Top 7 Apps Similar to USMLE: Biostatistics

USMLE: Lifecycle 1.0.1
Prepare for the USMLE Step 1 exam.Thisappcovers the life cycle, which is part of thebehavioralsciencessection.
Infectious Disease Full Review 1.0
Get +180 Infectious diseases Notes & Quiz & prepareyourexam easily
Medical Terminololgy Sorted LT 1.1
This application is a must for medicinestudent,resident,researchers doctors and surgery professionals.This appcontainsMedical terms, concepts and words sorted bymedicinefields. Theprofessional version of this free app containsthefollowingsections: Section #1="Prefixes, Suffixes, Single&PluralForms", section #2="Combining Forms", section#3="BasicElements ofa Medical Word", section #4="BodyStructureTerminology", section#5="Integrementary SystemTerminology",section #6="MusculoskeletalSystem terminology",section#7="Cardiovascular SystemTerminology", section #8="Blood&Lymphatic & ImmuneSystem", section #9="RespiratorySystemTerminology", section#10="Digestive System ", section#11="UrinarySystem ", section#12="Reproductive System ", section#13="EndocrineSystem ",section #14="Nervous System ", section#15="Eyes &Ears y",section #16="Special Topics Terminology",section#17="MedicalTerminology Exam", section #18="Terms You HavetoKnow", section#19=""Dentistry Glossary" section#20="Pharmacologyencyclopedia",section #21="Obstetrics &gynecology concepts",section#22="Oncology terms". This app is alsosuitable for UnitedStatesMedical Licensing Examination ® USMLE& icensed practicalnurse(LPN) candidates. Medical terminologyis language that is usedtoaccurately describe the human body andassociatedcomponents,conditions, processes and procedures in ascience-basedmanner.Some examples are: R.I.C.E., trapezius, andlatissimusdorsi. It isto be used in the medical and nursing fields.Thissystematicapproach to word building and term comprehension isbasedon theconcept of: (1) word roots, (2) prefixes, and (3)suffixes.The'rootword' is a term derived from a source languagesuch asGreekor Latin and usually describes a body part. The prefixcan beaddedin front of the term to modify the word root bygivingadditionalinformation about the location of an organ, thenumber ofparts, ortime involved. Suffixes are attached to the endof a wordroot toadd meaning such as condition, disease process,orprocedure. Inthe process of creating medical terminology,certainrules oflanguage apply. These rules are part of languagemechanicscalledlinguistics. So, when a term is developed, somelogicalprocess isapplied. The word root is developed to include avowelsoundfollowing the term to add a smoothing action to the soundoftheword when applying a suffix. The result is the formation ofanewterm with a vowel attached (word root + vowel) calledacombiningform. In English, the most common vowel used intheformation ofthe combining form is the letter -o-, added to thewordroot.Prefixes do not normally require further modification tobeaddedto a word root because the prefix normally ends in a vowelorvowelsound. Suffixes are categorized as either (1) needingthecombiningform, or (2) not needing the combining form sincetheystart with avowel. This educational & medical applicationisintended to r:NCLEX-RN NCLEX-PN NCLEX CNA, ANP - AdultNursePractitioner FNP -Family Nurse Practitioner A-GNP -Adult-GeroPrimary NursePractitioner ANP-BC Adult Nurse PractitionerFNP-BCFamily NursePractitioner PNP-BC Pediatric NursePractitionerACNP-BC Acute CareNurse Practitioner GNP - BCGerontological NursePractitionerPMHNP-BC Adult Psychiatric andMental Health NursePractitionerPMHNP-BC Family Psychiatric andMental Health NursePractitionerCNRN® SCRN® and also for USMLE,COMLEX, ANCCCertification Center.This app is also suitable forstudents,researchers, resident,doctors, Anatomy &physiologyspecialists, nurses and medicalprofessionals and ofcourse Medicallecturers, teachers andprofessors. Get a better scorein your USMLE(step1, step2 CS &CK), PANCE, MCAT, DAT,COMLEX,CNA, OAT, NBDE,or PCAT exam, and themost important is tofall in love with thematerial, it worth allthe attention.
Gastrointestinal USMLE S2CK QA 1.1
Get +1300 Questions & answers and prepare yourGastrointestinalUSMLE step 2 CK exam in less time and get betterunderstanding andhigher score. It's the only Gastrointestinal examquestions Bank onthe android market. Our passion toGastrointestinal drove us todevelop this outstanding androidapplication to help you understandand admire Gastrointestinal .This app is intended to students,researchers, resident, doctors,Gastrointestinal specialists,nurses and medical professionals andof course Medical lecturers,teachers and professors. Get a betterscore in your USMLE (step1,step2 CS & CK), PANCE, MCAT, DAT,COMLEX, OAT, NBDE, or PCATexam, City and Guilds (AMSPAR)Certificates in Medical Terminologyand CMA (AAMA) MedicalTerminology Exams. Includes links to freeinteractive medical apps.Suitable for premedical students, nursingstudents, medicalsecretaries, transcriptionists, and allied healthstudents, in factanyone with an interest in the language ofmedicine or medicaleducation, and the most important is to fall inlove with thematerial, it worth all the attention. The humangastrointestinaltract, or GI tract, or GIT is an organ systemresponsible forconsuming and digesting foodstuffs, absorbingnutrients, andexpelling waste. The tract consists of the stomachand intestines,and is divided into the upper and lowergastrointestinal tracts.However, by the broadest definition, theGI tract includes allstructures between the mouth and the anus. Onthe other hand, thedigestive system is a broader term thatincludes other structures,including the digestive organs and theiraccessories. The tract mayalso be divided into foregut, midgut,and hindgut, reflecting theembryological origin of each segment.The whole digestive tract isabout nine metres (30 feet) long.Disease There are a number ofdiseases and conditions affecting thegastrointestinal system,including: Infection. Gastroenteritis isan inflammation of theintestines. It occurs more frequently thanany other disease of theintestines. Cancer may occur at any pointin the gastrointestinaltract, and includes mouth cancer, tonguecancer, oesophageal cancer,stomach cancer, and colorectal cancer.Inflammatory conditions.Ileitis is an inflammation of the ileum,Colitis is an inflammationof the large intestine. Appendicitis isinflammation of thevermiform appendix located at the caecum. Thisis a potentiallyfatal condition if left untreated; most cases ofappendicitisrequire surgical intervention. Diverticular disease isa conditionthat is very common in older people in industrializedcountries. Itusually affects the large intestine but has beenknown to affect thesmall intestine as well. Diverticulosis occurswhen pouches form onthe intestinal wall. Once the pouches becomeinflamed it is known asdiverticulitis. Inflammatory bowel diseaseis an inflammatorycondition affecting the bowel walls, andincludes the subtypesCrohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. WhileCrohn's can affect theentire gastrointestinal tract, ulcerativecolitis is limited to thelarge intestine. Several symptoms areused to indicate problems withthe gastrointestinal tract:Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Constipation, Bloodin stool, Various methodsof imaging the gastrointestinal tract areused: Radioopaque dyesmay be swallowed to produce a Barium swallowAn abdominal x-ray maybe used to examine the lower gastrointestinaltract. Other CeliacDisease Cholera Diarrhoea Enteric duplicationcyst GiardiasisIrritable bowel syndrome Pancreatitis Peptic ulcerdisease YellowFever Helicobacter pylori is a gram-negative spiralbacterium.
OB-GYN USMLE Stp2 CK 300 Q & A 1.2
Get +300 Q & A and prepare your OB-GYN USMLE step2 CK exam&get higher score
Medical Terminology - Most use 1.0
Understand over 560 USMLE Medical Buzzwords Terminology
FREE Microbiology Learn & Test 1
This is our app title # 19 out of a total of42apps released till date.FREE QVprep Lite Microbiology Learn Test ReviewQVprep Microbiology Lite is FREE and has limited content. Theappgives you the option to buy the paid QVprep Microbiology whichhasexhaustive content for preparation and gaining expertiseinMicrobiology. Please download this FREE app and try it out.Watch app video at: Covered* Microbiology Basics* Bacterial Anatomy* Bacterial Physiology* Microbial Growth and Control in vitro* Microbial classification* Acellular and Eukaryotic Microorganisms* Staining and Microscopy* Bacterial Identification and Biochemical Testing (Laboratorytestsand identification)* Microbial Pathogens* Applied MicrobiologyQVprep Microbiology app is ideal for* College Biology majors* Undergraduates doing Microbiology* Junior Physicians, Medical students and those taking USMLE Step1Microbiology* Nursing students who want to learn, practice andreviewMicrobiology* Medical technicians, Laboratory technicians andPhysicianassistants* Pre medical students* Pre medical Entrance exams for admission in medicalcolleges* Preparing for job interviews* Hospitals and labs to provide training to their staff* Even 11th and 12th gradersFeatures:A) LEARN MODEThe app allows you to learn Microbiology concepts in a verysimpleand user friendly manner. In the "Learn" mode of the app, youclickon the "Concepts" button, review the "concept text" and thenanswermultiple choice questions related to the concept that youjustreviewed. If you answer wrong, a detailed "answer explanation"willbe displayed, which will reinforce learning. Proceed in thismannerto complete a particular topic at your own pace.Thus, by referring to the "Microbiology Concept text" andthenanswering multiple choice questions, your learning is fasterandcomplete.QVprep Microbiology Lite is FREE and has limited content. Theappgives you the option to buy the paid QVprep Microbiology whichhasexhaustive content for preparation.B) TEST MODEIn the "Test" mode, the app does not show the context text tohelpyou. Instead, you use your learning from the app andattemptmultiple choice questions. Again, the app prompts you withdetailedanswer explanation in case you answer wrong. This provenprocessagain reinforces learning.Share your test score by emailing the scores to yourself orsomeoneelse. The app also allows you to post your score on yourFacebookpage or your Twitter account.With an exhaustive content on Microbiology, we are sure you willbeable to learn, review and excel in Micro Bio.QVprep Microbiology Lite is FREE and has limited content. Theappgives you the option to buy the paid QVprep Microbiology whichhasexhaustive content for preparation.QVprep Microbiology is useful for* Micro Bio Exam preparation* Revision of concepts to aid in your career in medicine* Microbiology Concept Review* Microbiology for National Board Dental Exam Part IPJP Consulting LLC* Our mission is to develop educational apps for everysubject,every country, every school and college so that today'smoderntechnology like smart phones and tablets is used foreducation andlearning of school, college and academiccurriculum.* This app is ideal for accelerated learning at your own pace,onthe go.