Top 22 Apps Similar to K-TV Channel

SAMSUNG Display Solutions 3.16
[Overview] The Samsung Display Solutions mobile app providesawiderange of information on our B2B display productsandsoftwaresolutions including Smart Signage and HospitalityTV.[Features] 1)Overview of cutting-edge product lineup -Browserecently releasedproducts and solutions, including ourSmartSignage, HospitalityTV, MagicInfo, LYNK SINC and etc. -Downloadproduct brochures,manuals, and setup guides conveniently.2)Optimizedproduct/solution search engine - Receiverecommendationsthat matchto your preferred specifications ofdigital signage anduserscenario. 3) A wide range of case studies -Consult an archiveofrelevant case studies that demonstrate howvariousindustriesutilizing digital signage have adopted Samsung’ssmartsignage,hospitality TV and solutions. 4) Customized “My Menu”-Save yourfavorite products, documents in "My Page"
Digital Signage TV Player
Onison Corporation, a global provider ofsinglesource brand management solutions, presents its digitalsignage ONEplayer app for individuals managing signage acrossmultiple outletsand devices. Users can use this one solution todisplay or broadcastmixed videos and slideshows on Android mobile,tablet devices withtouchscreen, and Android TV. This digitalsignage TV player app isthe first one approved for distribution onthe Play Store forAndroid TV by the Google play team. It islogin-free, ad-free, andflexible to setup variation versions foreach single device.BASIC FEATURES:• Free to use;• Standard digital signage player features without signing uporpaying for service;• Images and videos can be mixed and played from the device asadigital signage;• Supports multiple playlists;• Disabled screen lock while playing; automatically re-enableduponexit;• As device reboots, app automatically restarts;• Security screen lock.PRO FEATURES (available with subscription):• Control multiple devices and screens, across many outletswithsecurity validation;• Pull information from Onison’s On-Demand Media AssetManagementservice or have it pushed to the device;• Access detailed statistics and Proof of Play log;• Schedule and customize your digital signage playlists withoverlaytext and transitions;• Stream audio and Internet radio;• Automatic personalization with your logo.Add-on:The app is also offered as a white label solution fordigitalsignage vendors, franchise operations, andlargeorganizations.To subscribe to the PRO features, please visit
K-Link International 4.0.0
VisionK-LINK continuously strives to conquer the global market andourmotto “Your Global Link” leads everyone at K-LINK to befarsightedholding the vision to develop and grow the marketglobally.MissionK-LINK continuously provides everyone the platform andopportunityfor development and upgrading in all aspects whichinclude health,financial, self-empowerment for better life andliving.ProductsThere are 10 categories: Health Food, Health Drink,K-AyurvedaSeries, Health Care, Beauty Care,K-Parfum Series, UIE Series, Car Care, Personal Care andHousehold.The top selling products include K-Liquid Chlorophyll,Kinotakara,K-BioGreen, K-Liquid Organic Spirulina, K-OmegaSqua,PropolisPlatinum, Riddance, SOD Rooibos Tea, Gamat series andK-Ayurvedaseries.Global marketTo date, K-LINK has successfully penetrated the markets of morethan40 countries worldwide through the setting up of overseasbranches,mobile stockists, stockists and master stockists, givingourdistributors a solid platform to access and develop theirmarketglobally.The support to distributorsK-LINK assists every distributor to be well prepared in thisdirectselling business with the right tools and materials. Thesuccessstories of the leaders, training syllabus and productknowledge canbe found in the form of videotapes, motivationalbooks, productguidebooks, leaflets, magazines, testimonials andmany others.K-LINK has a well-structured professional training systemcalledK-System which offers our distributors a simple, easytocomprehend, easy to execute step-by-step, rank-by-rank coachingsoas to realize the power of duplication in the nature ofmulti-levelmarketing, in addition to self-empowerment anddevelopment of thedistributors.Lately, K-LINK has also been exploring more possibilitiesininformation technology usage, and thus actively developing itsownMobile Apps (K-Apps and K-TV Channel), Digital Advertising(LEDbillboard) and e-Commerce (online registration andonlineordering), as part of the initiatives to keep up withthetechnological innovation and also to further improvecustomerexperience.Our ‘5P’ marketing mix, ‘3I’ corporate culture and‘5S’sensesK-LINK focuses on ‘5P’ marketing mix: Product, Price,Promotion,Place and People. K-LINK always develops and brings ineffectiveproducts so that more people can enjoy good health andbeauty intheir everyday life. Despite the good quality, K-LINKproducts aresold at reasonable price so that everyone can afford tolive ahealthy life. In order to boost sales, K-LINK alsofrequentlyoffers special promotional activities such as productpromotion,sales campaign and incentives for our consumers anddistributors.For convenience and global accessibility, K-LINK hasset up 10branches, more than 400 stockists and thousands of mobilestockistsin all over the world, with the number of activedistributorsreaching up to 1.2 million worldwide, so consumers canget to knowabout K-LINK and enjoy K-LINK products more easily. Thepeoplebehind K-LINK are consisted of experienced management teamwithstrong background inMLM, and independent entrepreneurs who K-LINK has coachedthroughK-System training. Hence, our consumers and distributors canberest assured of the sustainable growth of the company.To stand out from the rest, the management team andtheentrepreneurs of K-LINK stand together to achieve the‘3I’(Initiative, Informative and Innovative) culture, parallel withour‘5 senses’ (Vision, Mission, Recognition, AppreciationandBelonging) to build a strong organization in every corner oftheworld.
NUMNY Sellers NumnySellers 3.09
NUMNY Advances E-commerce with our Android digitaldistributionapplication. - B2B marketplace 8.29.0
A world-leading B2B marketplace
Canalys Channels Forum 3.0.5
The Canalys Channels Forums are renowned for deliveringmarketinsight from leading analysts, and for bringing togetherseniorexecutives from across the IT industry – from vendors,distributorsand channel partners – to help drive change and developbusinessopportunities. Delegate interaction via Q&A in keynoteandtheater sessions, roundtables and workshops, and thousandsofone-to-one meetings, is managed live on site throughourindustry-leading event app. Showcasing IoT this yearusingBluetooth beacon technology, the app delivers a richer andmorestreamlined delegate experience than ever before. Your smartphoneor tablet will detect signals from the beacons placed aroundtheconference area when you are within range to registeryouautomatically for your various scheduled sessions andmeetings.Using only Bluetooth (and not GPS, wi-fi or cellularpositioning)the app will not track delegates after the event or inprivatespaces, protecting your privacy. Using the app andenablinglocation sharing and Bluetooth gives you the benefit offast-trackregistration when you arrive, the ability to findcolleagues aroundthe venue and to locate the people you are due tomeet. You canopt-in and out of location sharing at any time simplyby turningBluetooth off, though we recommend you leave it on to getthemaximum benefit. The app is essential for delegates, as italsoenables you to: manage your personal agenda; rate thesessions;track your ranking in the CCF championship, identify andchat withother delegates, manage your profile and gallery photos;andreceive all the key notifications and information updates.Yourforum login and password are required to use the app.
GlobalTestMarket 2.7.0
It’s time to be heard.GlobalTestMarket, GTM, is a survey community where yourfeedbackdirectly shapes the development of new technologies,services andproducts from top companies.We make it easy…with our GTM mobile app you’ll receivenotificationsto participate in surveys whether you’re on the go orhave time tospare.Not only is it free to join, it pays to join! Earn cash rewardsforsharing your opinion.Additional Features:- Earn rewards for surveys PLUS mini-polls!- Experience truly interactive surveys taking advantage oftouchtechnology including sliding scale and simplemulti-selectfeatures!- Be ahead of the curve and influence the design of the nextbigproduct or service!If you're not already a GlobalTestMarket member setting upanaccount is easy, just click
Next Level Turf Management 4.4.5
Next Level Turf Management is recognized as CentralFlorida’spremier turf management companies, providing a host ofservicesincluding; Fertilization and Weed Control, SprinklersandIrrigation Systems, Custom Landscaping, Sod InstallationandReplacement, Hydro-Seeding, Clean Ups, Concrete Patios,Walkways,Driveways, Pavers and Decorative Curbing. Since itsinception, NextLevel Turf Management has maintained a strongemphasis on attentionto detail, quality execution has set aprecedent in the industry.Next Level Turf Management, being aqualified landscape designcompany is able to generate the necessarydesign for the homeownerwho wishes to tackle their own property attheir own pace when timeand finances permit. The staff at NextLevel Turf Management looksforward to servicing you and we hope youenjoy our app, and find itinformational. App Features: • Enjoy 10%off for downloading NextLevel Turf App • Repeat business isrewarded at Next Level Turf byusing the Loyalty Rewards tab • Viewlandscape designs in the NextLevel Turf Gallery • Take advantage ofthe Irrigation Special •Schedule Service directly from yourSmartphone • Subscribe to theNext Level Turf Newsletter
Cabovisão On v3.4.9
O Cabovisão On é um serviço que permite verTVem direto dentro e fora de casa através do seu TabletouSmartphone.Este serviço está disponível para todos os Clientes Cabovisãocomserviço de Internet e Televisão Digital.Grátis para Clientes OneBox.Saiba como subscrever o serviço Cabovisão On em utilizar:Basta instalar a App, fazer login e ficar ligado a qualquermomentoe em qualquer lugarConsulte o Guia de Programação dos canais disponíveis na aplicaçãoeselecione o canal pretendido.Para mais informações ligue 16800 ou visite umalojaCabovisão.The Cabovisão On isaservice that allows you to view live TV inside and outside thehomethrough your Smartphone or Tablet.This service is available to all customers CabovisãowithInternet and Digital TV service.Free for Customers OneBox.Learn how to sign up for On Cabovisão to use:Just install the app, log in and get connected anytimeandanywhereSee the Programming Guide of channels available in theapplicationand select the desired channel.For more information call 16800 or visit one Cabovisãostore.
Die Schrack LiVE App ermöglichteineinfachesund unkompliziertes Bestellen aller SchrackTechnikProdukte.Zusätzlich finden Sie alle InformationenüberProduktdaten,Verfügbarkeiten und Preise. Ein einzigartigesWerkzeugfür jedenElektrotechniker!NEU: Aktionen und Abverkauf auch in der SchrackLiVEAppverfügbarBesonderheit: ScanfunktionEine integrierte Scanfunktion ermöglicht dasautomatischeErfassendes Produktcodes. Einfach den Produktcodescannen und dasgesuchteProdukt erscheint auf Ihrem Smartphone oderTablet Display.Nunstehen Ihnen allen Informationen zu diesemProdukt zurVerfügungund Sie können es sofort in Ihren Warenkorboder auf eineMerklistelegen. Den Scancode finden Sie sowohl auf demProduktselbst, alsauch auf dessen Verpackung und auf allenSchrackTechnikAngeboten.Schrack Technik NavigatorMit dem Schrack Technik Navigator lassen sich Produkteschnellundeinfach finden. Klicken Sie auf eine ProduktkategorieundgelangenSie mittels unseren Selektionsattributen schnellzumgewünschtenProdukt.Schrack Technik bietet mit der Schrack LiVE AppeineinzigartigesWerkzeug für jeden Elektrotechniker und wurde 2010mitdemInnovationspreis „Mercur“ derWirtschaftskammerÖsterreichausgezeichnet.Einloggen und Registrieren um alle Vorteile zu nutzenUm alle Vorteile der Schrack Live App nutzen zu könnenloggenSiesich ein oder registrieren Sie sichunter:[email protected]. über die Registrierung in unseremOnlineShop dem Einloggen stehen Ihnen auch alle unsereAktionenundAngebote zur Verfügung.Über Schrack Technik:Die Schrack Technik Gruppe, mit Hauptsitz in Wien, isteinesderwenigen Unternehmen, das mit seinem PortfoliodasgesamteMarktspektrum der Elektroinstallationsbrancheabdeckt.SchrackTechnik bietet seinen Kunden ein Produktprogramm fürdiesichere,komfortable und wirtschaftliche EnergieverteilungundNutzung. DasProduktportfolio reicht vonSchaltschränken,Relais,Schutzschalter,Sicherheitsbeleuchtungen,Datennetzwerkprodukten,Lichtlösungen biszu Photovoltaik undStromtankstellen.Logistik-Prozesse wurden sozuverlässig gestaltet,dass SchrackTechnik Produkte seinen Kundeneine hoheVersandverfügbarkeit undeine umfangreicheAbholverfügbarkeitbietet.The Schrack LiVEappallowseasy and uncomplicated order all Schrack Technikproducts.Inaddition, you will find all information aboutproductspecifications,availability and prices. A unique tool foreveryelectricalengineers!NEW: Actions and sales also available in the Schrack LiVEAppSpecial feature: Scan functionAn integrated scan function allows automatic learning oftheproductcode. Just the product code and scan the product youarelookingappear on your smartphone or tablet display. Now youhaveall theinformation on this product is available and you canplaceitimmediately to your cart or on a watch list. The scan codecanbefound on both the product itself and on its packaging andonallSchrack Technik offers.Schrack Technik NavigatorThe Schrack Technik Navigator can find products quicklyandeasily.Click on a product category and get you quicklythroughourselection attributes to the desired product.Schrack Technik offers the Schrack LiVE app a unique toolforeveryelectrical engineer and was awarded the AustriaFederalEconomicChamber 2010 with the Innovation Award"Mercur".Login and register to utilize the advantagesIn order to take full advantage of Schrack Live app you loginorregister at: [email protected] or through the registryinourOnline Shop 468After logging in you are all our promotionsandoffersavailable.About Schrack Technik:The Schrack Technik Group, with headquarters in Vienna, is oneofthefew companies that covers the entire market spectrumofelectricalinstallation industry with its portfolio.SchrackTechnik offers itscustomers a range of products for thesafe,comfortable andeconomical power distribution and use. Theproductportfolio rangesfrom switchboards, relays, circuitbreakers,emergency lighting, datanetworking products, lightingsolutions tophotovoltaic and chargingstations. Logistics processesweredesigned so reliable that SchrackTechnik Products offersitscustomers a high delivery availabilityand an extensivecollectionavailability.
Quick PDF Scanner FREE
Whether you're sending receipts toyouremployer from the field or saving a magazine article forlater,Quick PDF Scanner will help you scan and digitize yourpaperdocuments with ease.The latest Quick PDF Scanner introduces a completelyoverhauledinterface, much faster image processing to make capturingyourdocuments swifter than ever and intelligent real-timeedgedetection.KEY ADVANTAGES • Flexible and modern user interface to suit your needs • Real-time tracking of your document frame providing thequickestand most accurate edge detection available forAndroid • Advanced camera configuration and full customization oftheresulting PDF file • Optical Character Recognition for swift photo to textconversionsin 49 languagesADVANCED SCANNING - Portable document scanning with awiderange of advanced camera features. • Streamlined interface to make faster scans • Real-time tracking of your document frame • Batch scanning for multipage documents • Ability to readjust scanned pages with new zoom andcroplevels • Custom scene and focus modes • Image capture in portrait and landscape orientation • Configurable color effects including white balance andexposurecompensation along with custom contrast in brightenthresholdmodeINTELLIGENT IMPORT OF EXTERNAL IMAGES - Import images andaddthem to your PDF documents. • Advanced integration with File Commander for easierimageimporting • Save scanned documents as images • Supports BMP, GIF, PNG, WEBP, and JPEG image formats • Work with external/internal device storage and create PDFsfromexisting image files • Import from connected cloud storage accounts such asDropbox,Google Drive and morePDF EXPORT AND CONFIGURATION - Configure your PDFs to getthebest possible accuracy and quality • Multi-page Optical Character Recognition (OCR) foreasydocument digitization • Automatic Backup and Restore to a connected GoogleDriveaccount • Custom page size - from the commonly used A4 and letterformatsto any user-defined size • Cover page creator - for a document to be shown as a thumbnailinthe documents list • Delete, add, copy, and move pages in custom documents • Save individual pages as images • Specify page formats, margins, quality, and resolution • Advanced PDF configuration can be applied to the wholedocumentor just a single pageEASY PDF MANAGEMENT AND SHARING - Browse, manage, store,andshare your created PDFs. • Print to networked and cloud-connected printers • Favorites and Recent folders for easy access tocreatedPDFs • Sort documents by their name, number of pages, and timeofcreation • Search by document name • Share via email, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Direct, social networks,andcloud storage accounts** This version of Quick PDF Scanner lets you create your first10scans FREE! *** Add-ons for Xperia camera
CamCard - Business Card Reader
LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT! 90% off: originalprice$11.99 -> now $0.99No. 1 business card app, loved by 100 million users* Top Developer on Google Play* Must-Have Apps for Salespeople –* Bringing Order to the Chaos of Business Cards - The NewYorkTimes* The business cards just jump into your phones – CBS TVCamCard is the easiest app to manage and exchange businesscards,the perfect fit for sales people, entrepreneurs,businessdevelopers or marketing experts, and anyone who want tobeone.Features* Scan and store your business cards, never miss a card* Exchange e-cards with people nearby* Add notes & reminders to contacts* Get contact updates. Be the first one to say congrats* Enrich your profile to tell people more about yourself* Search contacts’ company news to start a good conversation* Navigate to contact addresses in Map* Access contact information across multiple devices* Manage contacts from all over the world with 17recognitionlanguagesRecognition languages: Traditional Chinese, SimplifiedChinese,Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Korean, Norwegian, Japanese,English,French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Italian,Swedish,and Russian.Brother appCamScanner – Document scanning and sharing app.Contact us at [email protected] us on Facebook | Twitter | Google+: CamCard
AIM Global mobile app was created byadistributor for the distributor. To help spread the news abouthowgood the product and the business system really is.The world of Alliance In Motion Global is made ofdistinctdynamism and pure excellence. It is a factual world whererealismis at hand. It has the Love and Passion from its rich andstrongfoundation of integrity and dignity.With its powerful products and time-tested concreteMarketingPlan, Alliance In Motion Global now put in life the truemeaning,and the need to achieve SUCCESS. We believe whole heartedlywiththe responsibility of that, YOUR DREAM, IS OUR PLAN! Because itwasonce said that the greatest source of illness in this world isanempty income, and if you give a person an opportunity to earnwhatthey're worth, it is the greatest and powerful remedy.SUCCESS is the willingness to DREAM, to do HARDWORK, tobeCONSISTENT, to be of SERVICE and having OUTSTANDING HEALTHandABUNDANT WEALTH.CURRENT APP BENEFITS:- Distributor Product Presentation- Marketing Plan details- Success Stories (Videos)- Live Streaming- Slideshows for product demo and marketing- Business Guide- Products with descriptions- Company DetailsFuture versions:- Share on Facebook and Twitter- Distributor Stats and details.NOTE: This app was created for AIM Global Distributorsandcustomers upon the permission of business consultantAnthonyGatchalian.
Comcast Spotlight 1.7.0
Welcome to the latest version of Comcast Spotlight’s app. Theapphas new tools and features that can show you how our TV&digital advertising solutions can help you reach yourtargetconsumers. Whether you are a marketer at an SMB or work for amediaagency buying on behalf of a client, we’ve developed aninteractivetool that will guide you to the features in the app thatare mostrelevant to you. Look for the on-screen prompts to helpyounavigate through the app to learn more about ouradvertisingsolutions. Tour Multi-Screen Products: Discover howComcastSpotlight’s multi-screen solutions integrate televisionanddigital, allowing you to reach consumers in a more engagingandimpactful way. Check out this section to learn more aboutouradvertising solutions, including Telescoping, RequestforInformation, Guide, Remind Record and our video offerings,Pre-Rolland In-Banner Video, and see how actual advertiserscustomizedthese powerful tools to engage with viewers, generateleads, drivesales and traffic for their businesses. Find Networks:From generalentertainment to music, sports and news, ComcastSpotlight has morethan 50 demographically targeted networks thatadvertisers can useto connect with customers. We created this greattool to show youwhat TV & online networks will help you reachyour targetdemographic and during what times of the day. ImproveYour MediaPlan: This section teaches local businesses and mediabuyers howmedia plans can be optimized to meet their objectives andgivesthem the option to see how budget increases can have anevengreater impact. Reach Sports Fans: Comcast Spotlight deliverseverymajor sport across our cable networks, giving advertisersmultipleways to reach sports fans. With more games, more teams andmorelive sports action than any other media outlet, we providetheresources businesses need to make strategic andprofitablemarketing decisions. Check out this section to learn whatyourtarget audience is watching and the wide range of programmingandnetworks available to help you reach them. See our Success:Withthe increase in audience fragmentation, it’s important toreachcustomers wherever they consume media. This section highlightsthesuccess of our multi-screen clients and shows how localbusinessesbenefited from successful multi-screen campaigns.Discover ourMarkets: Comcast Spotlight reaches roughly 35 millionhomes anddozens of interconnects in top markets. We have presencein 8 ofthe top 10 DMAs and 19 of the top 25 DMAs. Use this sectiontolearn about our markets and I+, which gives advertisersevengreater reach through our satellite and telco affiliates.AdvancedMedia Solutions: Check out this section to learn more aboutComcastMedia 360, a business unit of Comcast Spotlight thatpartners withinnovative brands in the design and delivery of mediacampaignsthat leverage addressability, interactivity and learningacross thefull portfolio of Comcast’s media assets – TV, digital,video ondemand and mobile/tablet platforms. Videos: Check out theVideoLibrary and Take Five sections for other great takeaways andlearnmore about trends impacting our industry. Connect with Us:Keep upwith the latest conversations on advertising news and trendsaroundthe web by following us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook,Google+,YouTube and our blog, In Focus. Saved Items: As younavigate aroundthe app, look for the red stars to save products andnetworks forlater. You can access this list under your saved itemsand evensend it to an account executive to learn more. Your use ofthisapplication is subject to the Comcast Software LicenseAgreementlocated at Ifyou do notagree to the terms and conditions of the Comcast SoftwareLicenseAgreement, do not download, install, or use thisapplication.
APP DESCRIPTIONThe SSM INNOVATION app is the best way to get thehottestindustrialnews on your iPad or iPhone. Browse the latesthotcontent trackingwith a flick of your finger then tap to diveintoan unparalleledsource of SSM. The beautifully designedinternalapp brings you allthe new trends of advertise and media andisfully integrated withSSM internal weekly, monthly andagileinformation sharings.Meanwhile, you can communicate with allourSSM staff and PGclients.KEY FEATURES• Real time update with the latest industrial trends, newsandSARFTpolicies• See what’s currently hot in TV, Digital, OOH and Print• Comprehensive integration with all the newsletters thatSSMsharedagily• Login and share with Facebook and TwitterABOUT SSM INNOVATIONSSM has been working on so hard to create inspiringandinnovativevalue to all of our PG clients. However, we got tonsofemailseveryday and some treasure within may be neglected.That'swhy SSMhad deployed our innovation project with our newSSMINNOVATION appas the most important information carriersinceCY15.
Aplikasi K-Cash 0.1
Aplikasi K-Cash untuk Android. KhususuntukMember K-Link Indonesia.K-Cash applicationforAndroid. Member specifically for K-Link Indonesia.
QIWI Cashier 1.1.14
The program QIWI Cashier accepts payments addressed toover3,000service providers including mobile operators,internet,e-commerce,electronic cash, digital television, communalservices,as well asloan repayments, deposits to bank accounts andcredit anddebitcards with the help of a cell phone.
IKiosk (Indonesia Kiosk) 4.10
IKiosk is a mobile application to sell, tobuyor to pay products and services. This is your new electronickioskwith innovative convenient method of payment and moneymanagement.Transactions are recorded at IKiosk folders and easilyto share byemail, SMS / text message, and print to bluetoothprinter.IKiosk is able to be used by Indonesian to open a Kiosk andsellselectronic products as airtime, electricity token, sellairlinetickets. At this version we cooperate with Citilink and theprice ofthis airline ticket is equal to the price of CitilinkCounter. Thebenefit for IKiosk user is Cash Back and as profitacting as aseller to customers. Benefit is awarded instantly touser's IKioskaccount.The services and products varies from cellularairtime,electricity token, bill payment (electricity, internet, payTV,Utilities, Tickets, Game Vouchers, etc and the number ofproductand services etc.)After downloading, you must register and has to knowyoursupervisor. If you don't know any supervisor, PowerHousesystemwill select a supervisor by letting supervisor phone numberblankin registration form.Simply fill in registration form at Login Page and waitforsupervisor accept and approve user's application. Use yourvalidHandPhone number as this will be used as your login ID andasconfirmation and acceptance check at registration procedure.Don'tforget your password you supply at form and your phone numberasyour user name. Note that for user with dual SIM handphoneshoulddeactivate one SIM card, and activate one SIM Card onlyasregistered number of membership in IKiosk to avoid confusionatregistration process. After successful registration process,bothSIM card may be activated again. Please remember detailsofinformation you supply in registration form.At successful registration, you will be notified by SMS fromyoursupervisor and you are able to Login. After Login changeyourpassword option is available. If you forgot password,PowerHousewill give you temporary password after you supply correctdata asyou wrote in registration form.At this time you are able to act as supervisor for anybody.Youmust activate their application by Login and unfold theIKioskfolders by pressing the carat sign at bottom left and findrequestfor activation at folder "Aktivasi" or Activation. PressAktivasiButton at each application entry and confirm at it, bypressAktivasi. Now you have downline member(s).Benefit is credited instantly to your account foryourtransaction at IKiosk and from your downline member. Youbenefitfrom members from 8 levels deep.You may login after activated as a member. You are able to actassupervisor as a member. But you are not able to maketransactioneither to buy or to sell products and services unlessyou haveenough balance in your IKiosk Account. This account wascreatedwhen you are approve and accepted as a member by yoursupervisor.At this time, this account is a virtual account ofIKiosk andstored as Indonesia Rupiah (IDR). You may transfer fundfrom anyATM or internet banking and add your balance by usingtransfermethod from your ATM or internet banking using prefix 167 -999 -62 and your cellphone number (without 0 prefix).Example:registering with Indonesian cellphone number : 167 999 628XX XXXXXXX. This prefix is bank identification number of QNB(QatarNational Bank) in Indonesia.Experience this great new venture for buying, paying andselling.The system automate the cash back / profit and sharing ofprofitsfrom your downline member(s). Building your owndistribution networkof e-product and e-services is at your fingertips.This machine will open up new opportunities for individualstoopen a kiosk selling the products or as ordinary user to useandmanage spendings while having additional income by havingfriends,families, colleagues as members using this system for theirmoneymanagement system.
Djoko AP 1.0
Digital Card
Djoko Ady Purnomo, terlahir di kotaSitubondo,27 Maret 1978Lulusan DIPLOMA Universitas Merdeka, Malang (Pariwisata) danANTDPoliteknik Ilmu Pelayaran, SemarangKURSUS / PELATIHANAssurance Agency : Asosiasi Asuransi Jiwa IndonesiaTraining For The Trainers : Dale Carnegie TrainingTraining The Presenter : K-link InternationalDefender Motivation Center : Coaching With NLP ForPerformanceBest Of The Best : K-link InternationalBST : Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran, SemarangSCRB : Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran, SemarangEnglish Course : Bussiness Training Centre, MalangPENGALAMAN KERJA / KARIR2010 – sekarang : Asisten Manajer Layanan Jasa PT. DharmaLautanUtama2009 – 2010 : Staf Layanan Jasa PT. Dharma Lautan Utama2000 – 2009 : Layanan Jasa Kapal PT. Dharma Lautan Utama1999 – 2000 : Food and Beverage Service, Shangri laHotelSurabaya1997 – 1999 : House Keeping Departement, Purnama Hotel andCottagesBatu - Malang1996 – 1997 : Food and Beverage Service, Surya Hotel,PrigenPasuruan BatuPENGALAMAN BISNISAsuransi : PT. Asuransi Allianz Life IndonesiaNetworking : Sooqy Global InternationalKonvensional : Bisnis Tour and TravelPT. MNC Life AssurancePT. Asuransi Jiwa Generally IndonesiaPT. AJ. Central Asia RayaK-link InternationalBisnis KonveksiBisnis PropertiDjoko Ady Purnomo, borninthe town of Situbondo, March 27 1978DIPLOMA graduate Merdeka University, Malang (Tourism) andantdPolytechnic Sailing Science, SemarangTRAINING COURSEAssurance Agency: Indonesian Life Insurance AssociationTraining For The Trainers: Dale Carnegie TrainingTraining The Presenter: K-link InternationalDefender Motivation Center: With NLP Coaching For PerformanceBest Of The Best: K-link InternationalBST: Science Polytechnic Sailing, SemarangSCRB: Science Polytechnic Sailing, SemarangEnglish Course: Bussiness Training Centre, MalangWORK EXPERIENCE / CAREER2010 - present: Assistant Manager Services PT. Ocean ofDharmaUtama2009 - 2010: Staff Services PT. Ocean of Dharma Utama2000 - 2009: Vessel Services PT. Ocean of Dharma Utama1999 - 2000: Food and Beverage Service, Shangri laHotelSurabaya1997 - 1999: House Keeping Department, Purnama Hotel andCottagesBatu - Malang1996 - 1997: Food and Beverage Service, Surya Hotel, PasuruanPrigenStoneBUSINESS EXPERIENCEInsurance: PT. Asuransi Allianz Life IndonesiaNetworking: Sooqy Global InternationalConventional: Business Tour and Travel  PT. MNC Life Assurance  PT. Generally Indonesia Life Insurance  PT. AJ. Central Asia Raya  K-link International  Business Convection  Business Property
ZEDO Play - Ad Showcase 1.0.4
ZEDO Play is a brand new app by ZEDO Inc.thatshowcases all of ZEDO's ad units for smartphones and tabletsundera single umbrella. ZEDO Play's refreshing take on mobileadpresentation is driven by minimalistic design withpowerfulunder-the-hood features. ZEDO strives to bring the best ofdesignprinciples and UX from Apple and Google's design labs tomobileusers.Continuing on from its legacy on the web, ZEDO’sfully-featuredmobile ad server extends its capabilities to a widerange of in-appmobile ad units. Publishers can easily combine theirrich contentwith compelling and high performing interactive adunits. Brandscan reach and target mobile app users and nichesusingstate-of-the-art mobile targeting capabilities, built rightintothe the ad server. And the best part is that nothing reallychangesat the back. Brands and Publishers use the very same ZEDOinterfaceto manage all their digital advertising business, thesystem theyhave always been used to.ZEDO SDKs are fun to work with. We know how painful it can gettointegrate in-app libraries. ZEDO's design team understandsthesepain-points and has worked crazy hours behind the scenestosimplify that process. The result is that these light-weightSDKsare not just easier to integrate and speedier than ever whenitcomes to performance and fill management, but also featurehighlycustomisable modules (for those advanced developers) thatbringboth simplicity and hack-worthy advanced functionality to thesameside of the coin, making each ad-unit precise, uniqueandcompelling. Some of these features include:✔ Device and DPI wise auto-scaling✔ Native ad components for fast ad rendering✔ Native caching (minimizes data usage)✔ Device targeting✔ Connectivity targeting✔ Custom targeting✔ Keyword based targeting✔ Interstitial Intromercial and Fullscreen ad units✔ Sticky Header and Footer placements✔ Rich Media (MRAID) ad units support (from Celtra,Crispetc.)✔ Native support for Adhesion behaviour✔ Animated views (customisable) for all ad units✔ Multiple click-to-actions (Call, SMS, Store etc.)✔ ... and a host of featuresThe ZEDO Play app showcases some of these refreshingnewad-units. In this showcase app, we have:✔ Rich Interstitial Intromercial ads✔ Fullscreen Interstitial takeovers✔ MRAID Rich Media Interactive ad units✔ VAST-compliant Video ad units✔ In-app Adhesion effect✔ Native ad units (soon)✔ ... and many more high impact ad unitsTry the ZEDO Play showcase app today! And reach out to oursalesand media teams to see how you can scale youradvertisingbusiness.Disclaimer: The app uses ZEDO's latest ad SDKs and areatrue-to-life depiction of how ads will be presented in-appusingZEDO's SDK. The example publisher app and advertisementsusedherein are purely meant for presentation purposes. Apple,Google,Celtra and Crisp are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.,GoogleInc., Celtra Inc. and Crisp Media Inc. respectively.
Facebook Ads Manager
The Facebook Ads Manager app allowsbusinessesto stay connected with their ad performance no matterwhere theyare. Easily create and track Facebook ads from yourmobile devicewith powerful and efficient mobile tools.Create ads: Use photos and videos from your device's librarytoreach people with ads on Facebook, Instagram, and AudienceNetwork,or reuse existing ads with a convenient adduplicationfeature.Edit campaigns: Edit your creative, text, targeting, schedulesandbudgets, or schedule and preview your draft campaignsonmobile.View your performance: See how your ads are performing andcompareup to 5 ads with a side-by-side viewStay in control: Manage account settings and track spendingdirectlyfrom your mobile device.Simple navigation: Easily switch between your Pages oradaccounts.Tips & recommendations: Get timely notifications aboutadperformance, weekly summaries, and recommended actionsforimproving your performance.
Global Vision is an outstanding app specifically designedforallocating satellite pay TV packages online for particularserviceprovider and instant payment facility for OSN TFC (THEFILIPINOCHANNELS) GMA7,OSN PEHLA (INDIAN CHANNELS)OSNPREMIERPACKAGES(WESTERN PREMIER CHANNELS) BEINS SPORTS avail youreliable,reputable channel broadcasts for 24 hour, imported fromABS-CNBOSN, MY HD, & BEIN SPORTS. We cover the latest idea inmakingthis app for everyone, to feel comfortable by selectingpackagesfrom anywhere and can do instant payment By web orMobileapplication. We strive not only to make stuff easy, but tocreateconvenience and credibility for providing great featuresforselection of customized packages. As for today’s mobile world,ourtech-savvy allocate their best efforts to designintensivelypayment platform. Download this app which introduces awidepresence of channelling network of: OSN, PEHLA Indian channels,GMApinoy TV, BEIN sports, Filipino pinoy channels and etc. Fortheprocedure, Customer needs to register first(IF NEW TOGLOBALVISION,FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS JUST NEED TO USE THEIRREGISTERMOBILE NUMBERS) from this application. Then registeredusers needto just enter the mobile number once, and all therequiredinformation will be filled automatically. We offer allpackagesrelated to your distributors. Registered clients every timejustneed to enter their mobile number, and after that they maysmoothlyproceeds for successful payment of satellite TV Services.We arehere to form the competition of direct to home services inKuwait.A simplified way to explore the app to report all thetransactionsyou have done securely. You can also renew the packageof invoicefor your particular service provider.