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Infraestrutura Urbana 2.0.27
Editora PINI
Infraestrutura Urbana é uma revistamensaldaPINI destinada aos gestores públicos, engenheiros earquitetosdasáreas de planejamento, projeto e execução de obrasurbanas.Seusconteúdos visam apoiar a atividade de profissionaisnasdiversasetapas que antecedem a execução de obras deinfraestruturanasáreas de transporte, habitação, saúde, logística,segurançaetc.Entre outros conteúdos, apresenta modelos deprojeto,parâmetros deorçamento, sistemas construtivos e orientaçõessobrelegislação,além de artigos e entrevistas sobre temas deinteressede gestãopública.Confira e faça download das últimas edições publicadas paraleremseu smartphone ou tablet onde e quando quiser. Aproveiteorecursodas galerias para poder ver em detalhes asimagenspublicadas naedição."Infraestrutura Urbana" is the newest magazine of PINI. Itisabusiness and a reference tool for technical teamsofengineers,architects and specialists of public agencies andprivatecompaniesoperating in this industry. Presents models ofprojects,referencesfor cost estimation for public works, technologyandconstructionsystems and guidance on the legislation.(Theapplication and allmagazine texts are in BrazilianPortuguese)Urban infrastructureisamonthly magazine aimed Pini public managers,engineersandarchitects of the planning, design and implementationofurbanworks. Its contents are intended to support theactivityofprofessionals in the various stages that precede theexecutionofinfrastructure works in the areas oftransportation,housing,health, logistics, security etc.. Amongother content,providesproject templates, budget parameters,building systems andguidanceon legislation, as well as articles andinterviews ontopics ofinterest to public management.Check out and download the latest editions published toreadonyour smartphone or tablet wherever, whenever. Enjoy theappealofthe galleries to view the images published in detailontheissue."Urban Infrastructure" is the newest magazine of Pini. Itisabusiness and a reference tool for technical teamsofengineers,architects and specialists of public agencies andprivatecompaniesoperating in this industry. Presents models ofprojects,referencesfor cost estimation for public works, technologyandconstructionsystems and guidance on the legislation. (Themagazineapplicationand all texts are in Brazilian Portuguese)