupMooc helps you find, plan and organize free onlinecoursesfrom Coursera, edX, FutureLearn and others. This includesonlinecourses from leading universities like MIT, Harvard andStanford,as well as from innovative companies like Google, Facebookand SAP.Once you find the right courses, you can schedule yourlearning inan aggregated course plan, take in-app notes to help yourememberimportant points, and showcase your achievements on yourcoursecompletion profile.GroupMooc for Teams helps organizations train their staffusingfree online courses. This premium feature allows you to:* Add your own courses. GroupMooc for Teams aggregatesfreeonline courses from numerous providers alongside yourin-housecourses, and enables intelligent search and filtering soyouremployees can find the best courses for their needs.* Collaborate and engage. Managers can promote staff trainingbyassigning courses to team members and sponsoring course costslikeverified certificates. Learners can develop skills byrequestingapproval from their supervisors to take a course andspend timelearning during work hours.* Measure progress. Over time, valuable data onyourorganization's learning patterns will accumulate withinGroupMooc,allowing you to understand skills development across yourteams aswell as quantify time and money spent on learning.More information is at, includingdownloadlinks for iPhone and Android devices.
Free Courses Udemy 1.3
YOU CAN IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS. WITHOUTPAIDAll courses are offered from Udemy in more than 80 languages.Eachcourse is on-demand, and includes lifetime access withnoexpirations. Improve your skills and get the job you want.YOU CAN LEARN ANYTIME, ANYWHERE.Udemy Students can enroll and take free courses with a computerormobile device. It is free education, when and where youwantit.YOU CAN GET COURSES IN:Business, Programming, Marketing &Entrepreneurship,Development, Languages,Design, Health and Fitness, Office and Creative Software, IT&Software, Photography & Music, Personal Development.ALL YOUR COURSES ARE:Free-moneyLifetime access H24Syncing across multiple devicesPrivate messaging with instructionsPersonal feedbackCertificate of Completion... and some course have: download material, basic quizzesYOU CAN GET THIS APP:It is free education, when and where you want it. Choose fromover10,000 courses, on anything from programming to business. Idealforanyone who wants a free education & loves learning willenjoytaking Udemy courses with this APP created by JobboJ.Udemy is leader on elerning and train the employees of theworld'smost respected companies (Lyft, Oracle, Pepsi, Century21,Universal, Pitney Bowes...).VISIT US: www.jobboj.comFOLLOW US:** Beware that it is the first version, please do notimmediatelyput 1 star **
Edraak 3.2.0
Free Online Education, In Arabic!
MOOC-List 1.1
“MOOC List” is an aggregator (directory) of Massive OpenOnlineCourses (MOOCs) from different providers. With this app youcansee: 1) MOOCs starting today 2) MOOCs recently added toourdirectory 3) MOOCs recently updated on our directory 4)UpcomingMOOCs (All and by category) 5) Self Paced MOOCs (Bycategory) Tosearch more MOOCs or to see MOOCs in languages otherthan Englishplease visit our website at https://www.mooc-list.comIf you needany help, visit our support pageat What is a MOOC? MOOCstandsfor a Massive Open Online Course. It is an online courseaimed atlarge-scale participation and open (free) access via theinternet.They are similar to university courses, but do not tend toofferacademic credit. A number of web-based platforms (providersAkainitiatives) supported by top universities and colleges offerMOOCsin a wide range of subjects. MOOC PROVIDERS: +Acumen,ALISON.ApnaCourse, Aquent Gymnasium, Box Hill Institute, CURSALIA(Centrouniversitario de ciencias de la salud), Canvas, CanvasNetwork,Complexity Explorer, CourseSites, Coursera, Cybrary ,DigitalBusiness Academy, ECO Project, EMMA, EdX, EduonixEuropeanSchoolnet Academy, FUN, FeedMyHappy, Firstaidforfree,FutureLearn,IAI Academy,, Iversity, KAU, Kadenze,Lagunita, Leada,Learn, Leuphana Digital School, MOOCTécnico, MOOC-Ed,MRUniversity, Marist College's FOLD, MasterUniversity, Miríada X,MongoDB, NovoEd, Online University ofFinland, Open Education,Open2Study, OpenClassrooms,OpenCourseWorld, OpenHPI, OpenLearning,OpenSAP,OpenSecurityTraining, P2PU, Polimi OPEN KNOWLEDGE,ProjectManagers.Org, School of Business and Trade,, TELELAB, TVdes Entrepreneurs, UNINETTUNOOpenupEd, UPVX, URJCx, Udacity, Udemy,Unow, Veduca, VirtualLinguistics Campus, World Mentoring Academy(WMA)
Karacan Eğitim Kurumları 1.0
Karacan Akademi bünyesinde yeralanKaracanTemel Lisesi, Memur Akademisi, Özel Öğretim Kursları,SpkFinansAkademisi, K-10 Koleji, Karacan Yayınları veUzaktanEğitimalanları ile ilgili güncel duyurulara, önemligelişmelere,sınavsonuçlarına ve daha bir çok bilgiye daha hızlıulaşabilmeniziçinmobil uygulamamız artık yayında.Located BasicSchoolinKhan at the Khan Academy site, Officer Academy,SpecialEducationCourses, The CMB Finance Academy K-10 College,KaracanPublicationsand the recent announcements regardingdistanceeducation areas, tosignificant improvements in exam resultsand alot more informationto help you achieve faster our mobile appisnow live.
Best Online Courses 1.1.1
Momo Factory
Version 1.1Best Online Courses provides you with nearly 50 of the bestonlinewebsites offering educational courses. From coursera, edx,udemy tolittle-known sites, we have tried to cover them all. Itprovides asimple interface to browse all the websites providing thebestonline courses. These courses are from various categorieslikeArts, Science, Engineering etc. Some of these online coursesareaccessed via payment but most are free.We have provided a short but detailed description of thefeaturesprovided by each site. You may read the description andvisit thesite subsequently.NOTE: Discrepancies may arrive and some sites maystopfunctioning. Kindly let us know in the comments!
Curious: The Game of Learning 1.1.0
Are you Curious? Get a daily workout for your brain to growyourCurious Quotient (CQ)! Who knew exercising your brain could bethismuch fun? “Curious has mastered making learning addictive.”--PandoDaily “A Netflix For Learning” -- Forbes “Curious standsoutfrom sites like Khan Academy, Coursera, Udacity, Udemy, by focusing on learning 'for learning’s sake.'”--VentureBeat “Curious Helps Hobbyists Share Their Skills”--Mashable Curious helps people reclaim between 5 to 30 minutes adayto learn something new! Ready to learn? Here’s how the gameoflifelong learning works: - First, we start with a briefinterview.- You tell us how much time you want to spend learning aday: 5,15, or 30 minutes - We customize your learning experienceand buildyou a beautiful CQ wheel. Every wheel is unique! - Youreceive adaily, personalized learning workout via email and on yourCuriousdashboard. - You complete your workout by reading Curios(ourwell-loved daily fun fact) and watching lessons. - Add lessonsandtopics to a focus area for longer term learning goals. - Trackyourprogress every time you learn. You’ll be so much moreinteresting!Learn from over 25,000 video lessons on virtually anytopic.Whether you want to learn how to crochet a scarf, plant anorganicgarden or play guitar, Curious helps you stay happy andhealthywith a daily learning workout across eight key knowledgeareas:Aesthetic (crafts, photography, sewing, drawing, interiordesign,crochet, graphic design) Humanities (public speaking,languages,storytelling, political science, history) Mind / Body(cooking,fitness, nutrition, confidence, meditation, yoga,mindfulness)Music (music theory, piano, guitar, singing, drums,ukulele,harmonica, violin, DJ skills) Play (home DIY, sports,travel,games, gardening, camping, puzzles, biking, running)Relationships(psychology, parenting, communication, marriage,dating, pets,leadership) S.T.E.M. (science, web development, math,biology,hardware, computing, engineering) Work (MicrosoftOffice,entrepreneurship, budgeting, marketing, finance,blogging,analytics) And you get recommendations from your (and our)favoriteNPR shows: Science Friday, PRI's The World, BBC WorldService,Marketplace, and more! Download the Curious app and startfor FREE!Daily Curios and intro lessons available to all users;subscribefor full access to the entire lesson library. FREE trialincludedwith each subscription. What have you got to learn? Getaddicted tothe game of lifelong learning & stay Curious! --Curious offersthe following all-access subscriptions: 1 month:$9.99 [7-day freetrial] 1 year: $69.99 [30-day free trial] Privacypolicy: Terms ofuse:
K-MOOC: Korea MOOC 2.8.7
K-MOOC is Korean Massive Open Online Course open to all.
Series 65 Video Study Guide 1.0
magMaker Editions LLC
Prepare for Series 65 exam using funvideoguidePreparing for Series 65 could never been this Fun andEasy!Eachtopic is explained using short video clip by industryexpertssuchas Money Week, Motley Fool, Fidelity, Khan Academy andmore.Ourteam has researched several thousand videos to select thebestandthe right segments of video clips for your convenience!500 topics are covered with videos and descriptions. Youcantryto collect all videos by yourself, however it will takeyouseveralmonths to find all the right videos.No need to spend hundreds of $ in classrooms, getmuchbetterquality, expert advice anytime anywhere at fractionofthecost.No need to read lots and lots of text, just Watch andLearnandPASS!
Free Online University Courses 1.0
"A human being is not attaining his full heights untilheiseducated." - Horace Mann Find Free Online University Coursesisaresource app that breaks barriers to education byreachingmillionsof learners around the world, providing links tofreeeducationcourses and resources from top universities**.We'verounded upsome of the top course providers so that you cansearchfor freeonline courses in the learning categories whichinclude: -- Arts -Biology & Life Sciences - Business &Management -Chemistry- Computer Science - Economics & Finance -Education -Energy& Earth Sciences - Engineering - Food andNutrition -Health& Society - Humanities - Information, Tech& Design -Law -Mathematics - Medicine - Music, Film, and Audio- Physical&Earth Sciences - Physics - Social Sciences - andmore Wedesire tomake learning accessible to all so we invite you touseour app tofind online courses from some of the bestlearninginstitutions inthe world. Search the links for courses fromtopuniversities**,including but not limited to: - HarvardUniversity(USA) MIT (USA)Princeton University (USA) ColumbiaUniversity (USA)StandfordUniversity (USA) University College London(UK) UniversityofCambridge (UK) University of Oxford (UK)AustralianNationalUniversity (AUS) The Chinese University of HongKong (HongKong)We've also included resources from platforms thatprovidecoursesthat are accredited for college credit and are takenforskilldevelopment and self-improvement. Learning SkillslikeProgramming,Yoga, Design, Photography, Spanish, Marketing,Guitar,Finance,Cake Decorating, and more. "Genius without educationislike silverin the mine." - Benjamin Franklin **We havenoaffiliation to anyof the learning institutions and providethisservice as aconvenience *Logos and trademarks belong toindividualinstitutionsand we make no reference to ownership of anykind
Computer Courses 3.1.5
Online Computer Classes
School Friendzy 1.39
School Friendzy app is a school assignmentandhomework collaborative learning system. It offers FREE livetutorsand tutoring for all students. It assigns and gradesschoolwork,saving teachers hundreds of hours! It works for allschool subjectsand is in English and Spanish.This collaborative learning system allows teachers toassignschoolwork to be done at school or at home from their owntextbooksor other available worksheets. Teachers can also browsethousandsof learning resources and instructional videos and includethemwith their assignments.If students have a problem with an assignment, they can seehowother classmates answered and explained each problem correctlyforhalf credit. This allows students to learn multiple strategiesforsolving the same problem.If students still need help, they can connect with a freelivetutor. Tutors are honor roll students from the same schoolornearby high schools or colleges who have agreed to tutorstudentsin exchange for service hours. With millions of servicehours thatneed to be earned by students nationwide, this is themostcost-effective way to help our students.School Friendzy is paperless schoolwork, thereby saving millionsoftrees.For teachers, School Friendzy offers the following features:a) Submits schoolwork (assignments or homework) from teachers'owncurriculum by allowing them to simply take a photo oftheirtextbook sheet and upload the sheet to the appb) Allows them to create assignments that can be done anywhereandanytime: at school, at home, in the parkc) Grades homework automatically, saving teachers hundredsofhoursd) Includes thousands of educational videos from Khan Academythatcan be included along with assignmentse) Tracks students' progress and performancef) Assigns individualized homework or remedial worktostudentsg) Shows how many students got each assignment problem rightorwrongFor students, School Friendzy offers the following features:a) Gives instant feedback indicating whether they did anassignmentright or wrongb) Shows them how other classmates solved the assignmentproblemscorrectlyc) Connects them with free online tutorsd) Allows them to do school assignments anywhere, anytime, onanysmartphone, tablet, or computere) Grants access to hundreds of thousands of learning resourcesinmost school subjectsFor schools, School Friendzy offers the following features:a) Allows them to create a network of live tutors to offer FREElivetutoring for all students. These tutors are honor rollstudents fromthe same school or nearby high schools or collegeswho have agreedto tutor other students in exchange for servicehours or communityservice. Tutors are managed by teachers, andstudents and tutorsconnect remotely and anonymously in a very safeenvironment.
Early Math Counting 1.1.2
Children are using early mathskillsthroughouttheir daily routines and activities. This is goodnewsas theseskills are important for being ready for school. Butearlymath doesnot mean taking out the calculator during playtime.Evenbefore theystart school, most children develop an understandingofaddition andsubtraction through everyday interactions.Forexample, John has twogifts; Dexter wants one. Who wantsfewergifts.Other math skills are introduced through daily routinesyousharewith your child—counting steps as you go up or down,forexample.Informal activities like this one give children ajumpstarton theformal math instruction that starts in school. EarlyMathCountingapplication has learning objectives below.1. Counting up to 10 objects.2. Counting without making mistakes.3. Finding one more or one less than a number.4. Find the missing number in a list of numbers. Numbers usedare20or less.5. Finding missing numbers in a list of numbers between0and100.6. Finding missing numbers in a list of numbers between0and120.7. Counting by tens.8. Counting up to 20 objects. Objects are organized neatlyintorowsand columns.9. Counting up to 20 objects in random patterns.10. Counting to see which group has the most things in it..11. Saying if one number is less than or greater thananothernumber.Numbers are between 0 and 10.