Top 17 Apps Similar to Trusted Contacts Study App

Locator 3.4
Potter Programs
Locator lets your friends and familyfindoutwhere you are safely and securely. It responds to theirSMSrequestby sending a map or a Google map location.You are in full control of who you share your locationwith.Youcan manually confirm every location request youreceive.You can also choose to respond automatically byaddingtrustedcontacts to your Whitelist. With no buttons to press,theWhitelistis especially useful when you are driving and can'tanswerthephone, you can still reassure loved ones that you'reonyourway.You can avoid being bugged by unwanted location requestsbyusingyour Blacklist. Locator ignore any requests from contactsonthislist and will not even tell you that you have had arequestfromthem.You can remove people from your Whitelist and Blacklistatanytime from the main Locator screen.Locator can also respond to requests fromnon-Androidsmartphones. If they send an SMS with the phrase'WhereAreYou',Locatorwill send Google map reference which can beopened intheirbrowser. This approach can also be used by Androidusers whodo nothave the Locator app installed.As Locator uses GPS to work out where it is, your phonehastohave GPS enabled for Locator to work.Important: To use the automated replies to yourfriends,pleasemake sure that your phone handles SMS correctly. Ifyou havetimeswhen you receive the same SMS many times and you payfor eachSMS,you should not use the Whitelist in this application,as itwillrespond to each request you receive.Please see ourwebsite- for informationonthisapplication.An explanation of how to use Locator isavailableat it.If you find this application useful please rate it.If you have any suggestions, comments or questions,pleasesendthem to [email protected]
CagoMama safety and location 5.2.8
Cago, Inc.
Need help when in trouble?CagoMamaprovideslocation sharing and alert services you can trust.Updatecontactsabout your location with a lightweight, easy to useappthat worksanytime and everywhere. With international supportanddata-freereliability, CagoMama is a must have tool to enrichyourbusylife.• Share your location with trusted contacts without sharingitwithadvertisers.• Alert contacts when you are in danger; CagoMamacommunicatesyoursafety at the click of a button.• Save your battery for better things; CagoMama doesnotdrainit.• Safe and secure data exchange. We respect your privacy.• Easy to use - no need to register.• You only need CagoMama on your phone. It’s not requiredtoinstallon your trusted contact's phone.• Uses minimal amount of data.• Caught in a situation without Wi-Fi and mobile data? Restassured–CagoMama is there for you.Have questions, issues, or general feedback? Write [email protected]**Location services have to be enabled for CagoMama towork.Werecommend using “High accuracy” mode, where AndroidusesGPS,Wi-Fi, and Mobile networks to find your location.Forbestperformance, enable Wi-Fi and Cellular Data.USER REVIEWS“Works a treat and doesn't eat up battery, thank you!”“Really useful application. It’s a good application totrackyourloved one’s location for any emergency situation.”“Great App and Easy to use!! This is a great app that canbeusedto report your location to a family member and or a friend.Ithasan easy and simple interface that does the jobreallywell.”FEATURESTRUSTED CONTACT LIST: Create and maintain a “trusted”contactlistinside CagoMama. Import existing contacts fromyourphone’saddressbook or add a new contact.Delete a contact whenit'snotneeded.SHARE LOCATION: Send your location to one or more personsinthetrusted contact. Your current location is sent in aTextmessage(SMS).ADD A BRIEF MESSAGE: You have the option to append ashortmessage(40 characters) to your location.ALERT: Press and hold Alert button for 5 secondstoactivateAlert. The phone will vibrate to indicate that Alertisactivated.In order to de-activate Alert, press and holdAlertbutton againfor 5 seconds.SMS containing Alert message is automatically sentatconfiguredinterval to Alert contacts.User has the option to activate Alert by pressing PowerButton5times. This option can be enabled and disabled inSettings.De-activation is not allowed using power button. Userhastounlock phone, open CagoMama, and press Alert button for5secondsto de-activate.In order to send Alerts in an emergency, the Alert featurehastobe first turned on in settings.Alert feature can also be turned off in settings.ALLOW TRUSTED CONTACT TO QUERY LOCATION: You have theoptiontoturn on the query feature. When a phone call comes fromanumberthat exists as a trusted contact, CagoMamawillautomaticallyfigure out your location using the bestpossiblemeans, and send itto the contact in a Text message.When you don’t want your location to be queried, you canturnoffthe query feature in Settings.Default setting is off.BENEFITSCagoMama is effortless to use, fast, secure, andefficient.Thebest location is found using GPS, Wi-Fi basedlocationservices,and Cellular network based location services.Optimal battery utilization with on-demand locationsharing.Noprocesses run in the background on your phone, and yourlocationisnot tracked continually.Data usage is minimal. Even if Internet connectivity isslow,ornot present at all, CagoMama will find your location, andsenditto trusted contacts. Rest assured that Alerts willworkreliablyunder all network conditions.Download and use CagoMama worldwide. All localphonenumberformats are supported. While traveling, use it tosharelocationback home with family, or with a local buddy.
Selfiware 1.1
Selfiware is an emotion trackingsocialmediaapplication. It allows the user to take an “innerselfie”whichexternalizes their internal thoughts and helps guidethemthroughdealing with their emotions in a constructive way.Happiness levels are displayed on a graph andemotionalcheck-inscan be shared with trusted contacts or thegeneralcommunity ofusers.The purpose of the app is to create a social mediaplatformthatimproves the users emotional state, consistentlyreducesstresslevels and helps identify and begin treatment formentalhealthissues that could worsen over time and leadtophysicaleffects.The app also allows users in extreme emotional distresstocontactorganizations that provide free counseling.
Phone Study App 1.0.3
If you are not from Mechanical Turk ordonotknow what that is, then do NOT download thisapplication.Use of this app constitutes acceptance of the following terms:This application will read your contacts and the callandtextmessage logs on your device for the purpose ofdisplayingsuggestedtrusted contacts to you. During this phase, theapp doesnot sendor share this information with any party, even theappdeveloper,and the app does not send text messages or makephonecalls fromyour device.You may not copy, modify, distribute, sell, or lease anypartofthis app, nor may you reverse engineer or attempt toextractthesource code of this software, unless lawsprohibitthoserestrictions or you have our written permission.Do not use this app in a way that distracts you andpreventsyoufrom obeying traffic or safety laws.SOME JURISDICTIONS PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN WARRANTIES,LIKETHEIMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FORAPARTICULARPURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTEDBYLAW, WEEXCLUDE ALL WARRANTIES. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW,OURTOTALLIABILITY FOR ANY CLAIMS UNDER THESE TERMS, INCLUDINGFORANYIMPLIED WARRANTIES, IS LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT YOU PAID US TOUSETHEAPP. IN ALL CASES, WE WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSSORDAMAGETHAT IS NOT REASONABLY FORESEEABLE.
IMPORTANT! Download TITAN SafetytoactivatePanic Alarm and other important features.TITAN JUXT PRO, the first smartwatch in India thatkeepsyousafe with a Panic Alarm button on your wrist. In caseofanemergency, you can sound a loud alarm to alert othersaroundyouand inform trusted contacts that you need helpimmediately.Totrigger, simply press the side-button on your watchfor3seconds.TITAN Safety lets you create a primary contactgroupandquickly start a call with them when you are inavulnerablesituation, even if their smartphone is set tosilent,vibrate, ordo-not-disturb. You can also ask your primarycontactsto virtuallywatch over you on a live map with yourlocationdetails, and benotified when you arrive safely atyourdestination.Have Questions? Please contact TITAN JUXTPROTechnicalSupport at 1800 266 0123Have you ever felt unsafe or anxious whenyouarealone?• Walking or driving home late at night• Traveling in a taxi or on public transportation inanunfamiliarplace• Feeling physically threatenedHave you ever worried about the safety of your lovedones(e.gyour spouse, children, or aging parents?)• Did they arrive at their destination safely?• Have you tried to reach them but couldn’t because theirphoneswereon silent or do-not-disturb?TITAN Safety is your daily guardian to protectyouandthose closest to you.KEY FEATURESPRIORITY CALL: Got a flat tire? Lost your family memberinacrowd? Trying to reach your spouse or parents, butcan’tgetthrough? Priority Call temporarily overrides anypre-setcallsettings. As long as their phone is on and has a signal,yourcallwill get through.SHADOW ME: Family and friends can see yourcurrentlocation,planned route and progress in real-time on a linkedmap sothey canbe sure that you are safe.PANIC ALARM: Avoid potentially unsafe situations withapanicalarm button that alerts others around you andautomaticallymakes aPriority Call to your trusted contacts. Theywill get twourgentmessages - one with your location details, andone with yourShadowMe message.CHECK-IN: You can pre-configure your destination andtheappsends a reassuring message to your family andfriendsautomaticallywhen you reach the destination.GROUPS: Create groups to stay in touch withdifferentfriendsand family members. Share your location, exchangephotos,andcommunicate privately with certain groups.PLACE SAFETY ALERTS: lets your friends,roommate,colleagues,family members or entire group know that youare safewhen youarrive at home or work , without having to callthem everytime yousafely arrive at your destination. Also createsafe placesfor eachmember in your family so you know they are safeaswell.★TITAN Safety - powered by McAfee (Intel Security)★
I can be clean 1.0
This recovery app providesconvenientandpractical tools to help you in the recovery process.1. Brief but powerful daily reminder of their spiritualpath.Canbe personalized. This can serve as a gentle reminder andaconstantsource of motivation when you need a little help togetby.Innovative part is that your friends can set you agoalsandsurprises to reward you.2.You can define your trusted contacts. In the report sectionyoucanuse panic button if you are about to relapse or if youalreadydid.Both actions result in instant SMS alert with currentGPSpositionbeing sent to your contact.3.If you are on your own and need help you can usehomelesssheltherdirectory module based on Samhsa content. User canseewhat'saround and locate the closest shelter.4.In the next section section we embedded Samhsa treatmentlocatorsothat you have all resource in one place.5.Finally we have database knowledge section based onassetsprovidedby Samhsa along with quizes that check understandingof thetopic.If you answer incorrectly additional explanation maybetriggeredto accelerate learning process.The goal is to create the most comprehensive tool to helpintherecovery process and increase social awareness of problem.I can be clean Development plan:- Journal where people can record their thoughts.- Password protection to keep information private- Affirmations to keep people motivated and inspired.- find local support groups and meetings
Play Date 1.1
Blue Eye Deer
Never get any adult time any more? Eventtogoto, or just want to go out for an evening, butactuallyfeelembarrassed to ask someone to look after your children,we havethesolution for you!If your children are like ours and are always askingfor“playdates” while you reluctantly try to remember “whose turnitis”,and how you might get a break.Through the Play Date App you can arrange play datesforyourchildren and time out for you adults. No text messages,nophonecalls, no having to remember who owes who a play date.Fortheprice of a coffee or little of a babysitters time, youcandownloadthe app and start planning your next play date.Play Date allows you to request a play date to yourmultipleofyour known and trusted contacts (using either Facebookfriendsoryour phone contact list) and invite other children toyourhome,theirs or elsewhere for playdates.This is a non-invasive and cost effective way to ensurebothyouand your children get some playdates, in one play dateyouareguaranteed to have got your money back.KEY FEATURES Include:Facebook loginFamily set upInvite and request playdatesIntuitive message centre to manage playdatesScore keeper to see hours and number of playdates exchanged.
IEmergency 1.0.2
IEmergency is an App that people mustinstallontheir Android devices to find the quick help inemergecysituation.Installing this App, anyone can find near byhospitals,medicianstores, Fire stations, Petrol pumps.Moreover one can get the details like address, contactnumberandget the direction to reach the destination.In case of any emergency situations, we also providethecountryspecific hot line numbers.People can also save their trusted contanct number andbythetouch to the call button, they can communicate.The app is also available in the English as Well as inthehindilanguage. Based on the comfirtability people canchangethelanguage setting.There is also a travel tracker which will send the GPSlocationofuser with regular time interval to trusted contactperson.Glimpse of the feathers:Nearby HospitalNearby MedicineNearby vaternity clinicNearby doctorsNearby FirestationsNearby BankNearby AmbulanceNearby Petrol PumpsNearby ATMUser can call the mentioned service providers, getthedirectionto reach there, get the details for the specificserviceandcontact the person in case of emergency.
Family Locator - GPS Tracker 2.1.5
Sidekick is about the speed and poweroftransparency. It's about enjoying the benefits of stayingconnectedto your trusted network of friends and family.Sidekick technology helps us in life's everyday situations.Itaids in navigation, marking locations, sharing locations,findinglost devices. It allows us to communicate more freely.What makes Sidekick unique?1. 3 months free trial period.2. Locate Your Trusted Network of People; Instantlypinpointlocation and calculate distance from your trusted contacts.Notjust where they are, but how far away they are from you.3. Find My Phone for Android featuring exclusive phonefindingtools. One of the coolest things Sidekick does is makeyourfriend's phone ring when it is set to silent mode. It even hasalocator beacon feature that activates the LED light onyourfriend's phone if you are looking for a lost device in thedark.Last, it includes a fun sonar style tool that beeps faster asyouget closer to your lost device.4. New! Pinpix ™ Technology: Adding photos to your pin dropsisredefining the way people give directions and share places.Step 1. Take picture or add from galleryStep 2. Share picture to SideKickStep 3. Share pin to friendStep 4. DriveYour shared pin shows up on your friend's map. Next, theytap"drive" and are taken turn by turn to your shared mark.Addingphotos to your pin drops show people exactly what they arelookingfor plus how to get there.Tip! PinPix ™ are a great way to help plan where you aregoingwhen you travel.5. In-app chat and messaging is super convenient, no needtotoggle out of the app6. 2 levels of privacy control. Privacy when you want it isasimple tap away. You decide who sees your location when itmakessense to share it. Level 2 ghost feature completely removesyoufrom the maps of only the people you do not need to shareyourlocation with. In otherwords, people you want to sharelocationwith can see you. People you do not want to share locationwith,can not see you.7. Last known position auto notification: When yourbatterydrains below a set percentage an auto notification of yourpositionis sent out to your "STAR" contact (someone you trust).8. Quiet Enjoyment: Sidekick is ad Free, that includes ourfreeversion after your 3 month free trial period ends.9. Quick & Easy Navigation: Tap a friend, or a pin,tapdrive, go. It is that easy.10. Includes miles / feet or kilometer settings11. Extended Battery Life; You control how often yourlocationand map sync frequencies occur.12. Latitude and longitude coordinates are helpful in theeventemergency services are required.IMPORTANT: Before you can truly experience the fullfunctionalityof Sidekick you need to add a friend to your list bysharing theapp. Otherwise, you will not be able to enjoy usingmany features,such as; Make your friend's phone ring, activate afriends locatorbeacon, share or receive PinPix.Our customers continue to share ways they find Sidekick funandhelpful:- Sharing directions using PinPix- Find someone whose car broke down- Student travel- Share PinPix inviting friends to dinner- Meet someone at a place you’ve never been to- Loved one's with medical issues- Less nuisance phone calls, "Hey where are you?"- Hiking National parks- Return to a place you do not travel to often- International Travel- Snowmobiling & Motorcycling- Staying connected at a concert or crowded places- Stay connected at a big theme park or festival- Find and meet friends in a crowd- Marking favorite fishing spots- Using PinPix to plan business or vacation itineraryWe are committed to providing you with a mobile appexperiencethat is fun to share and help you communicate more freelyin life’severyday situations.We hope you enjoy Sidekick and find it a useful tool forstayingconnected in today’s ever changing mobile environment.
Trusted Network 3.8.8
With its simple and intuitive userinterface,Trusted Network is the solution to making high qualitycalls for afraction of the cost. Utilizing the latest the latestadvances inVOIP technology, you can be ensured that all yourcommunicationsare secure and affordable.• Trusted Network is a SIP-based soft phone. You can callyourfriends and family from Trusted Network with lowestinternationalcall rates! And very good quality.Features• SIP-based softphone with exceptional voice quality• Works from Wifi/3G/GSM• Support for DTMF• Easy contact book, call history.In addition to your cost savings, we offers:• Secure and reliable communication• Compatible with VOIP switches supporting standard SIP• Unique anti-block solution• Option to brand own dialer• Advance Echo Cancellation• Flexible integration with your phone book contacts• Screen display for your call history, call timer andbalance
Hide Calls Automatically 2.3
All outcoming, Incoming and Missed Calls coming fromprivatecontacts will deleted automatically from Calls Log of yourphone!No icon of this app will appears in your list of applicationsinyour phone.No visual icon notification will warn you that you miss acall,you will hear only your default beep warning incomingcall.For start the application : 1- Make a fake call to telephon number: 12342- Insert the pin code 00003- (Optional): change the pin code.How to manage the app:1 - add the phone number and all the information of yoursecretcontact that don't want to leave traces on your phone.2 - and ... it's all ! You can now calling in peace as youdidbefore .. (now you are safe)How to understand that I have an missed call:- No icon visual notification will warn you that you miss acall,you will hear only your default beep soundwarning of incoming call.- When unlocking the phone you will find the call log homescreenopen of your phone then it means thatyou've got something.- Join in the app by dialing the phone number 1234 and readwhocalled you.From Today all your Private Contacts are safe ! Now you have ayoursecret contacts list hidden in your phone.Don't worry even the most trusted person that you could notdenynothing, your wife,your husband,your girlfriend orboyfriend,allthose person or friends that you can not say "No,I donot you givethe password " may become aware of all your phone callsbecausethese are totally hidden in the phone!Do not appear anywhere!Why this application is different from others?Because no icon appears in the list of applications in yourphone,so it is totally hidden.If someone search the application icon in the listofapplications , he not will find it ever ! Only you will be awareoftheir existence !And if you want to start the app? how can you do ?It is simple! make the fake call to phone number 1234.This application is completely hidden from prying eyes and canonlybe activated by dialing a special access number and afterinsertinga pin code authentication!Main Features:Hide outcoming, Incoming and Missed CallsImport contacts from Phone BookDelete calls from calls logSearch contactsSo,Protect your privacy from people around you! We all have secrets!;-)Please before leaving negative feedback please read,withattention, the description of the app.
WhereRyoU 2.0
Tired of losing your phone somewhereinthehouse and spending hours for finding it ?Do you get worried about where your loved ones are whentheyaretravelling back late night and can't even pick your phoneastheyare driving a two wheeler ?# No need of smartphone at the receiver's end.# No input from the smartphone user is required just turnontheinternet and gps and let this app do the rest of the work ,allyouhave to do is "Drive safely to home" as we can'tcontrolthoseskills with this app.#Safety features added too , location will be sharedwithonlythose phone numbers that are included in this app'strustedcontactlist.#To find your phone at home just sms "LOUD" from thetrustedlistcontact no and your phone profile will get changed toRinger.Please email your queries and request of more featuresdirectlytothe developer.
Kalido: the opportunities app 1.18.63
Empowers enterprises & communities to discover,connect,collaborate and grow
Stars Messenger Kids Safe Chat 0.1.126
Connect Works
Messenger Kids. Safe & Fun All Ages Texting + Group VideoChat.Trusted contacts
Text Message Privacy 2.5.9
itizu-SMS is a privacy enabledtextmessagingapplication that allows private text messages to besentandreceived with trusted contacts.It can replace your existing text messenger or be usedonlywhenyou need to have private or confidential text basedchats.itizu creates privacy applications for many reasons -tostoppeople snooping through your messages lookingformarketingopportunities; to give your communications more privacyifyourphone is lost or stolen; to stop people picking up yourphoneandreading your private messages; to frustrate people thatputspywareon your phone so they can read what you aresaying.....* Sends and receives private SMS messages.* Prevents the scanning and viewing of your privateSMSmessageson service provider servers.* Prevents spyware applications from readinginterceptedmessages(in privacy mode)* Stores SMS messages in your phone in a private form.* Provides individual contact privacy - one to one privacy.* Stops service providers trawling through yourmessageslookingfor marketing opportunities.* Requires a login to view your messages - ideal if youleaveyourphone unattended.* Makes messages unavailable to be viewed until youlogbackin* Replaces your existing SMS messaging application orrunsonlywhen you wish to have a private conversation.* Sends and receives SMS messages in clear text(non-private)tocontacts that do not have itizu-SMS.* Blocks unwanted SMS messages and refuses callsfromblockedcontacts.* Voice recognition - dictate and send a private message.* Text to speech - receive and listen to a private message.* Can be set as KitKat (Android 4.4.x) default SMSmessenger.Privacy, permissions, and the itizu-SMS app:Your Personal Information: Allows you to import contactsandaddcontacts to your phone. Your contact data stays secureinyourphone.Your Messages: The application receives SMS textmessagesandstores them securely.Services that cost you money: The application also allowsyoutosend messages, in plain text and private form. Privateformtextscan be a little longer.Storage: Only temporary files are copied to your SD cardandthisoccurs when choosing contact pictures.Phone Calls: itizu-SMS reads data from your phone inordertoverify it is the correct phone. It does not make, track,orreceivecalls. When a contact is blocked, itizu-SMS willignoreSMSmessages from that contact, and will refuse incomingcalls.Internet: Allows browser launch for web addresses youclickonwithin a message.In the same way that our website does notcollectinformationabout you for marketing purposes, the app doesnotcollectinformation about you, or knowingly provide mechanismsthatwillenable others to.Why do we charge for this app? Because we don't gatheryourdataand sell it, or use ads that can affect your privacy!If you email us for support: [email protected], we keepthattoourselves and do not sell or transfer that email addresstothirdparties.Feel free to contact us with comments, suggestions,oranydifficulties you may have...we will do our best resolvethemassoon as possible!Press the ? at any time from the menu for contextsensitivehelp.If that isn't enough then please email us at [email protected] beforepostingareview.
myINEC: Official app of INEC 6.02
Official app of the Independent National Electoral CommissionofNigeria - INEC
TamilMatrimony - Matrimonial
Vanakkam! Here’s the exciting new andofficialandroid App for TamilMatrimony.TamilMatrimony is a part of and is pioneered by BharatMatrimony–the world’s largest and most trusted matrimony portal. We arehappyto be responsible for millions of successful Tamil marriagesacrossthe globe.We are featured in the Limca Book of World Records forhighestnumber of documented marriages online.How different is the App from the website? No different, exceptthatyou can carry your partner search with you on your phone. Andawhole range of exciting features that will make you fall inlovewith our App before you fall in love with your perfectmatch.Take a look at what makes us stand apart from the rest of theTamilmatchmaking App crowd.• Registration of your profile can be done within the App.• Sign up using Facebook too.• Search, filter, view, and shortlist Tamil brides/groomsusingdifferent search options.• Search profiles by Matri ID.• View photos and phone numbers of members you areinterestedin.• Get real-time notifications and stay connected withprospectsanytime, anywhere.• Chat, send interests, and personal messages and get to knowyourmatches better.• GPS-enabled City Search feature lets you find matches closertoyour location.Your privacy is important to us as much as it is important toyou.You can trust us with your information anytime!To top it all, our App doesn’t take up a lot of space on yourphone.The TamilMatrimony App is smart and light!Over the years we have helped Tamil members find matches fromacrossdifferent Tamil-speaking communities such as Vannia KulaKshatriyar,Vanniyar, Brahmin - Iyer, Iyengar, Mudaliyar, AdiDravida, Nadar,Devar / Thevar / Mukkulathor, Chettiar, KonguVellala Gounder,Pillai, and Christian - Roman Catholic.Looking to search for a bride/groom based on Religion? Wehavematches from all religions including Hindu, Christian,Muslim,Jain, Christian Catholic, Christian Orthodox, ChristianProtestant,Muslim Shia, Muslim Sunni, and Jain Digambar.Globally, we are the preferred NRI matrimony service providerforaspiring brides and grooms to find their perfectpartner,especially for NRI communities spread over Malaysia,USA,Singapore, UAE, UK, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Canada,andAustralia.Our top registrations come from States namely Tamil Nadu,Karnataka,Maharashtra, Pondicherry, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala,California, Delhi,Texas, and NewYork and from cities namelyChennai, Coimbatore,Bangalore, Madurai, Tiruchirappalli, Salem,Vellore, Erode,Tirunelveli and Thanjavur.There are also profiles from different professions/occupationssuchas Software Professional, Engineer - Non IT, Executive,Manager,Supervisors, Officer, Technician, AdministrativeProfessional,Professor / Lecturer, and Teaching /Academician.With such a large database of profiles and advanced searchcriteria,you are sure to find the most perfect life partner.We have been conferred with numerous national andinternationalawards for its pioneering spirit, vision, andcontinuous growththrough its path-breaking and innovativeexcellence? Some of suchaccolades include:• "One of the 100 Most Innovative Companies Globally" asrecognizedby Red Herring• "Most Trusted Online Matrimony" award by The BrandTrustReport• NDTV-Hindu Lifestyle Award for the "Best CommunityMatrimonyWebsite"• Ranked twice in "Top 50 Fastest Growing Tech Companies inIndia"by Deloitte• "The Most Visited Matrimony Portal in the World" byComscoreDownload today for FREE and discover your life partner onthego!